Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Feb 28, 2019 22:18 UTC No.3821 -2209-
9900kHz// 6105kHz// 6075kHz, *2200- (ex: 2230-0030) , Acc SKD: *2200-2400*
See also :
3945kHz NORTH KOREA, Echo of Unification
3959kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, (reactivated this frq.)
3992vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3959kHz, 3220kHz etc..
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan, in Vietnamese, music(song) px.
see also :
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3FM100.9 relay
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan, FM99 relay, //
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Mar 01, 2019 00:23 UTC No.3822 -0017-
6035kHz No signal noticed at -0017-, -2400 * ??
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3FM100.9 relay, (0500-0700 off air)
7290kHz (tent.)INDONESIA, 7289.92kHz, weak signal
3959kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
3993vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3959kHz 3220kHz
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation..
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Mongolian Radio (Radio 1), weak signal and heavy QRM from 4885kHz
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire, // Live Pro 1

3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, weak signal
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
Re: KBS Hanminjok Bangsong 1 -
Ron Howard Mar 01, 2019 18:42 UTC No.3823
Sorry, I should have posted this earlier. Might be of interest?
KOREA SOUTH. 6015, KBS Hanminjok Bangsong 1, on Feb 24, at 1003.
As usual had some white noise jamming from N. Korea, but fortunately not
too strong today; was checking for the usual "KBS, Pops Freedom" show
that I have enjoyed for many years (since 2015), during the 1000-1100 time
period; during all the years was always hosted by Kwak Young Il, but today
clearly no "Pops Freedom" show from 1003+. What happened?
A check of their website shows the program has changed the broadcasting
time and per audio streaming there, no longer with Kwak Young Il, as the
announcer, but instead hosted by young woman
website shows program time of "3:00 - 4:00" (?).
I will certainly miss the program with Kwak Young Il, as he had such a
distinctive voice and had a fun time playing good pop songs in English.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Mar 01, 2019 23:35 UTC No.3825 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !! I appreciate interesting information.
created a new thread :D
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Mar 02, 2019 01:47 UTC No.3826 Note;
5920kHz SK, Voice of Freedom, +pips jammer
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3FM100.9 relay
7275kHz CHINA, Guizou PBS, fair signal today
12085kHz ? strong signal but weak modulation, 12084.87kHz
-0152* test ?? (Maybe MONGOLIA ?)
15610kHz Test tone signal +-1kHz
4895kHz No signal, MONGOLIA off air today..
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3959kHz// 3992vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
4895kHz maybe AIR but weak modulation..., (MONGOLIA off air today)
9380kHz INDIA, Vividh Bharati, //9865kHz
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Ron Howard Mar 02, 2019 19:05 UTC No.3827 BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, on March 2, broadcasting somewhat later than normal;
1026-1045, usual segment with announcers (unreadable); 1045-1101, pop
music (John Lennon with "Imagine," etc.); 1101-1108, news in English
(unreadable); 1112-1120, back to music (Queen with "Crazy Little Thing
Called Love," etc.); 1120, a discussion of some type till hit with start up
of China (PBS Yunnan relay of FM99) at *1140, after which was not worth
listening to, as FM99 was stronger than BBS; so BBS was still on past
BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville (Maus Blong Sankamap), 1009,
March 2. NBC news in English; not // to NBC Madang (3260), which was
playing music; 1013, PSA from the Dept. of Health (mostly unreadable);
by 1143, noted NBC mixing badly with VOI here; a mess, not worth listening
CHINA. 4940, Voice of Strait, on March 2 (Saturday), *0939-0955. Suddenly
on with the weekend "Focus on China" program already in progress (scheduled
for 0930-0955); started with very low modulation, then quickly up to full audio
and very readable; TV audio feed of program about Beijing's food and flower
markets regarding the Chinese New Year; presenter seemed to have an
Australian accent; SA at 0950 - "Fresh, dynamic, professional, profound,
explore Chinese culture . . . You are now listening to Focus on China"; pop
song till into Chinese at 0955, at which time became // to 4900, with the
Strait Fishery Meteorology (Channel fishery weather), till 0958 pop music;
after 1000 time pips, no longer //.
6035, FM99 relay via PBS Yunnan, *1140, March 2. Suddenly on; program
in progress; stronger than Bhutan (BBS) already here; mixing together rather
8806-USB, XSG Shanghai Coastal Radio, 0900-0908*, March 2. Fair reception
of marine info in Chinese; numerous mentions of "Shanghai"; CW QRM.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Mar 03, 2019 08:00 UTC No.3828 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
3959kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
3991vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3959kHz etc.., very bad modulation !
5850kHz (Transferring data...), Radiogram
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3FM100.9 relay
7730kHz (Transferring data...), Radiogram, QRM from SOH on co-channel
Radio Free Asia - Korean, resumed -
XYZ Mar 03, 2019 10:12 UTC No.3830 Radio Free Asia - Korean
See also ( Group) :
Tnaks to Aoki ! (sorry in Japanese):
2018/Oct/26(Fri) -13:17- UTC [Aoki]
All the RFA from the Mariana Islands which was hit by typhoon 26 was stopped.
9700 kHz appeared until about 1250 UTC on 25th, but it has been stopped since then.
On 26th all frequencies are not out, only Jamming in China is heard.
VOA-Korean 9490 kHz is broadcasting, but 12045 kHz has not appeared.
Thanks Hiroshi ! :
2100-2200 9985kHz
2019/March/01 ~
2100-2400 9985kHz
It may have been TX from Saipan.
Their official SKD :
1000-1100 1566
1500-1700 1188 5885 9590 9985
1700-1900 1188 5885 9985
2100-2200 7485 9860 9985
BHUTAN and CHINA Yunnan, 4895kHz Mongolian Radio, 5020kHz SOLOMON, 9380kHz AIR changed SKD, etc.. -
XYZ Mar 03, 2019 11:41 UTC No.3831 Note;
6035kHz BHUTAN, pop song, oh! Yunnan s/on at -1140- !
MIX Bhutan and Yunnan :D
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
6045kHz SK, National Unification Broadcasting, Korean
4895kHz MONGILIA, Mongolian Radio (Common name : Radio 1), //
also // 209kHz LW, However, it seems that the transmission is delayed, there is a
time difference of tens of seconds.
5020kHz SOLOMON, still on air
9670kHz CLANDESTINE, Radio Dap Loi Song Nui, in Vietnamese, + Jamming of siren type(maybe from Vietnam)
9380kHz INDIA, ALL INDIA RADIO, Vividh Baharati, //9865kHz
changed schedule : 9380kHz 1245-1740
Thanks to VU2JOS ! :
11450kHz CHINA, CNR-1, vs SOH ??
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ, fair signal today
Re: Echo of Hope - VOH with English language lesson -
Ron Howard Mar 03, 2019 14:44 UTC No.3832 KOREA SOUTH. 4885, Echo of Hope - VOH, 1248, March 3 (Sunday).
Nice surprise to find an English language lesson here; first time I have
heard it; very readable; 1257, chimes and "VOH" SA. My 5+ minute
audio at .
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Ron Howard Mar 03, 2019 20:14 UTC No.3833 BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, on March 3, another day of broadcasting somewhat
later than normal; 1124-1135, very distinctive and often played here,
"Desolation Row," sung by Bob Dylan; a long song; another day with *1140
sudden start of PBS Yunnan, with FM99 relay, which was stronger than BBS.
So another day with BBS going past 1140+.
BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville (Maus Blong Sankamap), March 3
(Sunday), 0947-1000, local Bougainville Christian sermon, in Pidgin; many
mentions of "Bougainville"; 1015, into segment with religious songs; 1030,
local time check ("half past nine"); very respectable reception and somewhat
readable; QRN (static); some CW QRM; no VOI QRM at this time. My audio
at .
CHINA. 4940, Voice of Strait, on March 3 (Sunday), identical reception as
yesterday; *0939+; repeat of the same "Focus on China" show.
INDONESIA. 3325, VOI via RRI Palangkaraya, 1047-1059, March 3. In English
till 1059, into Chinese; much stronger than NBC Bougainville, also on frequency;
later at 1307 (NBC no longer on the air), weekend segment "Highlights of the
Week," then "Today in History" (this date in 1994, crash of Turkish Airlines flight
981, etc.); a very good day for VOI.
MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, on March 3, at 1155, another day of live coverage
(TV audio feed), in vernacular, of the women's (under 16) championship football/soccer
match between Myanmar and Philippines, held at Mandalar Thiri stadium, in Mandalay;
background sound of the fans there; preempted regular programs; cut away to a music
segment during the half-time break; 1230, back to live coverage. Unable to find YouTube
coverage today.
11575kHz UNID, etc.. -
XYZ Mar 04, 2019 03:44 UTC No.3836 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
11575kHz UNID, Arabic or Similar language, weak signal in Japan, "Radio OMN" resumed ??
Acc. IBB : RTC VARI 11575 AM XXX, maybe *0300-0400*
-0359* 15140 kHz was also listed, but it was nNo signal : RTC VARI 11575 AM XXX, 0300-0400
YouTube (0355-0359* TNX koko@Doha/Qatar !):

** According to IBB recording, it seems to be broadcasting from today (March 04).
Because the atmosphere of the program and the SA are different from the former "Radio OMN",
it may be another broadcast.
