DX Logs and News - Now On The Radio DX

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Asia - Pacific DX log(28) --- XYZ - Sep 23 (Fri), 2022 16:57 UTC No.5098
Here is a new thread for logging of broadcasts in Asia and elsewhere.
** And also information of other areas is OK.
** Please do not post to old threads. When replying, quote the original article and post it in a new thread.

Previous Thread:
Asia - Pacific DX log(27): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:4969
Asia - Pacific DX log(26): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:4829
Asia - Pacific DX log(25): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:4626
Asia - Pacific DX log(24): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:4411
Asia - Pacific DX log(23): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:4293
Asia - Pacific DX log(22): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:4055
Asia - Pacific DX log(21): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:3965
Asia - Pacific DX log(20): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:3820
Asia - Pacific DX log(19): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:3630
Asia - Pacific DX log(18): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:3548
Asia - Pacific DX log(17): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:3419
Asia - Pacific DX log(16): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:3235
Asia - Pacific DX log(15): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:3100
Asia - Pacific DX log(14): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:2898
Asia - Pacific DX log(13): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:2683
Asia - Pacific DX log(12): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:2535
Asia - Pacific DX log(11): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:2360
Asia - Pacific DX log(10): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:2218

Please post topics of broadcasting in the Asia-Pacific region and elsewhere.
And also information of other areas is OK.

TNX! and FBDXing !!

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Sep 25 (Sun), 2022 01:29 UTC No.5099
Where did the 4810kHz, which is sending test transmissions with strong signals every day, come from ??
Judging from the strength of the signal, it seems to come from the Korean peninsula...???

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Ron Howard Sep 25 (Sun), 2022 02:08 UTC No.5101
UNID. 4810 kHz., first noted the test tone Sept 20, with random checking 0835 UT till past 1050+; 
listened for a long time, thinking the UNID might sign on, but that never happened. Heard at a good
level the whole time.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Sep 26 (Mon), 2022 07:57 UTC No.5102
Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU!  I'm always grateful !!

4810kHz ** No signal
5020kHz Solomon(tent.), -fade in -
5055kHz 4KZ(tent.), AUSTRALIA, -fade in-
5938.4kHz Radio Voz Missionaria, BRASIL, //https://www.radiovozmissionaria.com.br/radio/?w=janela
6185khz Radio Education - Cultura, MEXICO, music only, //http://emisorasre.gob.mx/players/cultura.html
7290kHz RRI-Nabire, INDONESIA, ** I heard well yesterday, weak today?
9410kHz //9774kHz, 15375kHz Fu Hsing BS, TAIWAN

4560kHz UNID strong signal, (4810kHz is no signal, is this a substitute ?)

7290kH RRI-Nabire (Pro 1), INDONESIA, //http://streema.com/radios/play/RRI_Pro1_Nabire, (-0919- No signal)

9410/9774/15375kHz Fu Hsing BS, TAIWAN, -0900* ?

11665kHz Wai FM, Malaysia, //https://radioonline.my/wai-fm/

4835kHz Australia ??, very weak signal, Broadcast content is barely audible..
I tried listening on kiwiSDR in Southern Australia, but the signal
I was receiving was too weak to confirm. hahaha...

A recorded female voice announcement overlays the broadcast.  
It seems to come out frequently.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Ron Howard Sep 26 (Mon), 2022 14:21 UTC No.5103
Greetings from California! Very nice on your 4835 kHz. reception. At my location, I hear the station's carrier daily, 
but only with audio before my local sunrise (about 1300-1400 UT). Yes, also noted 4810 without the test tone today.
That is very exciting news about your RRI-Nabire reception!! I have not checked for them in a long time, as I thought
they were never going to reactivate. So thank you very much for the alert!!!  

On July 16, this reply was received to my reception report (4835 kHz.) to Dave Stuart, operator of "Shortwave Australia"
< vk3ase@yahoo.com >:

"Thanks for the report. When the ABC ran the station they had 50kw and I run 200w so no wonder you find it hard to
hear. It covers the south eastern part of Australia ok. Apart from any live input  I run an identification announcement
every 10 mins [which I never was able to hear - Ron] that should override the program material, At the moment the
indents are computer generated and of female voices from the Windows 10 read aloud library, I have them reading in
various English accents to make it more interesting so if you record more than 10 mins you should get one. I was in
Hawaii in 2016 and heard the ABC on 4835 booming in and 2310 was ok as well. I have seen a trace of my signals on US
sdr's but too weak to hear. What would be the best time for you to listen, last night I went off about 1am our time
[1500 UT - Ron]. For the last hour or so was playing a dream time program with relaxing electronic music and did make
an announcement when I closed. The content of the automatic announcements at the moment is: "This is Shortwave Australia broadcasting to the inland and the islands on 4835 kilocycles day time and evening as well as  2310 kilocycles night
time" or words to that effect. Let me know of any more results."

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
Etón E1, external antenna: 30m long wire

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Sep 26 (Mon), 2022 15:04 UTC No.5104

5020kHz SOLOMON, https://www.sibconline.com.sb/
5050kHz Beibu Bay Radio, CHINA, A22 TNX! Cahcn : https://cahcn.github.io/posts/2022-03-27-Beibu-Bay-Radio.html
6035kHz Yunnan(tent.), in Chinese, NOT // FM99, -1500*

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Ron Howard Sep 26 (Mon), 2022 20:57 UTC No.5105
> -1448-
> 5020kHz SOLOMON, https://www.sibconline.com.sb/
> 6035kHz Yunnan(tent.), in Chinese, NOT // FM99, -1500*

5020 kHz. - SIBC, today at 1157 UT, with prayer in English ("Our heavenly father . ."); closing SA in English;
National Anthem; 1200, immediately into non-stop pop songs; still on the air 1315+.

6035 kHz. - Daily I can hear "Yunnan Radio International"; at 1300 UT with semi-decent reception and can make
out their SA in English, as well as in Chinese and Vietnamese; before 1300 in Chinese, then 1300-1330 in
Vietnamese, then 1330 back to Chinese. Often with the "Yunnan Radio International" SA!

A typical SA audio attached

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Sep 26 (Mon), 2022 22:43 UTC No.5106

7530kHz in Korean, -2130*, + heavy Jamming
Voice of Martyrs ??? , ( https://vomkorea.com/project/northkorea/ )
or other ?

9470kHz in Korean, -2230*, URL: "... rti.org.tw", Radio Taiwan
Korean programs used to be available only on the Internet, but when did they start ???
( I've been away from DX for a while, so there's a lot I don't know ! ha-ha-ha :D )
-2230* : https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/img/5106.mp3

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Ron Howard Sep 27 (Tue), 2022 18:21 UTC No.5108
AUSTRALIA. 5055, Radio 4KZ, cut off about 1103:25* UT, on Sept 26.

COLOMBIA. 6017.0, pirate station - Organización Radial El Prado, 0553 UT, Sept 26. LA music with time checks(?).

CUBA. Anomaly due to hurricane Ian! 5025, RHC (not Radio Rebelde), at 0603 UT, Sept 27. In English
and // 6060; with 5040 being silent. RHC on 5025 made for stronger than usual QRM for SIBC (5020).

INDONESIA. 7289.93, Pro 1 RRI Nabire (presumed). Wonderful to hear this again; last heard by me back
in early 2019; I had not checked here for a long time, as I never thought they would be reactivating; thanks
very much to the timely alert by Hiroyuki Komatsubara (Japan), who on Sept 26 logged: "0845 - 7290 kHz,
RRI-Nabire (Pro 1), INDONESIA, // http://streema.com/radios/play/RRI_Pro1_Nabire (-0919- No signal)."

Sept 27 - Heard Pro 1 RRI Nabire on about 7289.93 kHz., from 0804 till off at 0824* UT; program of easy listening
music and songs; very few announcements; no distinctive details heard. Seems the cut off time varies a lot; the
signal was slowly improving the whole time; assume if they had stayed on till about 0900 UT, the reception might
have been fairly decent. This is certainly worth monitoring during the upcoming DX season!

KIRITIMATI. 846, Radio Kiribati (presumed), 0658 UT, Sept 27. What I would call nice indigenous singing. Believe
this would seem to be consistent for their local music? Brief audio attached.

KOREA SOUTH. Echo of Hope - VOH, Sept 26 (Monday) frequency changes noted at 1035 UT; 3985 // 4880 //
5995 // 6245 // 6350.0 // 9095.

NEW ZEALAND. 7245, RNZP, 1233-1258* UT, Sept 26. ABC Australia Wantok program in vernacular with Sam Seke
and Hilda Wayne; interesting to hear many sound bites of Manasseh Sogavare, Prime Minister of Solomon Islands,
address to the 77th Session of the General Assembly of the UN ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVy68Hnh6tc );
frequent ABC Australia SAs; languages used are Tok Pisin, Pijin and Bislama.

SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, SIBC, on Sept 26, at 1157 UT, with prayer in English ("Our heavenly father . ."); closing SA
in English; NA; 1200, immediately into non-stop pop songs; still on the air 1315+. Hiroyuki Komatsubara (Japan) noted
SIBC still on the air at 1448 UT, on the same day.

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
Etón E1, external antenna: 30m long wire

Re: Pro 1 RRI Nabire - Ron Howard Sep 28 (Wed), 2022 11:06 UTC No.5109
INDONESIA. 7289.93, Pro 1 RRI Nabire, Sept 28, from tune in at 0755 to tuned out at 0915 UT. A few announcers
(0830, sounded like a brief commercial announcement?), otherwise mostly EZL pop songs, except 0849-0859, with
reciting from the Qur'an (brief audio attached); running much later than yesterday and again reception was slowly
improving the whole time; still on the air 0915+.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Sep 28 (Wed), 2022 11:12 UTC No.5110

4560kHz UNID strong carrier (open carrier), It keeps coming out instead of 4810kHz.
5241kHz VC01, USB, https://radio.chobi.net/DX/SPYnumBBS/?res:2537

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Ron Howard Sep 29 (Thu), 2022 12:55 UTC No.5111
Sept 29 observations:

INDONESIA. 7289.93, RRI Nabire Pro 1, from tune in at 0747 to 0850 & 0901 till cut off at 0959* UT; running rather
late today; as usual mostly EZL pop songs; no news segments; occasional announcers; very pleased to hear a RRI
singing jingle, which years ago was often heard.

