Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019 !! -
Philby Jan 01, 2019 08:55 UTC No.3631 Happy new year to you and your family XYZ !
Nicolas (Nico for my friends) Paris / France
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019 !! -
XYZ Jan 01, 2019 09:02 UTC No.3632 Thanks Philby from France !!
FBDXing 73
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019 !! -
XYZ Jan 02, 2019 12:26 UTC No.3633 Happy New Year to All !!
I am renovating the website, modifying scripts and creating new scripts.
Sorry to all, 73 FB DX !
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : 4895kHz MONGOLIA, etc.. -
XYZ Jan 02, 2019 13:02 UTC No.3634 Note;
4895kHz MONGOLIA Radio 1, //209kHz(LW), weak modulation
7260kHz MONGOLIA P3 FM(tent.), not // 4895kHz 164kHz 209kHz 227kHz
5920kHz SK Voice of Freedom
6035kHz CHINA Yunnan, Chinese
9276kHz TAIWAN V13 Xingxing BS, AM
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 03, 2019 08:43 UTC No.3635 Note:
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang, weak
3325kHz No signal(PNG)
6847kHz CHINA VC01, USB
7260kHz MONGOLIA, (4895kHz
4272kHz CHINA VC01, LSB
6030kHz CHINA CNR-1, DRM
9655kHz CHINA CNR-1, DRM
11695kHz CHINA CNR-1, DRM
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA Voice of Freedom
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 03, 2019 23:13 UTC No.3637 Note;
4895kHz MONGOLIA ?, sorry...very weak signal
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 04, 2019 01:43 UTC No.3638 Note;
7275kHz CHINA, Guizhou PBS, *0139-, Chinese
5020kHz SOLOMON, very weak modulation..
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9, ...over modulation..
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire, (7289.92kHz)
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
5920kHz NK, Noise jamming, target: SK Voice of Freedom
6045kHz NK, Pips jamming, strong signal
4272kHz LSB CHINA, VC01
4684kHz USB, CHINA, VC01
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnanm QRM of pips jamming(6045kHz)
6045kHz SK, National Unification Broadcast
3560kHz North Korea, 9410kHz Fu Hsing, etc... -
XYZ Jan 05, 2019 08:55 UTC No.3639 Note;
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
3560kHz NORTH KOREA, Voice of Korea, Chinese, //7220kHz
7260kHz No signal (MONGOLIA), off air ?
9410kHz TAIWAN, Fu Hsing BS, H3E(AM + USB)
6400kHz No signal (NK Pyongyang)
6400kHz still off air
4940kHz CHINA, Voice of Strait;
Focus on China : 0930-0955 (via Live stream), ** opening song very long...
1430- 4940kHz
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 07, 2019 07:01 UTC No.3640 Note;
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of freedom
6400kHz No signal (Pyongyang)
7260kHz No signal (MONGOLIA), Recently I have not heard so the start time is unknown, sorry..
7290kHz Weak signal, Nabire ?
7580kHz NORTH KOREA, Voice of Korea, -0653* ??
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 07, 2019 20:49 UTC No.3642 Note:
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
7260kHz (Spur) CNINA CNR-1
5890kHz Radio Free Asia and Fire drake
Firedrake : 9410kHz, 9455kHz, 9535kHz
4895kHz MNB Radio 1, etc.. -
XYZ Jan 08, 2019 07:42 UTC No.3643 Note;
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9
7345kHz Chinese music, maybe "Firedrake"
7502kHz TAIWAN, V13 Xingxing BS, AM
3205kHz UNID weak signal, 3204,6vkHz, spur ??
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, weak signal
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville, weak signal, //3260kHz Madang
7210kHz VIETNAM, Voice of Vietnam pro 1
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9, over modulation..
//Live :
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire
4895kHz MONGOLIA, OM talk but weak modulation, NOT //7260kHz relay of Radio 1
//Live stream :
7290kHz (noticed at -0848-) Nabire s/off
3325kHz No signal, noticed at -0958-, What time did it s/off ?
6035kHz BHUTAN, BBS, English, fair signal (but USB),
PX list :
7140kHz//7180kHz, 13830kHz Tibetan ==> VOA, 11570kHz Korean ===> VOA, etc.. -
XYZ Jan 08, 2019 14:08 UTC No.3644 Note;
3920kHz NK, KCBS Pyongyang, (irr)
4895kHz MONGOLIA, MNB Radio 1
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan
6400kHz NK, Pyongyang, Recently off the air..
7140kHz ERITREA(?), Dimtsi Hafash Radio (?)
7180kHz ERITREA(?), Dimtsi Hafash Radio (?), //7140kHz same program..
13830kHz UNID (in Tibetan)
-1415- //17585kHz(via PERSEUS server in Qatar, TNX!)
This is "VOA - Tibetan".
7140/ 7180kHz (noticed at -1427-) separate program.
11570kHz UNID (in Korean)
ID at -1440-, //9800kHz This is "Voice of America - Korean"
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
Mauno Jan 09, 2019 05:40 UTC No.3645 Have you noticed, if 4895 kHz also starts at 2200 as other MNB1's?
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 09, 2019 09:08 UTC No.3646 Thanks Mauno !
I could not check in the morning, so I do not know, sorry..
I have to see my wife to work ... :D :D :D
7260kHz MONGOLIA off air, etc.. -
XYZ Jan 09, 2019 09:20 UTC No.3647 Note;
3260kHz No signal (NBC-Madang)
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bugainville(tent.), weak
3920kHz No signal (Pyongyang)
4895kHz MONGOLIA ?, weak modulation..
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
6035kHz Bhutan ?, weak today..
7260kHz CHINA, Xinjiang PBS, MONGOLIA off the air
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Radio 1, //Live :
weak modulation.., 7260kHz still off air..
3920kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, *1000- ? or *1030- ??
7210kHz VIETNAM, Voice of Vietnam 1
8049kHz CHINA, VC01 "Chinese Robot" Numbers station, USB
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, When did it start ??
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3920kHz No signal (KCBS Pyongyang), s/off ?, 6400kHz(Pyongyang BS) continuing off the air..
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
6045kHz SOUTH KOREA, National Unification Broadcast
4895kHz MONGOLIA *2300-, etc.. -
XYZ Jan 09, 2019 23:09 UTC No.3648 Note;
4765kHz TAJIK ?
4835kHz UNID carrier (no modulationa ?), (4834.90kHz)
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Radio 1, *2300-, //
5920kHz SK, Voice of Freedom
6035kHz CHINA ?, maybe Yunnan ?
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3FM100.9, //
7435kHz VIETNAM, Voice of Vietnam 1, //11720kHz
7496kHz NORWAY, Voice of Tibet, Tibetan
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 10, 2019 00:34 UTC No.3649 Note;
9410kHz TAIWAN, Fu Hsing BS, H3E(USB+carrir), chinese
5910kHz UNID, Chinese music, test TX ? or Firedrake ??
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Radio 1
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3FM100.9
9410kHz No signal (Fu Hsing)
6030kHz CHINA, CNR-1 DRM, ID=3FF, also 9655kHz(ID=3EC), 9870kHz(ID
=1; weak than 6030/9655kHz)
6035kHz BHUTAN, English, good signal (USB), pops
3920kHz No signal (KCBSPyongyang)
6400kHz Pyongyang BS, restoration...
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 11, 2019 09:39 UTC No.3653 Note;
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Radio 1
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
6035kHz BHUTAN
6400kHz NORTH KOREA, Pyongyang BS
7225kHz CHINA, Sichuan PBS,
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P2 FM100.9, English program,
4895kHz No signal (MNB), noticed at -1059- ..
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 12, 2019 11:06 UTC No.3657 Note;
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PMG, NBC-Bougaincille, fair signal today
3920kHz No signal, (NK),
4835kHz Fair signal, who ? , -1059- OM talk but weak modulation and heavy QRN,
Music by whistle at -1100-
4895kHz No signal, (MONGOLIA)
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
6035kHz BHUTAN, BBS, English
6045kHz SOUTH KOREA, National Unification Bro.
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan, Chinese
9370kHz BIBLE VOICE, language ??, *1200-, see also :
Hindi ? or Urdu ??
add: -1210* maybe mistake TX ... ?
*1213- again on air
-1229- SA & add. in English, -1230*
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan, Chinese, maybe FM99 relay
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 13, 2019 01:37 UTC No.3658 Note;
7200kHz UNID carrier, no modulation, It repeats c/on and c/off., -0127*
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3FM100.9, (4895kHz very weak signal, unconfirmed..)
7550kHz UNID carrier, no modulation, fair signal
7200kHz c/on again, no modulation, maybe not HAM
-0140- CNR-1 DRM
7275kHz CHINA, Guizhou PBS, Chinese
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
Ron Howard Jan 13, 2019 02:58 UTC No.3661 BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville (Maus Blong Sankamap), 1127-1142*,
Jan 12. DJ in Pidgin with pop Western songs and also Pacific Islands songs; cut
off in mid-song; after cut off, only a very weak Voice of Indonesia carrier heard
(unusable signal today).
CHINA. 4940, Voice of Strait, 1430-1455, Jan 12 (Saturday), with the weekend 25
minute "Focus on China" program in English; started and ended with pop songs;
audio feed from CCTV documentary, with native speaker of English; fairly readable,
with interesting history of the Forbidden City, located in Beijing (the heavy stones
used to build the city in 1406, were hauled from distant quarries on wooden sledges
along ice roads); IDs ("You are now listening to Focus on China, in Voice of Strait
broadcast station").
6035, FM99 (Voice of Shangri-la) relay via PBS Yunnan, 1145-1204, Jan 12. Pop
songs; FM format, in Chinese; no hint of BBS (Bhutan); late time pips; station's
singing jingle (confirmed in the past via their on-line audio streaming); too weak
to hear the usual "traveling with the sound of Shangri-la" in English following the
6135, CRI, brief check at 1510, Jan 12. Unusual to hear anything underneath the
constant non-stop jamming here by N.Korea, but today heard English, mixing with
RE: DXLD 18-50: CNR3 on shortwave? - Jan 12, checking 1219 & 1307+, on 7470 &
9825, heard both with CNR1 jamming of other stations; noted // to the non-jamming
CNR1 frequency of 6125. In other words, the normal CNR1 jamming situation, so
nothing new.
KOREA NORTH[non]. 6085, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze, via Yamata (Japan), 1339-1400*,
Jan 12. In Japanese with special rebroadcast of the international symposium's Dec 15
concert, with singers from a junior high school; jammed by N. Korea, but almost fair
reception. This was also heard today by Hiroshi, in Japan.
MADAGASCAR. 5009.9, R. Madagasikara (presumed), 1526-1536, Jan 12. Via long
path; music and announcers; believe I'm safe with "presumed," based on grayline
reception, low frequency and language heard; no AIR noted. My local sunrise today
at 1519 UT and Antananarivo sunset was at 1533 UT, making for nice grayline
TAIWAN. 9410 - H3E (USB+carrier), Fu Hsing BS, brief check at 1212, Jan 12. In
Chinese; weak. Their other frequency (9774) remains silent.
