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Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ --- XYZ - May 01 (Wed), 2019 09:23 UTC No.3965
Here is a new thread for logging of broadcasts in Asia and elsewhere.
Posting URL for this thread : https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:3965#RES

Previous Thread:
Asia - Pacific DX log(20): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:3820
Asia - Pacific DX log(19): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:3630
Asia - Pacific DX log(18): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:3548
Asia - Pacific DX log(17): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:3419
Asia - Pacific DX log(16): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:3235
Asia - Pacific DX log(15): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:3100
Asia - Pacific DX log(14): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:2898
Asia - Pacific DX log(13): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:2683
Asia - Pacific DX log(12): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:2535
Asia - Pacific DX log(11): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:2360
Asia - Pacific DX log(10): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:2218
Asia - Pacific DX log (9): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:2019
Asia - Pacific DX log (8): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:1741
Asia - Pacific DX log (7): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:1646
Asia - Pacific DX log (6): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:1457
Asia - Pacific DX log (5): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:1290
Asia - Pacific DX log (4): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:1037
Asia - Pacific DX log (3): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:735
Asia - Pacific DX log (2): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:421
Asia - Pacific DX log (1): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:144

Please post topics of broadcasting in the Asia-Pacific region and elsewhere.
And also information of other areas is OK. TNX! and FBDXing !!

Re: Myanmar Radio - Ron Howard May 01 (Wed), 2019 15:27 UTC No.3966
MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, on May 1 (Wednesday). Random listening
1120-1333. Highlights:

1120 - Just missed their start up (normally starting closer to 1130); noted // 9730
(which normally signs off about 1130, but that was not confirmed today).

1130 - The usual station's song ("kilohertz ... kilohertz ... kilohertz ...Radio") and
indigenous theme music. My audio at http://bit.ly/2ZNSjRv .

1320 - "Learning English with BBC, Burmese"; fairly readable. Frankly this series
of language lessons is boring! Formerly Myanmar carried "Say It In English" series
about the light hearted misadventures of "Tom," that made for some enjoyable
listening, but not so with the BBC series. My BBC audio at http://bit.ly/2LhvXow .


Re: NBC Bougainville still silent and now VOI carrier also off the air - Ron Howard May 02 (Thu), 2019 13:04 UTC No.3967
May 2 - Yet another day that NBC Bougainville has been off the air during random checking 
0902 till 1210. What was interesting today was the fact that the Voice of Indonesia carrier
was also off the air. So 3325 had no station at all there today; completely clear frequency.

We can only hope that maybe Palangkaraya is working today to correct the long standing
problem of no audio?


Re: CHBC and Voice of Freedom - Ron Howard May 02 (Thu), 2019 21:52 UTC No.3968
CHINA. 6185, China Huayi Broadcast Co. (CHBC) (presumed), on May 2, tuned into
open carrier at 0928; at 0930, start of program in Chinese; up till 1000, seemed to be
some sports reporting, as sound of the crowd heard in the background; some pop
songs. Decent signal. My audio at http://bit.ly/2vFA7M1 .

Have sent off a reception report to Jonathan Short (Qiao Xiaoli), asking for confirmation,
but am not sure if he is still active? The last I knew he was living in Changshu (Jiangsu

KOREA SOUTH. 5920, Voice of Freedom, 1010, on May 2. Start of program in Korean
after the news; 1015 into another program; as usual was jammed by N. Korea, but VOF's
signal was cutting through the QRM fairly well. My six minute audio at http://bit.ly/2DHt4He .


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard May 04 (Sat), 2019 04:56 UTC No.3969
BANGLADESH. 4750, Bangladesh Betar, on May 3, tuned in at 1209, to only hear CNR1; 
1226 start of the BB test tone; 1228, test tone ended and start of BB IS; 1230, into English,
till 1300 test tone again. This is still the BB External Service and no trace of VOI/Makassar.

BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, on May 3, tuned in at 1309 and surprised to hear an announcer
underneath the usual FM99 (PBS Yunnan). Yes, BBS with a greatly extended schedule
today; able to ID at 1317, with clearly heard unique indigenous music and cut off at 1317*;
as usual bothered by jamming spur of 6045 (National Unity Radio). Only wish I had tuned
in earlier.

INDONESIA. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, via RRI Palangkaraya, on May 3, at 1204 & 1320, had a
carrier (no audio); back here after being absent yesterday.

[non-log] 4750 (4749.943 kHz., thanks to Mauno), checking for VOI/Makassar being reported here,
but not heard during May 3, checking 1209+.


5884/5926kHz Spur from 5905kHz, etc.. - XYZ May 04 (Sat), 2019 12:31 UTC No.3970

3325kHz No (or very weak) modulation ??, maybe INDONESIA
3995vkHz NORTH OREA, KCBS Pyongyang, (3920kHz/3959kHz no signal)
5884vkHz NORTH KOREA, Echo of Unification, // 5905kHz + 5926vkHz maybe SPUR: 5905kHz +- 21kHz, both strong signal

Re: Bhutan - BBS - Ron Howard May 04 (Sat), 2019 15:39 UTC No.3971
BHUTAN. May 4 - An unusually good day for BBS (6035), especially considering the 
usual FM99 (PBS Yunnan) and the N. Korea jamming spur QRM; second day with
much longer than normal broadcast; 1114-1300*. Highlights:

1114-1200: In English; mostly pop songs (Led Zeppelin with "Stairway To Heaven," etc.),
except announcers 1120-1138 and with *1139 start up of FM99 (PBS Yunnan) and at
*1145 start up of N. Korea jamming spur.

1230-1247: Clearly in vernacular with interview.

1247-1300*: Unique indigenous music/chanting/singing.

Still a challenge to hear BBS, but here is my four minute audio (two of Led Zeppelin and two
of indigenous music/chanting/singing) at http://bit.ly/2H1s4Qa .


Re: Bhutan again with extended schedule - Ron Howard May 05 (Sun), 2019 14:39 UTC No.3973

May 5 (Sunday) - BBS (6035) again heard (1038-1242*) with third day of extended
schedule; unusual propagation, as this was probably the earliest that I have been
able to hear BBS. Highlights:

1038-1100: Pop songs. The N. Korean jamming spur was already on the air here,
causing heavy QRM, which was on during all of my listening today.

1100-1110: News in English (unreadable).

1110-1200: DJ in English playing pop songs (Eagles with "Take It Easy," etc.) and giving
phone number to request songs. The usual segment 1120-1134 with announcers; the
normal *1139 sudden start up of FM99, via PBS Yunnan.

1200-1216: Monologue in vernacular.

1216-1220: Unique indigenous stringed instrument music.

1220-1242*: The usual Sunday karaoke type program with children calling in and singing
over the phone with no music; suddenly cut off. After BBS closed down, only FM99 and
jamming heard here. My brief audio a https://app.box.com/s/02lyasd35j23bbd1g7l8x53obsw75fiq .


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard May 06 (Mon), 2019 15:18 UTC No.3974
BHUTAN - May 6 - After three days of extended BBS schedule on 6035 kHz., today 
back to a more normal cut off time; 1142, pop western songs (Ray Charles, etc.), but
with serious transmitter problems, with audio quickly cutting off and on repeatedly; after
1150 not heard again, leaving just FM99 and strong jamming spur.

INDONESIA. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, via RRI Palangkaraya, on May 6, suddenly on
at *1058. Amazed to actually hear some audio; at first unable to make out the language,
but by 1105, clearly in stilted Chinese; mostly poor to very poor reception; only rarely able
to determine the language; 1218, decent audio with Japanese, but again only briefly
heard at a useable level; 1259, went to English, with the news (item about the start of
Ramadan, etc.); overall unusable, but definitely with audio today, the first time in quite a
while. This improvement due to Ramadan?