SOLOMON ISLAND. 5020, SIBC - Voice of the Nation, 1027-1108 UT. Somewhat less than semi-readable; 1042
to 1052, with a rebroadcast of a speech given on the 23rd ("SIBC has been the voice of our people . . . celebrate
70 years . . . I wish you all a happy celebration"); 1052-1059, preaching in English; 1101, intro calliope music,
then news in English (soundbite of Manasseh Sogavare's [Prime Minister of Solomon Islands], address to
the General Assembly of the UN); 1108, SA mid-way through the news. Cuba continues to be silent on 5025!

TAIWAN. 9410 (signal almost all in USB), Fu Hsing BS, 0854-0900* UT. Confirming that their sign off time remains
the same; in Chinese and playing music; audio continues to be distorted; assume // 9774 (only a carrier heard).
No signal on 15375, but this is often the case at this time period, as I do hear it earlier, before the band closes

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
Etón E1, external antenna: 30m long wire

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Oct 02 (Sun), 2022 07:25 UTC No.5112

7890kHz VANUATU, 3945kHz *2, //11835kHz

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Oct 03 (Mon), 2022 08:45 UTC No.5113
3945kHz VANUATU, //(Spur)7890kHz, 11835kHz
7290kHz No signal, RRI-Nabire, INDONESIA

Voice of the People : 3480kHz, 3910kHz, 3930kHz, 4450kHz, 6520kHz, 6600kHz
Echo of Hope : 3980kHz, 4885kHz, 5990kHz, 6250kHz, 6348kHz, 9100kHz
Voice of Freedom : 6045kHz

9410kHz(tent.)/9774kHz//15375kHz Fu Hsing BS, TAIWAN, 9410kHz: very weak(or no ?) modulation..., -0900*

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Ron Howard Oct 03 (Mon), 2022 11:59 UTC No.5114
> -0834-
> 3945kHz VANUATU, //(Spur)7890kHz, 11835kHz
> 7290kHz No signal, RRI-Nabire, INDONESIA
Greetings from California!

A nice Vanuatu signal over here on the coast of California, on 11835 (3rd harmonic of 3945),
with random listening from *0659+ UT.

Yes, also noted the absence of RRI Nabire today!


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Oct 03 (Mon), 2022 21:32 UTC No.5115

3900kHz Hulunbuir, CHINA, piano music, **呼倫貝爾人民廣播電台
4905kHz// 4920kHz// 6200kHz// 7255kHz Xizang, CHINA, in Tibetan
5985kHz CNR-1, CHINA, jammer ?? broadcast for a long time.
7260kHz CNR-1, CHINA, spur ?
7530kHz Voica of the Martyrs ("Sung-yoja ui soli Bangsong"), in Korean, Religious broadcas, -2130*

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Philby Oct 04 (Tue), 2022 07:50 UTC No.5116

I take 11835 kHz Vanuatu, the 3rd hx of 3945 kHz, today, 04 october 0745utc. Only the carrier, no audio and signal is very weak.

Nicolas near Paris/France NRD525, antenna LZ1AQ

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Oct 04 (Tue), 2022 08:43 UTC No.5117
Hi Philby ! thanks from France !!

If air condition is good, you should be able to hear it over there :D
-0840- my location, 3945kHz/ 7890kHz/ 11835kHz Even though they are accompanied by static, I hear them.


5938kHz Voz Missionaria, BRASIL
6180kHz EBC Radio, Amazonia, BRASIL
6185kHz Radio Education, MEXICO, weak modulation
6408kHz USB VC01 Chinese Robot, still here Sept. freq.
7290kHz No signal (RRI-Nabire, INDONESIA)
9410kHz/9774kHz/15375kHz Fu Hsing BS, TAIWAN

Re: Currently both Malaysian SW frequencies silent through Oct 8, etc. - Ron Howard Oct 04 (Tue), 2022 09:54 UTC No.5118

> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: Arthur Delibert <radio75a3@...>
> Sent: Monday, October 3, 2022, 02:37:54 PM GMT+1
> Subject: [HCDX] Malaysia Missing?

RTM has been missing from both 9835 and 11665 for several days (checking around 1000 to 1100 hours UTC each day).
Does anyone know why? They've recently upgraded their signal on both frequencies, and they were heard well here
for a while. It seems unlikely they would have made that investment if they had planned to go off shortwave.

> Thanks.
> Art Delibert, Maryland, USA

- - - - - - Here is the reply to my email expressing concern for 9835 (Sarawak FM) & 11665 (Wai FM) being absent:

"Thank you for contacting me regarding this issue.

For your information, currently both SW transmitters are off the air due to medium voltage (MV) maintenance
works. It was shut off from 1st October 2022 until 8th October 2022 (based on our planning).

It will be on the air on 9 October 2022 as usual.

Thanks for your concern and also thanks for choosing our channel.

Head of Assistant Director
Operation Unit
Department of Broadcasting"

BTW - As Zach has already reported today in WOR iog, I also noted RRI Nabire off the air on Oct 4, for the
second consecutive day!

Radio Vanuatu - Listening to harmonic 11835, after *0659 UT, heard several items about tomorrow (5th) being
Constitution Day in Vanuatu; fair reception.


Re: RRI Nabire & R. Vanuatu (ex: 3rd harmonic?) - Ron Howard Oct 08 (Sat), 2022 14:16 UTC No.5119

INDONESIA. 7289.93, RRI Nabire Pro 1, from tune in at 0850 till cut off in mid-song at 0907* UT, Oct 8.
Am very grateful to Tony Ashar commenting on my reported "reciting from the Qur'an (seems to be a daily
segment about 0848-0858)," as I failed to note two distinctly separate things were happening; per Tony:
"Shalawat Tarhim is a prayer reading addressed to the prophet Muhammad's followers and echoed by mosques
or prayer rooms in Indonesia just before the call to prayer."
Oct 8 had the following Islamic call-to-prayer times for Nabire (per - http://bit.ly/3yrvbLM ):

Fajr - dawn            04:26 (1926 UT)
Dhuhr - after midday   11:49  (0249 UT)
Asr - afternoon        14:53 (0553 UT)
Maghrib - sunset       17:54  (0854 UT)
Isha'a - nighttime     19:02  (1002 UT)

Oct 8, I tuned into the Shalawat Tarhim prayer, followed by 0854-0857 UT, with the Maghrib (sunset)

BTW - Today is a holiday in Indonesia, celebrating Maulid Nabi Muhammad, the anniversary of the birthday
of Prophet Muhammad.

VANUATU. New happenings for Radio Vanuatu? Oct 8, Marshall Reel, at 0747 UT, was having decent reception
on RV's 3rd harmonic of 11835 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TATj_Y_zf6s ). But when I randomly listened
to RV from 0910 till off after the National Anthem at 1106* UT, I had no trace at all of RV on 11835 (nothing
there the whole time!). Fundamental frequency of 3945 was unusable (only a carrier) and nothing on 4th harmonic
of 15780. So only the 2nd harmonic on 7890 was heard with poor to fair reception. I find it hard to believe I
was unable to get any 11835 signal, as normally that is fairly good. Needs more monitoring!

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
Etón E1, external antenna: 30m long wire

Re: RRI Nabire Pro 1, etc. - Ron Howard Oct 10 (Mon), 2022 10:12 UTC No.5120

INDONESIA. 7289.93, RRI Nabire Pro 1, from tune in at 0747 till cut off in mid-song at 0840* UT, Oct 10;
mostly playing EZL songs, many in English; except 0801-0820 with announcers (not news).

KOREA SOUTH. Oct 10 (Monday) with this week's new frequencies for Echo of Hope - VOH: 3985 // 4890 // 5995
// 6255 // 6350 // 9105; at 0845 UT; Soojin Choi's "Morning Special" EBS [Educational Broadcasting System] news
program in English and Korean ("A dugout canoe used by indigenous people 3,000 years ago has been recovered
from a lake in the US state of Wisconsin, becoming the oldest such artifact ever found in the Great Lakes region,"
etc.); this was an audio feed, which was originally broadcast on EBS FM on Sept 26 (the "Morning Special" website
for today's SW program - http://bit.ly/3fZDx76 ).

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
Etón E1, external antenna: 30m long wire

Re: Malaysia back on SW again! - Ron Howard Oct 11 (Tue), 2022 13:01 UTC No.5121

MALAYSIA[non-Sarawak]. 9835, Sarawak FM, via Kajang (on the west coast of the Malaysia peninsula - not from Sarawak),
0945+ UT, usual format of DJ playing pop songs, ToH news, reciting from the Qur'an, etc., on Oct 11. Had been off the
air for maintenance, but today finally back on the air; not // 11665 (Wai FM).

1027 UT: Assume Shalawat Tarhim prayer, followed at 1031-1034 with the Islamic Maghrib (sunset) prayer. Fair reception.

Call-to-prayer times for Kuching (Oct 11):

Fajr 05:17 AM (2117 UT) - the dawn prayer
Dhuhr 12:29 PM (0429 UT) - early afternoon prayer
Asr 15:42 PM (0742 UT) - late afternoon prayer
Maghrib 18:31 PM (1031 UT) - the sunset prayer
Isha'a 19:40 PM (1140 UT) - the night prayer
https://www.muslimpro.com/en/Prayer-times-Kuching-Malaysia-1735634 .