YouTube :

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Mar 04, 2019 09:19 UTC No.3837 -0911-
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3959kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
3993vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, // 3959kHz, etc..
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5262kHz CHINA, VC01, LAS, new frq. for March/2019
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Mar 05, 2019 14:47 UTC No.3838 Note;
7140kHz (tent.)ERITREA, Dimtsi Hafash Radio
7180kHz (tent.)ERITREA, Dimtsi Hafash Radio, (not parallel)
4895kHz INDIA, All India Radio, Kurseong(tent.)
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan FM99, //
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, Overmodulation..
7600kHz SK, North Korea Reform Radio
7625kHz SK, Voice od Wilderness
5845kHz (Pips jammer)
5853kHz Strong signal FAX
3959kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
3992vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3959kHz etc..
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Mar 06, 2019 08:37 UTC No.3839 Note;
3260kHz (tent.)PNG, NBC-Madang, weak signal
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
5262kHz CHINA, VC01, LSB, daytime freq.
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
3959kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
3992vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3959kHz etc..
Re: 11575kHz UNID ==> Radio Erena, TNX Hiroshi !! -
XYZ Mar 06, 2019 09:45 UTC No.3841
Translated by Google:
There is Arabic station which can hear Radio Erena for one hour from March 4. On April 5th on
11575 kHz, but on the March 6th on 15140 kHz. It seems like Tigrinya when starting, Arabic in
the second half.
The station called Radio Erena already appears at 9720 kHz, it seems to be the same station.
The morning broadcast may have been added. Although 9720 kHz is Bulgarian transmission, 15140kHz
is highly likely to be a separate site.
At 15140 kHz on 6th, carriers continue to run after the end of 0400, BBC Persian language from
04:01:35. It stopped in a minute. If this time zone becomes 15MHz, it may be transmitted from
around Tashkent.
Radio Erena
0300-0400 11575 March 4. 5 Tigrinya/Arabic
0300-0400 15140 March 6 Tigrinya/Arabic
Thanks Hiroshi !!
YouTube (0355-0359* TNX koko@Doha/Qatar !):

See also :
Radio Sinit Eritrea
Radio Sinit Eritrea, a private group in the United States began short wave broadcasting in
France transmitte last December. Every Saturday 0500-0600 one hour, local time from 08:00,
Tigrinya and Arabic each comes 30 minutes.
In the HFCC list updated on March 4, the frequency considered as this broadcast is added.
Next to morning broadcasting, there is a high possibility that the night broadcast will be
held at 17:30-17:30 Monday/Saturday on 15390kHz.
** Translated by Google
9390kHz RFA-Cantonese (TAIWAN SOH) ?, etc.. -
XYZ Mar 06, 2019 14:14 UTC No.3842 Note;
5020kHz SOLOMON, still on air.., Extended broadcasting
9390kHz ?, Cantonese ? sorry weak signal..
Radio Free Asia ?,
The program content resembles Live :
Maybe TAIWAN SOH via RFA-Cantonese ?
(around -1500*, sorry I was late for noticing..)
7345kHz (tent.)Myanmar, heavy QRM from CNR1 on co-channel.., -1430* , changed SKD ?
see also :
5020kHz SOLOMON, still on air..
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan, FM99 //
7140kHz/7180kHz (tent.)ERITREA
Re: Echo of Hope - VOH with English language lesson -
Ron Howard Mar 06, 2019 23:39 UTC No.3843 March 6 - Again heard VOH (4885 kHz.) with very readable English
language lesson; 1245+ UTC. So is this now on daily for about 15
minutes? My audio at .
Re: Echo of Hope - VOH with English language lesson -
XYZ Mar 07, 2019 00:09 UTC No.3844 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
It is very interesting. However, I always forgot the monitor at that time..
I also cited it on the Japanese site, but it seems that no one has replied.
I do not forget, I registered in the "NOW ON" list.
"1245-1300 Echo of Hope :: English Lesson 9100 6350 6250 5995 4885 3985"
It is for myself:D
Re: Radio Free Asia - Korean, resumed -
XYZ Mar 07 (Thu), 2019 00:44 UTC No.3846
Thanks to Aoki ! (sorry in Japanese):
As a result of checking the record, 7415 kHz of RFA Chinese is 3 days a week since
February 15 th. The same is true for 7520 kHz. The sending site seems to be Tajikistan.
** Google translation
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Ron Howard Mar 07 (Thu), 2019 04:24 UTC No.3849 Some of my recent logs:
BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, on March 6, from 1111 to 1140. Mostly playing
pop songs; several segments with no audio (just the DJ being
inattentive to the music?); *1140, the usual sudden start up of PBS
Yunnan, with FM99 relay
BBS, on March 4, noted cut off at 1134* and at *1140, the usual sudden
start up of PBS Yunnan, with FM99 relay.
CHINA. 6035, PBS Yunnan, relay of FM99, March 5, suddenly on at *1140;
BBS (Bhutan) already off the air.
6145 // 9780, Qinghai ("Qinghai News Comprehensive Broadcasting"), on
March 6, at 1122; clearly //.
7210, PBS Yunnan, *1036, on March 4. Suddenly on with their distinctive
IS of non-stop EZL loop of instrumental music; before 1036, was hearing
SOH (Taiwan) and VOV (Vietnam). After 1036, three stations here were
just too much to listen to.
CONGO. 6115, Radio Congo, *0540, March 5. Surprisingly good reception
(probably best ever?), due to extremely unusual propagation that greatly
favored the Congo, instead of the normal domination by Japan ("RN2:),
which was today only heard far underneath; all with announcers (no music
at all, as is normal for this time period); 0550 had Japan starting to get
slightly stronger, so greater QRM. My audio at .
EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 5005, RNGE, R. Bata, March 5, at 0514, yet again
with audio nicely above threshold level; in Spanish; mostly pop African
INDONESIA. 7289.92, Pro 1 RRI Nabire, 0809-0838*, on March 5. Not sure,
but might have been a phone in show; just talking in Bahasa Indonesia (no
music); cut off in mid-sentence.
KOREA SOUTH. 5995, Echo of Hope - Voice of Hope (VOH), March 5, at 0659.
Still checking here for any sign of Mali, but clearly VOH, along with N. Korea
LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, March 5, from 0703+. pop African
music/singing; certainly seemed to be in English, with African accent, but
unreadable for me.
First time I have heard them on this frequency; thanks very much to Dave Valko,
for his alert that he was hearing them with unusually good reception on March 3 -
"English sign off announcements at 2229 UTC, then played the instrumental
Liberian national anthem, this much stronger than in the past." Have indeed
listened to his surprisingly clear audio (very nice, Dave!!). Am very pleased to
have finally heard this myself.
MALI[and non-log]. 5995, ORTM, March 5, checking 0558-0605, no signal here;
later heard Korea.
On 9635, at 0840, on March 5, possibly Mali(?); very tentative; very weak (not the
signal strength I was expecting to hear if them).
NEPAL[non-log]. 5005, Radio Nepal. As of March 5, on most days I check here with
no results from 1050+; not heard since my last reception of assume their carrier on
Feb 3.
Re: Echo of Hope - VOH with English language lesson -
Ron Howard Mar 07 (Thu), 2019 12:34 UTC No.3850
March 7, again heard VOH (4885 kHz.) with English language program,
but today 0952-0957 UTC; tuned in to program already in progress
(0945-0957?). At 0957, chimes and SA for "VOH."
Seems VOH is running a three hour program loop, with the same shows
being heard every three hours.
My audio today .
Re: Echo of Hope - VOH with English language lesson -
XYZ Mar 07 (Thu), 2019 12:45 UTC No.3851 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
now -1242- in English and in Korean
5006kHz strong signal, etc.. -
XYZ Mar 08 (Fri), 2019 09:03 UTC No.3855 Note;
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville, //3260kHz
3959kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3994vkHz etc..
5006kHz UNID strong signal (no modulation), who ?
( memo : )
** also 8006kHz UNID weak signa in my locationl
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
6080kHz CHINA, Hulun Buir PBS, Pips/SA at -0900- in Mongolian
7260kHz CHINA, Xinjiang, Chinese, (MONGOLIA off air)
5006kHz/8006kHz JG2XA (UEC HF Doppler) resumed ??, etc.. -
XYZ Mar 09 (Sat), 2019 00:28 UTC No.3857 Note;
5006kHz UNID strong signal, no modulation carrier, (also UNID weak carrier on 8006kHz)
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, +Pips jammer
6619kHz CHINA, VC01 "The Chinese Robot", USB
14944kHz TAIWAN, V13 Xingxing BS, -0021*
5006kHz and 8006kHz continue to transmit since yesterday. This may be the resurgence of
"UEC Short Wave Test Station JG2XA (UEC HF Doppler)". I am currently inquiring via e-mail.
** There is no link on the website. . (Dead link)
JG2XA(UEC HF Doppler) had stopped sending since September 2017 due to equipment malfunction.
Furthermore, the professor in charge seems to have retired in 2017.
18040kHz TAIWAN, V13 Xingxing BS, AM, *0400-
6030kHz ID: ?, weak
11695kHz ID: 3E8
13825kHz ID: 3EA, weak
13850kHz ID: 3EC
15250kHz ID: 2
15580kHz ID: 3E8, weak
17800kHz ID: ?, weak
4895kHz weak signal (in my location),
TNX kiwiSDR in Russia, Mongolian Radio.