The bad news here is that through May 6, NBC Bougainville has been silent now for a while

VIETNAM. 7155, VOV, on May 6, tuned in to hear French, just as the audio ended at 1327,
with transmitter off at 1329; didn't have time to check // 7285; strong signal today; better
than I have ever heard them here.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - XYZ May 07 (Tue), 2019 11:44 UTC No.3975

3920/3959/3993vkHz No signal (KCBS Pyongyang)
4895kHz MONGOLIA ?, fair signal but no (or very weak) modulation ?
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom

4895kHz MONGOLIA, Mongolian Radio (Radio 1), // http://www.mnb.mn/live/radio1

5905kHz NORTH KOREA, Echo of Unification, + SPUR 5883kHz and 5927kHz (both strong signal)
9100kHz SOUTH KOREA, Echo of Hope, No jamming (NK)

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - XYZ May 08 (Wed), 2019 10:16 UTC No.3976

3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, weak signal
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
4895kHz No signal (MONGOLIA)
4965kHz UNID weak signal, LA ?
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay

Re: Shiokaze change of frequencies - Ron Howard May 08 (Wed), 2019 14:24 UTC No.3977
KOREA NORTH[non]. 5980, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze, ex: 5920, on May 8, at 1329. Another 
terrible frequency assignment, going up against a stronger New Zealand signal on 5980,
from 1300 to 1400; // 6040 (ex: 6070), which had good signal strength, but bothered by
strong QRM from the N. Korea jamming of 6045.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - XYZ May 10 (Fri), 2019 10:32 UTC No.3980

3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
3897vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, (3920/3959kHz No signal)
4895kHz MONGOLIA ?, weak signal
5055kHz AUSTRALI, Radio 4KZ, weak
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedon, No jammer in this time..
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
7285kHz VIETNAM, Opening music, See also : https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:303#3248

7260kHz Mongolia main px relay, NK EOU SKD ?, etc.. - XYZ May 10 (Fri), 2019 23:13 UTC No.3982

5970kHz No signal (CHINA Gannan), also 3990kHz ?(TNX kiwiSDR in CHINA)
7260kHz MONGOLIA, Mongolian Radio(Radio 1) relay, // http://www.mnb.mn/live/radio1, (NOT P3FM100.9 relay)

5905kHz No signal (NK Echo of Unification) maybe -2300* ??, changed SKD ??

???? ?? 7?~9? ? 1?~3? ?? 9?~11? ?????
?? : 6250KHz, 5905KHz, 3970KHz
??? : 97.8MHz, 97MHz, 89.4MHz

Broadcast time
Morning 2200-2400(UTC)
Daytime 0400-0600(UTC)
Nighttime 1200-1400(UTC)

Frequency guide
Shortwave : 6250KHz, 5905KHz, 3970KHz
Microwave : 97.8 MHz, 97 MHz, 89.4 MHz
** Not changed by their website announcement.

Re: 7260kHz Mongolia main px relay, NK EOU SKD ?, 5884vkHz Radio Rossii, etc.. - XYZ May 11 (Sat), 2019 00:03 UTC No.3983
7260kHz MONGOLIA, Mongolian Radio, NOT P3FM100.9 relay, // http://www.mnb.mn/live/radio1

7260kHz MONGOLIA, Mongolian Radio, NOT P3FM100.9 relay, // http://www.mnb.mn/live/radio1
*2300-0200- Mongolian Radio (Radio 1) relay

3260/3325kHz both no signal
3987vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, (3920/3959kHz No signal)
4895kHz MONGOLIA, Mongolian Radio (Radio 1) relay, weak modulation, // 7260kHz, // http://www.mnb.mn/live/radio1

5884vkHz RUSSIA, Radio Rossii, SA at 1000 in Russian, (add: -1049* or Moved... )


4820kHz JAMMING ??, (** See att GIF), The waveform is similar to jamming from North Korea...??

4557kHz JAMMING stopped at 1915, No modulation strong carrier only..

7260kHz MONGOLIA, Mongolian Radio (Radio 1) relay is continuing.., 4895kHz weak signal & heavy QRM from 4900kHz CHINA

3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, What time did it start ?
3325kHz INDONESIA ?, heavy QRM
7260kHz MONGOLIA, Mongolian Radio (Radio 1) relay

9575kHz UNID, CNR1 Jamming + UNID stn, (both CNR1 ??)
see also : https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:2125
https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:2142 , TNX Ron Howard !!

7260kHz MNB Mongolian Radio relay, etc.. - XYZ May 11 (Sat), 2019 23:10 UTC No.3984
5970kHz No signal (CHINA Gannan), see also : https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:3982
SKD changed ?
3990kHz weak signal but UNID...

7260kHz MONGOLIA, *2300-, Mongolian Radio (Radio 1) // http://www.mnb.mn/live/radio1, 4895kHz No signal
weak signal today..

5905kHz NORTH KOREA, Echo of Unification
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, +pips jammer
5970kHz No signal No jamming, (both CHINA)

7260kHz MNB P3 FM100.9 relay, etc.. - XYZ May 12 (Sun), 2019 07:54 UTC No.3986
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, // http://www.mnb.mn/live/radio3

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - XYZ May 14 (Tue), 2019 09:08 UTC No.3987

3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
3987vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, // http://www.mnb.mn/live/radio3
7325kHz weak signal..

7260kHz UNID Chinese (Not CNR1), mixing with Mongolia
See also (Thanks HIROSHI !) : http://hiroshi.mediacat-blog.jp/e134595.html

Re: BBS/Bhutan heard, with FM99 (PBS Yunnan) off the air on 6035 kHz. - Ron Howard May 14 (Tue), 2019 19:15 UTC No.3989

BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, on May 14, segment with announcers in English 1120-1134;
with pop songs 1134-1150*; the N. Korea jamming spur started at *1141. FM99 relay
via PBS Yunnan was off the air; not on at their normal *1139, nor through random
checking till 1254. FM99 also noted silent here on May 11.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - XYZ May 15 (Wed), 2019 08:32 UTC No.3990

3986vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
5006/8006kHz JAPAN, HFD, no ID CW yet
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, // http://www.mnb.mn/live/radio3

3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang,
3325kHz Bougainville ?, -0924* (weak signal)
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
7325kHz No signal ? (PNG)

11965kHz TWR (Guam ?), in Indonesian, new SKD ?, -0945 IS, *0945-

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard May 16 (Thu), 2019 00:15 UTC No.3991

BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, on May 15, from 1143 till suddenly off at 1151*; pop songs;
very decent reception due to FM99 (relayed via PBS Yunnan) again being off the
air today and the N. Korea jamming spur had not yet started up. Is wonderful
to hear BBS without the usual QRM.

BOUGAINVILLE[non-log]. 3325, NBC Bougainville, still silent through May 15,
checking from 1024+. This has been rather a long time for them to be off the air!

INDONESIA. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, via RRI Palangkaraya, on May 15, from
1302+, in English; slightly better than yesterdays reception; same format; 1312,
"Commentary" about USA/Russian relations; 1315, "Today in History" (this date
in 1972, Okinawa returned to Japan, etc.); my sunrise today was at 1300 UT.

Ramadan - Recently checking the various RRI sites (Ternate, Wamena, Merauke,
etc.), but found nothing reactivated.

KOREA SOUTH. 4885, Echo of Hope - VOH, 1240, on May 15 (Wednesday). Very
good reception of the podcast program "Easy English," which was in English and
Korean; announced as a "Friday" show.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, (Maus Blong Garamut - Voice of Indigenous
Drums), 1152-1210*, on May 15. Mostly pop Pacific Islands songs, except for surprising
religious (Christian) spot by an excited preacher in English; reception well above the norm.
Madang is now running some commercial announcements.


Re: CW on 5006 (assume JG2XA) - Ron Howard May 16 (Thu), 2019 14:31 UTC No.3992

JAPAN. 5006, JG2XA, after several months of testing their transmitters with
just a carrier on air, on May 16, noted in CW at 1222; didn't check 8006. This
is a HF-Doppler (HFD) Project. My audio at http://bit.ly/2HkQ68V . Assume
this is still a low powered station as it was in the past (200 watts?).


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard May 16 (Thu), 2019 15:47 UTC No.3993
BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, on May 16, from 1114 till suddenly off at 1156*; usual format; YL DJ 
in English (almost readable) playing pop songs (Calum Scott with "You Are The Reason,"
etc.); very nice to find another day that FM99 (relayed via PBS Yunnan) was still off the air;
*1145, start of the N. Korea jamming spur, but BBS was holding up fairly well through the
QRM. Today was one of the better days for BBS reception!

INDONESIA. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, via RRI Palangkaraya, on May 16, at 1025, nothing
heard here (no NBC Bougainville) and no VOI carrier; at *1053, VOI carrier came on, but no
audio today; still no audio being heard through 1215. So was fortunate that I had two days of
decent reception, with readable audio.


Re: CW on 5006 (assume JG2XA) - Ron Howard May 16 (Thu), 2019 19:06 UTC No.3994
RE: CW on 5006

- - - posted to WOR iog:

from Glenn Hauser:

1:39 clip. Sending a lot of numbers, no ID perceived (gh, DXLD)

from Steve McDonald:

An exciting catch Ron. Seems to consist a combinations of numbers and the odd letter.
The last bit is a “QSY 36”. I wonder if they actually changed frequency or if you just
stopped recording at that point? No actual ID sent. Hopefully they continue!