BTW - Radio Vanuatu (2nd harmonic - 7890 kHz.), off after the National Anthem at 1102* UT, Oct 11.


Re:Malaysia back on SW again! - Ron Howard Oct 11 (Tue), 2022 13:20 UTC No.5122
Today's audio clip attached. Ron

Re: Radio Vanuatu special coverage of election with live updates - Ron Howard Oct 13 (Thu), 2022 09:21 UTC No.5123
Radio Vanuatu (3rd harmonic 11835), Oct 13 - special coverage of the general election held to elect 52 new members of
parliament, with live updates; very readable; *0659+ UT. Audio attached - Promo for "World Cup Qatar 20-22" and "mobile
stage" available for festivals, Vanuatu events, etc. Wonderfully entertaining reception!


Re: Radio Vanuatu special coverage of election with live updates - Ron Howard Oct 13 (Thu), 2022 09:25 UTC No.5124
Radio Vanuatu with outstanding reception today!

Re:Malaysia back on SW again! - Philby Oct 15 (Sat), 2022 08:39 UTC No.5125
Some problem with tx from Malaysia ? Frequency between 9835 and 9836.5 kHz this morning (with Kiwisdr Jakkarta, nothing in France).

Nicolas (near Paris / France with NRD525 LZ1AQ double crossed loop antenna)

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Ron Howard Oct 15 (Sat), 2022 21:31 UTC No.5126

Observations for Oct 15:

AUSTRALIA. 4835, "Shortwave Australia," a quick check at 1115 & 1214 UT; very weak signal with EZL music.

5055, Radio 4KZ, 1159 UT; still on the air well past their recently observed cut off time of a few minutes past 1100.
Is this the seasonal schedule change? Believe it went off the air just after 1200? Needs more monitoring.

CHINA. 4900 // 4940, Voice of Strait, at 0959 UT; both with EZL music; 1000, not // and 4940 with the usual ID in
English ("This is the Voice of Taiwan Strait News Radio"), then into Chinese programming.

On new 6010, CNR6, 1203 UT. Thanks very much to Ralph Perry for the timely alert of this new development;
// to the long standing 6165 CNR6 frequency. Probably missed the sign on at around 1200, as it was not on the air
during earlier monitoring? Did not stay with this to find out if CNR11 is still here later? Needs more monitoring to
determine the full CNR6 schedule for 6010.

6175 (CNR1) // 7230 (CNR1) // 9645 (CNR1) // 9675 (CNR1) // 9685 (CNR5) // 11750 (CNR1) // 11825 (CNR1 jamming
VOA from Philippines), 0909+ UT (sill on past 1005+). Live press conference of the 20th National Congress of the CPC,
being held at the Great Hall of the People (YouTube full 2 hr. coverage - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XJlaGJ4ejY );
in Chinese, with translation into English.

7210, PBS Yunnan, 1047 UT; played their IS of Chinese songs; mixing with VCO1 (a numbers station run by the Chinese Air
Defense) that was in LSB; also present seemed to be SOH (Taiwan) on a slightly lower off-frequency. A royal mess here!
It is not uncommon for CNR1 to also be here to jam SOH, but not today.

MEXICO. 1700 AM, Heraldo Radio, 1101 UT; choral National Anthem; 1103, full SA in Spanish; then into pop songs (their
usual format). Interesting to note that on SW, the Mexican station on 6185, when closing down for the day, also plays the
choral NA at the same time.

VANUATU. 7890 (2nd harmonic), 1051 UT; religious songs till SA & usual list of frequencies in Bislama; followed by National
Anthem; audio ending at 1101. Normally I do not re-check after audio ends, but today at 1106, I found RV again with audio
(pop songs) till 1109* xmtr cut off. Wonder if this happens every day? 7890 was noted // 3945.

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
Etón E1, external antenna: 30m long wire

Re:Malaysia back on SW again! - Philby Oct 15 (Sat), 2022 22:43 UTC No.5127
9835.0 AM 2225utc RTM Sarawak, musical program and commentaries // with internet https://mytuner-radio.com/radio/rtm-sarawak-422111/

11665.0 AM 2233utc Limbang FM, musical program // with internet http://radio-in-asia.com/my/limbang-fm

These two stations copy with a weak signal in France.

Nicolas (near Paris / France, NRD525 double crossed loop LZ1AQ antenna)

Re: Sarawak FM - Live coverage of the 62nd International Holy Qur'an Competition - Ron Howard Oct 20 (Thu), 2022 15:31 UTC No.5128
MALAYSIA[non-Sarawak]. 9835, Sarawak FM, via Kajang (on the west coast of the Malaysia peninsula - not from Sarawak),
1308-1408* UT. Live coverage of the 62nd International Holy Qur'an Competition ("International Al-Quran Recital and
Memorization Assembly" - https://www.bernama.com/en/news.php?id=2130631 ), being held this week at the Kuala Lumpur
Convention Center; 11 minute segments of reciting from the Qur'an; a rare occurrence of having women reciting, as
there is a women's division in the competition; mostly fair reception; suddenly cut off at 1408*. Live coverage
starts at scheduled 1245 UT. Not // 11665 (Wai FM).
https://iqna.ir/en/news/3480920/opening-ceremony-of-62nd-international-quran-competition-in-malaysia .


Re: "Yunnan Radio International" on 6035 kHz. - Ron Howard Oct 20 (Thu), 2022 15:58 UTC No.5129
CHINA. 6035, "Yunnan Radio International" (PBS Yunnan), 1300 UT, Oct 20. Nice to hear an especially
clear multi-language SA; followed by half an hour in Vietnamese. Brief audio attached.


Re: Voice of Freedom on 5920 kHz. - Amano Nov 05 (Sat), 2022 00:30 UTC No.5130
KOREA SOUTH. 5920, Voice of Freedom, 2015-2105 UT, Oct 30. 
I heard VOF without North Korean jamming.
But noise was mixed in the modulated sound, and the sound was interrupted on the way.
My audio is attached.

0750-0805 UT, Nov 3.
At 0750 UT, unmodulated carrier confirmed without North Korean jamming.
At 0753 UT, VOF started, but North Korean jamming started at the same time.
At 0800 UT, "Hamkke tteonaneun eum-ag-yeohaeng" (Let's go music together) started.

Currently, there is no change to the above schedule.

Arakawa Riverside, Shiki-city Saitama, JAPAN
SONY ICF-SW7600GR, antenna: Built-in whip

My audio; 5920 kHz, VOF, October 30 (Sunday).
* 00:00-00:45, 2017’45“-2018’30“ UT, VOF SJ.
* 00:45-02:00, 2027’00“-2028’15“ UT, "Haengboghan Daehanmingug" (Happy Republic of Korea) ending.
* 02:00-04:30, 2029’50“-2032’20“ UT, "Aneun geos-i him-ida" (Knowing is power) opening.
* 04:30-05:30, 2055’45“-2056’45“ UT, "Aneun geos-i him-ida" (Knowing is power) ending.
* 05:30-06:30, 2059’50“-2100’50“ UT, "Bodo gwangjang" (News plaza) opening.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Ron Howard Nov 06 (Sun), 2022 19:14 UTC No.5131

Nov 5 & 6 observations:

AUSTRALIA. 5055, Radio 4KZ, cut off at 1203* UT.

INDONESIA[non-logs]. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, has been absent for quite some time now!

7289.93, RRI Nabire, 0800+ UT, Nov 5 (Saturday) off the air.

KOREA SOUTH: Echo of Hope - VOH, heard on 3980 // 4885 // 5990 // 6250 // 6348 // 9100 kHz. from starting
at 1123 to finishing at 1155 UT; started and ended with the usual theme music, for the weekend only program
of the English language lesson with the reading of a portion of Chapter 6 of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone," along with lengthy explanations in Korean. The usual good reception; my ten minute unedited audio -
http://bit.ly/3DEFsWz . I always enjoy listening to this program on the weekend!

VANUATU. 5040, Radio Vanuatu, 0615-0659* UT, Nov 5. Second day on this alternate frequency (ex 7260);
mostly island songs, except 0630-0634, with a weather report for Saturday and forecast for Sunday, with
intro and exit IDs ("Radio Vanuatu, Vois Blong Yumi").

11835 (3rd harmonic), *0659 UT, Nov 5. At 0700, local time check ("6 o'clock"); news (many sound bites from
parliament, with one of Gloria Julia King taking the oath of office, as the first woman elected to parliament in
14 years. Video of the parliament session is at http://bit.ly/3E37IUj , with King's oath of office from 4:39:40 to
4:45:22, on the video); no CODAR QRM today on 11835; while 3945 and 7890 were both unusable.

Nov 6, on 11835 (3rd harmonic), Radio Vanuatu, 1100-1102 UT; ID, frequencies and National Anthem, then
open carrier/dead air til xmtr off at 1104 UT.

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
Etón E1, external antenna: 30m long wire

Re: Echo of Hope - VOH - Ron Howard Nov 07 (Mon), 2022 19:57 UTC No.5132
Monday (Nov 7), at 0923 & 1020 UT, surprised to find no change from last week for VOH. Will they change frequencies
during the week?


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Nov 08 (Tue), 2022 12:20 UTC No.5133

3047kHz V28
3518kHz V28

4500kHz UNID, heavy QRM, who ?

... see also : https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:1739

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Nov 08 (Tue), 2022 22:49 UTC No.5141
9835kHz (No signal MALAYSIA RTM)
11665kHz MALAYSIA, RTM WAI FM, (in Iban ?), // https://radioonline.my/wai-fm/

NHK WORLD - JAPAN Frequency Schedule (B-22) 2022.11.06 UTC:01:00 - 2023.3.26 UTC:01:00

3325kHz Indonesia, 6030kHz CNR-2 Bisiness Radio, tc.. - XYZ Nov 10 (Thu), 2022 11:27 UTC No.5149
3325kHz INDONESIA ?, weak modulation
* Chinese px, (thanks kiwiSDR in PH), Voice of Indonesia

6030kHz CHINA, CNR-1 DRM, they continue to off the air..