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
5006kHz UNID carrier
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire, 7289.92kHz
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Ron Howard Mar 10 (Sun), 2019 04:17 UTC No.3860 BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, on March 9, heard with modulation problems;
1116, pop song with regular audio level; 1119, lost audio till sudden,
briefly heard announcer at 1134, but modulation quickly lost again;
the whole time decent level carrier noted; recently being heard through
strong, pulsating QRN; *1140, the usual sudden start up of PBS Yunnan,
with FM99 relay.
KOREA SOUTH. 5920, Voice of Freedom, on March 9, checking the
Jeonyeog Bangsong (evening program at Korean time [weekend]),
at 1000; heard the start of the "Bodo gwangjang" ("News plaza")
program (thanks very much to both Amano [Japan] and Chulus
[Korea] for their naming the various VOF programs); N. Korea
jamming as usual, but still not too bad a reception. My audio
at .
UNIDENTIFIED. 5006, with an interesting development here; starting
on March 7, at 1236, noted a strong carrier; heard daily through today
(March 9); also heard by Jim Young (Calif.); became aware of this while
checking for Nepal (5005); on March 8, Hiroyuki Komatsubara (Japan),
was also hearing an open carrier on 5006, as well as on 8006; so he
made an observation that I had missed, mainly that 5006 // 8006, years
ago were the two frequencies broadcasting CW from Japan (low powered
JG2XA, with the HF-Doppler [HFD] Project), but that station has been
silent for a long time now. So yes, it was Hiroyuki who first noted that
8006 also had an open carrier, which I subsequently also heard.
So who is broadcasting these new, daily open carriers?
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Mar 10 (Sun), 2019 13:29 UTC No.3863 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
On March/7 night, I had not heard because I had a job. It is highly possible that they resumed from this day.
Thanks for important information !!
A bit of work is still left tonight, I have not heard the radio yet :-((
Re: NBC Bougainville -
Ron Howard Mar 11 (Mon), 2019 18:53 UTC No.3864 Excellent propagation today (March 11), as there were a number
of different stations heard with signals well above the norm,
including NBC Bougainville (3325).
Highlights of NBC reception:
0912-0920: With pop Pacific Islands music.
0933-1000: With English segment of the "National Radio" audio feed.
1000-1010: With NBC news and weather, in English.
1010-1020: "Regional News," in Pidgin.
1026: Pop song "Another Day In Paradise," but not sung be Phil Collins.
1031-1045: Two women chatting about "International Women's Day," in
Pidgin. ("Without women, there would be no human beings on the face
of this planet")
1102-1110: "Regional News," in English.
My audio at
BTW - NBC Madang (3260) noted 1056-1102, with no audio, just a good
level carrier;
an unusual situation for them.
3920kHz, 3959kHz, 3993vkHz KCBS Pyongyang, etc.. -
XYZ Mar 11 (Mon), 2019 21:38 UTC No.3865 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
3920kHz// 3959kHz// 3993vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, // 11680kHz 9665kHz 6100kHz 3220kHz 2850kHz
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Mar 12 (Tue), 2019 08:32 UTC No.3866 Note;
3920kHz No signal (KCBS Pyongyang)
3959kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
3993kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3959kHz etc..
5006kHz (JG2XA), fair to strong signal, 8006kHz weak signal
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, over modulation..
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire, 7289.92kHz
6185kHz China Huayi ?, in Chinese,
noticed-0848- No signal, test ?
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, weak signal
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville, // 3260kHz
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Ron Howard Mar 12 (Tue), 2019 19:49 UTC No.3867
AUSTRALIA. 5055, Radio 4KZ, on March 12, with decent reception; 0844,
The Beatles with "Got To Get You Into My Life"; 0859, real estate commercial
announcement; "4 K Zed News . . National News"; "All operations regarding
Boeing's 7-3-7 Max planes in Australia have been suspended"; QRN (static);
about 0905, hit with OTH radar; later at 1013, no OTHR noted while playing
"I Got You," sung by James Brown, The Four Preps with "26 Miles (Santa
Catalina)," The Jackson 5 with "ABC," Jimmy Buffett singing "Margaritaville,"
etc.; one of their better days. My audio at .
BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, March 12, at 1132, with pop songs ("Another One Bites
the Dust" sung by Queen, etc.); as usual at *1140, the sudden start of PBS
Yunnan (FM99 relay), which is as usual many times stronger than BBS. So
yet another day of BBS going past 1140+.
BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville (Maus Blong Sankamap - Voice
of the Sunrise), March 12, noted sudden 1200*; while NBC Madang (3260),
with sudden cut off at 1212*.
INDONESIA. 7289.92, Pro 1 RRI Nabire, on March 12, noted 0825-0840 with
unusual good signal strength, but very distorted audio; normally I would have
stayed with this till end of broadcast, but audio just too poor.
MALAYSIA. 11665, Wai FM, on March 12. Others have recently reported hearing
this one again, but my daily monitoring has had no results until today; at 1052,
definite reception; in vernacular and playing pop songs. 9835 (Sarawak FM),
remains silent (no carrier or anything).
Picture of rainbow taken across the street from where I park my car to listen to SW.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Mar 14 (Thu), 2019 22:46 UTC No.3868 FB Photo !! Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
I couldn't listen to the radio because of my work :-(
I am planning to finish my work early today :D :D
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, fair signal today
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville, also fair signal today
5006kHz UNID, very weak signal, (8006kHz No signal ??)
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation..
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ, weak to fair signal but heavy QRM from OTHR
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Ron Howard Mar 18 (Mon), 2019 00:04 UTC No.3870 AUSTRALIA. 5055, Radio 4KZ, 0908-0942, on March 16. Playing all C&W
songs (Tim McGraw with "Back When," etc.); interview with C&W singer;
info about a "County Music Festival."
4KZ, on March 14, at 0921, heard Dionne Warwick with "That's What Friends
Are For"; decent reception till *0946 start of strong OTH radar (5030-5075 kHz.),
which was still on several hours later, making 4KZ reception impossible.
BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, on March 14 & 16, heard with usual format (1108-1140);
what is different now is that there is strong jamming heard here, carrying over
from 6045, which was being used in blocking National Unity Radio; at *1140,
the usual sudden strong start up of PBS Yunnan, with FM99 relay.
BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville (Maus Blong Sankamap), 1012, on
March 16. Series of speeches about the importance of the October referendum
for independence (2019 the most important year since 1949 [the year the Territory
of New Guinea, including Bougainville, merged with the Australian Territory of
Papua, forming the Territory of Papua and New Guinea, a United Nations Trust
Territory under Australian administration]); pop Pacific Islands singing; clear NBC
Bougainville, Maus Blong Sankamap ID. My audio at
NBC, at 1056, on March 15. Sheryl Crow with "The First Cut Is The Deepest"; 1100,
indigenous drums intro to "Regional News" (not sure of language?); 1111, DJ playing
pop songs; some weak VOI QRM; as Steve McGreevy (via WOR iog) also noted today
at 1201*, suddenly cut off just after the start of the news in English.
CHINA. 4940, Voice of Strait, on March 16 (Saturday) & 17 (Sunday), at 0943, in English,
with the same weekend "Focus on China" program in English; about Chinese history; fairly
readable; not // VOS on 4900.
5050, Beibu Bay Radio, 1000, March 16. No time pips; gave Beijing time in Chinese and
English ("6 PM"); singing station jingle; followed by SA in English ("This is Beibu Bay
Radio, the Voice of Guangxi, China"); 1002-1006, brief segment in English (unreadable).
6035, PBS Yunnan, with FM99 relay, on March 14 & 16. As usual, noted the good signal
for their sudden start *1140; mixing with BBS (Bhutan).
INDONESIA. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, via RRI Palangkaraya, on March 17, at 1110. Clearly
in Chinese and slightly stronger than NBC Bougainville, which is normally stronger.
KOREA SOUTH. 4885, Echo of Hope - VOH, March 14 & 16, at 0955. Briefly checked and
heard "Easy English" program, in English and Korean; very good reception; noted // 3985,
5995, 6250, 6350 and 9100. March 17, noted the start of "Easy English" at 0938; today with
"happy Isaac" announcer; very strong signal.
MONGOLIA. 7260, Mongolian Radio 3 (presumed), 1033-1058, on March 17. As usual during
this time period, non-stop pop western music (no announcements); no PBS Xinjiang QRM noted,
but blocked by CRI (Japanese) strong sign on at *1058.
NIGERIA. 7254.95, VON, at 0820, on March 16. Weak signal, but clearly in English.
Re: Lao National Radio -
Ron Howard Mar 18 (Mon), 2019 16:53 UTC No.3871 LAOS. 6130, Lao National Radio, 1445-1501, March 18. Had not checked
on this for a while and haven't seen any recent reports of this one being
heard, so rather pleased today to catch several clear SAs in English ("Lao
National Radio") and one giving frequencies, during their English segment;
1501, into French; always very much bothered by strong adjacent QRM.
My audio (poor quality) of ID and some indigenous music/singing at .
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Wei Wei Mar 19 (Tue), 2019 04:54 UTC No.3872 Lao National Radio in my location(Maoming city,Guangdong Province,China)can heard MW 567 kHz at night,sometime is strong,same frequency have RTHK-3.