Asilomar State Beach, California
T8WH, etc.. -
XYZ Jan 13, 2019 05:39 UTC No.3662 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGZAOMASU !!
15675kHz PALAU, T8WH, English, new schedule ? :
CHINA CNR-1 DRM : 6030kHz, 11695kHz, 13850kHz, 15250kHz, 15580kHz
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire, (7289.92kHz)
6035kHz BHUTAN, BBS, English
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
Ron Howard Jan 13, 2019 20:58 UTC No.3663 BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, 0946-1046*, Jan 13. Well above the norm; level
of reception made for entertaining listening; all in English; 0946-1020
with mostly non-stop Western pop songs (Bruno Mars with "Marry You,"
etc.); 1020-1030 interview about women's issues ("and with that I would
like to wrap up this interview. Is there anything at all you would like to
say?"), but not very readable; 1033+ back to Western pop songs in
English; cut off in mid-song; early cut off; no PBS Yunnan QRM. Sample
of my reception today -
MALAYSIA[non-log]. 9835 (Sarawak FM) & 11665 (Wai FM), on both
Jan 12 & 13, noted clearly off the air (1300+). When did this happen?
So there are no Malaysia SW stations now?
SIKKIM. 4835, AIR Gangtok (tentative), 1110, Jan 13. Not completely sure
what is happening here? Heard music and announcer (too weak for any
meaningful details) till about 1119, when the modulation started to break
up and after that was only able to hear a strong hum; later at 1204 check,
again with modulation breaking up and quickly back to only the strong hum
again. This would seem to fit the Gangtok transmitter problem they have had
for a long time now, but today's signal strength was much stronger that normal
for AIR. I believe there is no chance that this is Ozy Radio with the strong hum,
as I think Craig is still off the air.
Thanks to Hiroyuki Komatsubara (Japan), who reported Jan 12, via his "Now On
The Radio" website: "1053 - 4835kHz Fair signal, who ? , -1059- OM talk but weak
modulation and heavy QRN, Music by whistle at -1100-".
TAIWAN. 9410, Fu Hsing BS (tentative), unlike yesterdays (Jan 12) reception heard
in H3E (USB+carrier), today at 1219, had a definite signal in LSB and only slightly
weaker than the USB output; in Chinese; H3E of course is the normal format here.
Re: Mongolia - 4895 kHz. -
Ron Howard Jan 14, 2019 09:42 UTC No.3664 Jan 14, from 0740 to past 0900, noted prominent carrier on 4895,
but never any audio heard.
On 7260, at 0905, sounded like two stations mixing (China & Mongolia?),
but too weak to confirm.
Re: Mongolia - 4895 kHz. -
XYZ Jan 14, 2019 09:57 UTC No.3665 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
Yes, 4895kHz MONGOLIA Radio 1 very weak modulation..
7260kHz now English program (-0949-), heavy QRM from CHINA co-channel
-0953- 7260kHz still English program, past -0953- pop song,
... We do not hear 4895 kHz well ..
Re: Bhutan -
Ron Howard Jan 15, 2019 12:55 UTC No.3666 BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, 1023-1109*, Jan 15. All in English; 1023-1040 monologue;
1040-1044 announcers; 1044-1100 non-stop Western pop songs; 1100 till cut off
at 1109*, with the news (went off just after the news ended); not quite readable.
Seems to go off rather early these days and at various times.
Re: Mongolia - 4895 kHz. -
Ron Howard Jan 15, 2019 13:05 UTC No.3667 Jan 15, had definite carrier on 4895 at 1006, but checking later (1117+)
found they had gone off the air. Erratic schedule?
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 15, 2019 21:23 UTC No.3668 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
5920kHz SK, Voice of Freedom
7505kHz SK, North Korea Reform Radio
Radio waves in neighboring countries were skipping, I could not hear them ..
Re: AIR Kurseong on 4895 kHz. reactivated -
Ron Howard Jan 16, 2019 04:28 UTC No.3669
- - - - Per WRTH Facebook (Jan 16 UT):
Avijit Mondal
AIR KURSEONG 4895 khz back on air. SIO 444 @0400 utc. Song from Hindi
film "Rajanigandha" by Lata Mangeshkar.
Rx Kenwood R5000
Antenna - 64 feet random wire.
Tip courtesy - Pranab Kumar Ray, Youth International Radio Listener's Club,
Shyamnagar, West Bengal.
Ron Howard
In one sense this reactivation is good news, but this will now cause a problem
for reception of Mongolia on 4895 kHz.?
Re: AIR Kurseong on 4895 kHz. reactivated -
Ron Howard Jan 16, 2019 04:55 UTC No.3670 Sorry, my mistake. I'm so used to info from WRTH that I automatically
listed that.
Correct Facebook page is actually Victor Goonetilleke's excellent UNION
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 16, 2019 07:58 UTC No.3671 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !
Yes, this is nice news, but it's the same frequency on 4895kHz !
Sarath Weerakoon @UADX, he is a great friend for 40 years.
This time, it linked to UADX as a trigger. :D
Re: AIR Gangtok (4835 kHz.) transmitter problems -
Ron Howard Jan 16, 2019 13:20 UTC No.3672 Thanks very much to Avijit Mondal (India) for his helpful posting to the
Facebook page UNION OF ASIAN DXERS on Jan 16:
"AIR Gangtok is having transmitter problem again. There was loud
electrical hum on 4835 khz (Their morning transmission frequency).
Called the station engineer of AIR GANGTOK this afternoon [Jan 16]
and informed him about the problem. He assured to look into the matter
- - - - - - Here is my recent tentative log:
SIKKIM. 4835, AIR Gangtok (tentative), 1110 UTC, Jan 13. Not completely
sure what is happening here? Heard music and announcer (too weak for any
meaningful details) till about 1119, when the modulation started to break up
and after that was only able to hear a strong hum; later at 1204 check, again
with modulation breaking up and quickly back to only the strong hum again.
This would seem to fit the Gangtok transmitter problem they have had for a
long time now, but today's signal strength was much stronger that normal for
AIR. I believe there is no chance that this is Ozy Radio with the strong hum,
as I think Craig is still off the air.
Thanks to Hiroyuki Komatsubara (Japan), who reported Jan 12, via his "Now
On The Radio DX" website: "1053 - 4835kHz Fair signal, who ? , -1059- OM
talk but weak modulation and heavy QRN, Music by whistle at -1100-". (Ron -
Asilomar State Beach [near Monterey], Calif.)
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
Ron Howard Jan 17, 2019 19:34 UTC No.3673 Greetings from wet Monterey, California!
BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville (Maus Blong Sankamap), 1127-1156*,
Jan 17. DJ in Pidgin with all pop Western songs (George Michael - "I'm Never
Gonna Dance Again," "True Colors" sung by Joshua David Evans & Erin Elyse
Evans [not Cyndi Lauper], Elton John with "Daniel," etc.); 1152 local time check
("8 till 11") and full "NBC Bougainville" SA with frequencies; suddenly off the air in
mid-song, after which had very weak carrier from assume Voice of Indonesia
(totally unusable today and during NBC reception, caused no QRM).
CHINA. 6035, FM99 (Voice of Shangri-la) relay via PBS Yunnan, 1200, Jan 17.
Time pips (somewhat late); Beijing time check; station's singing "Radio" jingle;
followed by - "traveling with the sound of Shangri-la" in English; so this is the
usual canned recording for ToH. Today's audio at .
INDIA[non-log]. 4970, AIR Shillong, random checking Jan 12 to 17, during my
mornings (1300+), have had no trace of this station, which formerly was one of
the stronger AIR regional stations (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA)
MALAYSIA[non-log]. 9835 (Sarawak FM) & 11665 (Wai FM), checking randomly
from Jan 12 to 17, noted clearly off the air (1300+). Same also noted recently by
Rob Wagner (Australia) emailed on Jan 13 - "RTM 11665 is currently on air (@
0530UT) playing some woeful pop ballads and occasional anncts. Interestingly,
anncts don't appear to be in Malay. Perhaps Iban or Kayah? Not sure! ToH
passed with continuous music, then news at 0502 for about 10 min. Nothing
heard on 9835 but that's because there's no propagation here right now. I'll
check that channel later in the day. Cheers, Rob."
That being the case, Malaysia has therefor dropped their 1300+ SW broadcasts
and with a major change to their schedule?
MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, 1557-1559, Jan 16 (Wednesday). The
Wednesday only edition of "VOA Special English"; normally this starts earlier
(1545+); buried under very strong CRI sign on at *1559.
U S A. 7505v, WRNO, on Jan 17, at 1215, surprised to heard English programming
and not the usual Chinese; fair.
3992vkHz KCBS Pyongyang, etc.. -
XYZ Jan 18, 2019 07:45 UTC No.3674 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
7200kHz (UNID weak carrier)
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire, (7289.92kHz)
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3992vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3220kHz, 3920kHz No signal maybe moved ??
4895kHz fair signal but no modulation ??
3260kHz No signal... s/off ?
5055kHz AUSTRALIA(tent.), weak today
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
6035kHz BHUTAN, BBS, English
6400kHz NORTH KOREA, Pyongyang BS
4940kHz "Focus on China, etc.." -
XYZ Jan 19, 2019 09:56 UTC No.3676 Note;
3260kHz PMG, NBC-Madang, weak
3303kHz USB CHINA, Zhoushan Marine Meteorological Radio
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville, weak today..
3920kHz No signal (NK)
4895kHz No signal (MONGOLIA)
4940kHz CHINA, Voice of Strait, "Focus on China" in English
See also :
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation..
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ, weak signal
5920kHz SK, Voice of Freedom, +pips jammer
6035kHz BHUTAN(tent.), weak today..
6400kHz NK, Pyongyang
7260kHz MONGOLIA vs CHINA, P3FM / Xinjiang
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
Ron Howard Jan 19, 2019 13:09 UTC No.3678 Jan 19:
3260 kHz, NBC Madang, noted transmitter went off at 1214* UTC,
but this was after their audio was cutting in and out.
6035 kHz, BBS cut off at 1102* UTC, during the news in English.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 19, 2019 23:24 UTC No.3679 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
4895kHz UNID weak carrier
4978kHz USB CHINA, VC01
6035kHz CHINA Yunnan ?, YL song
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM, //
7496kHz NORWAY, Voice of Tibet, Tibetan
7740kHz Strong AM carrier, no modulation,
MEMO: This frequency has previously been used by NK for broadcasting.
3991kHz NK, etc.. -
XYZ Jan 20, 2019 07:08 UTC No.3680 Note;
3991vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3220kHz, (maybe moved 3920kHz)
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, heavy Jamming from NK..