6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan PBS, in chinese
11665kHz MALAYSIA, WAI FM, 9835kHz SARAWAK FM still off air

7250kHz [RFC] National Unification Broadcasting (National Unity Radio), in Korean, *1100-

11510kHz [FNK] Free North Korea Radio, in Korean, *1300-1400*
11430kHz TAIWAN, Numbers station V13, in Chinese

9864kHz NORWAY, Voice of Tibet, in Tibetan, -1306*
9887kHz NORWAY, Voice of Tibet, in Tibetan, *1306-

** 6030kHz
DRM broadcasting on this frequency has stopped since yesterday, but CNR-2 is being broadcast instead.
// 6065kHz, 6155kHz etc..

5900kHz, etc.. - XYZ Nov 11 (Fri), 2022 11:40 UTC No.5155
3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia, Chinese, very weak modulation,
I also heard via kiwiSDR in Indonesia because I couldn't confirm it in my location..

Streaming : http://voinews.id/streaming_en/id.html

5900kHz who ?, in Korean
** 7250kHz NO signal
[RFC] National Unification Broadcasting (National Unity Radio) ?? QSY from 7250kHz ???
ID at -1158- their theme music.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Nov 11 (Fri), 2022 16:28 UTC No.5159
3325kHz Voice of Indonesia, INDONESIA, very weak modulation... barely audible..
5020kHz SOLOMON, https://www.sibconline.com.sb/
5130kHz Afgan Radio(tent.), https://afghanradio.org/en , heavy QRM from OTHR
6030kHz CNR-1 DRM, CHINA, Back to DRM broadcasting ..

3325kHz Voice of Indonesia, INDONESIA, very weak modulation
5900kHz National Unification Broadcasting, in Korean, *200-2100*
5920kHz Voice of Freedom

Re: Voice of the Martyrs on 11620 kHz. - Ron Howard Nov 11 (Fri), 2022 21:18 UTC No.5162
Also today - MALDIVES [non]. 11620, Voice of the Martyrs Korea service, 1503 UT with preaching in English,
checking later 1511+, heard in assume Dhivehi (Maldivian). My audio with 30 seconds in English and 30
seconds in Dhivehi attached.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Nov 11 (Fri), 2022 21:49 UTC No.5163

VOM-Korea, they may expand to Russia, Vietnam, India, and even Africa in the future.....

Re: National Unity Radio on 5900 kHz. - Ron Howard Nov 12 (Sat), 2022 12:31 UTC No.5164
KOREA SOUTH. new frequency 5900 (briefly on ex 7250 and formerly on ex 7200), National Unity Radio -
National Unification Broadcasting; on Nov 12, xmtr on at 1058 with open carrier; 1100 (no time pips
today); theme music and SA; NO N. Korea jamming on this new frequency. Thanks again to Hiroyuki
Komatsubara (Japan) for this alert! My audio of today's sign on is at https://bit.ly/3tmIY3l .


7505kHz Radio Farda, etc.. - XYZ Nov 12 (Sat), 2022 20:43 UTC No.5167

3325kHz INDONESIA, NO signal this morning ..
6569kHz VC01, CHINA, USB, Frequency for daytime, but used for long nights。..
7505kHz Radio Farda, Persian, //5860kHz

5900kHz National Unification Broadcasting, in Korean, *200-2100*
7590kHz North Korea Reform Radio, *2000-2100*
7610kHz Free North Korea Radio, 2000-2100*

Voice of the People 3480, 3910, 3930, 4450, 6520, 6600
Echo of Hope - VOH 3980, 4885, 5990, 6250, 6348, 9100
Voice of Freedom 5920

9575kHz who ?, Korean, -2058*, Audio(-2057*) : https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/img/5167.mp3

7550kHz Voice of the Martyrs, Korean, *2100-
7630kHz Voice of the Martyrs, Chinese, *2100-

 11665kHzWAI FM, Iban ?, MALAYSIA, // https://radioonline.my/wai-fm/

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Nov 13 (Sun), 2022 10:24 UTC No.5169
MEMO (Reinvestigation required):
1400-1600- 5880kHz
2000-2100 9575kHz

5241kHz CHINA, Numbers, VC01 - Chinese Robot, backed to here.
(from 6569kHz:Yesterday they were using this frequency all day long)
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan Radion, Vietnamese, (NOT FM99 relay)

3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia(tent.), signal is fair but NO modulation or very very weak modulation ..
Live stream : http://voinews.id/streaming_en/id.html

5880kHz UNID, *1400-, NO SA ?
This is "Turkumen Radio" : https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:5171

9575kHz UNID, Korean, -2058*

5995kHz CNR2, etc.. - XYZ Nov 13 (Sun), 2022 21:25 UTC No.5172
9575kHz UNID, Korean, -2058*

7505kHz Radio Farda, Persian
7550kHz Voice of the Martyrs, Korean, *2100-
7630kHz Voice of the Martyrs, Chinese, *2100-

5920kHz Voice of Freedom, Korean
5987kHz SPUR ? UNID carrier
5995kHz CHINA, CNR-2 China Business Radio, // 6155kHz etc..
6000kHz CHINA, CNR-1

11665kHz MALAYSIA, WAI FM, weak signal, openinng music ?, (9835kHz SARAWAKU No signal)
Live : https://radioonline.my/wai-fm/

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Nov 14 (Mon), 2022 08:41 UTC No.5173

Voice of the People 3480, 3910, 3930, 4450, 6520, 6600
Echo of Hope - VOH 3985, 4890, 5995, 6255, 6350, 9105 *( ex: 3980, 4885, 5990, 6250, 6348, 9100)
Voice of Freedom 5920

6180kHz BRASIL, EBC Radio Amazonia
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire, weak signal

Malaysia, Radio Sarawak. - Amano Nov 16 (Wed), 2022 00:45 UTC No.5174
Nov, 15.
11665 kHz, MALAYSIA, Wai-FM, good reception! (9835 kHz, Sarawak-FM, No signal.)
My audio : https://radio.chobi.net/bbs/img/9223.mp3 .

Arakawa Riverside, Toda-city Saitama, JAPAN
SONY ICF-SW7600GR, antenna: Built-in whip

Re: Malaysia, Radio Sarawak. - Ron Howard Nov 16 (Wed), 2022 15:51 UTC No.5175
Thanks very much, Amano, for the excellent Wai FM audio. Very enjoyable!

Nov 16 - A different situation today at 1330 UT, with an open carrier on 9835 kHz., which I assume was Sarawak FM
testing their transmitter, while today found Wai FM (11665) to be off the air (normally sign off time for both
stations is 1400* UT, or a few minutes past.

Also heard Sound of Hope (Taiwan) with one of their better days, on 6214.90 // 6229.95, with 6280 absent today. On
my attached audio, as usual no time pips at ToH, but the normal ID ("Xiwang zhi sheng guoji guangbo diantai" -
translation: Sound of Hope international broadcast station) is at 01:03, given twice (once by a man and again by a
woman), then into the news.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Nov 17 (Thu), 2022 12:15 UTC No.5176

3003.4kHz NUMBERS, V28, *1200-, female
3047.5kHz NUMBERS, V28, *1200-, male --> female
3325kHz INDONESIA, NO signal today
3518kHz NUMBERS, V28, *1200-, female, heavy QRM from OTHR
5235kHz NUMBERS, V28, *1200-, female, -1203* ?
6569kHz NUMBERS, VC01, USB, (still daytime freq. / 5241kHz)
13974kHz (V13, TAIWAN), weak signal only..

Crypto Broadcast, I feel like something is different today ???

**add(18 Nov 2022):
It may be a coincidence, but it seems that an ICBM was launched today.

3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia, very weak modulation..,
(English px. // http://voinews.id/streaming_en/id.html, thanks kiwiSDR in PH)
6030kHz CHINA, maybe CNR-1 DRM + CNR-2 AM
11430kHz NUMBERS, TAIWAN, V13, weak signal

Re: Amano - Can you please help with UNID station? - Ron Howard Nov 17 (Thu), 2022 22:51 UTC No.5177
Amano - Looking through my old audio files, I found one that is a mystery to me from last July. 
Was broadcasting to Korea and supposedly was the Wednesday & Friday SW program from "Rivaival
Broadcasting System" ("Rivaival" is rather a strange spelling). My seven minute audio of the 
UNID station is at https://bit.ly/3EjpOjI .

Greatly appreciate any help you can provide regarding this station!

Thanks so much!


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Nov 17 (Thu), 2022 23:21 UTC No.5178


Radio Taiwan ?


Different time and different frequency, but I also found an unknown station for South Korea and solved it :D


Thanks GH !! (WOR)
Rivaival is a very strange word in English. Like Revival? as in new life, religious sense? Googling on Rivaival does get
a few hits in terms of music groups. Where have you seen this in print connected with SW broadcasts? WRTH 2022 has nothing
on 9430 in frequency list nor anything by that name in COTB: Korea North. Glenn

Thursday, November 17, 2022
Rivaival Broadcasting System and New Country Broadcast Sae Nala

CLANDESTINE Unknown B-22 frequencies of Rivaival Broadcasting System and New Country Broadcast Sae Nala:
1400-1430 on ???? PAO 300 kW / 002 deg to NEAs Korean Wed/Fri Rivaival Broadcasting System (9430 in A-22)
1530-1600 on ???? TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Tu/Th/Su New Country Broadcast Sae Nala (9430 A-22)

Re: Amano - Can you please help with UNID station? - Amano Nov 18 (Fri), 2022 13:20 UTC No.5179
Hi Ron-san and Komatsubara
Thank you always for DXing information.