6130kHz is very difficulty.Because nery frequency is 6125kHz CNR-1 Voice of China.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Mar 19 (Tue), 2019 08:09 UTC No.3873 Ron-san, WeiWei-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
>Lao National Radio
FB audio ! SA in English.
Yes, heavy QRM in my location that it is difficult to receive.
3959kHz/ 3992vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
5006kHz/ 8006kHz JAPAN, HF Doppler Project - JG2XA, signal only no ID CW yet
6100kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, (AM + LSB)
6400kHz MORTH KOREA, Pyongyang BS, strong carrier only, no modulation
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
3220kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, QRM from spur of SK station
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ, QRM from OTHR
6400kHz NORTH KOREA, Pyongyang BS, //3320kHz
3959kHz No signal (KCBS Pyongyang)
3992vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
7260kHz SPUR, CNR-1, fair signal..//4750kHz etc..
7505kHz SOUTH KOREA, North Korea Reform Radio, Korean
9885kHz UNID, 9896kHz --> 9900kHz Voice of Tibet, etc.. -
XYZ Mar 20 (Wed), 2019 12:47 UTC No.3874 Note;
9885kHz UNID, Tibetan ? sorry weak signal ..
Voice of Tibet ?? , (No signal on 11605kHz)
9896kHz NORWAY, Voice of Tibet, Tibetan, *1300- ,
9900kHz NORWAY, Voice of Tibet, Tibetan, *1304(5)-
9895kHz JAMMER, CHINA CNR-1, maybe vs Voice of Tibet
9884kHz (carrier), maybe VOTibet QSY from 9900kHz at -1330-
*1330- Voice of Tibet, Tibetan, //9900kHz 2 frquencies..
Voice of Tibet - Tibetan
xxxx-1300 9885kHz(tent.)
1300-1304 9896kHz
1304-1330 9900kHz
1330-1335 9884kHz, 9900kHz
1335-1400 9884kHz, 9875kHz
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Mar 21 (Thu), 2019 03:09 UTC No.3876 Note;
5006kHz JAPAN, JG2XA (UEC HF Doppler), weak signak on 8006kHz, both no CW-ID yet
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3959kHz No signal(NK KCBS Pyongyang)
3991vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
6400kHz No signal (NK Pyongyang BS)
11665kHz MALAYSIA, RTM Wai FM, (9835kHz no signal)
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Mar 22 (Fri), 2019 07:23 UTC No.3877 Note;
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
6400kHz NORTH KOREA, Pyongyang BS
7260kHz No signal (MONGOLIA)
7330kHz NEW ZEALAND, (9765kHz no signal),
A19 schedule : 31 Mar 2019 - 27 Oct 2019 :
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay,
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Ron Howard Mar 23 (Sat), 2019 04:17 UTC No.3879 AUSTRALIA. 5055, Radio 4KZ, from 0912+, on March 19, with pop songs
(Bobby Goldboro with "Honey," Willie Nelson singing "On The Road Again,"
Carole King with "Sweet Seasons," etc.).
BTW - Ozy Radio (4835), as of March 22, remains unheard by me.
BANGLADESH. 4750, Bangladesh Betar (now not carrying their Home
Service as usual, but temporarily with only the External Service), at
1230, on March 22, noted in English till 1300 test tone; at 1309, test tone
off and start of assume Nepali programming; as usual, mixing with CNR1.
Thanks very much to info from Hans Johnson on Facebook WRTH. So are
all the former External Service frequencies down?
BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, on March 22, at 1136, with pop (western) songs; cut
off in mid-song at 1138*; then at *1140, the usual sudden start up of PBS
Yunnan, with FM99 relay, already in progress.
CHINA. 4900, Voice of Strait, on March 20, at *0953, start of their audio; program
already in progress.
4940, Voice of Strait, on March 20, at *0953, start of their IS; 0954, ID and into
classical western music.
LAOS. 6130, Lao National Radio, at 1200, checking on March 19 & 22, heard
unique gong/bell that they ring slowly 7 times (7:00 PM their local time), followed
by choral anthem. Was able to hear them faintly, but can confirm they still have
the usual format; otherwise unusable. For many people, 1200 is the best time
to confirm it is LNR.
On Facebook (UNION OF ASIAN DXERS), a comment by Victor Goonetilleke
about my LNR posting:
"yes they were off when we checked Dec Jan and heard they were repairing.
Great to have them back and for that matter any station back."
MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, 1155+, on March 22, with live coverage (TV
audio feed), in vernacular, of the football/soccer match between Myanmar (under
23) and East Timor (aka: "Timor-Leste") U23; played at the Thuwunna Youth
Training Center Stadium (Yangon); musical interlude at half time and back to
live coverage at 1230.
6165, Thazin Radio [non-log], 1420-1440, on March 18. Supposedly in scheduled
English 1430-1500, but only China heard here; no trace of any other station. Has
anyone heard their English segment recently?
SURINAME. 4989.98, R. Apintie (presumed), 0540, on March 22. Pop songs (Irene
Cara with "Flashdance What A Feeling," etc.); above threshold level audio, but rather
weak. Thanks very much to Arthur Delibert and Dave Valko for the alert that this is
doing so well.
ZAMBIA. 5915, R. One/ZNBC1. Thanks to the original alert from Manuel Mendez and
follow up report from Jay Novello, in WOR iog, that this is reactivated, after being silent,
I believe, all of 2019. Of course I wanted to check this out, as it is one of my favorite
stations, so tuned in expecting the previous schedule/format to still be the same. Not so!
In past years 0240-0250 was always the IS of the call of the African fish eagle, but
March 22, tuned in at 0232, to hear repetitive, non-stop pop African music already here;
0253, cut off audio and only heard a loud hum, till 0257 hum off; African singing; 0300,
here is the IS of the African fish eagle, but played not for ten minutes, but only for about
one minute; in vernacular; 0401, brief IS and music before the news; later checked at 0420,
only to find they were off the air (earlier than their former sign off time). Clearly needs more
monitoring to tell what the regular schedule/format will be. Great to have them back again!
Seeing as 5915 is reactivated, wanted to see if there was any chance that Radio Two/ZNBC2,
which has been silent for a long time now, had also come back to life; checking 6165, from
0240+, but didn't hear anything underneath Cuba.
ZANZIBAR. 6015, ZBC Radio. It was back on Feb 17, that I reported "tuned in at 0250, waiting
for their sign on. A long wait! Suddenly come on at *0330"; on March 22, again checking for their
starting time and yes, it was also at *0330, with program already in progress; at times almost fair
reception. Is this really the new starting time? Formerly started about 0300.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Mar 24 (Sun), 2019 21:33 UTC No.3881 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
3220kHz No signal (NK KCBS Pyongyang)
3959kHz/ 3992vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //2850kHz
6400kHz NORTH KOREA, Pyongyang BS
7125kHz SPUR, CHINA CNR-1, Chinese
7260kHz SPUR, CHINA CNR-1, Chinese
6035kHz No signal, morning px of Yunnan maybe *2140-2400*
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Ron Howard Mar 25 (Mon), 2019 05:57 UTC No.3882
ANGOLA[non-log]. 4949.74, R. Nacional de Angola, on March 25, clearly off the air
(0237 & 0313); unusual for them to be silent.)
AUSTRALIA. 5055, Radio 4KZ, on March 24 had a first for me here, to hear a
non-musical segment; 0911-0932, with a comedy/drama presentation, with laughter
once in a while; "Tune in the same time next week for . . . Australia's old time comedy
station . . ." (Sunday only?); 1002, news/sports, with break for "health service" ad at
1005; weather; into variety of songs (Dave Dudley with "Cowboy Boots," etc.); later at
*1015, covered by strong OTH radar.
ETHIOPIA. 6090, Amhara State Radio, March 25, with Anguilla off the air; Iran conveniently
went off at 0257*, while Ethiopia had *0258, with their IS; very faint, even with Anguilla silent.
INDONESIA. 7289.92, Pro 1 RRI Nabire, 0759-0908*, on March 24. Heard “Rayuan Pulau
Kelapa” (Solace on Coconut Island, a.k.a. song of Coconut Island - SCI), the theme music
intro to the news, which I have not heard in a long time; news; followed by long monologue;
EZL music; 0905, start of reciting from the Qur'an, till suddenly cut off.
MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, on March 24, at 1205. Live coverage (TV audio feed), in
vernacular, of the football/soccer match between Myanmar (under 23) and Macau U23; played
at the Thuwunna Youth Training Center Stadium (Yangon).
PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang (Maus Blong Garamut), random checks 1035-1158*,
on March 24 (Sunday). Usual religious programs (songs and sermons in Pidgin).
PHILIPPINES. 15640 // 17700 // 17820, R. Pilipinas, on March 25. Brief check at 0244; in English
("DFA Online, news and events from different Philippine embassies and consulates around the world");
mostly poor, with 17700 being the strongest.
ZAMBIA. 5915, R. One/ZNBC1. On March 25, tuned in at 0141, to find them already broadcasting;
announcers in vernacular and a lot of repetitive African pop singing; after 0200, best in LSB, due to
strong 5920 sign on. My local sunset was at 0222 UT. So we sill don't know their new schedule.