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - XYZ May 16 (Thu), 2019 22:15 UTC No.3995

3920kHz NORTH KOREA,KCBS Pyongyang,
3987vkHz NORTH KOREA,KCBS Pyongyang, //3920kHz
5905kHz NORTH KOREA, Echo oh Unification
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom

Re: CW on 5006 (assume JG2XA) - Ron Howard May 17 (Fri), 2019 13:09 UTC No.3996
Clearly this CW is NOT JG2XA (Japan). May 17, again heard it at the same time, but 
was certainly NOT // 8006 (which just had the usual open carrier). Afraid I was so excited
yesterday to finally hear CW on 5006, that I forgot to check the //.

So who is the CW on 5006? Is it new, or did I just miss it in the past?


Re: CW on 5006 - XYZ May 17 (Fri), 2019 13:22 UTC No.3997
I have not received a reply yet, but I was inquiring to them this morning. :D

Re: 5006/8006kHz HFD, etc.. - XYZ May 20 (Mon), 2019 22:45 UTC No.3998

Sorry, Bad weather continues here, and radio reception is interrupted due to the thunder.

3920kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, //3986vkHz etc..

5006/8006kHz UEC HFD (JG2XA) :
Thanks to Mr. Hosokawa (Email):
Currently, it takes time to build a receiving system, and we can not get time
to re-send the sending system.
We hope that we will be able to contact you again once we can send Morse.
Thank you for your continued support.
** Google translation to English

UEC website : http://www.ssre.uec.ac.jp/english/
"UEC HF Doppler" page does not seem to exist yet..

Re: Echo of Hope - VOH change of program schedule? - Ron Howard May 21 (Tue), 2019 13:40 UTC No.3999

KOREA SOUTH. 4885, Echo of Hope - VOH. Change of program schedule? On May 20 & 21,
found that the usual "Easy English" language lesson (1240-1300) was not carried; instead a
music show and in Korean. May 21 - there was no 9100 heard at all. Others heard as usual
with 3985 // 5995 // 6250 // 6350.

Was "Easy English" dropped from the schedule or was it re-scheduled to a different time?


Re: Echo of Hope - VOH change of program schedule? - XYZ May 21 (Tue), 2019 13:52 UTC No.4000

This broadcast may be changed as the program changes every year.

The previous programs are below:

Time Korean English translation Japanese translation
1st program:
00-15 ??? ?? (oneul-ui sosig) Today's news 今日の消息
15-25 ?? ?? ?? (haeoe dongpo nondan) Overseas Koreans Forum 海外同胞論壇
25-28 ??? ??? ??? (huimang-ui meali kaempein) Echo oh Hope Campaign 希望のこだま キャンペーン
26-60 ??????, ?? ??? (annyeonghasibnikka, dongpo yeoleobun) ANNYEONGHASIBNIKKA Compatriots

2nd program:
00-15 ??? ?? (oneul-ui sosig) Today's news 今日の消息
15-45 ?? ??? (bangsong jwadamhoe) Broadcast Conversation 放送座談
45-54 ?? KOREA (tong-il KOREA) Featured drama "Korea Unification" 特集ドラマ
54-60 music songs

3rd program: **External program
00-38 ?? ??? (saengsaeng kolia) Live Korea 生生コリア
38-57 Easy English Easy English
57-60 ?? ??(bangsong annae) Broadcasting information

Time Korean English translation Japanese translation

1500 (Program update **New program start)

1500-1800 *123 program
1500-1515 ??? ?? (oneul-ui sosig) Today's news 今日の消息
1515-1525 ?? ?? ?? (haeoe dongpo nondan) Overseas Koreans Forum 海外同胞論壇
1525-1528 ??? ??? ??? (huimang-ui meali kaempein) Echo oh Hope Campaign キャンペーン
1526-1600 ??????, ?? ??? (annyeonghasibnikka, dongpo yeoleobun) ANNYEONGHASIBNIKKA Compatriots

1600-1615 ??? ?? (oneul-ui sosig) Today's news 今日の消息
1615-1645 ?? ??? (bangsong jwadamhoe) Broadcast Conversation 放送座談
1645-1654 ?? KOREA (tong-il KOREA) Featured drama "Korea Unification" 特集ドラマ
1654-1700 music songs

1700-1738 ?? ??? (saengsaeng kolia) Live Korea 生生コリア
1738-1757 Easy English Easy English
1757-1800 ?? ??(bangsong annae) Broadcasting information

1800-2100 *123 program
1800-1815 ??? ?? (oneul-ui sosig) Today's news 今日の消息
1815-1825 ?? ?? ?? (haeoe dongpo nondan) Overseas Koreans Forum 海外同胞論壇
1825-1828 ??? ??? ??? (huimang-ui meali kaempein) Echo oh Hope Campaign キャンペーン
1826-1900 ??????, ?? ??? (annyeonghasibnikka, dongpo yeoleobun) ANNYEONGHASIBNIKKA Compatriots

1900-1915 ??? ?? (oneul-ui sosig) Today's news 今日の消息
1915-1945 ?? ??? (bangsong jwadamhoe) Broadcast Conversation 放送座談
1945-1954 ?? KOREA (tong-il KOREA) Featured drama "Korea Unification" 特集ドラマ
1954-2000 music songs

2000-2038 ?? ??? (saengsaeng kolia) Lively Korea 生生コリア
2038-2057 Easy English Easy English
2057-2100 ?? ??(bangsong annae) Broadcasting information

2100-2300 *12 program
2100-2115 ??? ?? (oneul-ui sosig) Today's news 今日の消息
2115-2125 ?? ?? ?? (haeoe dongpo nondan) Overseas Koreans Forum 海外同胞論壇
2125-2128 ??? ??? ??? (huimang-ui meali kaempein) Echo oh Hope Campaign キャンペーン
2126-2200 ??????, ?? ??? (annyeonghasibnikka, dongpo yeoleobun) ANNYEONGHASIBNIKKA Compatriots

2200-2215 ??? ?? (oneul-ui sosig) Today's news 今日の消息
2215-2245 ?? ??? (bangsong jwadamhoe) Broadcast Conversation 放送座談
2245-2254 ?? KOREA (tong-il KOREA) Featured drama "Korea Unification" 特集ドラマ
2254-2300 music songs

2300-0100 *12 program
2300-2315 ??? ?? (oneul-ui sosig) Today's news 今日の消息
2315-2325 ?? ?? ?? (haeoe dongpo nondan) Overseas Koreans Forum 海外同胞論壇
2325-2328 ??? ??? ??? (huimang-ui meali kaempein) Echo oh Hope Campaign キャンペーン
2326-2400 ??????, ?? ??? (annyeonghasibnikka, dongpo yeoleobun) ANNYEONGHASIBNIKKA Compatriots

0000-0015 ??? ?? (oneul-ui sosig) Today's news 今日の消息
0015-0045 ?? ??? (bangsong jwadamhoe) Broadcast Conversation 放送座談
0045-0054 ?? KOREA (tong-il KOREA) Featured drama "Korea Unification" 特集ドラマ
0054-0100 music songs

(*0655)0700-1000 *123 program
*0655-0700 (Broadcast start)
0700-0715 ??? ?? (oneul-ui sosig) Today's news 今日の消息
0715-0725 ?? ?? ?? (haeoe dongpo nondan) Overseas Koreans Forum 海外同胞論壇
0725-0728 ??? ??? ??? (huimang-ui meali kaempein) Echo oh Hope Campaign キャンペーン
0726-0800 ??????, ?? ??? (annyeonghasibnikka, dongpo yeoleobun) ANNYEONGHASIBNIKKA Compatriots

0800-0815 ??? ?? (oneul-ui sosig) Today's news 今日の消息
0815-0845 ?? ??? (bangsong jwadamhoe) Broadcast Conversation 放送座談
0845-0854 ?? KOREA (tong-il KOREA) Featured drama "Korea Unification" 特集ドラマ
0854-0900 music songs

0900-0938 ?? ??? (saengsaeng kolia) Lively Korea 生生コリア
0938-0957 Easy English Easy English
0957-1000 ?? ??(bangsong annae) Broadcasting information

1000-1300 *123 program
1000-1015 ??? ?? (oneul-ui sosig) Today's news 今日の消息
1015-1025 ?? ?? ?? (haeoe dongpo nondan) Overseas Koreans Forum 海外同胞論壇
1025-1028 ??? ??? ??? (huimang-ui meali kaempein) Echo oh Hope Campaign キャンペーン
1026-1100 ??????, ?? ??? (annyeonghasibnikka, dongpo yeoleobun) ANNYEONGHASIBNIKKA Compatriots

1100-1115 ??? ?? (oneul-ui sosig) Today's news 今日の消息
1115-1145 ?? ??? (bangsong jwadamhoe) Broadcast Conversation 放送座談
1145-1154 ?? KOREA (tong-il KOREA) Featured drama "Korea Unification" 特集ドラマ
1154-1200 music songs