UNID Korean station on 9430 kHz sounds like "RBS 북한부흥통일방송 (北韓復興統一放送)" to me.
In Korean reading, “RBS Bughan buheung tong-il bangsong“.
In English, “RBS North Korean Revival Unification Broadcasting“.

Re: Korea - Ron Howard Nov 18 (Fri), 2022 14:26 UTC No.5180
Greetings, Amano, from California! Appreciate your excellent feedback regarding the UNID station. 
This is most helpful.

Online I noted the following interesting VOA article (Nov 17) - https://bit.ly/3GrKN6E .

"Experts: Information Campaign Key to Pressuring North Korea"

" . . . Sending North Korea "massive quantities of information from entertainment to news" could open people's
understanding about the outside world and their "inalienable and universal rights" as well as the "truth about
the Kim regime," Maxwell said. The outside information could even cover such educational topics as improving
crop yields, he added.

Getting information to North Koreans would include increasing the number of hours that defector groups broadcast
into North Korea, influencing North Korean elites overseas to bring information into the country, and to restart
loudspeaker broadcasts at the interKorean border, said Bruce Bennett, a senior defense analyst at the Rand Corp. . ."


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Nov 18 (Fri), 2022 20:27 UTC No.5181
>> https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:5137
Re: B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea --- XYZ - Nov 08 (Tue), 2022 14:29 UTC No.5137
who ?
-1428* 5900kHz Korean

Thanks AOKI !!
5900 1400-1428 TWN Rivaival Broadcasting Sy Kor Tamsui Dist 36
3/6 = Tue and Fri ?

VO Korea-Chinese 7235kHz(ex:7220kHz), etc.. - XYZ Nov 19 (Sat), 2022 08:04 UTC No.5187
7890kHz / 11835kHz VANUATU, 3945kHz * 2/3 harmonic
(9410kHz)/9774kHz/15375kHz TAIWAN, Fu Hsing BS, 9410kHz weak signal only
... see also : https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:5186

4857kHz NUMBERS, CHINA, VC01-Chinese Robot, LSB, weak signal
5020kHz SOLOMON, fade in ... weak signal
6059kHz NUMBERS, CHINA, VC01-Chinese Robot, USB
6185kHz EBC Radio, SA at -0759- Nacional Brasília, Nacional Amazônia etc., Common program, fair signal
** This frequency is the most frequently heard Brasil station in Japan.

7235kHz NORTH KOREA, Voice of Korea, Chinese, QSY from 7220kHz

11665kHz MALAYSIA, RTM Wai FM, weak signal
11750kHz CHINA, CNR-2 China Business Radio, new freq., //11610kHz etc..

Re: "Sichuan Ethnic Radio" (Sichuan PBS-2) - Ron Howard Nov 19 (Sat), 2022 11:15 UTC No.5188
"Sichuan Ethnic Radio" (Sichuan PBS-2), on 6060 kHz.; on Nov 19, open carrier at tune in at 0953 UT; *1000, 
multi-language SAs ("Sìchuān mínzú guǎngbò, Sichuan Ethnic Radio"); // 7225 which was already broadcasting
before 1000. Pleased to find they still have SA in English!


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Mauno Nov 19 (Sat), 2022 12:17 UTC No.5189
Re: "-0800-   7235kHz   NORTH KOREA, Voice of Korea, Chinese, QSY from 7220kHz"

Has this been also earlier or just today?



Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Nov 19 (Sat), 2022 12:27 UTC No.5190

>> -0800- 7235kHz NORTH KOREA, Voice of Korea, Chinese, QSY from 7220kHz
I noticed today. It is unknown if this has changed.

Do you have any interesting information ? :D:D

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Mauno Nov 19 (Sat), 2022 13:57 UTC No.5191
Not really, I just heard it later on normal 7220 kHz. So maybe just a one-day error.

BTW, who and where are you, XYZ?



7520kHz ?, etc... - XYZ Nov 19 (Sat), 2022 14:04 UTC No.5192
Thanks MAUNO !
travel to me ? :D

7235kHz Voice of Korea - Chinese

6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan PBS, Vietnames

5880kHz RFE/RL - Turkmen Radio, Turkmen, // https://www.azathabar.com/live/audio/85
// 11965kHz (via kiwiSDR in Kuwait)
(5900kHz No signal)

3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia, very weak modulation ... faintly audible music

5900kHz Pips Jammer from NK, *1451-,

... Something starts on 5900kHz ? ... stoped

7630kHz TVOM Voice of the Martyrs, Chinese
9365kHz [CMI] Voice of Wilderness, Korean

7520kHz who ? SA in Korean : https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/img/5192.mp3
maybe Voice of the Martyrs..

Re: 7520kHz ?, etc... - Ron Howard Nov 19 (Sat), 2022 17:00 UTC No.5193
> -1529-
>    7520kHz   who ? SA in Korean : https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/img/5192.mp3
>              maybe Voice of the Martyrs..

- - - - Posted to WORiog (Nov 17):

CLANDESTINE Winter B-22 of Voice of Martyrs/TVOM Voice of Martyrs/Voice of Martyrs Korea
0900-0930 on 9860 KNX 100 kW / 335 deg to NEAs Korean Voice of Martyrs via RBA Kununurra
1200-1230 on 9930vTAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Voice of Martyrs via RRTM Telecom
1500-1530 on 7630 TAC 100 kW / 066 deg to EaAs Chinese TVOM Voice of Martyrs B-22 new px
1500-1530 on 11620 TAC 100 kW / 163 deg to SoAs English and Dhivehi Voice of Martyrs Korea
>>> 1530-1600 on 7520 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Voice of Martyrs via RRTM Telecom <<<
2100-2130 on 7630 TAC 100 kW / 066 deg to EaAs Chinese TVOM Voice of Martyrs B-22 new px
2100-2130 on 7550 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Voice of Martyrs via RRTM Telecom

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Nov 19 (Sat), 2022 17:11 UTC No.5194

I'm rarely awake at this time of day, so it's refreshing.
When I start going to the hospital, I won't be able to listen to the radio again,
so I'll listen to it a lot now. :D:D

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Nov 19 (Sat), 2022 23:18 UTC No.5195
7235kHz NK, Voice of Korea, Chinese, // 11635kHz
9990kHz RFA Radio Free Asia, Korean, (ex: 9985kHz ?),
11780kHz BRASIL, EBC Radio (Amazonia), Same px. // with RN Brasilia

5970kHz CHINA, Gannan PBS (甘南人民广播电台), Chinese
see also (tnx! Cahcn) : https://cahcn.github.io/posts/2018-04-11-Gannan.html
2220- Opening music
2225 SA (female) with National Anthem of China , female and male alternately
"Gannan renmin guangbo dianshatai zonghe guangbo"
2226- music again
2030- px. start

7435kHz VIETNAM, Voice of Vietnam, SA in Vietnamese at -2300-:
"Đài là Tiếng nói Việt Nam phát thanh từ Hà Nội, thủ đô nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam."
(This is the Voice of Vietnam broadcasting from Hanoi, the capital of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.)
** In the old days, this broadcast was heard at 10059.3kHz.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Ron Howard Nov 22 (Tue), 2022 23:27 UTC No.5199
CHINA. 5050, Beibu Bay Radio, 1514-1516 UT, Nov 22; the daily segment in English; "Today's new words: New Energy 
Vehicles"; information about China's new 4th generation electric cars that can go 401km (bit.ly/3EWR7Cd); fairly

6035, "Yunnan Radio International" (PBS Yunnan), 1500-1502* UT, Nov 22; played their IS (EZL instrumental music)
till cut off.

INDONESIA. 7289.93, RRI Nabire Pro 1, 0841-0852* UT, Nov 21; mostly EZL pop songs; 0850, start of the Islamic segment.

KOREA SOUTH. 5900, "RBS - Voice of the Revival of Korea" (RBS = Revival Broadcast System), *1400-1428* UT,
Nov 22 (Tue.); religious station, in Korean; jammed by N. Korea, but of little effect; on the air Tue. & Fri.;
easy to ID, with intro of several clear "R-B-S" references.

MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, 1530+ UT, Nov 22; intro to segment in English; followed by news (info about the
Myanmar delegation to the ATOMEXPO-2022, about nuclear energy, held in Russia [ https://2022.atomexpo.ru/en ];
Association of Southeast Asian Nations [ASEAN] summit held in Cambodia; number of COVID-19 cases in Myanmar;
etc.) and weather; 1556, PSA info for using "a fabric mask" (brief audio attached); reception above the norm
and fairly readable; killed at *1558 with the start of CRI.

VANUATU. 5040, R. Vanuatu, 0649-0659* UT, Nov 21; pop island songs; 0657, the usual series of ads, promos, etc.
("World Cup 20-22" info, etc.). Only able to hear very faint 11835 at *0659, with 3945 and 7890 both unusable.

UNID. 6300-USB, 0705-0745 UT, Nov 21; the daily reciting from the Qur'an; almost good reception.


Re: Korea - HLL2 Seoul - Ron Howard Nov 22 (Tue), 2022 23:30 UTC No.5200
KOREA SOUTH. 5857.5 (strong in USB, very weak in LSB), HLL2 Seoul, 0903-0922* UT, Nov 22; in English with
"offshore waters marine forecast" for various Asian waters; amazingly good reception; very readable; my
brief audio attached.