6400kHz NK, Pyongyang BS
7260kHz +-2kHz test tone signal, maybe MONGOLIA, QRM Xinjiang(tent.) weak
-0708- still tone signal..
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 21, 2019 09:56 UTC No.3681 Note;
3260kHz No signal (NBC-Madang)
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3991kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, (maybe moved from 3920kHz to here..)
4895kHz Strong signal but weak modulation, in Mongolian, maybe relay Radio 1
7260kHz CHINA, Xinjiang PBS, MONGOLIA off the air
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
6035kHz BHUTAN, QRM from DRM carrier on 6030kHz..
11570kHz Korean ==> VOA-Korean, etc.. -
XYZ Jan 21, 2019 14:37 UTC No.3682 Note;
3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia
4895kHz No signal(MONGOLIA)
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan PBS, Chinese
7140/7180kHz weak signal maybe ERITREA
7260kHz MONGOLIA, off the air, CNR-1 spur only..
11570kHz UNID, in Korean
7600kHz SK, North Korea Reform Radio
7625kHz SK, Voice of Wildness
11570kHz Korean :: maybe [VOA] Voice of America - Korean Moved from 5840kHz schedule(1200-1500 ?)
// Live :
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 22, 2019 07:48 UTC No.3683 Note;
3991vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3220kHz
4895kHz UNID carrier, who ?
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation..
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, heavy jamming from NK
6400kHz No signal (Pyongyang)
7260kHz CHINA, Xinjiang PBS, (MONGOLIA off the air..)
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire, (7289.92kHz)
4895kHz UNID, signal is fair but no (or very weak) modulation.., MONGOLIA ?
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, *0749-, //Live ::
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire, fair signal today, Pro 1 Warta berita
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville, //3325kHz
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire, still here..
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Radio 1, //Live ::
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
Ron Howard Jan 22, 2019 17:47 UTC No.3684 BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, 1007-1047*, Jan 22. Some of the pop songs heard today -
Whitney Houston - "I Wanna Dance With Somebody," The Beatles - "Hey Jude,"
etc.; 1020 seemed like an English lesson(?), talking about the meaning of words
("indestructible"); cut off at 1047*; very respectable signal, but not very readable.
CHINA. 7210, PBS Yunnan (ethnic minority broadcasting), again broadcasting
here after a considerable absence; Jan 22 at 1048, tuned in to hear the usual
IS of a non-stop loop of EZL instrumental music till 1100; some Chinese and
into vernacular; QRM underneath. Nice that this is now reactivated and 6035
kHz. (FM99 - Voice of Shangri-la - relay via PBS Yunnan) was activated some
time ago.
INDONESIA. 7289.92, Pro 1 RRI Nabire, 0739-0917*, Jan 22. Has been a long
time since I last checked on this, so very pleased to find them still active; started
out extremely poor, but slowly improved; 0801 time pips (late); into the news,
followed by announcers (not sure just when news ended?); 0839 into music
segment till 0914; started reciting from the Qur'an (in the past this Qur'an
segment was always started at 0900, but not so today); cut off at 0917*.
MALAYSIA. 9835, Sarawak FM, Jan 22, not heard 0945+; no signal at all.
11665, Wai FM (presumed), on Jan 22, actually did heard them at 0946 with distorted
audio; certainly them, but unable to make out a clear Wai FM SA. So this goes off the
air extremely early now. In the past the sign off was at 1600, so a radical schedule
change recently. Thanks very much to Rob Wagner (Australia), who pointed out Wai
FM was still on the air, but at a very different time than heard in the past.
MONGOLIA. 4895, Mongolian Radio 1 (presumed), prominent carrier (no modulation)
heard on Jan 22, checking at 0919, 0943 & 1115; some Voice of Strait (China) QRM
from 4900. This was confirmed today by Hiroyuki Komatsubara via his "Now On The
Radio DX" website. Thanks to Hiroyuki for his monitoring! "-0923- 4895kHz MONGOLIA,
Radio 1, //Live :: "
Updated info from WRTH Facebook (Jan 22) -
Mauno Ritola - "AIR Kurseong seems to have restarted also the evening transmission
today on 4895 kHz."
Alok Kr Dasgupta - "Yes but weak."
Mauno Ritola - "Yes, here in Finland co-channel Mongolia is stronger. Jose Jacob said,
that they should run at 30 kW, but maybe even less now after reactivation to see, how
it works."
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 22, 2019 20:49 UTC No.3685 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, morning program fair signal today
3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia
3992kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
5020kHz SOLOMON(tent.), weak signal
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ(tent.), weak signal
7125kHz Spur, CHINA cnr-1
7505kHz SOUTH KOREA, North Korea Reform Radio
9410kHz/9455kHz/9535kHz CHINA, Firedrake, ///but target nothing...?
CHINA Voice of Strait 4900kHz/4940kHz : test ?, SOLOMON extending broadcasting, 4895kHz AIR-Kurseong, etc.. -
XYZ Jan 23, 2019 07:08 UTC No.3686 Note;
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, //
3991kHz NK, KCBS Pyongyang
5920kHz SK, Voice of Freedom
7290kHz INDONESIA RRI-Nabire(tent.), 7289.92kHz weak signal
4900kHz CHINA, Voice of strait, Chinese,
4940kHz CHINA, Voice of Strait, Chinese,
test ?, Repeat of SA by male announcer
... both c/off aound -0800-.

3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville(tent.), weak signal
4895kHz No signal today
4940kHz CHINA, Voice of Strait, test TX again same as
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation..
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire
4900kHz CHINA, Voice of Strait, test TX, Repeat of SA by female announcer, -0845*
3030kHz Spur, SOUTH KOREA, MIX "Voice of the People" and who?
3255kHz Spur, SOUTH KOREA, Voice of the People (3480kHz etc..)
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang(tent.), very weak
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville(Ttent.), weak today
Spur of SK Voice of the People: 3500kHz, 3460kHz, 3370kHz,
There are many others, but the signal of today is strong
3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia, Indonesian
3990vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, MIX with CHINA
5020kHz SOLOMON, "The Voice of Nation" at -1430-,
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
7140kHz/7180kHz (tent.) ERITREA, Dimtsi Hafash Radio
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM relay
11570kHz Voice of Ameria - Korean, maybe changed schedule: *1200-1500*(ex:1200-1400)
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, -1456*
4895kHz INDIA, All India Radio - Kurseong, (MONGOLIA off air today..)
UNID 5890kHz -1529*, etc.. -
XYZ Jan 23, 2019 15:19 UTC No.3688 Note:
5890kHz UNID, who ?, -1529*
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan, Chinese, maybe FM99 relay
Re: AIR Kurseong on 4895 kHz. -
Ron Howard Jan 23, 2019 17:29 UTC No.3689 AIR Kurseong, 4895 kHz., 1512-1545* UTC, Jan 23. Back on the air again;
start of the New Delhi audio feed; became // to 5040 (AIR Jeypore); usual
commercial segment in Hindi; 1515, the news in Hindi (one brief commercial
announcement) till 1530, when the news given again, this time in English;
cut off just after the news in English, while AIR Jeypore continued on in
English. Kurseong with very weak signal to start out, but by 1530 doing
somewhat better and positive English. Very nice to have this one
reactivated! Helping my reception was my local sunrise at 1515 UT.
FYI - Re: Mongolia on 4895 kHz., via Mauno Ritola (via WOR iog) -
". . .Today [Jan 23] it operated only a few hours 0030-0500 and is definitely
off now at 1100. . ."
Asilomar State Beach, California, USA
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 24, 2019 10:34 UTC No.3690 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
3220kHz NK, KCBS Pyongyang
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, weak
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville, weak
3991kHz NK, KCBS Pyongyang, // 3220kHz
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Radio 1, weak modulation..
4978kHz CHINA, VC01 "Chinese Robot", USB
5920kHz SK, Voice of Freedom
6035kHz BHUTAN
7260kHz MONGOLIA and CHINA, P3 FM relay vs Xinjiang PBS
4895kHz INDIA, AIR-Kurseong, (MONGLIA off air now)
5020kHz SOLOMON, Today also to extend broadcast ??
UNID 5890kHz audio, Help ! -
XYZ Jan 24, 2019 12:32 UTC No.3692 UNID 5890kHz audio :
Jan/23/2019, -1529*
-1425- No signal
5970kHz Gunnan PBS : CNR-1 relay -
XYZ Jan 24, 2019 15:13 UTC No.3695 Note;
3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia, Chinese
5020kHz SOLOMON, Extended broadcasting
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan FM99 "Voice of Shangri-La" (Xianggelila zhi sheng)
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan FM99(tent.), Chinese
5970kHz CHINA, Chinese, (not CNR-1), maybe Gannan PBS..?
-2254- (Local ?)SA
2255- CNR-1 relay start, // 4750kHz etc..
See also to :
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 24, 2019 23:28 UTC No.3697 -2320-
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Radio 1, strong signal, maybe *2300-
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, maybe *2300-
5970kHz [RFA] Radio Free Asia, Tibetan, strong signal,
RFA is completely crushing the Chinese authorities..
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan FM99(tent.), Chinese
Jan 25, 2019
9410kHz TAIWAN Fu Hsing BS(tent.), Chinese, H3E(USB + carrier)
13825kHz CNR1 DRM, etc.. -
XYZ Jan 26, 2019 02:00 UTC No.3700 Note;
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9, Music program (Rock music) maybe re-on-air program
7275kHz CHINA, Guizhou PBS, Chinese
6030kHz CHINA, CNR-1 DRM, // 11695kHz, 13850kHz, 15250kHz, 15580kHz,
13160kHz CHINA, CNR-1, target SOH ??
13825kHz CHINA, CNR-1 DRM,
// 6030kHz, 11695kHz, 13825kHz, 15580kHz, 15250kHz, 17800kHz
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, Pips jamming from NK
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9, song, maybe re-on-air program,
13160kHz TAIWAN, [SOH] Sound of Hope, SA at -0411-, // 14920kHz etc..
7260kHz MONGOLIA, Good song "Symphony" !

-0501* s/off
7260kHz CHINA, Xinjiang PBS, MONGOLIA has not started yet..
UNID 9670kHz, etc. -
XYZ Jan 26, 2019 12:49 UTC No.3702 -1245-
9670kHz UNID, Chinese ?, weak signal, researching now..,
(-1300* ?) Sorry, I ate dinner.. :D
3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia, weak modulation..
3945kHz NORTH KOREA, Echo of Unification
3991.5kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
4895kHz INDIA, All India Radio - Kurseong, (MONGOLIA off air)
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, K-pops
5970kHz CHINA, CNR-1, Live stream of "Gannan-General Radio" is local program.