ZANZIBAR. 6015, ZBC Radio. On March 25, suddenly on at *0327, with program already in progress;
so there is some variation with their starting time.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Mar 25 (Mon), 2019 09:44 UTC No.3883 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
3220kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, backed
3260kHz No signal ? (PNG)
3325kHz (tent.)PNG, weak signal and heavy QRM from 3320kHz NK..
3920kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3959kHz 3992vkHz etc..
3518kHz, 4483.5kHz strong carrier (no modulation) , who ?
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Mongolian Radio(Radio 1), very weak modulation..
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, +pips jammer
6400kHz NK, Pyongyang BS, // 3320kHz
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
9390kHz SPUR ?, CHINA CRI, Chinese, //9440kHz
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Ron Howard Mar 25 (Mon), 2019 19:57 UTC No.3884 > -0923-
> 3260kHz No signal ? (PNG)
March 25, checking 3260 (NBC Madang), from 1125+, but no signal at all today.
4900/4940kHz test ?, etc... -
XYZ Mar 27 (Wed), 2019 07:51 UTC No.3885 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !
3959kHz/ 3991vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //6100kHz etc..
4900kHz// 4940kHz CHINA, Voice of Strait(tent.), test ? Chinese pop song
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
4900kHz/ 4940kHz both no signal, noticed at -0807-, I think it was test TX ..
5006kHz/ 8006kHz JAPAN, JG2XA (UEC HF Doppler), carrier only.
5262kHz LSB CHINA VC01, "Chinese Robot" Numbers station
6619kHz USB CHINA VC01, "Chinese Robot" Numbers station
3220kHz No signal(NK KCBS Pyongyang), s/off around -0800- ??
5020kHz SOLOMON, (on air), Extension broadcast
Re: Myanmar Radio English language lesson on 5985 kHz. -
Ron Howard Mar 27 (Wed), 2019 18:28 UTC No.3886
MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio. It has been a long time now since I last
heard the English language lesson on Wednesday, so was pleased today
(March 27) to indeed catch the 10 minute program (1242-1252). Poor
propagation today, so unable to catch the name of the program, but clearly
this is no longer the "Say It In English" language series about the adventures
of "Tom" (I liked hearing what "Tom" was up to, so I will miss him!); will need
better conditions to SA which language lesson this is. Today's show was
perhaps a repeat of the scheduled Monday show, as least in past years they
were on Monday & Wednesday?
7499kHz UNID ==> Voice of Tibet , etc... -
XYZ Mar 28 (Thu), 2019 10:54 UTC No.3887 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, weak signal
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3959kHz/ 3992vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, (3920kHz No signal)
7210kHz WHO ?, non-stop music, not CNR1/VOV1/SOH, fair to strong signal, Yunnan ??
-1053- This is Yunnan PBS, //
3945kHz NORTH KOREA, Echo of Unification
3959kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3992vkHz, (No signal 3920kHz)
5006kHz (carrier), 8006kHz weak signal, No ID-CW yet
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan PBS
11780kHz BRASIL, EBC, "A Voz do Brasil"
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
7499kHz UNID, in Chinese ? It is similar but it may be different... ??
ID at -2330- their theme music (Bridge music), in Tibetan
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
sat_dxer Mar 29 (Fri), 2019 13:38 UTC No.3889 657kHz Pyongyang Broadcasting Station w/ good audio // 3320kHz 1332z 29 Mar 2019
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Mar 31 (Sun), 2019 13:59 UTC No.3893 Thanks sat_dxer !
around 5900kHz-6080kHz "PATAPATAPATAPATA......." Woodpecker type jamming..?? , -1356*
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Apr 01 (Mon), 2019 10:21 UTC No.3896 Note;
3260kHz PNG and SPUR of Voice of the People(SK)
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3992vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, (3959kHz No signal today)
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5440kHz CHINA, VC01 Chinese Numbers Station "Chinese Robot", LSB
6290kHz Spur ??, weak signal YL talk, -1230* who ?
7252kHz Siren type Jamming (maybe from Vietnam)
Re: Shiokaze -
Ron Howard Apr 01 (Mon), 2019 17:31 UTC No.3898 KOREA NORTH[non]. 5920 // 6070, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze, *1300-1400*, April 1.
Thanks to an alert at "Now On The Radio" website, for the very first time I heard
them broadcasting on two frequencies simultaneously; 5920 is a very poor
frequency assignment for them, due to a strong Voice of Freedom already being
on frequency, along with the usual N. Korea jamming of VOF; whereas 6070 is a
very good choice, as it is a clear frequency. My 5920 audio, with one minute of
Voice of Freedom, then Shiokaze QRM (sign on), at . My
6070 audio is at .
5980 // 6090, Shiokaze, *1405-1435*, April 1. With 5980 being rather a poor
frequency choice, due to New Zealand already being on frequency, so they
mix together; whereas 6090 is a much better choice, as only light CNR2 QRM.
My 6090 audio at .
Re: Shiokaze -
Wei Wei Apr 02 (Tue), 2019 02:30 UTC No.3899 1600-1700 UTC April 1 i received 5935/6165,5935 same frequency station is China Xizang People Broadcasting Station,6165 is clear.
Re: Shiokaze -
XYZ Apr 02 (Tue), 2019 03:30 UTC No.3900 Thanks to Ron Howard and Wei Wei !!
See also (Thanks Hiroshi !):
SHIOKAZE Website (in Japanese) :
April 1 JSR Shiokaze
1300-1400 5920, 6070
1405-1435 6090, 5980
1600-1700 5935, 6165
Sankei Iza News :
Translated to English :
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Apr 03 (Wed), 2019 07:33 UTC No.3902 Note;
5965kHz test tone, -0711*, who ?
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, //
16790kHz CHINA, CNR-1, VS SOH ?
7210kHz ?, in Chinese, SOH ?
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM 100.9 relay, English px, "Shape of You" etc..
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Mongolian Radio (Radio 1), //
5006kHz JAPAN, JG2XA, (8006kHz weak), both no ID CW yet
2880kHz UNID, DRM type jammer ?
7740kHz UNID strong signal
3260kHz/ 3325kHz both no signal ..
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, 1000 or 1030 s/on ??
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
Re: Shiokaze -
Ron Howard Apr 03 (Wed), 2019 15:25 UTC No.3904 April 3. What happened to Shiokaze today? No // frequencies!
5920, at 1316+, was their only frequency; very strong Voice of Freedom QRM. No 6070 today.
6090, at *1405, was their only frequency; mixing with CNR2. No 5980 today, so good reception of New Zealand.
What will happen tomorrow (Thursday), when they are in English?
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Ron Howard Apr 03 (Wed), 2019 16:37 UTC No.3905 BANGLADESH. 4750, Bangladesh Betar, on April 3, still carrying only the
External Service, preempting the usual Home Service; 1227, test tone off
and start of IS; at 1230, started broadcasting in English, but with strong
MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, on April 3, at 1208. Live coverage (TV
audio feed), in vernacular, of the football/soccer match between Myanmar
and Nepal (Olympic games qualification for Asian women); 1225 music
provided for half time break, till match resumed; mostly fair.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, (Maus Blong Garamut - Voice of
Indigenous Drums), 1115-1205*, April 3. Mostly nice Pacific Islands pop songs;
DJ in Pidgin; local time checks ("10 to 10"); 1200 SA with frequency; into NBC
news in English (not very readable); cut off just after the weather forecast; one
of their better days.
[non-log] April 3, NBC Bougainville (3325) noted already off the air at 1102,
through last check at 1141; instead only heard the carrier of the Voice of
Indonesia (second day VOI with no audio!).
SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, SIBC (presumed), 1244+, on April 3. Another day
of slightly above threshold level audio; pop songs (many C&W songs); another
day running past their usual 1200*.
Re: Shiokaze -
Ron Howard Apr 04 (Thu), 2019 14:05 UTC No.3906 April 4 (Thursday) - Shiokaze back to having both 5920 // 6070, at *1300,
in English; strong VOF QRM on 5920, while 6070 was a clear frequency, per
my audio today at .
Re: Solomon Islands - SIBC with audio -
Ron Howard Apr 04 (Thu), 2019 15:22 UTC No.3907 SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, SIBC. Glenn Hauser posted to WOR iog yesterday -
"5020, April 3 at 1255, S6-S9 open carrier with flutter, decent signal from presumed
SIBC, maybe still on for elexion day, but hardly helpful if not modulated." So today
(April 4) I heard SIBC with the best audio level that I have heard here in over a year
of hearing extremely low modulation (mostly unusable); 1049-1200*, so no extended
broadcast today; 1059, the usual calliope music and into the SIBC News in English
(gave election result, etc.), but only bits and pieces readable; 1107, break in the news
for a clear SA; 1156, the usual evening devotional and prayer in English; SA and National
Anthem; heavy QRM (static).
My audio at .
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Apr 04 (Thu), 2019 17:39 UTC No.3913 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
I caught a cold and went to bed ... :-((
Because their modulation is always weak, it may be easier to hear if it is a little stronger.
3325kHz INDONESIA, no modulation ?? Their signal is fair but I can not hear anything ..?
3959kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
3993vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, // 3959kHz etc..
4750kHz +-1kHz test tone signal, (There is no CNR-1)
7140kHz/7180kHz ERITREA ?