1200-1238 ?? ??? (saengsaeng kolia) Lively Korea 生生コリア
1238-1257 Easy English Easy English
1257-1300 ?? ??(bangsong annae) Broadcasting information

1300-1500 *12 program
1300-1315 ??? ?? (oneul-ui sosig) Today's news 今日の消息
1315-1325 ?? ?? ?? (haeoe dongpo nondan) Overseas Koreans Forum 海外同胞論壇
1325-1328 ??? ??? ??? (huimang-ui meali kaempein) Echo oh Hope Campaign キャンペーン
1326-1400 ??????, ?? ??? (annyeonghasibnikka, dongpo yeoleobun) ANNYEONGHASIBNIKKA Compatriots

1400-1415 ??? ?? (oneul-ui sosig) Today's news 今日の消息
1415-1445 ?? ??? (bangsong jwadamhoe) Broadcast Conversation 放送座談
1445-1454 ?? KOREA (tong-il KOREA) Featured drama "Korea Unification" 特集ドラマ
1454-1500 music songs

** "Today's News" is a weekly comprehensive version on Sunday and Monday.
** "Lively Korea" is KBS World Radio Korea Broadcasting, re-edits some corners and broadcasts.
** "Easy English" is a program of podcasts of Korea EBS Radio.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - XYZ May 22 (Wed), 2019 09:28 UTC No.4001

3260kHz PNG,NBC-Madang
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
3989vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, (3920/3959kHz No signal)
5920kHz SOUTHKOREA, Voice of Freedom
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9relay, // http://www.mnb.mn/live/radio3
7325kHz (weak signal)

** Sunrise time = 19:19 UTC
The sunrise time was so fast that morning monitoring became difficult...

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - XYZ May 24 (Fri), 2019 09:53 UTC No.4002

3220kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang, good signal today
3320kHz NORTH KOREA, Pyonyang BS, // 6400kHz etc..
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
3987vkHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang, (3920/3959kHz No signal)
5020kHz SOLOMON, fair to good signal
5055kHz (tent.)AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
5945kHz NEW ZEALAND, good signal
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay
7325kHz No signal (PNG)

Re: Voice of Freedom (5920 kHz.) not jammed - Ron Howard May 25 (Sat), 2019 14:58 UTC No.4003

KOREA SOUTH. 5920, Voice of Freedom, 1300, May 25. A very rare event to
find no N. Korean jamming here; only some very light adjacent QRM; earlier
certainly had the normal heavy pulsating noise jamming; yesterday at the same
time also no jamming. Needs more monitoring to find out just when the jamming
is being turned off and will it be a regular daily event? My six minute audio at
http://bit.ly/2EyBelF .


Re: Voice of Freedom (5920 kHz.) not jammed - Ron Howard May 26 (Sun), 2019 15:14 UTC No.4004
May 26, a third day with jamming going off the air. Jamming closed down sometime 
after hearing it at 1306 today; checking at 1321, found the jamming gone and good
VOF reception. My audio at http://bit.ly/2wmBC2m .


Re: Solomon Islands - earthquake - Ron Howard May 27 (Mon), 2019 14:49 UTC No.4005

SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, SIBC - the Voice of the Nation. On May 27, at 0925 UTC,
Solomon Islands had an earthquake. So SIBC increased the audio level today and
extended their broadcasting time well past 1200; from 1154 to 1201, with the usual
"Evening Devotional," closing ID in English and National Anthem; 1201-1316+, over
an hour of non-stop pop songs in English, with never any announcements or SA, so
assume this was not a Wantok FM relay, which in the past was noted with frequent
SAs between the songs, whenever running past the normal sign off time (1200*). All
I usually hear is a carrier, with no trace of any audio, so today was a treat for me!

Earthquake info - http://bit.ly/2YOqUO7 .


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - XYZ May 28 (Tue), 2019 08:57 UTC No.4008

6070kHz NORTHKOREA, Voice of Korea, in Japanese, -0850*
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM 100.9 relay, // http://www.mnb.mn/live/radio3
7325kHz (weak signal), who ?

3260kHz (tent.) PNG NBC-Madang, fade in ..
3325kHz No signal (PNG)

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard May 31 (Fri), 2019 04:34 UTC No.4009
BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, on both May 29 and 30, at 1125*, noted closing down somewhat 
earlier than usual; unfortunate they went off so early, as there was no QRM from the N.
Korea jamming spur (6045 - see KOREA); for me the best BBS reception is about 1150,
when they actually run that late; always the same format; at times almost readable in

CHINA. 6155, CNR2 (China Business Radio), 1201, on May 30. The usual good reception
of the comedy/variety show "Haiyang Live," in Chinese; program is often heard on CNR2.

KOREA NORTH [non]. 6045, National Unity Radio, *1200, on May 29. The N. Korea jamming
started at *1158; strong jamming. My audio at http://bit.ly/2MkPkO3 .

MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, on May 30, at 1141. Live coverage (TV audio feed), in
vernacular, of the football/soccer match between Myanmar (under 22) and Korean Pohang
Steelers, with "International Friendly Game," being held at Thuwunna Stadium, in Yangon;
preempted regular programming; fair.

Youtube full coverage - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7Usmf5e-aQ .


6520/6600kHz new SKD ?, etc.. - XYZ Jun 02 (Sun), 2019 00:24 UTC No.4010

5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, +pips jammer
5995kHz SOUTH KOREA, Echo of Hope, good signal , No jammer
6100kHz NORTH KOREA, KCBS Pyongyang
6350kHz SOUTH KOREA, Echo of Hope, good signal , No jammer, //5995kHz
6400kHz NORTH KOREA, Pyongyang BS
6520kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of the People, Nojammer, //6600kHz, New SKD ??
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, // http://www.mnb.mn/live/radio3
9100kHz SOUTH KOREA, Echo of Hope, +pips jammer

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard Jun 02 (Sun), 2019 05:03 UTC No.4013
BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, 1150-1158*, May 31. N. Korean jamming spur already on the air;
FM99 (PBS Yunnan) still silent (both frequencies [7210] down for maintenance?); in
English; DJ playing pop songs till suddenly off (Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band -
"Against the Wind," etc.). Any day I'm able to actually ID their songs, is a good day
for me!

CHINA. 4990, PBS Hunan, 1235, on June 1. Better than average signal; in Chinese.

6105, Firedragon & CNR1 (// 6125), at 1126, June 1. Double jamming of RTI, which
was not heard. Is there a specific type of news event that triggers them using the
double jamming? Normally just CNR1 jamming.

INDONESIA. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, via RRI Palangkaraya, 1105, June 1. Already
on the air in Chinese; checked at 1225, to hear Japanese; 1300, into English with the
news (less than semi-readable, but better than normal audio); 1310* cut off, back again
*1315 (off the air for "Today In History"). Today is Pancasila Day, a public holiday that
celebrates the birthday of Pancasila, the state ideology of Indonesia. Was the audio at
above average levels today due to holiday?

MALAYSIA. 11665, Wai FM via Kajang (on the west coast of the Malaysia peninsular),
1230-1317, on May 31. In vernacular; mostly phone calls and a few pop songs; 1300-1309,
news (Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohamad, meet in
Tokyo today to improve trade relations between Tokyo and Kuala Lumpur, etc.); several "Wai
FM" SAs. Finally the reception here today and also June 1, heard at levels similar to those
noted a few years ago; respectable signal, with some adjacent QRM.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, (Maus Blong Garamut - Voice of Indigenous Drums),
May 31, from 1201 till suddenly cut off at 1210*, NBC news in English (unreadable); 1209, drums
and Pacific Islands pop song.

June 1, Madang clearly the air, which is fairly rare for them.

BTW - Through June 1, NBC Bougainville (3325) continues off the air.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard Jun 02 (Sun), 2019 05:14 UTC No.4014
Corrected log. Sorry.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, (Maus Blong Garamut - Voice of Indigenous Drums),
May 31, from 1201 till suddenly cut off at 1210*, NBC news in English (unreadable); 1209, drums
and Pacific Islands pop song.

June 1, Madang clearly off the air, which is fairly rare for them.

Re: CNR2 - "Ladies and gentlemen, Haiyang Live show" program ID in English - Ron Howard Jun 03 (Mon), 2019 13:27 UTC No.4015

CHINA. 6155, CNR2 (China Business Radio), 1202, June 3. Start of the daily one hour
show; starting SA in English; "Ladies and gentlemen, Haiyang Live show, . . . Ladies and
gentlemen"; otherwise in Chinese, with variety show (comedy, singing, etc.); good reception.
My audio at http://bit.ly/2WI9SUC .