Re: Radio Vanuatu with "severe weather warning" and my first Xmas song of the season via SW - Ron Howard Nov 25 (Fri), 2022 11:54 UTC No.5201
VANUATU. 5040, R. Vanuatu, 0614-0659* UT, Nov 25; mostly pop island songs, but at 0625, played Xmas 
song in English - "Do You Hear What I Hear?"; 0631, the usual station jingle mentioning "Kingdom of Tonga,
Solomon Islands, Voice of Papua New Guinea and Radio Vanuatu"; at 0650, "severe weather warning" give
in Bislama and repeated again in English ("Isolated heavy rainfall and thunder expected over Malampa, Shefa
and Tafea. People in these provinces are advised to take extra precaution for possible flash-flooding, riverine
flooding, landslide and coastal flooding over low lying areas and areas close to river banks. Remain indoors
where thunderstorm activities are happening."); 0655, usual ads, promos, etc. (World Cup 20-22 Qatar, etc.),
cut off during the "Krismas In The Park" promo, being held on different days, at Port Vila and Luganville/Santo
(promo video - bit.ly/3gA1rqg ).

At *0659, found 3945, 7890 (H) and 11835 (H) all unusable.


Re: Myanmar Radio on 5985 kHz. - Amano Nov 26 (Sat), 2022 21:00 UTC No.5202
Nov, 22.
1327-1331 UTC
5985 kHz, Myanmar Radio, good reception!
My audio is attached.

Arakawa Riverside, Akabane Tokyo, JAPAN
SONY ICF-SW7600GR (Sync on LSB), antenna: Built-in whip

Re: Voice of Freedom - new pulsating tone QRN - Ron Howard Nov 30 (Wed), 2022 13:17 UTC No.5203
KOREA SOUTH. 5920, Voice of Freedom, on Nov 30, at 1157 UT; closing SA for the "Aneun geos-i him-ida"
(Knowledge Is Power) program; 1200, the usual single tone; then "Jayu-e solibangsong-eseo bam 9 (ahob)
sileul allyeodeulibnida" (In English - Voice of Freedom has announced 9pm); nice singing station jingle -
"jinsil-e soli, huimang-e soli, jayu-e soli bangsong!" (Voice of Truth, Voice of Hope, Voice of Freedom
broadcast); then the "Bodo gwangjang" (News Plaza) segment.

For over six months this frequency had been bothered by a nuisance QRN. Was not N. Korean jamming, as
was here even when VOF was up on ex 6045 kHz. Today for the first time that former noise was absent,
instead there is now a pulsating tone QRM, which is not as bad as the former continuous noise.


Re: Voice of Freedom - new pulsating tone QRN - Amano Dec 01 (Thu), 2022 07:25 UTC No.5204
Hi Ron-san
Thank you for the information on VOF and the new pulsating tone QRN.

I checked 5920 kHz after 5 hours too.

Nov, 30.
-1700- 5920, VOF, good reception!
"Hamkke tteonaneun eum-ag-yeohaeng" (Let's go music together) opening.
And also hearing the new pulsating tone QRN.
My audio is attached.

Arakawa Riverside, Shiki-city Saitama, JAPAN
SONY ICF-SW7600GR (Sync on LSB), antenna: Built-in whip

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Mauno Dec 01 (Thu), 2022 10:09 UTC No.5205
Has CRI stopped Japanese transmissions on shortwave for good?



Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 01 (Thu), 2022 13:08 UTC No.5206

1300- 1044kHz and 7410kHz, (7325kHz off the air.)
Thanks info !

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Mauno Dec 01 (Thu), 2022 14:11 UTC No.5207
Thanks, so maybe just Xian site maintenance break ...

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 01 (Thu), 2022 22:52 UTC No.5208

Thanks HIROSHI : http://hiroshi.mediacat-blog.jp/e149766.html

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 03 (Sat), 2022 11:58 UTC No.5209
Thanks Ron-san and Amano !

3325kHz INDONESIA(tent.), weak(or NOT ?) modulation..
3360kHz 3359.8kHz UNID open carrier ?
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation
5900kHz SK, National Unification Broadcasting (National Unity Radio)
5905kHz NK, Echo of Unification, open carrier(*1200-)
5920kHz SK, Voice of Freedom,
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan PBS, Chinese

6045kHz VOF, 7260kHz UNID, etc.. - XYZ Dec 07 (Wed), 2022 10:08 UTC No.5210
6045kHz Voice of Freedom, ex:5920kHz
7260kHz who ?, QRM from CHINA, frequency is slightly off
"who" is also china ?

Re:Voice of Freedom (6045) and R. Vanuatu (7260) - Ron Howard Dec 07 (Wed), 2022 12:13 UTC No.5211
Very pleased to find that we were listening to the same stations today!!

Voice of Freedom - Dec 7, back on the alternate frequency of 6045 kHz. (ex: 5920); for the first time ever, heard
with good reception due to the long-standing super jamming from N. Korea being recently off the air, as it was
today; ex 5920 still jammed.

0900 UT (6:00 PM JST) - the usual single tone; then  "Jayu-e solibangsong-eseo ohu 6 (yeoseos) sileul
allyeodeulibnida" (In English - Voice of Freedom has announced 6pm); nice singing station jingle -
"jinsil-e soli, huimang-e soli, jayu-e soli bangsong!" (Voice of Truth, Voice of Hope, Voice of Freedom
broadcast); then the "Bodo gwangjang" (News Plaza) segment. My five minute audio at bit.ly/3F3EgNg .

Radio Vanuatu, on new 7260 kHz. (ex: 5040), 0632+ UT (3:32+ PM JST), on Dec 7. From 0632 to 0637,
the usual segment with announcements and messages, today partially in English and ending with the
normally heard indigenous drums; 0637, usual station jingle mentioning "Kingdom of Tonga, Solomon
Islands, Voice of Papua New Guinea and Radio Vanuatu"; at 0659 they did NOT change frequencies,
but was still on 7260 when last checked at 1035; at 0755, "The Little Drummer Boy" Xmas song. Het and
QRM seemed to be from a Chinese station slightly off frequency?


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 07 (Wed), 2022 12:40 UTC No.5212
Thanks Ron-san !!

QRM from "Xinjiang TV station" :
SA : https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/img/5212.mp3
** I accidentally recorded "Xinjiang" side.., sorry.

3325kHz INDONESIA, VOI NO signal..

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Ron Howard Dec 08 (Thu), 2022 11:49 UTC No.5213
December 8 observations:

CHINA. 6185, CHBC, 0950-1001 UT; the only good thing about Mexico being silent here, is that now
this station is in the clear till 1001, when Voice of Korea, in English, starts to completely block them;
heard EZL Chinese instrumental music (their IS?) till time pips and into Chinese.

INDONESIA. 7289.93, RRI Nabire Pro 1, a brief check 0745-0754 UT; playing non-stop EZL pop songs;
checked again at 0807, only to find them off the air, so a very early cut off time today!

KOREA SOUTH. 6045, Voice of Freedom, quick check at 0736 UT; heard N. Korean pulsating jamming here
even before VOF starts at *0753; so it only took them a day to realize the change of frequency (ex 5920).

MALAYSIA[non-log]. 9835, Sarawak FM, a quick check at 0850 UT; found them still silent; while Wai FM
on 11665, was heard as usual.

VANUATU. 7260, Radio Vanuatu, almost non-stop listening 0710-1020 UT. A very good day here, with enjoyable
listening due to reception being well above the norm; tuned into news/sports in Bislama, with sound bite of an
Aussie talking about providing Vanuatu with air medical evacuation services; heard several of the often heard
PSAs for mental health; 0731, "Special segment" regarding the Dept. of Labor, in Bislama; 0801, program in
Bislama about "agriculture and empowering of women"; 0821, PSA in Bislama for "tropical cyclone preparedness";
0902, long segment in Bislama about a "Music festival"; was fairly readable the whole time and of course played
a lot of nice island songs; today the Chinese het/QRM was not noted.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 09 (Fri), 2022 07:06 UTC No.5214

7290kHz Jammer, Can't hear Nabire

6569kHz USB CHINA, VC01 Chinese Robot
7260kHz VANUATU, https://www.vbtc.vu/en/radio-vanuatu/

7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire, jammer was gone..

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Ron Howard Dec 10 (Sat), 2022 06:36 UTC No.5215

December 9 observations:

INDONESIA. 7289.93, RRI Nabire Pro 1, 0808-0906* UT; playing mostly EZL songs, with an occasional announcer;
0855-0905, Islamic religious segment (Maghrib - sunset prayer at 0903 UT), which week-to-week keeps getting later
and later; suddenly cut off in mid-sentence.

KOREA SOUTH. 6045, Voice of Freedom, *0753 UT; intro music, gong rung three times; Voice of Freedom SA;
Republic of Korea choral National Anthem; VOF FM frequency announcement; VOF singing station jingle; 0500
PM KST announcement; time pips; 0800, program "Hamkke tteonaneun eum-ag-yeohaeng" (Let's Go Music
Together); N. Korea jamming started shortly after sign-on.

VANUATU. 7260, Radio Vanuatu, another day of decent reception. A few highlights:

0615 UT, info about the time for the quarter finals match today between Croatia and Brazil.

0633, DJ in Bislama, with many mentions of "Friday afternoon" and talking about "celebrations" and "Christmas parties."

0640, Xmas song in English ("Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year").

0651-0652, OM with intro and exit IDs ("Weather information, Radio Vanuatu") and YL with weather forecast.

0656, the usual commercial announcements (Xmas gift wrapping service, "Vanuatu events," bank with wishes
for a "Merry Christmas to our customers," "mobile stage" for Vanuatu events, etc.

0700-0716, news/sports in Bislama, with a repeat of the sound bite heard at 0708, on Dec 8 ("Aussie talking
about providing Vanuatu with air medical evacuation services").

0948, PSA in Bislama about taking care of livestock ("goats, chickens," etc.) before a tropical cyclone hits.

1000, news/sports in Bislama.

