Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Oct 28, 2018 19:38 UTC No.3549 Note;
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang ?
3325kHz INDONESIA, English
3345kHz INDONESIA RRI-Ternate(tent.), weak signal
5900kHz TAIWAN ?, -1930* , 1930- no modulation
5920kHz SK Voice of Freedom
4895kHz Mongolia (7260kHz off air), 7502kHz V13, etc.. -
XYZ Oct 29, 2018 07:54 UTC No.3552 Note;
4895kHz MONGOLIA, maybe Radio 1, 7260kHz off air, TNX! kiwiSDR in Irkutsk/RUSSIA
(4830kHz No signal)
3325kHz PNG NBC-Bougainville
7290kHz INDONESIA RRI-Nabire, 7289.92kHz
7502kHz TAIWAN V13 Xingxing BS, H3E
7260kHz CHINA Xinjiang PBS, Chinese //9600kHz, (Mongolia: 7260kHz off air, 4895kHz on air)
7290kHz INDONESIA RRI-Nabire, 0845- Koran、-0848*(s/off In the middle of the Koran)
TAIWAN V13 New schedule, etc.. -
XYZ Oct 30, 2018 08:03 UTC No.3553 Note;
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang(tent.), weak
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
7260kHz MONGOLIA, they are broadcasting today.. , (4895kHz No signal)
7290kHz INDONESIA RRI-Nabire
5920kHz SK Voice of Freedom
TAIWAN V13 - Xingxing BS seems to be starting broadcasting on a new schedule:
0700-0730 8169kHz AM
0730-0800 7502kHz H3E **
0800-0830 8169kHz AM
0830-0900 7502kHz H3E **
* It is still being monitored. Thanks Philby(France) !!
See also :
3325kHz PNG NBC-Bougainville, //3260kHz
7290kHz No signal already..
5055kHz AUSTRALIA Radio 4KZ, fair signal today
3345kHz INDONESIA RRI-Ternate, 3344.86kHz
3945kHz Echo of Unification *2159-, etc.. -
XYZ Oct 31, 2018 08:55 UTC No.3555 Note;
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG NBC-Bougainville
4895kHz No signal
7260kHz MONGOLIA P3 FM100.9
7290kHz INDONESIA RRI-Nabire, Koran, 7289.92kHz
3345kHz INDONESIA RRI-Ternate
6035kHz CHINA Yunnan ?, Chinese, maybe FM relay
3945kHz NORTH KOREA Echo of Unification, *2159-,
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Nov 01, 2018 11:10 UTC No.3557 Note;
7300kHz SOUTH KOREA National Unification Broadcasting ?, Korean, QRM of Firedrake/CNR1...
7550kHz INDIA All India Radio ??, AM / DRM
9276kHz TAIWAN V13 Xingxing BS, AM, weak signal
6155kHz National Unification Broadcasting, etc.. -
XYZ Nov 03, 2018 09:59 UTC No.3558 Note;
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
3345kHz INDONESIA RRI-Ternate, weak
5020kHz SOLOMON ?, no modulation ??
5920kHz SK Voice of Freedom
4889.75kHz UNID strong carrier, no modulation
6155kHz [RFC] National Unity Broadcasting, Korean
See also :
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Nov 04, 2018 08:09 UTC No.3562 Note;
5920kHz SK Voice of Freedom, -0806*
7290kHz INDONESIA RRI-Nabire
7470kHz CHINA CNR-1, jammer ??, -0808*
8169kHz TAIWAN V13 - Xingxing BS, AM, (and 7502kHz No modulation carrier)
6331kHz USB CHINA VC01 - Numbers station ("Chinese Robit")
7864kHz LSB CHINA VC01 - Numbers station ("Chinese Robit")
7502kHz TAIWAN V13 - Xingxing BS, H3E, *0830-
9410kHz UNID weak signal, sorry un-id so weak signal...