7260kHz SPUR, CHINA CNR-1, fair signal ..
... I go to bed again. thanks ... zzZZ :D
Re: Voice of Indonesia with no audio -
Ron Howard Apr 05 (Fri), 2019 03:02 UTC No.3914 > 1727-
> 3325kHz INDONESIA, no modulation ?? Their signal is fair but I can not hear anything ..?
Hiroyuki - Hope you get well soon. Take care and get plenty of rest. Ron
INDONESIA. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, via RRI Palangkaraya, on April 4, checking at 1205
(NBC Bougainville just cut off after the sports news in English, leaving frequency clear to
hear VOI carrier), 1234 & 1304. All times found with just a carrier (no audio). This is the third
consecutive day with no VOI audio!
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Apr 05 (Fri), 2019 09:01 UTC No.3915 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
3260kHz (tent.)PNG, No modulation ?
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville, fair signal today
3959kHz/ 3992vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, // 3220kHz etc..
5020kHz SOLOMON, fair signal
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, *0858- s/on
3260kHz// 3325kHz PNG, NBC-Madang & Bougainville, same program
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Ron Howard Apr 05 (Fri), 2019 20:57 UTC No.3916 BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, 1114-1120*, on April 5. Pop songs till transmitter off. The good
news is that the recent jamming spur heard here from 6045, has ended, as National
Unity Radio has moved away from 6045, taking the N. Korea jamming with them.
BOUGAINVILLE[non-log]. 3325, NBC Bougainville (Maus Blong Sankamap), April 5,
noted not on the air 1016+.
INDONESIA. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, via RRI Palangkaraya, on April 5, checking
1049+ and found only a carrier with no hint of any audio.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, (Maus Blong Garamut - Voice of Indigenous
Drums), 1021, on April 5. DJ in Pidgin playing various songs; 1029, SA and frequencies;
1031, talk in Pidgin about "local government" and "Parliament"; a day with above average
SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, SIBC - the Voice of the Nation, 1001, on April 5. Tuned in to
hear a second day of respectable audio level; SA for "SIBC, the Voice of the Nation"; only
bits and pieces made out; DJ in Pijin, playing EZL Pacific Islands songs till transmitter
off at 1013*; later checking through 1200*, did hear their carrier, but no trace of any audio.
Certainly transmitter problems! My audio at .
TAIWAN. 6280, Sound of Hope, at 1100, on April 5. The usual OM & YL with "Xiwang zhi
sheng guoji guangbo diantai" (Sound of Hope international broadcast station) SA (thanks to
Amano-san's assistance); // 6230. My audio at .
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Amano Apr 06 (Sat), 2019 04:41 UTC No.3917 Hello! Ron-san.
Thank you so much for always broadcast reception report from California.
Nice catch! Ron-san.
The sound in your audio is SOH's 天下縱橫 "Tianxia zongheng", April 5 1900 CST news.
The presenter of the news is 憶湘 "Yi Xiang".
An archive of this news can be found at the SOH website below.
Ron-san's audio 00:54-01:12
川普会??? 称美中?易?判已接近尾声。
云南再?非洲猪瘟疫情 生猪死亡超?百?。
Yi Xiang reads:
Trump meets Liu He, saying that the US-China trade talks are nearing completion.
Yunnan reproduces African pig plague.
Hong Kong's Democratic Party asks Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue to step down.
The biggest drug company in Germany, Bayer suffered.
The CCP hacker was accused of being behind the scenes.
UNID 9425kHz, etc.. -
XYZ Apr 07 (Sun), 2019 11:56 UTC No.3918 Thanks to Ron and Amano !!
9425kHz UNID, in Vietnamese, -1200*
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Mauno Apr 07 (Sun), 2019 13:22 UTC No.3919 Closing announcement, but very poor quality here in Finland:
9425kHz Taiwan ?, TNX Mauno ! -
XYZ Apr 07 (Sun), 2019 13:37 UTC No.3920 Thanks Mauno !!
The interference was so bad here that I could not hear it.
maybe Taiwan RTI, see also :
... RTI is subject to change every month..
RTI : Link to the schedule list
Chinese :
Cantonese :
Hakka :
Korean Internet Radio since Jan/2018~
7325kHz Wantok Radio Light backed, 9425kHz RTI, etc.. -
XYZ Apr 08 (Mon), 2019 09:19 UTC No.3921 Note;
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang ?, no modulation ??
3310kHz BOLIVIA ?
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3959kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, // 3993vkHz
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
7260kHz MONGOLIAN, TK in Mongolian (not EG px)
7325kHz 2 Stations ?, -0916- YL song (my location) and TK (PERSEUS server in India)
7325kHz English ? OMTK, //
This is Wantok Radio Light
*0957- China start, strong signal ..
9425kHz TAIWAN, RTI, Vietnamese, *1100-, ** new frq since April
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Apr 09 (Tue), 2019 10:25 UTC No.3922 Note;
3215kHz UNID carrier (no modulation), maybe from USA
3260kHz (very weak sigtnal)
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville, (weak today)
3959kHz No signal (NK)
3993vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
5285kHz USB CHINA, VC01 Numbers station
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, (4895kHz No signal)
11160kHz TAIWAN, SOH, //11150kHz etc..
12210kHz TAIWAN, SOH, //11150kHz etc..
12550kHz TAIWAN, SOH, //11150kHz etc..
7345kHz MYANMAR, (Thazin FM), It seems like the time of online request : ???????? Online Request Songs ( )
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Apr 10 (Wed), 2019 11:02 UTC No.3923 Note;
7210kHz CHINA, Yunnan PBS, (around 1030-1100 Non-stop music), QRM from VOV & SOH on co-channel
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9, (** 4895kHz no signal)
7345kHz MYANMAR, (Thazin FM), weak signal
3260kHz weak signal today
3325kHz No signal ?, weak signal at -1102-
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Ron Howard Apr 10 (Wed), 2019 15:56 UTC No.3924 Amano - Thank you so very much for your excellent information regarding my SOH
recording. Very much appreciated. Ron
CHINA. 6035, FM99 relay via PBS Yunnan, 1157, April 10. Commercial announcements
till time pips (almost a minute late); FM format, in Chinese; station's singing jingle ("Radio
Shangri-la"); station's slogan in English fairly readable ("Flying with the heart, traveling
with the sound of Shangri-la"); one of their better days. BBS (Bhutan) went off the air
here today at 1137*.
MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, 1255-1305, April 10. The 10 minute Wednesday
language lesson called "Learning English with BBC"; semi-readable, in English and
Burmese. Program is probably also carried on Monday, but have not confirmed that.
Extensive website - .
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Apr 12 (Fri), 2019 08:32 UTC No.3925 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
3920kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, // 3993vkHz, (3959kHz No signal)
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation..
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9, Pop songs,
7325kHz No signal ?
7325kHz PNG, Wantok Radio Light(tent.), (on air)
6400kHz No signal (NK Pyongyang BS)
9590kHz MYANMAR, Thazin FM, (maybe Myanmar local langage)
Recent schedules are below ?
Afternoon transmission
*0530-0630 9590kHz
0630-0730 9590kHz
0730-0830 9590kHz
0830-0930* 9590kHz
Evening transmission
*1030-1100 7345kHz
1100-1130 7345kHz
1130-1230 7345kHz
1230-1330* 7345kHz
-0854- OM TK in Burmese
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Apr 15 (Mon), 2019 14:09 UTC No.3927 Note;
3959kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, // 3994vkHz etc..
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan, Chinese
6045kHz SOUTH KOREA, National Unification Bc.
7325kHz UNID weak signal, Wantok Radio Light ??
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Apr 16 (Tue), 2019 06:14 UTC No.3928 Note;
9655kHz CHINA, CNR-1 Voice of China DRM, new SKD ?
11695kHz CHINA, CNR-1 Voice of China DRM, 13825kHz 13850kHz 15580kHz 17770kHz(strong)
17800kHz No signal (CHINA CNR1 DRM)
Re: Myanmar with "Learning English with BBC, Burmese" -
Ron Howard Apr 16 (Tue), 2019 18:54 UTC No.3929
MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio. First heard "Learning English with BBC, Burmese,"
on April 10 (Wednesday), from 1255 to 1305. Thought it might be a Wed. (and Monday?)
only program, but I was wrong.
April 16 (Tuesday), from 1440 to 1450, heard two separate 5 minute episodes of "Learning
English with BBC, Burmese," on 5985 kHz. Reception good today and very readable. I have
to wonder what days and times this is carried? Here is an audio of a typical sample program - .
Re: Logs with no audio -
Ron Howard Apr 16 (Tue), 2019 21:23 UTC No.3930 INDONESIA. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, via RRI Palangkaraya, on April 16, checking
1330, 1404 & 1424, to only hear a decent level carrier with no audio at all; this has
been the situation here for quite a while now. With the general elections being held
tomorrow (April 17), thought perhaps the problem would have been corrected, but
not so. This year's election will be historic, in that the president, the vice president,
and the People's Consultative Assembly will all be voted for on the same day.
Looking for other RRI stations (Ternate, Merauke, etc.) had no results. Was too
late to check for RRI Nabire, which closes down much earlier. A sad state of affairs
for RRI SW.
SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, SIBC - the Voice of the Nation. For two days (April 4 & 5)
heard this station with decent audio, which was just after their elections, but since then
(through April 16), have only been able to hear a carrier with no audio at all, which had
been the situation here for over a year. Was very nice to catch two days of listenable
audio, but why could they not continue with it?
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), CNR1 DRM, etc.. -
XYZ Apr 17 (Wed), 2019 02:45 UTC No.3932 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
>> my log :
See also :
Thanks Cahcn !!
... and thanks Hiroshi !! :
ID 1
9830 0100-0200
9840 0200-0400
9655 0400-0700
9840 0700-0900
ID 2
13685 0100-0200
15250 0200-0300
17770 0300-0900
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log, 6040kHz/6165kHz Firedrake, etc.. -
XYZ Apr 17 (Wed), 2019 08:37 UTC No.3934 Note;
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation..
5945kHz NZ, RNZ, good signal
6040kHz CHINA, Firedrake, test ??, -0830*
6165kHz CHINA, Firedrake jamming, target ??, or test ??, around -0830*
9840kHz UNID DRM, maybe CHINA CNR1, see also :
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
sat_dxer Apr 17 (Wed), 2019 13:30 UTC No.3935 774kHz JOUB NHK2 Akita Japan
EE/JJ language lesson that sounds like anime audio via Trans-Pacific from 1215z 17 Apr 2019 w/ splatter & fading
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Apr 17 (Wed), 2019 13:44 UTC No.3936 Thanks sat_dxer !! ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
More than 30 years ago, we had held a pedition close to the broadcast tower.
It output is 500 KW !!, the band is full of spurious waves, and We have had to
wait until the end of the 1500 (UTC) broadcast and resume pedition.
I have nostalgic memories... :D
This transmitting station is located in the middle of the rice field,
Ogata Village, near the Sea of Japan.
See also :
Thanks to Editor of this website.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
sat_dxer Apr 17 (Wed), 2019 16:19 UTC No.3937 Many thanks for the Japan MW listing!
other regulars heard here on this side of the Pacific are:
594, 693, 747(under the local!), & 828
UNID 15515kHz, etc.. -
XYZ Apr 19 (Fri), 2019 10:06 UTC No.3938 FB TP DX ! Thanks sat_dxer !!
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang(tent.), weak signal
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
3959kHz/3994vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
5020kHz SOLOMON, fair signal today
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ(tent.), weak signal
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, +pips jammer
5945kHz NEW ZEALAND, RNZ, good signal
15515kHz Who ?
Re: UNID 15515kHz SA audio -
XYZ Apr 19 (Fri), 2019 11:41 UTC No.3939 SA at -1059-, via EU PERSEUS server (TNX!)
Sorry, It is too early to hear ... Orz
Sounded like as "... Radio Kuwait Filipino service ..." ???
Maybe QSY from 17760kHz ??
See also :
KUWAIT MOI Radio Kuwait in Farsi (unscheduled) & Filipino, April 19:
0950-1000 on 17760 KBD 250 kW / 084 deg to SEAs Farsi, unscheduled and
1000-1200 on 17760 KBD 250 kW / 084 deg to SEAs Filipino as scheduled.
TNX Ivo :
Kuwait, etc.. -
XYZ Apr 20 (Sat), 2019 10:42 UTC No.3940 Note;
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, weak signal
3325kHz No signal ? (PNG)
3959kHz No signal (NK)
3994vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
5285kHz CHINA, VC01 Numbers station, USB
5440kHz CHINA, VC01 Numbers station, LSB, heavy QRM from OTHR
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
5945kHz NEW ZEALAND, RNZ, good signal
6400kHz Open carrier no modulation ... ?
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM 1000.9 relay
7345kHz MYANMAR(tent.), weak signal
15110kHz KUWAIT, DRM, Arabic, TNX PERSEUS server on EU !
15515kHz/ 17760kHz both No signal (KUWAIT)
7260kHz SPUR of China CNR-1 and UNID spur (2 stn ?), MONGOLIA no signal
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log, 3920kHz NK, etc.. -
XYZ Apr 21 (Sun), 2019 02:05 UTC No.3943 Note;
Spring has made it difficult to receive broadcasts from the lower bands in the morning in the neighboring countries.
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, weak signak, +pips jammer
6100kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, AM + USB maybe transmitter is unstable
6400kHz NORTH KOREA, Pyongyang BS, strong signal
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, weak signal, //
7275kHz (tent.)CHINA, Guizou PBS, very weak signal, ... Can hardly hear.
3920kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, // 3993vkHz, (3959kHz No signal)
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9
7325kHz No signal ? (PNG)
Re: Shiokaze jammed with KCBS Pyongyang programming -
Ron Howard Apr 21 (Sun), 2019 17:51 UTC No.3944 KOREA NORTH[non]. 6070, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze. Strange happenings here!
Thanks to info provided by Dan Sheedy (Calif.):
"1st time for me: 6070 Shiokaze w/ usual NK pulse jammer yesterday [April 17]
@ 1303+, but a few minutes later, it was KCBS (//2850, etc.) on 6070 instead..
back to pulse jam by 1311 or so..those NK techs hitting the wrong button or what?"
On April 21, tuned in to 6070, at 1307, and heard the same as Dan did, even with
the jamming programming ending right at 1311, after which Shiokaze was free from
any jamming. Needs more monitoring! My audio at .
Re: Bhutan BBS with extended broadcast -
Ron Howard Apr 21 (Sun), 2019 17:56 UTC No.3945 BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, on April 21 (Sunday), with longer than usual broadcast; at *1139
heard PBS Yunnan (FM99 relay) suddenly starting to broadcast as they normally do at
this time, which completely blocked reception of BBS. From 1225 to 1240, heard
underneath a much stronger PBS Yunnan, the BBS Sunday phone in program in
vernacular; mostly children callers with their solo singing; in past years, had often
noted this particular call in singing show on Sundays; BBS went off the air close to
1244. My audio, with child on the phone and singing, at .
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Apr 21 (Sun), 2019 19:57 UTC No.3946 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
3325kHz No modulation maybe INDONESIA
3993vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, (No signal 3920kHz/3959kHz)
4750kHz BANGLADESH, Bangladesh Beter(tent.), -1950+
4750kHz CHINA, CNR-1, *1950-
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
6015kHz SOUTH KOREA, KBS, heavy QRM(Jamm.)
7325kHz No signal (PNG)
Re: Voice of Freedom music? -
Ron Howard Apr 22 (Mon), 2019 04:19 UTC No.3947 KOREA SOUTH. 5920, Voice of Freedom, April 19, end of audio at 0805, after the song
"aleumdaun nala" (Beautiful Country); then open carrier remained on as usual with N.
Korea jamming, audio started again at 0858, with musical instrumental (what is the title
of this music?); then often heard theme song with bossa nova style music. My audio at .
Re: Voice of Freedom music? -
XYZ Apr 22 (Mon), 2019 05:00 UTC No.3948 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !
"Hwanhui" by Jeon Sula (?? - ???)

Is this song ??
UNID 11900kHz,etc.. -
XYZ Apr 22 (Mon), 2019 22:23 UTC No.3949 Note;
11900kHz UNID, in Chinese, Religious broadcasting station ?, strong signal
-2230*, who ?? , audio :
5905kHz NORTH KOREA, Echo of Unification
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, + Pips jammer
6035kHz CHINA, (tent.)Yunnan, weak signal
Re: UNID 11900kHz,etc.. -
Wei Wei Apr 23 (Tue), 2019 01:50 UTC No.3950 i listen this record ,it's like Vatican Radio Chinese Service.but frequency list not this,new frequency?
Re: UNID 11900kHz,etc.. -
XYZ Apr 23 (Tue), 2019 04:53 UTC No.3951 Thanks to Wei Wei !!
maybe new schedule ...?
??感謝 !!
Marti 7335kHz, UNID 5910kHz(BBC-Arabic ?), etc.. -
XYZ Apr 23 (Tue), 2019 08:29 UTC No.3952 Note;
3260kHz No signal
3325kHz weak signal
3920kHz/3959kHz No signal
3994vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation..
6400kHz NORTH KOREA, Pyongyang BS
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, //
It seems that their program guide has been updated to a new one.
... improved the sound quality ?? The degree of overmodulation is decreasing...
3260kHz weak signal, maybe Madang f/in ?
3325kHz No signal ?
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
7335kHz Radio Marti, Spanish //5980kHz, changed SKD ?, B18 (old SKD) :
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
7335kHz Radio Marti, -0859* c/off, c/on again *1001- started program
5910kHz UNID, heavy QRM from NK jamming,
According to the latest EiBi, BBC-Arabic :
11900kHz Vatican Radio Chinese Service -
Wei Wei Apr 23 (Tue), 2019 22:28 UTC No.3953 Today 6AM Beijing time,i am listen 11900khz,callsign is“梵蒂?新?网”(Vatican news net),this is Vatican Radio Chinese Service.QTH:Maoming city,Guangdong Province,China.RX:Tecsun PL660,ANT:outside antenna.
Re:11900kHz Vatican Radio Chinese Service -
XYZ Apr 23 (Tue), 2019 22:48 UTC No.3954 Thanks to ?? !!
Sorry, I could not find a description for this schedule.
Is it a change of schedule ?, or a special broadcast (for Easter)?