Gannan Live :
** Multiple CNR-1 are heard..
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan FM99(tent.), Chinese
5970kHz CNR-1, -1400*
a other station in Chinese (not // CNR-1), who ? Gannan ??
around -1418- s/off
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 27, 2019 02:25 UTC No.3705 Note;
Survey 41mb and 49mb
5857.5kHz SOUTH KOREA, Seoul Meteo., in Korean
5920kHz Pips jammer (NK)
6030kHz CHINA, CNR-1 DRM "Voice of China"
6055kHz JAPAN, Radio Nikkei 1, Japanese
6080kHz CHINA, Hulun Buir PBS, Mongolian
6100kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
6115kHz JAPAN, Radio Nikkei 2
7210kHz (weak signal, who ?)
7220kHz CHINA, CNR-2
7230kHz CHINA, CNR-1, fair signal
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, fair signal
7270kHz CHINA, Nei-menggu PBS, Mongolian
7275kHz CHINA, Guizhou PBS, Chinese
7330kHz CHINA, CRI, Chinese
7420kHz CHINA, Nei-menggu PBS, Chinese
7450kHz CHINA, Xizang PBS, weak signal
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 27, 2019 07:49 UTC No.3707 -0743-
3992kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3220kHz
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation..
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
9490kHz CHINA, Xizang PBS, "Holy Tibet" in English
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
5970kHz CHINA CNR-1 jammer, *1200-
4895kHz MNB Radio 1, etc.. -
XYZ Jan 28, 2019 09:32 UTC No.3714 Note;
3047kHz NK, V28 "The Parrot", numbers station
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3989vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
4895kHz MONGOLIA ?, fair signal but no or very weak modulation..
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ :
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
7260kHz 2 stations mixing, CHINA Xinjian PBS + ?
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Radio 1, //
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, weak today !, //
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Radio 1, morning px
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan, Chinese, weak signal
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay,
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 29, 2019 08:15 UTC No.3715 Note;
3260kHz No signal (PNG)
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3992vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
4895kHz 2carriers.. Mongolia ? and Brasil ??, sorry still too weak to understand..
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation..
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
4895kHz No signal (MONGOLIA)
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Jan 30, 2019 09:33 UTC No.3716 Note;
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3992vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Radio 1, //
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, //
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire, 7289.92kHz
4895kHz No signal, MONGOLIA already s/off ..
Re: Shiokaze in English on Wednesday (Jan 30) - anomaly -
Ron Howard Jan 30, 2019 18:52 UTC No.3717
Shiokaze, on 7345 kHz., an anomaly on Jan 30 (Wednesday), as it was in
English, which is normally scheduled for Thursdays; *1300-1400* UTC; usual
QRM (CNR1) and jammed by N. Korea; news item from Radio Free Asia; at
times semi-readable; 1330 repeat of the first half hour program.
Re: AIR Kurseong off air January 30, from 1244+ UTC -
Ron Howard Jan 30, 2019 19:12 UTC No.3718 Jan 30, checking 4895 kHz., randomly from 1244 through 1409, but heard
no signal. AIR Kurseong clearly off the air today. Earlier at 1022, had definite
carrier on 4895, which I assume was Mongolia, but that was off the air by my
next 1106 check.
CNR FRQ list, etc.. -
XYZ Jan 30, 2019 22:49 UTC No.3719 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
I made a list of frequencies of the CNR that is currently being transmitted
and a program table of CNR-1.
** It also carries all the frequencies of other CNRs.
3991vkHz NK, KCBS Pyongyang
5050kHz CHINA, BBR, opening MX
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan (tent.)
7550kHz INDIA, All India Radio - DRM, test tone signal, 2243- IS
5970kHz CHINA, Gannan PBS, opening music, SA,
-2257- CNR-1 started, this is Jammer,
Sorry, the article I wrote before was a mistake. : "CNR-1 relay"
4895kHz No signal today (MONGOLIA)
5970kHz Radio Free Asia - Tibetan, *2300-
7260kHz ?? MONGOLIA not started ?, Spur of CHINA CNR-1 only
7499kHz NORWAY, Voice of Tibet, Tibetan, -2330*
7485kHz NORWAY, Voice of Tibet, Tibetan, *2330- (CNR1 Jammer on 7490kHz)
11925kHz VOA-Botswana, etc.. -
XYZ Jan 31, 2019 02:01 UTC No.3720 Note;
7225kHz CHINA, Shicuan PBS, -0154*
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
7275kHz CHINA, Guizhou PBS, Chinese
11925kHz USA, Voice of America, English, new frequency ? (maybe ex:15580kHz)
IBB: 03:01:23 VOA ENGL 11925 BOT
maybe *0300-0500* 11925kHz Botswana relay (ex: 15580kHz)
*0500-0700* 15580kHz Botswana relay (ex: *0300-0700*)
... unconfirmed.
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3990vkHz NK, KCBS Pyongyang
4895kHz No signal (MONGOLIA)
5050kHz CHINA, BBR, Chinese
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SK, Voice of Freedom
6035kHz BHUTAN, English
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
Re: Shiokaze in English on Wednesday (Jan 30) - anomaly -
Ron Howard Jan 31, 2019 14:40 UTC No.3721 Jan 31 (Thursday), Shiokaze again heard in English; second consecutive day in English,
but with a different program than yesterday; *1300-1400*, on 7345 kHz.; today with an
item from VOA; 1330 into a repeat of the first half hour program. Shiokaze stronger today
than QRM.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
Ron Howard Jan 31, 2019 21:40 UTC No.3722 AUSTRALIA. 5055, Radio 4KZ, on Jan 30, noted running past 1421+ (1406+ phone
call-in show, etc.), whereas today on Jan 31, was clearly gone from 1311+ checking,
so an unusually early cut off time. Some of the songs heard today (1123+) - Carole
King with "So Far Away," Enya with "Orinoco Flow" (Sail Away) and the Oak Ridge
Boys with "Elvira"; respectable signal.
BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, Jan 31, at 1030 - lecture in English about "reality," "evolution,"
"biological theory," etc.; 1039-1049* with one long song (Bob Dylan with "Desolation
Row"), cut off just before the end of the song. Approaching semi-readable!
Jan 30, BBS at 1030 with announcers in English; 1035 into pop songs (Lanco with
"Greatest Love Story," etc.); *1048-1049* heard PBS Yunnan (assume FM99 relay)
briefly came on and off again, in Chinese and mixing with BBS; Bhutan cut off at 1052*,
in mid-song.
CHINA. 7210, PBS Yunnan (ethnic minority broadcasting), on Jan 31, at 1056, with
the usual IS of a non-stop loop of EZL instrumental music till 1100; heard well above
the QRM.
INDIA/MONGOLIA[both non-logs]. 4895, on Jan 31, heard no signal 1053+ from
Mongolian Radio 1, nor any signal from AIR Kurseong, from random checking
NEW ZEALAND. 6224-USB, Taupo Maritime Radio, 1253, Jan 31. Has been a year
since I last heard this one; fair with weather conditions ("gale warnings," etc.); fairly
Re: Radio 4KZ (5055 kHz.) -
Ron Howard Jan 31, 2019 23:22 UTC No.3723 - - - - email from Al Kirton (general manager of Radio 4KZ), on Jan 31:
Thanks for your email. Occasionally I turn off 5055 via my iPhone if there is any
lightning about, as we don’t have a standby transmitter. We also had to turn it off
recently to replace a mains power breaker and the maintenance man forgot to put
it back on the air.
Happy listening and thank you for your valued feedback.
Al Kirton
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 01, 2019 12:10 UTC No.3724 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, weak today
3991vkHz NK, KCBS Pyongyang
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Radio 1
5920kHz SK, Voice of Freedom
5970kHz (CNR1 Jammer)
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan, Chinese
4895kHz MONGOLIA, fair signal but no(or very weak) modulation..
5920kHz SK, Voice of freedom
5970kHz (CNR1 jammer)
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan(tent.)
7435kHz VIETNAM, Voice of Vietnam 1, This frequency is broadcast only in the morning.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 02, 2019 02:48 UTC No.3725 Note;
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Radio 1, weak signal, //
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, //
7275kHz CHINA, Guizhou PBS, Chinese, //
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3991vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
4895kHz No signal (MONGOLIA)
4978kHz CHINA, VC01 "Chinese Robot", USB
5005kHz UNID carrier, fair signal but no(...or very weak ?) modulation
5050kHz CHINA, BBR, Chinese
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
6035kHz BHUTAN ?, -1043* with song
7260kHz CHINA, Xinjiang, (MONGOLIA off air ?)
3320kHz NORTH KOREA, Pyongyang BS, -1451* V15 Spy Numbers, 6400kHz off air
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
Ron Howard Feb 03, 2019 02:50 UTC No.3726 BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, Feb 1, reception poorer than recently noted; totally
unreadable from 1035 till 1111*.
BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville (Maus Blong Sankamap), 1142-1202,
Feb 1. DJ in Pidgin with pop music (song "The Tide Is High," Elvis Presley with
"His Latest Flame," etc.); local time checks; 1159 full SA and SW frequency;
1202 audio ended, but seemed that open carrier continued on (not VOI); no
problem with VOI QRM.
CHINA. 4940, Voice of Strait, 1430-1455, Feb 2 (Saturday), with the weekend
"Focus on China" program; all about the upcoming Chinese New Year (Spring
Festival) preparations throughout China (this year is on Feb 5); 1451 closing
program SA and pop song; 1455 into Chinese; fairly readable.
BTW - On Feb 4, from about 1200+ UTC, there might be SW coverage of the New
Years Eve gala (, with an audio feed from the
CCTV coverage. Each year it is questionable as to how much SW coverage there
will be, but usually both frequencies of VOS (4900 & 4940) do carry it and some
other regional Chinese stations run intermittent segments as well. Last year 1.1
billion people viewed the CCTV coverage.
6035, FM99 relay via PBS Yunnan, 1600, Feb 2. Time pips; Beijing time check;
usual "Radio" jingle. Jim Young (Calif.) was also listening today 1449 through 1504+.
7210, PBS Yunnan, 1500*, Feb 2. Went off just after a brief IS (EZL instrumental music).
KOREA SOUTH. 5920, Voice of Freedom, Feb 1, with the end of audio at 0805, after
the song "aleumdaun nala" (Beautiful Country); then open carrier remained on as usual
till 0858, with start of musical instrumental by Yang Bang Ean - "Frontier"; usual heavy N. Korea jamming the whole time, even with just VOF open carrier.
MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, 1530, Feb 2. Fair signal with intro to segment in
English; "Good evening dear listeners. This is Myanmar Radio. We are broadcasting
our final transmission for today, radiating on 5985 kHz., 50.13 meters, 576 kHz., 520
meters and 594 kHz., 505 meters. Now you can hear the news"; news and "weather
news" ; 1543 "music from around the world." My audio at .
5985, noted Myanmar Radio, Feb 1, underneath a strong NHK, with sign on at *1129,
with indigenous theme music (with NHK 1130*) and at 1130 announcer in vernacular.
7345, Thazin Radio, Feb 1, heard start of test tone at *1026, which stopped at 1030,
to start their program.