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - XYZ Jun 06 (Thu), 2019 09:42 UTC No.4016

3215kHz USA ?
3260kHz PNG,NBC-Madang
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5945kHz NEW ZEALAND, RNZ,good signal
6400kHz NORTH KOREA, Pyongyang BS
7260kHz MONGOLIA, (QRM Jamming)

5905kHz NORTH KOREA, Echo of Unification
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom, pips jammer
7200kHz UNID weak signal

6600kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of the People, maybe new SKD // 3910kHz 3930kHz 6520kHz

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard Jun 07 (Fri), 2019 04:51 UTC No.4019

BOUGAINVILLE[non-log]. 3325, NBC Bougainville, still silent through June 6, checking
from 1046+.

CHINA. 6035, FM99 relay via PBS Yunnan, after being off the air for close to a month,
finally heard again on June 6; first noted at 1144, so start up time (programming already
in progress) probably was about *1140, as it was in the past; heavy QRM from N. Korea
jamming spur from 6045; at 1200, with pip times that were almost a minute late; then the
usual station's singing jingle, with clear "Radio Shangri-la"; followed by the spoken station's
slogan in English ("Flying with the heart, traveling with the sound of Shangri-la"). On the
one hand I'm happy to find them active again, but on the other hand, now BBS (Bhutan),
also on 6035, will have to contend with some serious QRM whenever they run past 1140.
My audio at http://bit.ly/2It5tvH .

EAST TURKISTAN. 7260, Xinjiang PBS (presumed). Seems to me there are three active
stations here; one is Mongolia, the other is this PBS and am also clearly hearing CNR1
(// 6125); making for a mess; on some days propagation favors Mongolia, but that varies
on a daily basis; on June 6, heard at 1245.

INDONESIA. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, via RRI Palangkaraya, June 6, was a day of the
Idul Fitri (Lebaran) holiday (ending Ramadan), so after 1101, heard VOI with decent audio
level in Chinese; at 1209, clearly in Japanese. So it takes a public holiday for them to boost
the modulation level?

JAPAN. 3945, "RN2." When is their sign off time now? No longer 1400? On June 6 (Thursday),
already off the air at 1255.

MALAYSIA. 11665, Wai FM via Kajang, June 6 (Thursday), from 1315 to 1400. Sounded like
they had problems with the modulation (heard crackling sounds and not from any adjacent
station); decent signal; was checking for the Thurs. segment of "Wai - Limbang FM" as heard
in the past, but clearly that was not on today. Perhaps different schedule regarding Ramadan?
Needs more monitoring, especially now that their signal strength has returned to normal; clear
"Wai FM" SAs; 1330-1358, Qu'ran/Islamic chanting; went off the air close to 1400; at 1400, CRI
started on 11660, with very heavy QRM for 11665. My audio at http://bit.ly/2wGEqHz .

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, on June 6, at 1123. Above average reception; full ID
("NBC Madang, Maus Blong Garamut); mostly Pacific Islands pop song. At least there is one PNG
station I can hear and enjoy.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard Jun 07 (Fri), 2019 18:38 UTC No.4020
BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, 1112, on June 7. Just after the news in English, start of pop music
segment (Creedence Clearwater Revival - "Have You Ever Seen The Rain," etc.); 1120-1136,
talking about students in English; 1136-1148*, more pop songs till suddenly cut off; at *1139,
the sudden start up of FM99 relay via PBS Yunnan, which caused heavy QRM for BBS; today
was clear of any N. Korea jamming spur, which greatly helped reception.

CHINA. 7345-USB, V26, at 1237, on June 7. Numbers given in Chinese; mixing badly with CNR1
on frequency.

17398-USB, Guangzhou Coast Radio Station (presumed), 1101-1109*, June 7. Assume marine
weather; almost fair; one of their better receptions.

INDONESIA. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, via RRI Palangkaraya, 1110+, on June 7. A day with no trace
of any audio at all; only a good strength carrier heard. Still no NBC Bougainville here.

MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, 1255, on June 7. The start of two consecutive shows of the Friday
edition of "Learning English with BBC, Burmese"; fairly readable, but with some noise QRM. My local
sunrise was at 1249 UT and Yangon sunset at 1207 UT, which worked out very well for this reception.
My six minute audio at http://bit.ly/2WmXFAc . Just after listening to Myanmar, took a picture of my
beach listening post this morning - http://bit.ly/2EUiKw8 .

Asilomar State Beach, California

Re: Call-in singing shows via Malaysia and Mongolia - Ron Howard Jun 10 (Mon), 2019 01:41 UTC No.4021

MALAYSIA. 11665, Wai FM via Kajang, 1109-1120, on June 8. Audio problem here perhaps
just over modulation? Call-in show with children singing (no music); good signal strength.
9835 kHz. remains long standing silence. My two minute audio at http://bit.ly/2K72lZD .

MONGOLIA. 7260, Mongolian Radio P3 (FM100.9 relay), 1025-1038, on June 9. Call-in show
with both children and adults singing (no music); poor reception. My audio at http://bit.ly/2Zm7y3j


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - XYZ Jun 10 (Mon), 2019 09:34 UTC No.4022

3215kHz USA ?
3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
5130kHz / 5307kHz / 5813kHz UNID Chinese Numbers ?, real voice by male, LSB
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
7260kHz MONGOLIA, P3 FM100.9 relay, // http://www.mnb.mn/live/radio3
7325kHz PNG ?, weak signal

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard Jun 10 (Mon), 2019 21:20 UTC No.4023
AUSTRALIA. 5055, Radio 4KZ, 1006-1110, June 10. For several months this had well below
threshold level audio and had been unable to ID even one song, so amazed today to have
summertime reception well above threshold level and easy to ID almost all the songs (The
Mamas & The Papas - ''I Saw Her Again,'' John Denver - "Calypso," Chicago - "Does
Anybody Really Know What Time It Is," Lionel Richie - "Stuck On You," Billy Joel - "Just
the Way You Are," Bob Seger &The Silver Bullet Band - "Against the Wind," etc.); very
nice selection of songs; commercial announcements (not readable) and SAs; 1100, usual
format of news, ad, marine conditions (unreadable); more pop songs (The Pointer Sisters -
"I'm So Excited," etc.); noted cut off at 1256*; of course heard with summertime QRN (static).
Very pleased with today's reception! My audio at http://bit.ly/2R63TDJ .

CHINA. 6035, PBS Yunnan, with FM99 relay, on June 10, starting up at *1139 (already in
progress) and mixing with BBS (Bhutan); no jamming spur today, which started closer to
1200; BBS went off at 1145*, leaving FM99 in the clear.

INDONESIA. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, via RRI Palangkaraya, on June 10. No signal at 1003;
checked at 1208 to find strong carrier; another day with no trace of any audio.

KOREA NORTH[non]. 5935, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze, via Yamata, audio stared at 1300, on June 10.
Transmitter on at 1259; another less than ideal frequency assignment, at least for me here in Calif.,
as Shiokaze now totally blocks reception of Tibet (PBS Xizang), which before Shiokaze signed on
was mostly fair. My audio of Tibet in the clear until hit with Shiokaze carrier and sign on at
http://bit.ly/2Zhpr32 . Noted // 6070.

SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, SIBC, June 10, a day with unusually good propagation (see Australia);
at 1156, the usual format in English with Evening Devotional, SA and National Anthem; today didn't
turn off the transmitter, but didn't play any music, so just dead air till past 1305+.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - XYZ Jun 11 (Tue), 2019 04:22 UTC No.4024

6600kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of People, new schedule, (6520kHz No signal)

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard Jun 11 (Tue), 2019 20:44 UTC No.4025
INDONESIA. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, via RRI Palangkaraya, a late start here on June 11;
from 1108 to 1140, no signal at all (therefor still no NBC Bougainville), but at 1147, VOI
clearly in Chinese and later (1214) in Japanese; so today there was no special holiday,
but audio above threshold level. This on a day with less than normal overall propagation.

JAPAN. 3945, "RN2, Radio Nikkei." New schedule! June 11, signed off at 1231* (ex: 1400*),
just after "See you tomorrow" and sign off announcement in Japanese; followed by singing
"Radio Nikkei" jingle. Assume this is just on weekdays, as I believe they do not use this
frequency on the weekend?

LAOS. 6130, Lao National Radio, checking at 1200, on June 11. Yes, clearly heard unique
gong/bell being rung slowly; otherwise completely unusable; very fortunate that 1200 is so
distinctive as to confirm it's them.

MONGOLIA. 7260, Mongolian Radio P3 (FM100.9 relay), 1154+, on June 11. The usual Tuesday
"Radio Karaoke Entertainment" program (per their web site schedule); in vernacular with phone
call-in program with the callers singing. This type of program seems to be popular in Asia, as I
have heard Bhutan, Malaysia, etc. with the same program format.

SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, SIBC, June 11, another day they didn't turn off the transmitter after
1200; still hearing a carrier 1240+; today with less than normal propagation.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard Jun 13 (Thu), 2019 18:42 UTC No.4026
JAPAN. 3945, "RN2, Radio Nikkei," again confirming their new sign off time, on June 12
(Wednesday). Same sign off format as yesterday; off a few seconds after 1231*.

THAILAND. 8743-USB, Bangkok Meteorological Radio, 1226-1230, June 13. In English; marine
weather and weather warning ("proceed with caution") for shipping; started and ended with IS;
ending with their address: "Telecommunication and Information Technology Bureau, 4353
Sukhumvit Road, Bangna District, Bangkok, Thailand 10260." My audio http://bit.ly/2XHRCYA .


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard Jun 14 (Fri), 2019 18:50 UTC No.4027
CHINA. 6035, FM99 relay via PBS Yunnan, had recently been very consistent with
*1139, but not on June 14. Not on the air at 1151, but later (1203) they were heard.
A one day event?

MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, last Friday's (June 7) edition of the language
lesson started at 1255, while today (June 14) it started at 1230; was a repeat of the
same program heard last week; as usual, was fairly readable; between the two five
minute shows, program SA as "Learning English with BBC, Burmese"; here is last
weeks audio at http://bit.ly/2WmXFAc .

SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, SIBC, June 14, another day they didn't turn off the transmitter
at 1200; still being heard 1336+; today was able to confirm faint audio of definite non-stop
pop songs.

VIETNAM. 9839.72 // 12018.94, VOV, 1145, on June 14. Interesting segment in English
about making "Hu tieu, a type of rice noodle served with seasoned, sauteed beef is a
signature dish of Vietnam’s southwestern region"; a full transcript of today's show at
http://bit.ly/2MOC3xv ; both frequencies mostly readable.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - XYZ Jun 17 (Mon), 2019 10:15 UTC No.4028

3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
5055kHz AUSTRALIA, Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA, Voice of Freedom
9100kHz SOUTH KOREA, Echo of Hope, No jammer ?

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard Jun 18 (Tue), 2019 17:18 UTC No.4029
BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, 1110-1152*, June 18. Just after the news in English (unreadable),
start of a segment of pop songs (Aerosmith - "Dream On," etc.); 1120-1132, announcers
in English (still unreadable); 1132-1152*, again with pop songs (The Doors - "Riders On
The Storm," etc.); no N. Korea jamming spur today, but FM99 (PBS Yunnan) started up
at *1139, after which the two stations were mixing together. A good day for BBS.

CHINA. 6035, FM99 relay via PBS Yunnan, *1139, June 18. Program already in progress;
mixing badly with BBS (Bhutan), till that went off at 1152* and FM99 continued on in the clear.

7210, PBS Yunnan, 1053, June 18. During a brief check, heard their IS (long musical loop),
but mixing with SOH and VOV also on frequency.

KOREA SOUTH. 4885, Echo of Hope - VOH, 1156, June 18. About a month ago the schedule
was changed for the English language lesson - "Easy English," during their former 1240-1300
time period; today tuned in to find them already in progress and ending right at 1200; one
announcer was Isaac, who has his own "Isaac Communication Center" (ICC), that produces
YouTube videos (http://bit.ly/2WKvfR6). At 1200, Today's News ("oneul-ui sosig"). So there
have been some changes to their former schedule at https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:3859 ,
but not sure just how much of a change? "Easy English" website - http://home.ebs.co.kr/easye/main .
My "Easy English" audio at http://bit.ly/2WSmNEc .

5920, Voice of Freedom, 1300, June 18. In Korean; mostly fair. My audio at http://bit.ly/2RsbYmw .

SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, SIBC - the Voice of the Nation, on June 18, transmitter still on at
1305+, but unable to detect any audio.


Re: Echo of Hope - VOH - "Easy English" - Ron Howard Jun 19 (Wed), 2019 13:12 UTC No.4030

KOREA SOUTH. 4885, Echo of Hope - VOH, "Easy English" podcast from 1142 to 1200,
on June 19 (Wednesday); fair reception; // 3985 // 5995 // 6250 // 6350 // 9100; program
announced as "Saturday," with a review of this weeks homework; again with Isaac as one
of the presenters; very readable.


Re: Help with VOH posting - Ron Howard Jun 23 (Sun), 2019 05:48 UTC No.4031
Hiroyuki - Sorry, I am unable to post this to bbsasia. Keep getting "Error."

My response to: http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/?res:4490 , I wanted to post:


1158 UTC、6月18日 "Easy English" http://bit.ly/2WSmNEc

1142-1200 UTC、6月19日 "Easy English" (例:1238-1257 UTC)
3985 // 4885 // 5995 // 6250 // 6350 // 9100

1141-1200 UTC、6月22日 "Easy English"

英語 https://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:4029


Re: Help with VOH posting - Amano Jun 23 (Sun), 2019 06:47 UTC No.4032
Hallo Ron-san.
Thank you for your information.

Today when I checked 9100 kHz from 0300 UTC,
I was surprised that VOH was broadcasting this time.
Easy English, which Ron-san checked recently, was also confirmed at 0541 UTC.
When I was interested and checked the Korean website,
it seems to have been broadcast 24 hours since May.

The broadcast schedule is below.

*** VOH New Broadcast Schedule (UTC) ***
0500-0100 3985, 5995, 6350 kHz
0900-0500 4885, 6250, 9100 kHz

Re: VOH - Ron Howard Jun 23 (Sun), 2019 14:19 UTC No.4033
Thank you, Amano, for your information!

KOREA SOUTH. 4885, Echo of Hope - VOH, 1140, June 23. Introduction song (Michael
Jackson - "Heal the World"); the same song heard at the same time yesterday, just before
the "Easy English" program; then into the start of the "Easy English" language lesson, till
program ended at 1200; a repeat of a recent show; announcers "perky, perky Jenny" and
"happy Isaac"; good reception; // 3985 // 5995 // 6250 // 6350 // 9100. My seven minute
audio at http://bit.ly/2N5ZfXU .


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard Jun 23 (Sun), 2019 14:45 UTC No.4034

BANGLADESH. 4750, Bangladesh Betar (continuing with External Service here),
1224, June 22. Test tone; 1228, start of IS; after 1230 unusable; mixing with CNR1.
Will the Home Service ever return here? Still no trace of VOI/Makassar here.

BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, on June 23; running later than usual, past their normal cut off time;
1201, mixing with FM99 (PBS Yunnan); in vernacular and some indigenous music till cut
off about 1212*.

BBS, 1100-1145*, June 20. News in English (unreadable); 1110-1120, pop songs (Calum
Scott - "You Are The Reason," etc.); 1120-1144, announcers in English (unreadable); pop
song till suddenly off; no N. Korea jamming spur today; at *1139, strong start up of FM99
relay via PBS Yunnan.

INDONESIA. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, via RRI Palangkaraya, suddenly on at *1103, on
June 22. Already in progress; clear audio in Chinese; 1220, in Japanese; weak. NBC
Bougainville remains off the air here.

JAPAN. 3945, "RN2, Radio Nikkei." Sign-off announcements Monday to Thursday heard
as "See you tomorrow," while on Friday is "See you next week"; indeed, observed off the
air on the weekend; June 20 & 21 (Thurs/Fri) noted 1230* (off about one second before

MALAYSIA. 11665, Wai FM, via Kajang, 1107-1120, June 22. In vernacular; call-in show with
young children singing over the phone; still with poor audio (over modulated?).

MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, 1245, June 21 (Friday). Singing station jingle; start of
"Learning English with BBC, Burmese"; it was "Tom's birthday" and he is left handed; lesson
ended at 1256; fairly readable.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, (Maus Blong Garamut - Voice of Indigenous
Drums), on June 20; noted cut off at 1202*, during the news in English. NBC Bougainville
(3325) remains off the air!

Listening at Asilomar State Beach (near Monterey), California
Eton E1, antenna: 30m long wire

Re: China - FM99 (PBS Yunnan), on 6035 kHz., on the air much earlier than normal - Ron Howard Jun 25 (Tue), 2019 14:25 UTC No.4035
CHINA. 6035, FM99 relay, via PBS Yunnan, tuned in at 1106, on June 25 and 
expected to hear BBS (Bhutan), but was definitely not them, but anomaly of
FM99 on the air earlier than usual; in Chinese, with the usual FM format (many
short segments of commercial announcement, announcers and music); had
consistently been noted daily starting up at *1139. Today by 1130, clearly
heard the two stations (BBS & FM99) mixing together; the N. Korea jamming
spur started *1147; unable to confirm when BBS went off the air. If this earlier
timing for FM99 continues, it will make BBS reception just that much more of
a challenge! Perhaps just a one day event?