Re: Mongolian Radio P3 -
Ron Howard Apr 23 (Tue), 2019 23:42 UTC No.3955 MONGOLIA. 7260, Mongolian Radio P3 (FM100.9 relay). Recently heard with better
than normal reception. Thanks to Hiroyuki Komatsubara's "Now On The Radio DX"
for info: "It seems that their program guide has been updated to a new one"; daily
schedule at Mongolian site (Google translation to English).
April 23 (Tuesday), at 1148, tuned into "Radio Karaoke Entertainment" in vernacular;
phone call-in program with the callers singing; some singing with either the station's
background music or just the caller singing with no music at all. Ulaanbaatar sunset
was at 1154 UTC. My audio at .
Re: Mongolian Radio P3 -
XYZ Apr 24 (Wed), 2019 07:11 UTC No.3956 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
>7260kHz P3 FM 100.9
SA : It sounds like "P Gurav FM", but I can not hear it easily. It's fast (^.^;
P3 FM 100.9 - живой живой музыкальный канал, основанный на Монголии.
MNB Radio3 в разных жанрах музыки. Среди людей всех возрастов этот
радиоканал воспроизводит музыкальные программы и ток-шоу
24 часа в эфире.
Google translation to English:
P3 FM 100.9 is a lively live music channel based on Mongolia. MNB Radio3 in various music genres. Among people
of all ages, this radio channel plays music programs and talk shows 24 hours aired.
It seems that this broadcast was "24-hour" broadcast. Currently it is airtime from 07:00 to 23:00 in Mongolia time.
** (*2300-1500* UTC)
Because they stream many popular pop songs, they are fun broadcasts.
SAMPLE : Today's Program (Apr/24/2019)
23:00 Refresh charge music program.
00:00 Information charge English language broadcast.
01:00 Knowledge Charge. / There are 4 corners of the information. Knowledge, on this day's page, weather, highlights /
02:00 Repetition of love project
03:00 pm Music charge music program.
04:00 News and traffic news
04:10 The beginning and the music of the opportunity program
04:30 News
04:35 Song / New Artwork /
04:40 Recommendations / recommendations for music / youth /
05:30 Movies and music
05:40 Literature and music
06:00 News and traffic news
06:10 5 1 Music program
06:30 Photo
06:40 5 1 Continuation of Music Broadcasting
07:00 Movies and music
07:30 CHART 10
07:50 The end of the program / Presentation of next program and tomorrow
08:10 List
09:00 Repetition of love project
10:00 Photo news
11:05 The start of the program
11:10 News reports
11:30 Movies
11:35 Find a story & quot; entertainment program
12:00 Photo news
12:10 Find the stars & quot; continued entertainment
12:30 Movies
13:00 The music clock
13:05 Lightning & quot; broadcast
14:00 Ready to go tomorrow
14:30 Have a nice day
15:00 The end of the program
7260kHz *2300-0500*, *0700-1500*, (0500-0700 Stop broadcasting)
4895kHz MONGOLIA, etc.. -
XYZ Apr 24 (Wed), 2019 09:22 UTC No.3957 Note;
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang(tent.), weak signal
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
3920kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3993vkHz, (3959kHz No signal)
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
7335kHz Radio Marti, spanish
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Mongolian Radio(tent.), weak signal and weak modulation
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville, What time s/on ??
7300kHz UNID, weak signal, CNR-1 ??
3920kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
3993vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, bad modulation
4750kHz No signal (CNR1)
7140kHz/7180kHz No modulation ?
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ Apr 25 (Thu), 2019 09:31 UTC No.3958 Note;
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
7325kHz PNG, Wantok Radio Light(tent.), weak signal,
7335kHz Radio Marti, Spanish
4895kHz No signal today (MONGOLIA)
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Ron Howard Apr 28 (Sun), 2019 19:24 UTC No.3960
BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville (Maus Blong Sankamap - Voice of the Sunrise),
on April 27, with better than normal reception; 1008-1025 (first listening session); animated
political speech in Pidgin with some sentences in English ("Bougainville and Papua New
Guinea are members of a wider community. Members of all global society," "economy of
Bougainville," etc.); 1118-1154* (second session); discussion in English about women's
issues in Bougainville ("We need to do better," "Learn from other countries," etc.); 1130,
DJ in Pidgin with pop Pacific Islands songs; suddenly cut off.
April 28 (Sunday), at 1011, with the usual religious (Christian) programs; mostly songs in
English; re-checked at 1103, found them already off the air (so a very early cut off time
today!); 1103+, VOI carrier again heard with no audio at all.
CHINA. 4940, Voice of Strait, *0940-0955, April 27 (Saturday). Suddenly on with the
weekend only "Focus On China" show, in English; already in progress; sound tract from
documentary about Chinese history (Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of a unified China);
0951 program ID and music till into Chinese at 0955; fairly readable; this was a repeat
show that had been heard several times in the last month. Not // to VOS on 4900.
5285-USB, VC01 (Chinese Military numbers station), on April 27, at 1234. Numbers in
Chinese; fair reception; recently heard here on most days.
6125, CNR1, on April 28, at 1211. The opening ceremony of horticultural Expo 2019;
held in Beijing; theme this year is “Live Green, Live Better”; opening speech in English
by someone from the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH), along
with Chinese comments/translation. My audio at .
6185, China Huayi Broadcast Co. (CHBC) (presumed), 1000, April 27. Recently heard
much stronger than in the past; time pips; in Chinese; before 1000, seemed to be sports
program. This is not often reported.
KOREA NORTH. 4628.5, V28 ("The Parrot"), on April 28, going off at 1009*, after YL
reading numbers in Korean; poor reception. Thanks very much to Hiroyuki Komatsubara,
for keeping up-to-date with all these number stations, at his "Now On The Radio DX"
PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, (Maus Blong Garamut - Voice of Indigenous
Drums), 1156-1207*, on April 27. Pop songs (John Denver singing "Country Roads," etc.)
till suddenly cut off mid-song; as with NBC Bougainville today, well above normal reception.
April 28, noted Madang with 1204* cut off, after religious (Christian) songs in English (song
"You Raise Me Up," etc.).
7325, Wantok Radio Light (presumed), on April 28, at 0955. Heard only a carrier, far below
threshold level; this was pre-QRM from China. Must still be very low power!
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20) -
XYZ Apr 29 (Mon), 2019 12:02 UTC No.3961 Ron-san, FB Asian DXing ! ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
I am currently creating a website that has been asked by my friend ..
I can not listen to the radio :-((
In Japan, it is 10 consecutive holidays called "Golden Week (GW)". ** Apr 27 - May 06.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Ron Howard May 01 (Wed), 2019 06:21 UTC No.3963 BANGLADESH. 4750, Bangladesh Betar, on April 29, still carrying only the External
Service, preempting their Home Service. Is the HS ever coming back again, or will
the External Service be here permanently now? Are they following the example of
RRI Palangkaraya (3325), which seems to have permanently dropped their local
Pro 1 programming in favor of the Voice of Indonesia? VOI has been via
Palangkaraya since about June of last year.
At 1228, with the BB IS, mixing with stronger CNR1 also on frequency; 1230 into English
till 1300, when the BB test tone started again.
BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, 1149*, on April 30. At *1139, the usual sudden start up of PBS Yunnan,
with FM99 relay, which mostly covered up BBS, but was still able to hear BBS underneath till
BBS cut off. As Glenn Hauser has reported, National Unity Radio has again moved back to
6045 and with it heavy N. Korea jamming. 6035 has what seems to be a jamming spur from
6045, making reception of both BBS and FM99 more difficult.
BOUGAINVILLE[non-logs]. 3325, NBC Bougainville, 1027+, on April 29, found NBC off the air.
Later heard the VOI carrier, with yet another day of no audio.
April 30, from 0934+, again no NBC Bougainville on the air today.)
CHINA. 6185, China Huayi Broadcast Co. (CHBC) (presumed), 1053, April 29. Recently with
greatly improved reception; do not recall them ever being so strong in the past. In Chinese; pop
song till ToH, when time pips. Also well heard April 30.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, (Maus Blong Garamut - Voice of Indigenous Drums),
1143-1210*, April 29 (Monday). In Pidgin; playing pop songs; 1201, the usual PNG bird call before
the start of the news in English (unreadable); suddenly cut off, which varies on a daily basis, so not
on a timer as it was years ago. On the weekend there is no 1200 news.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
XYZ May 01 (Wed), 2019 08:54 UTC No.3964 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
3215kHz UNID weak signal, maybe a religion station from USA
3994vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, (No signal 3920kHz/3959kHz)
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation..
6080kHz CHINA, Hulun Buir, in Mongolian
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
7290kHz very weak signal on 7289.92kHz
7335kHz Radio Marti
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz UNID caarier but maybe not PNG, this frequency is swaying and moving, Spur from SK stn ??
7325kHz weak signal, It is not in the state that can be confirmed ...
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Mauno May 09 (Thu), 2019 10:50 UTC No.3978 Dear Amano,
could you please contact me via email mauno.ritola @ or via Facebook.
Thank you,
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(20), (March/01/2019 ~) : -
Mauno May 10 (Fri), 2019 10:55 UTC No.3981 Dear Chulsu,
could you please contact me via email mauno.ritola @ or via Facebook.
Thank you,