11790kHz Romania, VOStrait "Fishermen's club", etc.. -
XYZ Feb 03, 2019 05:27 UTC No.3727 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
11790kHz ROMANIA, Radio Romania, Chinese, (maybe ex:11820kHz ?)
0525- NHK IS started
0526- Radio Romania IS
mistake ? or Moved ??
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz INDONESIA ?, Signal is fair but weak modulation..
3991vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, bad modulation..
4895kHz No signal(MONGOLIA)
5005kHz UNID carrier
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
6035kHz BHUTAN, BBS, English
4900kHz, 4940kHz CHINA, Voice of Strait, Pararell program "Fishermen's club"
See also :
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
Ron Howard Feb 03, 2019 14:07 UTC No.3729
NEPAL. 5005, Radio Nepal (presumed), 1049-1118*, Feb 3. Definite, prominent
carrier, but no trace of any audio; this closely fits their schedule and conforms to
what Indian DXers have recently reported.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, Maus Blong Garamut (Voice of
Indigenous Drums), 1140-1204*, Feb 3. In Pidgin, with Pacific Islands music/
singing; audio suddenly ended at 1145 and didn't come back again; 1204*
transmitter off. Rare that they have this problem!
BTW - NBC Bougainville (3325 kHz.) was off the air during the same time period
Feb 3.
SIKKIM. 4835, AIR Gangtok, 1206-1211, Feb 3. Very nice to have some actual
audio here! Non-stop repetitive indigenous singing/chanting; today the audio was
good, without the often heard strong hum. Clearly Ozy Radio remains silent here.
There are not that many days here that I have audio above threshold level. Gangtok
sunset today was at 1148 UTC.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 03, 2019 20:57 UTC No.3730 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, Morning px
3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia, weak modulation..
4835kHz UNID, 4834.92kHz, OM talk, weak signal, spur ??
4978kHz CHINA, VC01, USB, (Jan. 2019 FRQ)
7505kHz SK, North Korea Reform Radio
4875kHz UNID carrier, Spur ?, No modulation ?, 4874.88kHz
5970kHz CHINA, Gannan + CNR1 jammer
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan FM99 relay
4895kHz weak signal but maybe not MONGOLIA, Spur ?
7260kHz No signal(MONGOLIA), CNR1 spur only
7345kHz VIETNAM, Voice of Vietnam 1
7499kHz NORWAY, Voice of Tibet, Tibetan, *2305-, (-2305* 7495kHz)
7550kHz INDIA, All India Radio DRM, "GOSV"
3900/6080kHz Hulun Buir PBS, 3325kHz Bougainville etc.. : Chinese New Year from today <<--- Sorry, tomorrow -
XYZ Feb 04, 2019 07:31 UTC No.3731 Note;
** China is a Chinese New Year from today seven days.
6080kHz CHINA, Hulun Buir, Mongolian, Special broadcasting ? It is out of schedule..
3260kHz No signal (PNG)
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3900kHz CHINA, Hulun Buir, Mongolian, //6080kHz , (out of schedule)
3991vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
3260kHz weak signal, Madang ?
9590kHz MYANMAR, Thazin FM(tent.), See also:
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, //3325kHz Bougainville
3900kHz CHINA, Hulun Buir, Chinese
6080kHz CHINA, Hulun Buir, Mongolian
9590kHz MYANMAR, Thazin FM, -0930*
Re: Chinese New Year's Eve Gala -
Ron Howard Feb 04, 2019 14:19 UTC No.3733 CHINA. Feb 4, from 1211 to 1311+, with live coverage of the Chinese New
Year's Eve (Spring Festival) Gala, with CCTV audio feed; with comedy skits,
musical selections, etc., being held in Beijing. YouTube of gala - .
Voice of Strait as usual had non-stop coverage on both 4900 & 4940.
CNR1 - Surprised to also find non-stop coverage on 4750, 4800, 5945, 6000,
6125, 7230, 7275, 7290, 7305, 7345 and 7365.
Jamming CNR1 also noted with gala on 5970 and 7470 (against VOA).
While checking as many regional Chinese stations as I could hear, had a nice
surprise at 1302+ to find // non-stop coverage via Qinghai ("Qinghai News
Comprehensive Broadcasting") on 6145 kHz., with a weak but clear signal;
positive //. Qinghai website at .
This was the only regional I heard carrying the gala.
So this year China certainly had a better gala presence on SW than in past years.
Chinese New Years is tomorrow (February 5).
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 04, 2019 14:25 UTC No.3734 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !
Yes, Today is New Year's Eve, it was from tomorrow !
My feeling was one day early :D :D :D
5050kHz CHINA, BBR, CRI-Vietnamese relay //9550kHz
5130kHz (KYRGYZ, Radio Sedaye Zindagi(tent.)), 1kHz test tone signal, *1455-
It is a magical schedule broadcast that only the weekday of the
first half of the month is broadcast.
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, -1500* with song
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, Morning px
3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia
3991kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
6035kHz, etc.. -
XYZ Feb 05, 2019 09:16 UTC No.3735 Note;
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3900vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, pips jammer
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
9410kHz UNID weak carrier, Fu Hsing ??, heavr QRM from CRI-English on 9415kHz
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, morning px
3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia
4990kHz CHINA, Hunan PBS, Chinese
6035kHz Who ?, fair signal, BHUTAN ?? , -2042 "Head Above Water", 2042- "Dreamland", non-stop ?
6075kHz who ?, CNR and others, spur ?
7260kHz Spur, CHINA CNR-1
7505kHz SK, North Korea Reform Radio
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 06, 2019 08:48 UTC No.3736 Note;
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang(tent.), weak signal
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3989vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, (maybe moved from 3920kHz)
4895kHz UNID carrier, MONGOLIA ?
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak today..
6035kHz BHUTAN ?, weak signal
7260kHz CHINA, Mongolia off air ? China only..
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Radio 1, weak modulation, //
7260kHz (China only)
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia
3989kHz NK, KCBS Pyongyang
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation
6075kHz CHINA, CNR-1, Jam ? multiple station
7260kHz MONGOLIA off air ---> backed, 7545kHz UNID, etc.. -
XYZ Feb 07, 2019 01:14 UTC No.3737 Note;
4895kHz weak signal, maybe MONGOLIA
7260kHz No signal since yesterday .. ?
7545kHz who ? sounded like Uighur language ??,
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, //
7275kHz CHINA, Guizhou PBS, Chinese
9445kHz NORTH KOREA, -0239* with song ...?
15180kHz NORTH KOREA, also 15105kHz ? test ??
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
7260kHz CHINA, Xinjiang, Chinese, 2kHz test tone signal on co-channel
MONGOLIA :: Is this frequency, the schedule changed or irregular ... ??
Organization for the Mongolian Lunar New Year ?
Re: Shiokaze in English -
Ron Howard Feb 07, 2019 14:08 UTC No.3738 KOREA NORTH[non]. 7345, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze via Yamata, on Feb 7, at *1300+, with
their normal Thursday schedule in English; segments "Today's Newsflash" and "Today's
News on North Korea Issues"; extremely light CNR1 QRM and no N. Korea jamming; fairly
readable. Portion of my audio today at .
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
sat_dxer Feb 07, 2019 15:02 UTC No.3739 774kHz JOUB NHK2 Akita Japan via Trans-Pacific from 1445z 7 Feb 2019 weak w/much splatter
Re: PBS Yunnan (China) on 6035 kHz. and 7210 kHz. -
Ron Howard Feb 07, 2019 19:12 UTC No.3740 CHINA. 6035, PBS Yunnan, relay of FM99, Feb 7, suddenly on at *1139:17; usual
FM format, in Chinese; almost fair. BBS (Bhutan) went off the air much earlier than
the FM99 sign on.
7210, PBS Yunnan, Feb 7, tuned in at 1056 to hear their distinctive IS of non-stop
EZL loop of instrumental music; 1100 into programming in vernacular; doing well
even with some QRM.
7260kHz MONGOLIA *2357-, etc.. -
XYZ Feb 07, 2019 20:46 UTC No.3741 Ron-san, sat_dxer-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
>774kHz NHK-Akita
500kW. About 40 years ago, I had DX pedition with several friends in the vicinity of this
transmission tower. It was full of spurs of this broadcast and it was hardly worked (lol)
3260kHz No signal(PNG)
3325kHz INDONESIA, weak today..
3988vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3220kHz
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation..
7505kHz SK,NKRR
7520kHz CHINA, Firedrake, (vs Radio Free Asia)
AKITA/JAPAN, A big cold wave is coming this morning and it is very cold ..
7260kHz Spur of CNR-1 only,
-2315- 2kHz test tone signal
-2325- weak QRM Iran ? (Koran), + 2kHz test tone signal
-2330- CNR1 spur + IRAN + CRI ? + 2kHz test tone, MONGOLIA not heard
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, *2357- strong signal, //
** It seems that the starting time has changed.
9410kHz TAIWAN Fu Hsing ?, weak signal in Chinese
13590kHz UNID===> Dandal Kura Radio, 7260kHz MNB changed SKD, etc.. -
XYZ Feb 08, 2019 02:42 UTC No.3742 Note;
The broadcast schedule of Voice of Korea (NORTH KOREA) seems to be changing,
but it is due to the Lunar New Year ?
13760kHz, 9445kHz etc.., In the (local) morning as well 7580 kHz..
** Broadcasting in a language other than the schedule or scheduled time.
7260kHz CHINA, Xinjian, Chinese, (MONGOLIA off air), (QRM: +12kHz test tone signal)
13590kHz UNID, who ?, Arabic ? ---> it seems "Kanuri" language.
Sorry, this is "Dandal Kura Radio", //
-0759* (around, sorry noticed at this time)
7210kHz TAIWAN, Sound of Hope, fair signal
7260kHz MONGOLIA, p3 FM100.9 relay, *0750- ?, //
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire, (7289.92kHz), I heard it after a long absence :D
3260kHz No signal(PNG)
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3988vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
5920kHz SK, Voice of Freedom, heavy QRM from NK pips jammer
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, weak signal, //3325kHz Bougainville
4895kHz No signal(MONGOLIA)
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire, still on air..
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 09, 2019 09:42 UTC No.3745 Note;
3260kHz No signal (PNG)
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
3989vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
7260kHz MONGOLIA, Pe FM100.9, (4895kHz No signal)
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz No signal
7260kHz MONGOLIA, -1501*
3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia, Chinese
4010kHz KYRGYZ, Birinchi Radio, strong signal
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan, Chinese
7600kHz SA, North Korea Reform Radio
7625kHz SK, Voice of Wildness
5920kHz SK, Voice of Freedom
6045kHz SK, National Unification Broadcasting
1656kHz AUSTRALIA, 2MM - Greek Radio,
Live :

3260kHz No signal (PNG), There seems to be no broadcast this morning.