164kHz/209kHz/227kHz MONGOLIA Radio 1
7260kHz MONGOLIA P3 FM100.9
Re: Bhutan -
Ron Howard Nov 04, 2018 14:27 UTC No.3563 BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, 1039, with non-stop monitoring till cut off at 1201* UTC,
Nov 4. One of their best receptions ever heard; at times semi-readable; in
English; many pop songs (Prince - "I Wanna Be Your Lover," etc.); clearest
audio from 1120+ with series of interviews about Youth Festival and youth
volunteerism; 1200, the usual brief indigenous stringed instrument; into
vernacular till suddenly cut off; a longer broadcast than recently heard.
An outstanding reception, at least for me! My three minute audio about
Youth Festival at .
Asilomar State Beach, California
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
brizdx Nov 04, 2018 20:22 UTC No.3564 I ask to believe that at the frequency of 1377 kHz - "Радио Маяк" supposedly works from Sakhalin.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
brizdx Nov 04, 2018 20:25 UTC No.3565 Radio Majak
Re: Monitoring Indonesia website no longer available -
Ron Howard Nov 04, 2018 20:56 UTC No.3566 Sorry to report that as of Nov 4, Atsunori Ishida's website (former is no longer available. Since mid-December last
year, he has been inactive. A great loss! Had been a wonderful
resource for the history of what Indonesian stations were currently
being heard and also for reporting on the date last heard, along
with some interesting audio clips. His site had been a boon to us
interested in SW stations in that country, even though there are
pitifully few of them on the air today.
Believe currently that RRI Ternate (3344.86 kHz.) is the most regularly
heard (seems daily), while Pro 1 RRI Nabire (7289.92 kHz.) is indeed
often heard, but certainly not daily.
Then there is also the Voice of Indonesia, now heard via RRI Palangkaraya
(3325 kHz.), with their various segments in different languages, but at times
with erratic broadcasting. Nov 3, at 1116 & 1150 and Nov 4, at 1206 & 1219,
noted VOI definitely off the air at these times.
It should be noted that Alan Davies, still maintains his website - , but the emphasis is on AM & FM stations.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Nov 04, 2018 21:49 UTC No.3567 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !
I believe that he will revive the material someday.
-2145- This time, NHK and China(CNR-1) were strong and could not be confirmed..
Re: Monitoring Indonesia website no longer available -
Ron Howard Nov 04, 2018 22:34 UTC No.3568 Glenn Hauser provided this info
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Nov 04, 2018 22:41 UTC No.3569 oh! Thanks Ron-san !!
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
Mauno Ritola Nov 05, 2018 11:40 UTC No.3570 Dear Brizdx, do you hear Mayak on 1377 kHz regularly? What hours? Where are you listening? Thank you,
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Nov 05, 2018 13:52 UTC No.3571 Thanks Mauno ! (//-Mail)
-1340- Thanks kiwiSDR in Russia.
1377kHz China CNR-1 and Japan NHK, Mayak was missing..
Re: Bhutan -
Ron Howard Nov 05, 2018 14:10 UTC No.3572 Nov 5 - Another day of entertaining reception of BBS (6035 kHz.); 1043 till suddenly
cut off at 1101* in mid-song; all pop songs; Steve Winwood - "Higher Love," Huey
Lewis - "Stuck With You" and Simply Red - "Holding Back The Years." This reception
made possible by the continued absence of PBS Yunnan (China). Sunset at Thimphu
was at 1115 UTC.
6045kHz Korean -
XYZ Nov 06, 2018 08:41 UTC No.3573 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG NBC-Bougainville, // 3260kHz
5055kHz AUSTRALIA Radio 4KZ
7290kHz INDONESIA RRI-Nabire
7502kHz H3E TAIWAN V13 - Xingxing BS
around 5919-5920kHz CHINA VC01 ??, Chinese Numbers, heavy QRM of NK Jammer
5919kHz USB CHINA VC01 - "Chinese Robot", Numbers station, New frequency !
7266kHz Spur of CHINA NeiMenggu PBS on 7270kHz
7290kHz INDONESIA RRI-Nabire, Koran
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA Voice of Freedom, *0900- , QRM from CHINA VC01 on 5919kHz(LSB)
6045kHz UNID Korean, strong signal, NOT // 5920kHz
SA at -1236- "Gunmin Tongil ..."