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - XYZ Jun 26 (Wed), 2019 07:00 UTC No.4036
Thanks Ron-san and Amano !!

Sorry, I was unable to log in because my computer was not working properly.
.. and I could not listen to the radio because my receiver is SDR radio...

Re: New ID for "Sichuan Ethnic Radio" (Sichuan PBS-2) - Ron Howard Jun 27 (Thu), 2019 15:22 UTC No.4037
CHINA. 6060, Sichuan PBS-2, with new SA, at 1200, 1230 and 1300, June 27. No time pips;
multi-language SAs; seemed fairly clear for "Sichu?n minzu gu?ngbo, Sichuan Ethnic Radio,"
but would appreciate another confirmation. Later heard ". .? . . news from Sichuan";
programming in assume ethnic languages; // 7225. My audio at http://bit.ly/2XAMXLd .


Re: Solomon Islands on 9545 kHz. - SIBC reactivated - Ron Howard Jun 28 (Fri), 2019 06:33 UTC No.4038
SOLOMON ISLANDS. 9545 (closer to 9544.98?), SIBC (presumed), 0423-0459*, 
June 28. For a long time now I have routinely checked here between 0430 and
0500, as it was several years ago I often heard SIBC till 0500*, but not heard for
a long time now, so a very nice surprise today to tune in and hear some definite
audio, with a signal that very slowly improved; could not make out the language
and no ID, but am fairly certain it was SIBC, returned again; announcers playing
pop songs; sounded like a commercial announcement or PSA; cut off in mid-song;
in the past their normal closing down time was 0500*; heard today with a normal
audio level, unlike 5020, which has virtually no audio here in California. Honiara
sunset at 0710 UT. Perhaps an Australian/New Zealand DXer can make a positive


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Mauno Jun 28 (Fri), 2019 08:24 UTC No.4039
Hi Ron, did you check 5020 kHz if there was any overlap? Thanks.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard Jun 29 (Sat), 2019 02:14 UTC No.4040
Hi Mauno,

In past years, I was never able to hear 5020 kHz., about 0500 UTC. That frequency doesn't
open up for me till later, so didn't check yesterday for any overlap there.

Here in California, I have found in the past that the best reception of SIBC on 9545 kHz., was
when they ran well past their normal cut off (about 0500*), which does happen from time to
time. This often happens when Solomon Islands has especially bad weather and SIBC
provides weather info on 9545 kHz.

My enjoyable audio from back in 2014 - https://app.box.com/s/9ukldjtpmunwbfcqdf2f .


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Philby Jun 29 (Sat), 2019 04:59 UTC No.4041
Hi all,

Very hard to copy on 9545 at 0430-0500, no signal in Europa. The best is with a kiwisdr in New Zealand (correct frequency 9544.96, signal strength S7).

Nico (from France)

Re: Bougainville (back again) & Myanmar (7345 kHz. clear of CNR1 QRM) - Ron Howard Jul 07 (Sun), 2019 14:54 UTC No.4043
BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville (Maus Blong Sankamap - Voice of the Sunrise). 
I last reported hearing this back on April 28; had been unheard since then until today (July 7);
tuned in at 1110, to hear Voice of Indonesia, in Chinese, with NBC underneath; Sunday religious
music/singing and in Pidgin, as normally heard in the past; mixing with VOI, which was stronger
the whole time; NBC cut off at 1200*. Was unfortunate NBC reactivated on a day that VOI had a
decent audio level, unlike most days VOI has no audio at all. Great to hear Bougainville again!
Am sure that with better propagation and VOI with only a carrier, that NBC will be heard with
some decent reception again (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Eton E1, antenna: 100'
long wire, WOR iog via DXLD)

MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, 1256, July 6. Fair reception of their typical indigenous
music/singing. My audio at http://bit.ly/2L5Tg3s .

7345, Thazin Radio, via Pyin Oo Lwin, 1215+, July 6 & 7. Normally this frequency is totally covered
by a strong CNR1, but that has been off the air for two consecutive days; July 7, from 1242, call-in
show in vernacular and pop songs; weak signal, but now a clear frequency for them. When will CNR1
return, again destroying Thazin's reception?

Asilomar State Beach, California
Eton E1, antenna: 30m long wire

Re: Bougainville (back again) & Myanmar (7345 kHz. clear of CNR1 QRM) - Ron Howard Jul 08 (Mon), 2019 13:47 UTC No.4044
July 8, tuned in at 1040 UTC, to again hear NBC Bougainville (3325 kHz.); mostly announcers;
after drum music intro, usual news at 1101 (too weak to confirm language); after the news, some
pop songs (Rick Astley - "Together Forever," etc.); cut off at 1141*, so closing down time does
vary a lot; VOI reception, unlike yesterday, was extremely weak underneath NBC. Also heard
NBC Madang (3260 kHz.) today, so back to having two active 90m band PNG stations. Have
for a long time now routinely checked this band for any new PNG activity, but now am only
hearing Bougainville and Madang, so no really new sites reactivated.

July 8, tuned in at 1158 UTC, to hear a strong CNR1 on 7345 kHz. Strange they would be off the
air for only two days. No chance today of Myanmar reception.


Re: Bougainville & PNG - Ron Howard Jul 09 (Tue), 2019 18:07 UTC No.4045
BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville (Maus Blong Sankamap), 1051-1128, July 9.
Mostly monologues in Pidgin; some Pacific Islands music/singing; 1101, drums intro and
news; heavy summertime QRN (static); no VOI QRM at all, which was heard later with
just a carrier (a day with no audio).

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang (Maus Blong Garamut), 1136-1204*, July 9.
Stronger than 3325 (Bougainville); cutting through the heavy summertime QRN (static)
fairly well; in Pidgin; one comedy segment with background sounds of the audience;
some Pacific Islands pop music/singing; went off the air during the news in English.
My audio of one minute of music and one of talk, at http://bit.ly/32iHjgv .


Re: PNG - NBC Madang - Ron Howard Jul 10 (Wed), 2019 17:22 UTC No.4046
PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, Maus Blong Garamut. On July 10, heard 
a very unique broadcast; running much longer than normal; 1227-1232 UTC, in English,
with Radio New Zealand program with Dominic Godfrey; 1232-1237, instrumental music;
1237-1251* UTC, with relay of "90.7 FM"; several clear announcements for the Press
Club's guest speaker being at the Lamana Hotel (Port Moresby) on July 12, to give updated
info about the Bougainville referendum for independence, which will be broadcast live via
NBC Radio. Press Club's flyer - http://bit.ly/2JqodNS. My fairly clear audio at http://bit.ly/2JzNkwJ .

The Press Club's event on July 12, is scheduled to start at 1000 UT, so perhaps we will be able
to hear it via SW (3260 & 3325)?

July 10 - Also heard NBC Bougainville, Maus Blong Sankamap, on 3325 kHz., from 1048 to
1207 UTC; with the best reception since their reactivation on July 7; many pop songs (Starship -
"Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now," Calum Scott - "You Are The Reason," Lionel Richie - "Stuck
On You," etc.); 1103-1113, indigenous drum music intro to "local news" and weather, in English.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard Jul 12 (Fri), 2019 18:03 UTC No.4047

BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville, 1027-1103, July 12. No their usual programs,
so seemed to indeed be the National Press Club's guest speaker from a Port Moresby
hotel; too weak to make out the language, but just a long winded monologue; after 1103+,
even poorer reception (VOI started?). NBC Madang (3260) during the same time period
was just the normal music program, so definitely not //.

CHINA. 7210, PBS Yunnan, 1041, July 11. IS, consisting of a long musical loop of EZL
music; mixing with only SOH; no VOV today, which is normally well heard here.

THAILAND. 7470, VOA, 1145+ and 1300*, July 12. A strong VOA in Chinese, along with
a very weak double jamming (CNR1 and Firedragon); unusual to find a double jammed
station many times stronger than the jamming; at 1300*, both VOA and jamming went off
the air at the same time.

TIBET[non]. Unusual to find PBS Xizang off the air, but on July 11 & 12, clearly not broadcasting
on the frequencies I checked.

4820, 4905, 4920 and 6200, from 1034+ (past 1205+), off the air on the 11th. Same on the 12th,
1133+ (past 1239+).

5935, on July 12, at 1303, noted Shiokaze (via Japan), without the usual Tibet QRM.

6200, on July 12, at 1246, noted Voice of Jinling (China), without the usual Tibet QRM.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard Jul 13 (Sat), 2019 12:35 UTC No.4048
July 13 - Overall very poor propagation today!