3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia, English
4765kHz TAJIK, fair signal
4885kHz SK, Echo of Hope, storong signal
4930kHz VOA Africa, English
5020kHz SOLOMON, Morning px., weak modulation..
5920kHz SK, Voice of Freedom
4750kHz CHINA, CNR-1
5965kHz Pips jammer (NK), target ?
11790kHz UNID, Frence ?
Re: NBC Madang, (Maus Blong Garamut - Voice of Indigenous Drums) -
Ron Howard Feb 09, 2019 18:59 UTC No.3747 PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, (Maus Blong Garamut - Voice of
Indigenous Drums), 1125-1208*, Feb 9. DJ in Pidgin, playing pop songs (Western
& Pacific Islands) up till 1201, when seemed to go to English (relay of "NBC
National Radio"?) with more pop songs; cut off in mid-song.
[non-log] Feb 9, noted no NBC Bougainville (Maus Blong Sankamap - Voice of the
Sunrise) on 3325, but instead was able to catch the Voice of Indonesia, in Chinese,
via RRI Palangkaraya, at 1105+.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 10, 2019 01:53 UTC No.3748 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
7275kHz CHINA, Guizhou -General, Chinese
11581.5kHz Spur, NK, (KCBS Pyongyang on 11680kHz)
12085kHz UNID, -0147* who ?
7260kHz No signal (MONGOLIA), (a weak signal maybe CHINA spur of CNR1 or Xinjiang)
7420kHz CHINA, Neimenggu PBS, This is always accompanied by spurious of +-6kHz.
It has been going on for years...
9870kHz UNID carrier, no modulation. who ?
3989kHz NK, KCBS Pyongyang, bad modulation
7260kHz No signal (MONGOLIA),
Recent schedule maybe :
*0000-0500* (ex: *2300-0500*)
*0800-1500* (or *0650-, *0750-, capricious ?)
15515kHz KUWAIT, Radio Kuwait, // 15530kHz Non-stop songs
5020kHz SOLOMON, fade in still weak signal
7260kHz 2kHz test tone signal, (a weak signal maybe CHINA spur of CNR1 or Xinjiang)
3260kHz No signal
3325kHz No signal
7260kHz CHINA only, (+-2kHz test tone signal), Mongolia does not start..?
7290kHz No signal today..
3260kHz weak signal, Madang ?, (3325kHz No signal)
7260kHz CHINA only, MONGOLIA off air
4895kHz MONGOLIA, MNB Mongolian Radio, //
** 7260kHz CHINA only..
--- I was away from the radio. ---
4895kHz No signal, MONGOLIA off air
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan FM99 relay, //
"FM99香格里拉之声" : ("FM99 xi?nggel?l? zh? sh?ng")
SA at -1255- "云南人民广播?台" ("Yunnan renmin gu?ngbo diantai")
7260kHz No signal (MONGOLIA), It seems to be off the air today..
Re: China -
Ron Howard Feb 10, 2019 12:49 UTC No.3749
4940, Voice of Strait, *0939-0955, Sunday, Feb 10. Suddenly on with the weekend
"Focus on China" program in English already in progress; another show about
Chinese New Year's; fairly readable.
5050, Beibu Bay Radio, 1000, Feb 10 (Sunday). Time pips; Beijing time in Chinese
and English ("6 PM"); singing station jingle; "Hi everyone. This is Beibu Bay Radio"
and "Wishes for a Happy New Year"; nice segment in English about "China's night
markets." Today's English audio at .
7210, PBS Yunnan, Feb 10, with *1035. Suddenly on with the usual IS of non-stop
EZL loop of instrumental music; mixing with Vietnam, that was doing well before the
Yunnan startup.
Eton E1, antenna: 30m long wire
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 10, 2019 23:31 UTC No.3754 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan Radio - Voice of Sgangri-La, Chiinese, FM99 relay
7260kHz No signal (MONGOLIA), s/on time check...
7425kHz who ? Saudi ??, Arabic
7435kHz VIETNAM, Voice of Vietnam 1, This frequency is used only in the morning.(local time)
7499kHz NORWAY, Voice of Tibet, Tibetan
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 11, 2019 09:42 UTC No.3755 Note;
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3991vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
6035kHz BHUTAN ?, weak today
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay,
9835kHz No signal(MALAYSIA), long period of off the air..
11665kHz MALAYSIA, RTM Sarawak - Wai FM, //
6035kHz No signal in this time, BHUTAN maybe s/off
6045kHz SOUTH KOREA, National Unification Broadcasting
9700kHz NEW ZEALAND, RNZ, QRM from co-channel CNR-1 ? (in Chinese)
** Chinese station -1109*
3260kHz No signal (Madang)
11665kHz MALAYSIA, RTM Sarawak - Wal FM, TNX! kiwiSDR in Jakarta/Indonesia,
In my location I can not hear for a strong crowd and a state drop in the
high band characteristic of the winter season.
7150kHz UNID carrier, no modulation, where? who ?
7330kHz UNID ==> RNZ new schedule, etc.. -
XYZ Feb 12, 2019 07:38 UTC No.3758 Note;
5920kHz SK, Voice of Freedom, no jammer ?
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, see also :
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire
11665kHz MALAYSIA, RTM Sarawak - Wai FM, (9835kHz still off air)
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, fade in
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
7330kHz UNID, who ?
Radio New Zealand for Solomon, PNG.
New schedule since today.
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan FM99 relay, Chinese, //
6045kHz SK, National Unification Broadcasting, Korean
Re: Voice of Freedom -
Ron Howard Feb 12, 2019 19:04 UTC No.3759 > Feb 12
> -0730-
> 5920kHz SK, Voice of Freedom, no jammer ?
KOREA SOUTH. 5920, Voice of Freedom, 1130, Feb 12. Thanks very much
to the alert from Hiroyuki, via his "Now On The Radio DX" site, was able to
hear the "Aneun geos-i him-ida" ("Knowing is power") program in Korean
without the usual N. Korea jamming. A rare situation!
My audio at .
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 13, 2019 04:01 UTC No.3761 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
4895kHz ?
7260kHz weak signal
Thanks kiwiSDR on Irkutsk !
4895kHz Mongolian Radio (Radio 1)
7260kHz P3 FM100.9 relay
6015kHz SOUTH KOREA, KBS Hanminjok Bangsong, OP song
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
Ron Howard Feb 13, 2019 04:35 UTC No.3763 BANGLADESH. 4750, Bangladesh Betar - HS, 1235-1243, Feb 11. Decent reception
of the Monday only SAARC (The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation)
news bulletin in English; “Assalamu alaikum. This is Bangladesh Betar”; news items:
India's Prime Minister has said his country is committed to good India-Bangladesh
relations; in New Delhi, memo of understanding signed at the India-Bangladesh Joint
Consultative Commission, by Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh; Bangladesh
has asked for India's assistance with returning refugees to Myanmar; usual CNR1 QRM
(// 6125), but not as heavy as usually heard; 1243 into Bangla.
BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville (Maus Blong Sankamap), 1048, Feb 12.
Political speeches; 1100-1111 NBC news in English; significant Voice of Indonesia
QRM (in English till 1100, then into Chinese).
Feb 11, on 3325, noted NBC, 1053+, with mostly political speeches; 1105-1115 news;
1145 pop songs (LeAnn Rimes - "How Do I Live?", etc.); cut off at 1157*, leaving VOI
heard with weak carrier.
Comment - Really is sad to have NBC and VOI both still here mixing together, when
most of the 90m band is empty of any stations.
CHINA. 6035, PBS Yunnan, relay of FM99, on Feb 11, with *1139, suddenly on with music;
recently observed consistent *1139 start up time.
TAIWAN. 6280.1, Sound of Hope, 1200, Feb 12. The usual OM & YL with "Xiwang zhi
sheng guoji guangbo diantai" (Sound of Hope international broadcast station) (thanks
to Amano-san's assistance); // 6230; checked again at 1209 to find 6280.1 heavily
jammed with CNR1 programming, while 6230 had no jamming at all.
3959kHz KCBS Pyongyang, etc.. -
XYZ Feb 13, 2019 08:51 UTC No.3764 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville, //3260kHz
3959kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3220kHz etc..
3990vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3959kHz 3220kHz etc..
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ, weak today..
6035kHz BHUTAN ?, weak signal
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
7290kHz INDONESIA, RRI-Nabire
9410kHz weak signal, Fu Hsing ?, heavy QRM from CRI-English on 9415kHz..
4895kHz weak signal, maybe MONGOLIA
6400kHz No signal(NK Pyongyang BS)
4272kHz CHINA, VC01 "Chinese Robot", LSB mode
7210kHz TAIWAN, SOH Sound of Hope, SA, 7209.93kHz
7210.00kHz who ? I can not catch it..
7330kHz NEW ZEALAND, RNZ, for Solomon/PNG
9635kHz VIETNAM, Voice of Vietnam 1, 9634.96kHz (ex: 9636kHz), When did it move ?
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
sat_dxer Feb 13, 2019 15:09 UTC No.3765 1566kHz HLAZ S. Korea via Trans-Pacific from 1445z 13 Feb 2019; weak audio/music
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 13, 2019 23:25 UTC No.3766 Thanks sat_dxer !
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, maybe *2300-
11665kHz MALAYSIA, RTM Sarawak FM - Wai FM, weak,(9835kHz still off air)
7435kHz VIETNAM, Voice of Vietnam 01, Moring only
11720kHz VIETNAM, Voice of Vietnam 01, Moring only
3945kHz NORTH KOREA, Echo of Unification
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, + Pips jammer(from NK)
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan FM99 relay
6200kHz CHINA, Xizang, Tibetan, relay of CNR-11 //9480kHz 7360kHz (6010kHz)
Xizang // 4905kHz 4920kHz 6025kHz 7255kHz (unknown: 6110/6130/7385 kHz)
6400kHz No signal (NK Pyongyang BS), Is electric power insufficient ?
7499kHz NORWAY, Voice of Tibet, Tibetan, (CNR-1 jammer on 7495kHz)
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
Ron Howard Feb 14, 2019 02:40 UTC No.3768 CHINA. 6035, PBS Yunnan, relay of FM99. As I have recently been
reporting, FM99 starts at *1139 and today (Feb 13), noted them still
on the air at 1612; fair-good reception.
MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, 1559-1604, Feb 13. The Wednesday
only edition of "VOA Special English," with "Huge rocks from outer space,
or asteroids, are falling from the sky more than they have in the past"; five
minute show; good signal today, so able to still hear program even after
the CRI sign on at *1559; the former VOA time slot for this show (1540+)
is now all music programs (today with songs from movies). Full transcript
and audio streaming of today's show at .
UNID 9670kHz, etc.. -
XYZ Feb 14, 2019 12:32 UTC No.3771 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
9670kHz UNID, in Vietnamese
-1234- TNX! remote PERSEUS server on Sri Lank(TNX! VG),
Siren type jamming can be heard in the background.