BTW - Attached is a Radio Vanuatu SA with frequencies from yesterday's reception.

VIETNAM. 8812-USB, Ho Chi Minh Radio (presumed) - Vietnam Coastal Station, *0933-0937* UT; marine coastal
weather in Vietnamese, repeated again in English; "Weather information for South China coastal waters provided
by the Hong Kong observatory. Warning, gale warning areas . . . Area forecast for the next 24 hours . . Outlook for
the following 48 hours . . End of Broadcast." In the past had only heard this at *1239-1241* UT


Re: RRI Nabire Pro 1 - Ron Howard Dec 10 (Sat), 2022 11:07 UTC No.5216
INDONESIA. 7289.93, RRI Nabire Pro 1, 0806-0906* UT, Dec 10; mostly non-stop EZL songs, including one in
English ("Let It Be Me"); Islamic religious segment 0851-0902; then back to music; cut off in mid-song;
reception well above the norm; Nabire sunset was at 0901 UT.

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
Etón E1; external antenna of 30m long wire

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 11 (Sun), 2022 08:23 UTC No.5217

6045kHz SK, Voice of Freedom, + jammer
6180kHz BRASIL, EBC Radio (Amazonia)
6569kHz (USB), CHINA, VC01 Chinese Robot, Numbers stn.
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire, weak signal
11665kHZ MALAYSIA, RTM Wai FM, weak signal. (9835kHz still off the air)

Re: Ethiopia, Myanmar and Solomon Islands - Ron Howard Dec 11 (Sun), 2022 19:01 UTC No.5218

Observations for December 11, 2022:

ETHIOPIA. 7110, Radio Ethiopia (Home Service), 1439-1500* UT. Some HOA music; segment with phone conversations;
very brief SA at sign-off (not the usual IS/gong/SA that I had heard in the past). Has been a long time since I
last checked on this and I'm very pleased to find this with nice long path reception, as well as grayline
reception; my local sunrise was at 1509 UT, with Addis Ababa sunset at 1506 UT. My three minute audio is at
bit.ly/3UJcXNX .

MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, 1537-1546 UT. In English; weather report; list of goals for the gov't; 1542,
nicely readable COVID-19 PSA in English and Burmese, followed by another English COVID-19 PSA regarding
wearing a face mask (my three minute audio is at bit.ly/3hhIVTW ).

SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, SIBC, 1340+ UT and still heard 1520+. A Sunday extended broadcast of religious and
Xmas songs ("Gloria in Excelsis Deo," several versions of "Silent Night Holy Night," etc.); running well
past their usual 1200* sign off.

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
Etón E1; external antenna of 30m long wire

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 12 (Mon), 2022 11:05 UTC No.5219

Voice of the People 3480, 3910, 3930, 4450, 6520, 6600
Echo of Hope - VOH 3985, 4890, 5995, 6250, 6350, 9105
Voice of Freedom 6045

5900kHz SK, National Unification Broadcasting (National Unity Radio)
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan, chinese

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 12 (Mon), 2022 21:31 UTC No.5220
7460kHz who ? Saudi ??, difficult to hear sorry

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 14 (Wed), 2022 08:20 UTC No.5221
6045kHz SK, Voice of Freedom, + jammer
6569kHz CHINA, NUMBERS, VC01-Chinese Robot, USB
7260kHz VANUATU, good signal today
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire

6255kHz SK, Echo of Hope - VOH, (K-pop)Blackpink "How you like that"

** I'm a fan of this group's vocalist "Lisa" !

6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan, Vietnamese

Re: UNID clandestine in Chinese on 7560 kHz. - Ron Howard Dec 15 (Thu), 2022 01:27 UTC No.5222

"New unknown clandestine in Chinese on 7560 via ENC-DMS Tashkent

U.K.(non) New unknown clandestine broadcast in Chinese on 7560 kHz via ENC-DMS Tashkent:
1400-1500 on 7560 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to EaAs Chinese Fri only effective from December 2"

Dec 14 (Wednesday), at *1400-1400* UT, on 7560 kHz.; in Chinese for less than 20 seconds; audio attached.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 16 (Fri), 2022 14:07 UTC No.5223

**This IS was called VT-music or Babcock-music. (thanks Amano !)
See also : https://radio.chobi.net/bbs/?res:6456 (thanks Seiichi Hasegawa !)

Re: UNID clandestine in Chinese on 7560 kHz. - Ron Howard Dec 16 (Fri), 2022 18:11 UTC No.5224
Thanks for checking 7560 kHz. and posting the excellent audio/video! For sure my brief audio of Dec 14, 
was NOT the new UNID clandestine in Chinese. Today (Dec 16 - Friday) at *1359 UT heard the clandestine
intro music and then into Chinese monologue, but unreadable, due to weak signal at my location. At *1400,
I again heard the same audio as I recorded on the 14th, which was much stronger than the UNID clandestine;
so probably CNR? Checked several times after 1400 and was only hearing Chinese monologue, but never strong
enough to be readable.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 17 (Sat), 2022 01:57 UTC No.5225

There was a lot of snow at my location, and I was pretty tired from clearing the snow :D:D:D
It happened to coincide with my bedtime, so I hurriedly recorded it, hahaha

6045kHz SK, Voice of Freedom, weak signal
7275kHz CHINA, Guizou PBS, tnx! kiwiSDR in HK
13974kHz TAIWAN, NUMBERS V13, Xingxing BS, //18040kHz both H3E mode.

Re: Asilomar State Beach, California, USA - Ron Howard Dec 17 (Sat), 2022 03:38 UTC No.5226

Picture taken early in the morning at Asilomar State Beach, after listening to SW for several hours.
It is always very pleasant to watch the sun come up, after SWL during the night!!
https://app.box.com/s/p6vl4ycong2y4ix78u389yq84npspxq8 .

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 17 (Sat), 2022 05:24 UTC No.5227
Thank you for the wonderful photo !

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 19 (Mon), 2022 12:54 UTC No.5228
3325kHz INDONESIA, weak modulation...
4243kHz CHINA, NUMBERS, V26, // 7345kHz 9054kHz all USB
5241kHz CHINA, NUMBERS, VC01 Chinese Robot, USB
5763kHz CHINA, NUMBERS, VC01 Chinese Robot, LSB
5900kHz SK, National Unification Broadcasting (National Unity Radio)
6045kHz SK, Voice of Freedom

Re: Echo of Hope - VOH: World Cup coverage - Ron Howard Dec 19 (Mon), 2022 14:18 UTC No.5229
Echo of Hope - VOH, recorded coverage of assume a World Cup match; 1320+ UT (10:20 PM JST);
3990 // 4885 // 6000 // 6250 // 6355 // 9100 kHz.

Re: National Unification Broadcasting (National Unity Radio) - Ron Howard Dec 19 (Mon), 2022 14:28 UTC No.5230
5900, National Unity Radio, 1137 UT (8:37 PM JST); brief Chinese language lesson; started with the 
distinctive song "Hao xiang ni - I Miss You“ sung by Joyce Chu, who is a popular Malaysian singer.
https://youtu.be/fdQgPu3iUYk .


5900kHz RBS Revival Gospel Unification Broadcasting - XYZ Dec 20 (Tue), 2022 14:15 UTC No.5231

5900kHz RBS Revival Gospel Unification Broadcasting, in Korean, + Pips jamming

Thanks to Amano ! (in Japanese): https://radio.chobi.net/bbs/?res:9244
"RBS부흥복음통일방송 (Buheung bog-eum tong-il bangsong) "
(RBS 復興福音統一放送)
(RBS Revival Gospel Unification Broadcasting)

Re: Radio Vanuatu - Ron Howard Dec 22 (Thu), 2022 10:29 UTC No.5232
VANUATU. 7260, R. Vanuatu, 0610-0731 UT, Dec 22. From 0610-0615, severe weather warning (isolated passing
heavy rainfall and thunderstorms expected over Tafea province and parts of Central islands tonight. People
are advised to take extra precaution for possible flash-flooding, land slide and coastal-flooding over low
lying areas and areas close to river banks. Remain indoors where thunderstorm activities occur); 0638, update
on the recent election results for Fiji
(was a major change - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/20/world/asia/fiji-election.html :

". . . While Mr. Bainimarama [outgoing PM] aligned Fiji more closely with Beijing, Mr. Rabuka [incoming PM] is
expected to favor a stronger relationship with Australia and New Zealand, the region’s historic powerhouses and
close allies to the United States. His party also ruled out a proposed security deal with Beijing, like the one
signed by the Solomon Islands and China earlier this year. . .")

0655, the usual series of adv. (register for health care benefits and funeral benefits, etc.), promos and PSAs
for mental health and about malaria; 0701-0717, news/sports/weather warning in Bislama; played some Xmas songs;
fairly readable; a good number of SAs (brief audio attached).


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 22 (Thu), 2022 19:34 UTC No.5233

3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia
7485kHz who ? ==> Radyo Denge Welat
// http://www.denge-welat.org/

Re: Malaysia - Wai-FM Iban on 11665 kHz. - Amano Dec 23 (Fri), 2022 01:20 UTC No.5234
Hi! Ron-san and Komatsubara

December, 22.
11665 kHz, MALAYSIA, Wai-FM Iban, good reception! (9835 kHz, Sarawak-FM, No signal.)
Malaysia is also in the Christmas atmosphere.
My audio is at https://radio.chobi.net/bbs/img/9270.mp3 .