3260kHz PNG, NBC-Madang (on the air)
3325kHz PNG, NBC-Bougainville (off the air today); later at 1058 heard VOI carrier (no audio)

Tibet off the air again today on 4820, 4905, 4920 and 6200kHz

6035kHz *1136, start of N. Korea jamming (spur from 6045kHz); at *1140, sudden startup of FM99
(PBS Yunnan); unable to hear BBS (Bhutan) today

Re: Shiokaze, with change of frequencies - Ron Howard Jul 17 (Wed), 2019 15:37 UTC No.4049

From Japan, Shiokaze, back to former alternate frequencies; 5920 (ex: 5935) // 6040
(ex: 6070); on July 17, from tune in at 1301+; yet another terrible choice of frequencies;
5920, heard underneath a stronger Voice of Freedom, along with N. Korea jamming of
VOF and on 6040, heard with some QRM from the N. Korea jamming coming from 6045,
against National Unity Radio; at 1325, the usual message from the Japanese government.
Ironic that Shiokaze should move off of 5935, as recently that frequency had been clear of
Tibet QRM, which is currently down for maintenance.

5920 kHz. - My audio at http://bit.ly/2SnhaZ3

6040 kHz. - My audio at http://bit.ly/2XP91mg


Re: Vietnam 8812-USB Ho Chi Minh Radio - Ron Howard Jul 25 (Thu), 2019 23:10 UTC No.4050
VIETNAM. 8812-USB, Ho Chi Minh Radio - Vietnam Coast Station, *1239, July 25. 
One of the many VISHIPEL (Vietnam Maritime Communications and Electronics
LLC) coastal stations; marine coastal conditions in Vietnamese and English; each
language segment starting with phone tones; not very readable; today's date given;
"South China coastal waters," "Area forecast for the next 24 hours," "End of broadcast."
My unedited audio at http://bit.ly/2K60MZc . Probably a daily feature, as same noted
July 24.


Re: Korea, Laos & Vietnam - Ron Howard Jul 29 (Mon), 2019 21:24 UTC No.4051

KOREA SOUTH. 5920, Voice of Freedom, on July 29, with extremely rare day of no
N. Korea jamming; 1100+; variety of K-pop songs (Twice - "Dance The Night Away"
[YouTube music video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fm5iP0S1z9w&vl=en],
etc.) and announcers in Korean. Outstanding reception as usual when there is no

My unedited audio of 1100-1110 at http://bit.ly/2K21lV9 (2:15 on my audio is Twice's
song, in English and Korean) and 1130-1140 segment at http://bit.ly/3128HxK .

LAOS. 6130, Lao National Radio, 1158, July 29, with certainly one of their better
receptions; indigenous instrumental music; at ToH, clearly heard gong rung slowly
seven times (7PM in Vientiane); choral anthem. Great to hear LNR at this respectable
level. My audio at http://bit.ly/2ZkTxTG .

VIETNAM. 8812-USB, Ho Chi Minh Radio - Vietnam Coast Station, *1242-1244*, July 29.
In English with warning about a low pressure that will be developing into a tropical cyclone.
Map tracing the projected path of the low pressure, turning into cyclone at http://bit.ly/2K0yjVT .
My local sunrise was at 1311 UTC, with Ho Chi Minh sunset at 1117 UTC.


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Ron Howard Aug 01 (Thu), 2019 15:39 UTC No.4052

AUSTRALIA. 5055, Radio 4KZ, on August 1, with unusually good propagation; randomly
1137-1251*; many pop songs; Celine Dion - "The Power Of Love, "Barbra Streisand - "You
Don't Bring Me Flowers," Whitney Houston - "I Wanna Dance With Somebody," Lionel Richie -
"Easy, " etc.; still a challenge to hear this low powered station, but considering it was a
summertime reception, was very respectable. My audio of one song, at http://bit.ly/2Mv2Z3m .
Recently noted on a number of occasions that this station closes down via a timer, consistently
at 1251*. BTW - Nothing heard on the future additional signal of 2484/2485.

INDONESIA. 3325, Voice of Indonesia, via RRI Palangkaraya, 1204, August 1. An uncommon
day here with actual audio heard in Japanese after NBC Bougainville cut off at 1204*; normally
VOI only heard with a carrier here.

SOLOMON ISLANDS. 9545, SIBC - Voice of the Nation, July 31 & August 1, from 0430 to 0459*.
Both days with unusual format of non-stop speeches; unreadable; not their normal music format;
getting closer to being readable.

THAILAND. 9310, new VOA program for the Rohingya people (1130-1200). For my July 30
reception, received a full data e-QSL from Gary Butterworth, an executive producer with VOA.
Sent him a report with my audio file (http://bit.ly/2Ms5NhU). His function at VOA is not usually to
send out QSL's, therefor I will not distribute his email address, so he will not be overwhelmed
with requests. He tells me he was a "one-time DX’er" himself and has been involved with
launching of the new Rohingya program. Thanks very much to Mosrur Zunaid (Bangladesh) for
posting a copy of his e-QSL at FB WRTH (who correctly deleted Gary's email address).


Re:Vietnam 8812-USB Ho Chi Minh Radio - Wei Wei Aug 02 (Fri), 2019 11:22 UTC No.4053
8812Khz i listen this record ,is Hong Kong Observatory(香港天文台) 's “South China Coastal Weathers ”(華南海域天氣報告),your location received 8812khz signal is good,record is clearly.

Re: Re:Vietnam 8812-USB Ho Chi Minh Radio - Ron Howard Aug 02 (Fri), 2019 13:58 UTC No.4054
Wei Wei - Thank you so much for your feedback! Appreciate your input. Ron (California)

Echo of Hope - Philby Aug 16 (Fri), 2019 20:33 UTC No.4059
Very good reception of Echo of Hope on 4885 khz today, 16 august, at 2000- utc in France (receiver NRD525 / aperiodic antenna) SINPO 34444 without jamming. Is that possible to have an adress or email to send a report ?

Re: Echo of Hope - Ron Howard Aug 17 (Sat), 2019 14:26 UTC No.4060
Hi Philby - Sorry, but am fairly sure they never QSL or respond to reports. Ron

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Philby Aug 17 (Sat), 2019 16:12 UTC No.4061
Dommage, Merci  Ron ! Too bad, thanks Ron !

Re: Echo of Hope - VOH - Ron Howard Aug 17 (Sat), 2019 21:06 UTC No.4062

Hi Philby,

You might be interested in checking for reception of the "Easy English" language lesson on 4885 kHz.
Here in California, I can hear them well at about 1040 UTC and 1340 UTC., but do not know when you
might be able to hear them at your location. My recent audio at http://bit.ly/33dORBu .


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(21) :: May/01/2019 ~ - Philby Aug 18 (Sun), 2019 07:03 UTC No.4063
Hi Ron,

That's impossible at this time in France ! I can hear it from 1700/1800utc to 2100/2200utc. After that's a brazilian station (Radio clube do Para).

Nicolas (my first name) location 15km south east of Paris / France

Re: Solomon Islands - Ron Howard Aug 20 (Tue), 2019 06:47 UTC No.4064
SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, SIBC, 1100-1159*, Aug 19. Another day with some audio;
usual format; calliope and news; DJ with dedications for pop songs; ending with the
usual evening devotional, given by a woman, which is unusual; SA and cut off before NA.

9545, SIBC, 0417 till cut off at 0459*, Aug 20. Finally some audio that was at times briefly
readable; commercial announcements and PSAs; several clear mentions of "Solomon Islands";
asking a question and giving multiple choice answers ("answer A, B, C, D or E"); several SAs;
before cut off, mentioned changing frequency. Still a challenge to hear SIBC, but day-by-day
seems to be improving. My audio at http://bit.ly/2Z5u3h5 .


Re: Bangladesh Betar - Ron Howard Aug 20 (Tue), 2019 15:19 UTC No.4065

BANGLADESH. 4750, Bangladesh Betar (still carrying just the external service here).
Back on Aug 8, I reported their transmitter problem of no programming audio, instead
just a strong hum/buzzing noise; since then I have continued to note the same during
their English segment (1230-1300); hum/buzzing also reported by Wolfie, et al.; so
surprised today (Aug 20) to finally hear some audio, as well as the usual hum/buzzing
noise; so they still have a serious problem to fix; a late start at *1239; suddenly on with
IS and into English; unreadable, but definitely their audio, along with the hum/buzzing
noise; mixing with CNR1 on frequency; at 1300, the English segment ended, leaving
just the hum/buzzing noise; 1313-1315, with their IS (audio breaking up rather badly),
along with the hum/buzzing noise; some subcontinent music. My audio at
http://bit.ly/2TOmYvJ .


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