-1302-(noticed) No signal maybe -1300*
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 15, 2019 08:38 UTC No.3773 Note;
3260kHz weak signal
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3990vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
6400kHz NORTH KOREA, Pyongyang BS
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
9410kHz TAIWAN, Fu Hsing BS, H3E, heavy QRM from CRI-English on 9415kHz
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
sat_dxer Feb 15, 2019 14:39 UTC No.3774 774kHz JOUB NHK2 Akita Japan via Trans-Pacific from 1445z 15 Feb 2019 w/splatter from KKOH
15443kHz Kuwait Radio One 89.5 relay, 6035kHz BBS off air ?, etc. -
XYZ Feb 16, 2019 08:39 UTC No.3777 Thanks sat_dxer !
3260kHz (weak signal)
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3990vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
11665kHz MALAYSIA, RTN Sarawak FM - Wai FM
15443kHz who ?, (15433.10kHz) ==> Radio Kuwait (Arabic)
-0845- Radio One 89.5 relay, Radio Kuwait Arabic, SA at -0850-

3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3265kHz Spur, SK Voice of the People(3480kHz etc..)
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak ..
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, heavy QRM of pips jammer
6400kHz NORTH KOREA, Pyongyang BS
6035kHz No signal (BHUTAN) off air ?, -1011- no signal
7330kHz NEW ZEALAND, RNZ, new schedule since Feb 12
6070kHz NK, spur +-6kHz, 6064kHz and 6076kHz
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan PBS FM99 relay
6045kHz SK, National Unification Broadcasting
Re: UNID 9670kHz Vietnamese -
XYZ Feb 16, 2019 16:16 UTC No.3778 Thanks to Wei Wei @Twitter !
> UNID 9670kHz
> -1230-
> 9670kHz UNID, in Vietnamese
> -1234- TNX! remote PERSEUS server on Sri Lank(TNX! VG),
> Siren type jamming can be heard in the background.
> -1302-(noticed) No signal maybe -1300*
yesterday and today i am listen 9670khz in Sri lanka 's KiwiSDR and Manila Receiver
on Globaltuners ,Sri lanka KiwiSDR received very clear,Manila Receiver is Very noise
and jamming in the background.9670khz maybe Radio Dap Loi Song Nui,but to be confirmed.
Thanks WeiWei ! I did not know the existence of this broadcast..
Website :
Facebook :
YouTube :

I will monitor further.
9670kHz Radio Dap Loi Song Nui (ex 1503kHz), Thanks Wei Wei !! -
XYZ Feb 16, 2019 16:26 UTC No.3779
?ay la ?ai phat thanh ?ap L?i Song Nui, ti?ng noi c?a nh?ng ng??i Vi?t tha thi?t v?i ti?n ?? t? qu?c va h?nh phuc c?a toan dan, do L?c L??ng C?u Qu?c th?c hi?n. Phat thanh m?i ngay t? 7 gi? 30 ??n 8 gi? t?i, gi? Vi?t Nam, tren lan song ng?n 31 met, t?c la chin ngan sau tr?m b?y m??i (9670 Kilo Hertz) ky lo chu k?.
H?i S?n xin kinh chao quy thinh gi?, trong bu?i phat thanh hom nay th? N?m ngay 14 thang 02 n?m 2019, Valentines ? L? Tinh Yeu th?a quy v?, va ?ay la bu?i phat thanh l?n th? 2833 c?a ?ai ?LSN. Trong ph?n Tin T?c, chung toi co nh?ng tin chinh sau ?ay:
Audio Tin T?c …
Chi ti?t cac b?n tin neu tren s? ???c Van Khanh&??ng g?i ??n quy thinh gi? ?? m? ??u ch??ng trinh.
Sau ?o, qua chuyen m?c Chuy?n N??c Non Minh, Hoang An s? g?i ??n quy thinh gi? bai vi?t c?a tac gi? Hoang H?i Van l?m ban v? vi?c xay chua ?? r?a ti?n tham nh?ng. Gi?a ch??ng trinh la chuyen m?c Thi Ca Yeu N??c, do Gs. Ngo Qu?c S? bien so?n, tu?n nay v?i tieu ??: “Anh L?i Tr? V? ?o Sao?”. Va sau cung th?a quy v?, ch??ng trinh s? ???c k?t thuc v?i ph?n Binh Lu?n c?a Canh Co.
??c bi?t bu?i phat thanh hom nay ?? vinh danh ong Hu?nh H?u ??t m?t ng??i Vi?t yeu n??c ?ang b? giam c?m trong ng?c tu c?ng s?n.
M? ??u ch??ng trinh, m?i quy thinh gi? theo doi ph?n Tin T?c s? ???c Van Khanh&??ng Tam trinh bay sau ?ay.

mean (Google translated):
This is the Radio A Song Song radio, the voices of earnest Vietnamese people with the national ancestor and the well-being of the people, made by the Salvation Army. Broadcasting every day from 7:30 am to 8:00 pm, Vietnam time, on a 31-meter short wave, ie nine thousand six hundred and seventy (9670 Kilo Hertz) signed a cycle.
Welcome to Hai Son, listeners, in the broadcast today, Thursday, February 14, 2019, Valentines - Love Festival, and this is the 2833th radio broadcast of DLSN. In the News section, we have the following main news:
Audio News ...
Details of the above newsletters will be sent to the listeners by Van Khanh & Dong to open the program.
After that, through the story of Young Water Story, Hoang An will send to the audience the article of author Hoang Hai Van abuse discussing the construction of a temple to wash money for corruption. In the middle of the show is the section of Patriotic Poetry, by Gs. Edited by Ngo Quoc Si, this week with the title: "Are You Back That?". And finally, ladies and gentlemen, the program will end with the Comment of the Stork Wing.
Especially the broadcast today in honor of Mr. Huynh Huu Dat, a patriotic Vietnamese who is imprisoned in a communist prison.
At the beginning of the program, invite listeners to follow the section of News which will be presented by Van Khanh & Dong Tam.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 17, 2019 01:53 UTC No.3784 Note;
TAIWAN V13 - Xingxing BS
*0000- 14944kHz AM
0100- 14944kHz AM
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
7275kHz CHINA, Guizhou general radio, Chinese, *0140-
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, weak
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3991vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
4895kHz MONGILIA, Mongolian Radio (Radio 1), fair signal but weak modulation..
6035kHz No signal (BHUTAN)
7260kHz CHINA vs MONGOLIA, This time, China is stronger > Mongolia
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 17, 2019 20:24 UTC No.3788 -2012-
3220kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz which ?, weak signal
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak
7260kHz No modulation carrier, maybe Spur of CHINA CNR-1
Because of the state of the band unique to winter, the upper band can only
hear the Chinese station (CRI) and Firedrake.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 18, 2019 08:27 UTC No.3789 Note;
3220kHz No signal(NK KCBS Pyongyang), also no signal on 6400kHz, (3920kHz maybe moved to 3990kHz)
KCBS Pyongyang, on air frq : 2850kHz, 3991vkHz, 6100kHz, 9665kHz, 11680kHz
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, weak
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville, weak
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville, morning px.
3325kHz INDONESIA ?, Voice of Indonesia(tent.), fair signal but no modulation.. ?
3990kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, bad modulation..
4990kHz CHINA, Hunan PBS, Chinese
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation..
7260kHz Spur of CNR-1, CHINA
7505kHz SK, North Korea Reform Radio, Korean
7445kHz UNID, MIX with CHINA CRI, who ?
11925kHz UNID in Vietnamese, etc.. -
XYZ Feb 19, 2019 00:07 UTC No.3791 Note;
11925kHz UNID in Vietname station, QRM: CHINA CNR-1
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
(7290kHz No signal, INDONESIA)
3260kHz No signal (PNG)
3325kHz weak signal, which ?
5020kHz SOLOMON, fair signal but weak modulation..
6035kHz No signal -1052-
Yesterday, I was practicing dancing for a long time, I could not get up easily
because my lower back hurts this morning :D
7445kHz CHINA, CRI, -2122- CRI only ? UNID station(yesterday) not found..
3900kHz CHINA, Hulun Buir, Music before start
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, They are in here for a long time.
They may not change their frequencies anymore ??
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 20, 2019 08:47 UTC No.3792 Note;
3260kHz No signal(PNG)
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville, weak signal
3991vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, bad modulation..
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation..
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9
3260kHz weak signal, maybe Madang f/in..
Re: Bhutan BBS with extended schedule -
Ron Howard Feb 20, 2019 12:18 UTC No.3793 BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, on Feb 20, with extended schedule; all in English;
1019-1036, usual segment with announcers; 1036-1100, pop music
segment (Bob Dylan with "Desolation Row," etc.); 1100-1107, news;
C&W songs; 1120, warm greetings for a special program (mostly talking
about their king and some indigenous music/singing); 1133, back to
C&W songs; at *1139 hit with strong QRM from the start up of PBS
Yunnan (FM99 relay), also on 6035, making for unpleasant listening;
so BBS was on 1139+ today.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 20, 2019 12:28 UTC No.3794 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
Yes, Just now, I was listening to 6035 kHz :D
Yunnan is strong and I can not hear anything else.
At this time, Jamming from North Korea is weak.
Re: Bhutan BBS with extended schedule -
Ron Howard Feb 20, 2019 19:48 UTC No.3795 Extended schedule and special program today probably due to their king's birthday being tomorrow (February 21), so perhaps there will be a second day with extended broadcasting?
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 21, 2019 10:11 UTC No.3796 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
3220kHz No signal(KCBS Pyongyang)
3260kHz weak signal, It is not a level that can be confirmed yet..
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3991vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
4895kHz No signal (MONGOLIA)
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ, weak signal
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
6035kHz BHUTAN ?, weak signal
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3FM100.9
3220kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, backed
4895kHz UNID, India ?, I think this is not Mongolia because the signal is weak.
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan FM88 relay, Chinese
6045kHz SK, National Unification Bro., Korean
9670kHz CLANDESTINE, Radio Dap Loi Song Nui, Vietnamese, *1230-
At the same time siren type jamming(maybe from Vietname) also started.
Re: AIR Kurseong on 4895 kHz. -
Ron Howard Feb 21, 2019 13:37 UTC No.3797
> -1212-
> 4895kHz UNID, India ?, I think this is not Mongolia because
> the signal is weak.
Yes, very nice to have this one back on the air again!