Arakawa Riverside, Toda-city Saitama, JAPAN
SONY ICF-SW7600GR, antenna: Built-in whip

Photo (Dec 23, 0145 UTC) : Mt.Fuji from viewing Arakawa Riverside, Toda-city Saitama, JAPAN

Re: Radyo Denge Welat schedule - Ron Howard Dec 23 (Fri), 2022 11:41 UTC No.5235
> - 1925 -
> 7485kHz who ? ==> Radyo Denge Welat

- - - - per Ivo ( https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2022/12/new-schedule-of-brb-denge-welat-via.html ):

New schedule of BRB Denge Welat via Tashkent, ex via Issoudun

KURDISTAN(non) New schedule of BRB Denge Welat via Tashkent, ex Issoudun:
0330-0430 on 11539.8vTAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Kurdish, ex 11540 kHz ISS
0430-1200 on 11549.8vTAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Kurdish, ex 11540 kHz ISS
1200-1400 on 11579.8vTAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Kurdish, ex 11540 kHz ISS
1400-1600 on 11529.8vTAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Kurdish, ex 11540 kHz ISS
1600-1700 on 7459.8vTAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Kurdish, ex 7460 kHz ISS
1700-2000 on 7484.8vTAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Kurdish, ex 7460 kHz ISS
2000-2200 on 7469.8vTAC 100 kW / 236 deg to WeAs Kurdish, ex 7460 kHz ISS
0330-1600 on 11540.0 EMR 250 kW / 105 deg to WeAs jammer, TRT Recep Erdogan
1600-2200 on 7460.0 EMR 250 kW / 105 deg to WeAs jammer, TRT Recep Erdogan
Switching between frequencies very often happens earlier than the exact time

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 24 (Sat), 2022 12:12 UTC No.5236
Amano and Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!

3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia, very weak modulation
5900kHz SK, National Unification Broadcasting (National Unity Radio)
6045kHz SK, Voice of Freedom

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Ron Howard Dec 24 (Sat), 2022 15:21 UTC No.5237
> -1209-
> 3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia, very weak modulation
> 5020kHz SOLOMON
> 6045kHz SK, Voice of Freedom

Holiday Greetings to all my friends in Japan and Korea!!

Dec 24 observations:

3325, VOI, randomly 1105 to past 1345 UT; only able to hear an open carrier with no audio the whole time.

5020, SIBC, extended broadcast; 1242 till cut off in mid-song at 1343* UT; non-stop pop songs, as well
as Xmas songs ("Silent Night, Holy Night," "O Come All Ye Faithful," etc.).

6045, VOF, 1400 UT (audio attached). Wonderful to have the former N. Korea super jamming gone from
this frequency!!

9100, Echo of Hope - VOH, the Saturday only; reading of a portion of Chapter 8 of "Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer's Stone," along with lengthy explanations in Korean; from 1123 to 1153 UT. Last Sat. was also heard,
but was not aired on Sunday! Also today on 3990 // 4885 // 6000 // 6250 // 6355 kHz.


7550kHz UNID Korean, etc.. - XYZ Dec 25 (Sun), 2022 18:50 UTC No.5238

5040kHz VANUATU, (7260kHz no signal), music // Live : https://www.vbtc.vu/en/radio-vanuatu/

5241kHz CHINA, NUMBERS VC01-Chinese Robot, USB
5763kHz CHINA, NUMBERS VC01-Chinese Robot, LSB
/// see also : https://radio.chobi.net/DX/SPYnumBBS/?res:2623
6045kHz SK, Voice of Freedom, Korean

7550kHz who ? , in Korean (and in English), maybe Bible Voice Sound of North Korea
SKD(PDF file) : https://www.hagcm.org/_files/ugd/22d1db_9c1199ffffe9483ab12cbe803583cee2.pdf
, -1859*, changed schedule ?

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 25 (Sun), 2022 19:52 UTC No.5239
A new car arrived for Christmas in the heavy snow.

I was very tired from moving summer tires and shoveling snow :D:D:D

Re: Radio Vanuatu - Ron Howard Dec 26 (Mon), 2022 11:11 UTC No.5240
VANUATU. 7260, Radio Vanuatu, non-stop listening 0640-0840 UT, Dec 26. Outstanding reception the whole time;
nicely readable; probably my best ever reception. My audio posted at bit.ly/3YQ7SqE .


Re: Channel II - Voice of Indonesia relay from WRMI (7780 kHz.) - Ron Howard Dec 27 (Tue), 2022 21:21 UTC No.5241

INDONESIA[non]. First some Voice of Indonesia history:

DX LISTENING DIGEST 16-43 ( http://www.w4uvh.net/dxld1643.txt ):

"INDONESIA. 9525.9, VOI (Channel II program), Oct 26, 2016 anomaly at 1316. Not the normal VOI Channel I
English programs of news, commentary, Today in History, Focus, etc.; today played a lot of EZL music; 1321
talking about the Jakarta weather, in English; 1326 back to music. It was on Sept 25, 2016 that VOI also
had this anomaly of playing Channel II programming (same format as today). Do they just do this once a
month? (Ron Howard, Calif., dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1849, DX LISTENING DIGEST)"
[Back in 2016, I recall that I found references to "Channel I" and "Channel II," but checking the Web again
now, I don't find any such references, so I'm not sure how they are currently differentiating the two VOI

Later 9525.9v went off the air, but in June 2018, I first noted that Pro 1 RRI Palangkaraya programming was
no longer aired on 3325; instead they started broadcasting VOI (Channel I), with their various languages,
one hour segments. Over the years, I often checked 3325, to try to find out if VOI ever carried the very
different Channel II programming, but that was never heard. 3325 (VOI Channel I) always has structured
programs ("Today in History,"  "Indonesia Today," "Indonesian Wonder," "My Indonesia,"  "Let`s Learn Bahasa
Indonesia," "Today's Music Corner," etc.), which are aired more or less at structured times during 1300 to
1400 UT.

Today (Dec 27 - please note my VOI/Channel II receptions in 2016, were on Sept 25 & Oct 26) tuned into the
WRMI (7780) relay of VOI, from 0815 till 0900 UT and was very surprised to find it was NOT the same VOI
(Channel I) format/programs in English that are aired over 3325, but instead was Channel II, which is also
in English, but with a more informal format; consists mainly of a fairly free flowing, unstructured DJ
playing Western style pop songs (no indigenous music/songs, as often heard on 3325/Channel I); few programs
with an actual title (one was "Newsflash" - Indonesian President to ban the sale of single cigarette sticks
starting in 2023 - bit.ly/3WOQJLQ ).

So the question is, does WRMI only relay VOI Channel II?

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
Etón E1, external antenna: 30m long wire

Re: Myanmar Radio - Ron Howard Dec 28 (Wed), 2022 17:51 UTC No.5242
Myanmar Radio (5985) at 1530 UT; English segment; full SA (audio attached) and news of the many activities
of the military "State Administration Council"; weather and sea conditions for Myanmar waters; list of goals of
the gov't; PSA in Burmese; PSA in English for wearing a "face mask"; fair reception, but her accent during the
news makes for difficulty in understanding what is said. My local sunrise was at 1518 UT.


Re: Voice of the People on new 4560 kHz. - Ron Howard Dec 29 (Thu), 2022 01:16 UTC No.5243
Dec 28 - Thanks to a timely alert from Rick Barton (USA), I heard Voice of the People on
4560 kHz. How long has VOP been on this new seventh frequency? At 1416 UT with fair
reception and CODAR QRM. In the past I was only aware of VOP's six frequencies, as
I also heard today (3480 // 3910 // 3930 // 4450 // 6520 // 6600 kHz.). Brief audio attached.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 31 (Sat), 2022 05:37 UTC No.5244
Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !  I hope to see you next year !!

5920kHz who ?, Open carrier
15375kHz TAIWAN, Fu Hsing BS, 9774kHz weak signal, 9410kHz no signal at my location

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - Ron Howard Dec 31 (Sat), 2022 09:29 UTC No.5245
On Dec 29 (Thursday), heard Voice of Freedom's first day returned to their alternate frequency of 5920 (ex 6045) 
at *0753 UT, with no NK jamming, but that started at *0912, with a strong pulsating noise.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(28) - XYZ Dec 31 (Sat), 2022 10:01 UTC No.5246
4560kHz SK, Voice of the People, (TNX Ron for this info !!), //4450kHz etc..
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak signal..
5920kHz SK, Voice of Freedom, (TNX Ron for this info !!)
6015kHz SK, KBS - Hanminjok
(6045kHz NO signal)
6215kHz TAIWAN, Sound of Hope, **Their lowest frequency now.

Re:Channel II - Voice of Indonesia relay from WRMI (7780 kHz.) - Ron Howard Dec 31 (Sat), 2022 12:20 UTC No.5248
Dec 31, on 7780 kHz., 0800+ UT: VOI - Channel II relay in English from WRMI; very brief news (ASEAN item);
after the news, as usual, played patriotic song “Bagimu Negeri”; numerous VOI SAs; YL DJ with the majority of the
programming being pop Western style songs; mentioned " last day of 2022"; OM wishing "R-R-I" listeners a Happy
New Year; 0815, world weather report, starting with Banjarmasin, etc.; several brief spots (not programs!) about
indigenous music and foods; 0830, "Newsflash," weather warning.

Certainly this is NOT the relay of VOI - Channel I, as noted on 3325 kHz.; as heard from 1300 to 1400 UT, in English.
I would say that Channel I has more indigenous information about Indonesia, while Channel II has more of a Western
style flavor to it.


Re: 9575 kHz. UNID? in Korean - Ron Howard Dec 31 (Sat), 2022 21:06 UTC No.5249
> -2045- [Nov 12]
> 9575kHz who ?, Korean, -2058*, Audio(-2057*) : https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/img/5167.mp3

- - - Dec 31 recording from Jorge Freitas (Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil) of UNID on 9575 kHz.

Re: 9575 kHz. UNID? in Korean - Ron Howard Dec 31 (Sat), 2022 22:55 UTC No.5250
- - - - Per WOR iog (Roger):

Anúncio de ID claro: "Voice of America" em coreano.

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