INDIA. 4895, AIR Kurseong, 1216-1235, Feb 21. Started out very weak, but
improved; 1230-1235, news in English, with the New Delhi audio feed;
unreadable; only the news was // to a stronger AIR Jeypore (5040);
best in LSB due to Voice of Strait on 4900. No Mongolia noted here
Re: Bhutan BBS with extended schedule -
Ron Howard Feb 21, 2019 14:03 UTC No.3798 Feb 21, BBS broadcasting on his majesty the king's birthday; 1035-1103*;
all in English; mostly nice indigenous, repetitive music/singing, but did
again play the long song "Desolation Row," sung by Bob Dylan (1041-1053);
noted news in English at 1100, but unreadable and not as good as yesterday's
reception; cut off 1103* in mid-sentence, so not the extended broadcast as
heard yesterday.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 21, 2019 20:05 UTC No.3799 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, morning px
3325kHz INDONESIA and PNG, Voice of Indonesia and NBC-Bougainville, both fair signal
4750kHz CHINA, CNR-1, SA
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 22, 2019 10:45 UTC No.3800 Note;
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, weak
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville
3991vkHz NK, KCBS Pyongyang
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ, fair signal today
5920kHz SK, Voice of Freedom, (pips jammer)
6035kHz BHUTAN(tent.), weak signal
7260kHz CHINA, Xinjiang, Chinese, (MONGOLIA off air)
4895kHz INDIA, Kuseong(tent.), // PERSEUS server on India (TNX !!)
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan FM99 relay, Chinese
6045kHz SK, National Unification Bro.
9670kHz CLANDESTINE, Radio Dap loi Song Nui, weak signal
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan, Vietnamese, //
and //
9490kHz UNID, etc.. -
XYZ Feb 23, 2019 00:42 UTC No.3801 Note;
9490kHz CHINA, CNR-1, Jammer ?, another broadcasts are mixed.
14944kHz TAIWAN, V13 Xingxing BS, AM
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
Ron Howard Feb 23, 2019 22:50 UTC No.3804
INDIA. 4895, AIR Kurseong, Feb 23, listening at 1016 & 1102, with no
signal, so seemed as if no Mongolia today. After 1228+, was only hearing
a carrier (assume AIR), with never any trace of any audio; still with just a
carrier at last check at 1327. So they are still having issues with their
AIR Jeypore (5040) heard with the usual news in English at 1230, on
Feb 23. Long standing silence from AIR Shillong (4970) continues through
Feb 23.
KOREA NORTH[non]. 6085, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze, on Feb 23, from
1320 to 1325. Good reception with no N. Korea jamming; in Japanese;
song "Furusato" (Home) sung by the Waseda University School of Music
chorus (song at YouTube: - also via YouTube:
" 'FURUSATO', meaning 'Home,' is a beloved song in Japan. Since 3.11,
it takes on a special meaning for the Japanese all around the world: for
those living abroad and cannot come back home... for those whose
hometowns were shattered by tsunami... for those who have lost their
loved ones through the disaster... for those who are forced to live away
from home because of radiation. And for those of us in Japan who
fortunately escaped such tragedies, this song is a reminder of the fact
that the landscapes which look the same as before are actually not the
same anymore."); message from the Japanese government; emergency
siren. Thanks very much to Hiroshi (Japan) for the details of what I heard
today. My good audio at .
PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, (Maus Blong Garamut - Voice
of Indigenous Drums), 1117-1204*, Feb 23. In Pidgin; talking about "local
government"; several clear SAs ("NBC Madang"); 1130, into segment of nice
Pacific Islands songs (my audio of music at ).
[non-log] Feb 23, NBC Bougainville (3325) noted already off the air 1114+;
instead heard the Voice of Indonesia, in Chinese, via RRI Palangkaraya.
5830kHz Uzbekistan DRM, etc.. -
XYZ Feb 24, 2019 20:26 UTC No.3805 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz INDONESIA, Voice of Indonesia
4990kHz CHINA, Hunan PRS, Chinese
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak signal
5830kHz UZBEKISTAN, DRM, -2030*,
Even if demodulated from time to time it was a song,
so the language is unknown.
It seemed to have been broadcast on January 27 this year,
I found a YouTube video. Thanks to "RADIOTO bg" !

... also found the reception of today ! Thanks to "SWLDXBulgaria" !

... see also :
9490kHz UNID, etc.. -
XYZ Feb 25, 2019 00:11 UTC No.3806 Note;
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, around *2300- today
14944kHz TAIWAN, V13 Xingxing BS, *0000- AM
9490kHz CNR1 jammers(multiple) and UNID stn,
9855kHz CNR1 jammer target unknown ?
Both are continuing 9490kHz/ 9855kHz
-0100* both frq
14944kHz TAIWAN, V13 Xingxing BS, *0100- AM, (0030-0100 not found)
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 25, 2019 07:17 UTC No.3807 -0655-
4885kHz SK, Echo of Hope - VOH, *0655- Arirang, SA,

7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3FM100.9 relay, around *0700-, Bad modulation - Bass is too loud !
7290kHz INDONESIA ?, weak signal on 7289.92kHz
7420kHz CHINA, Nei-menggu, This transmitter is scattering spurs from long ago :D
11780kHz Spur, CHINA CNR-1, 11750 + (11750-11720) ??
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz weak signal and heavy QRM..
3991vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
4900kHz// 4940kHz CHINA, Voice of Strait, in Chinese,
Even after 11:00 the same program. changed PX ??
sorry, same Px in Chinese 1100-1200 UTC
** Chinese time 19:00-20:00. It seems that I missed it...
see also :
7095kHz Spur, CNR-2, in Chinese, strong signal, //7245kHz etc..
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
XYZ Feb 25, 2019 21:54 UTC No.3809 -2144-
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan PBS, - test music time - (Opening music), fair today
6145kHz CHINA, Qinghai, in Chinese, //
"?青海新??合广播 青海之声" : "Qinghai News General Broadcasting - Voice of Qinghai"
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
Ron Howard Feb 26, 2019 18:03 UTC No.3811
AUSTRALIA. 5055, Radio 4KZ, on Feb 26, with cut off at 1304*, which is about
the regular closing down time for them now.
CHINA. 6035, PBS Yunnan, with FM99 relay, on Feb 26, instead of the recently
heard *1139, today with *1140.
INDONESIA. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, via RRI Palangkaraya, 1125, on Feb 26.
In Chinese and mixing badly with NBC Bougainville.
7289.92, Pro 1 RRI Nabire, 0807-0914*, on Feb 26. Thanks very much to Dave
Valko (USA) for the reminder that this one is still active; he heard them Feb 23,
till 0932*. Today they started out very poor and slowly improved; 0807-0822,
seemed like sports coverage (suspect maybe the AFF U-22 Youth Championship
final match between Indonesia and Thailand?); 0822+, various music/singing; 0912,
start of reciting from the Qur'an. My audio, with two minutes of music and one minute
of Qur'an -
SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, SIBC (presumed), on Feb 26, was still hearing their carrier
(has been a long time now since I last had any audio from them) at 1307, so a rare day
with extended schedule past 1200.
U S A. 3264.9, WBCQ, 1115, on Feb 26, which was close to their sunrise; playing pop
songs (Jim Croce with "I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song" and The Monkees with
"I'm a Believer," etc.); close to being fair reception, but faded down quickly.
UNID 11925kHz in Vietnamese ==> RTI, etc.. -
XYZ Feb 26, 2019 23:12 UTC No.3812 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
> RRI-Nabire
FB audio !! A wonderful sound has arrived to California ! :D
> 3265kHz
In my location, spurious from Korean station is out so it may be difficult to receive.
> 6035kHz Yunnan
This station seems to have a day with a different end time depending on the day of the
week, but I can not confirm it because I am already sleeping ... zzZZZ :D
I always appreciate the great report !!
5050kHz CHINA, BBR, BBR jingle song
5970kHz CHINA, Gannan + CNR1 jammer(maybe vs RFA-Tibetan on co-channel)
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan, weak signal
7260kHz No signal(MONGOLIA)
7435kHz VIETNAM, Voice of Vietnam 1, //11720kHz
6020kHz VIETNAM, Voice of Vietnam 1, //11720kHz
.. confirming with Live Stream, VOV1 and VOV 4 were the same program.
maybe it is relaying VOV1.
6035kHz CHINA, Yunnan, FM99 relay,
see also:
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, Already started..,
It seems to have started a little after 23:00.
6200kHz CHINA, Xizang, CNR-11 relay, //9480kHz 7360kHz,
see also:
11925kHz UNID, Who is hearing behind CNR-1 ? ,
see also:
TNX PERSEUS server (JA4ICR) ! CNR-1 is overwhelmingly strong
signal at my location, but the Vietnamese language station is
stronger on the south side of Japan !! It is too different!
BTW, Who is this Vietnamese statiom ?
This is Radio Taiwan International - Vietnamese program:
Radio Taiwan International - Vietnamese new schedule :
UNID 9490kHz, etc.. -
XYZ Feb 27, 2019 00:52 UTC No.3814 -0040-
6035kHz No signal, I can not confirm whether this time is broadcasting or not.
I wanted to investigate Yunnan's morning broadcasting time, but it seems
impossible at my location.
9490kHz UNID, target of CNR-1 jammers, who ?,
-0100* CNR-1 stopped all at once.
3260kHz, 3325kHz both weak signal today
3991vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Mongolian Radio (Radio 1), //
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
6035kHz BHUTAN ?, weak signal
Re: Myanmar Radio -
Ron Howard Feb 27, 2019 14:09 UTC No.3817 MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, on Feb 27, at 1151 live coverage
(TV audio feed), in vernacular, of the women's (under 16) championship
football/soccer match between Myanmar and China, held at Mandalar
Thiri stadium, in Mandalay; background sound of the fans there;
preempted regular programs; cut away to a music segment during
the half-time break; 1233, back to live coverage.
YouTube full coverage of today's game at
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(19) : -
Ron Howard Feb 28, 2019 18:54 UTC No.3818 BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville (Maus Blong Sankamap), 1022-1156*,
Feb 28. Above average reception; EZL songs; 1031, segment with public service
info about campaign to end violence against children; back to music; 1102-1111,
in Pidgin, with the "Regional News"; followed by discussion in Pidgin, about
education in Bougainville ("primary and secondary schools . . . community
college . . . students . . ."); 1134 till suddenly cut off at 1156* with pop music;
from time-to-time light VOI QRM, but with heavy QRN (static).
VIETNAM [non]. 9670, Radio Dap Loi Song Nui (Vietnam Democracy Radio)
(presumed), ex: 1503 kHz., on Feb 27, with the best reception heard so far;
at 1240, in Vietnamese and playing some music; sounded like Vietnam siren
jamming and also adjacent QRM; overall poor reception, but clearly in
Vietnamese. My audio (one minute talk, then singing) at
3959kHz NK, etc.. -
XYZ Feb 28, 2019 20:56 UTC No.3819 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !
3255kHz Spur, Voice of the People, // 3480kHz etc..
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3345kHz Spur, Voice of the People, // 3480kHz etc..
3370kHz Spur, Voice of the People, // 3480kHz etc..
3959kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3220kHz etc..
3991vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3220kHz etc..
6400kHz test tone signal (1kHz), maybe *2100-
7505kHz SK, North Korea Reform Radio