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
brizdx Nov 07, 2018 00:29 UTC No.3577 Dear Mauno.
On the work of Mayak at 1377 kHz, the participant told the living in Sakhalin. I just wanted to know someone else hears this radio station.
Maybe it's a fake.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
Mauno Ritola Nov 07, 2018 11:02 UTC No.3578 Dear Sir,
thank you for your reply. Where are you listening? The best time to check would probably be at 0700 or 0730, before other stations fade in.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
brizdx Nov 07, 2018 15:15 UTC No.3579 Oh.
I do not listen...
I just wanted to know someone else hears this radio station.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
Ron Howard Nov 07, 2018 18:00 UTC No.3580 FYI - This is my last posting for a while. Ron
BOTSWANA. 4930, VOA, 1514-1525, Nov 7. In English; surprised to hear the
relay of "in Ethiopia, on 102.1 FM"; usual FM format; announcer chatting
about "Make A Wish Foundation," etc. and playing pop songs; almost fair via
long path.
BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville (Maus Blong Sankamap), 1102-1111*,
Nov 5. Cut off in mid-sentence, leaving a faint Voice of Indonesia here.
EAST TURKISTAN. 4850 & 4980 & 5060, Xinjiang PBS, 1219, Nov 6. First day
back again on these frequencies (different services), with their winter schedule.
Thanks to Hiroshi for the following details:
Xinjiang PBS Winter frequencies: effective from 1100 UT on November 6, 2018
Uighur 2300-1800 (Tue.0800-1100 off the air)
3990 2310-0300, 1135-1800
4980 2310-0300, 1135-1800
6120 2310-0300, 1200-1800
7205 2310-0300, 1225-1800
7275 0300-1200
9560 0245-1200
11885 0250-1200
13670 0300-1225
Chinese 2300-1800 (Tue.0800-1100 off the air)
3950 2310-0230, 1145-1800
5060 2310-0300, 1135-1800
5960 2310-1800
7260 0230-1200
7310 2310-0300, 1200-1800
9600 0300-1200
11770 0250-1200
Mongolian 2330-0330, 0530-1030, 1230-1800 (Tue.0800-1100 off the air)
4500 2340-0330, 1210-1800
6190 2340-0330, 1210-1800
7230 0510-1050
9510 0510-1050
Kazakh 2330-1800 (Tue.0800-1100 off the air)
4850 2340-0300, 1155-1800
6015 2340-0345, 1150-1800
7340 0300-1155
9470 0345-1150
Kyrgyz 0330-0530, 1030-1230
7295 0310-0530, 1030-1230
9705 0310-0530, 1030-1230
ERITREA. 7140, VOBME 1 (presumed), 1435-1510, Nov 7. In vernacular with
mostly HOA music/singing; in the past was always jammed with white noise
(or DRM?) a minute or two after 1500, but today that was not the case; still
in the clear at 1528; at times fairly heavy ham QRM, so best in USB. My local
sunrise at 1437 UTC.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, Maus Blong Garamut (Voice of
Indigenous Drums), 1140-1145, Nov 5. Segment of drums and chanting/
singing. Over the years I have often monitored this and recently noted they
are now giving full SAs ("NBC Madang, Maus Blong Garamut") more often
than they ever did before and also now playing more indigenous music.
MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, 1550-1554, Nov 7. The Wednesday only
"VOA Special English" program; today with "Refugee Artists Seek to Give
Back to Community"; program transcript at , along with
video and audio streaming; fair and very readable.
PHILIPPINES. 15640 // 17700 // 17820, R. Pilipinas, 0227+, Nov 7. In English;
news; business news; "Provincial Report"; "DFA Online, news and events from
different Philippine embassies and consulates around the world"; poor-fair.
TURKEY. 6125.66, Voice of Turkey, 0401, Nov 7. Definitely off frequency, for
this broadcast in English.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Nov 08, 2018 08:31 UTC No.3581 brizdx-san, Mauno-san, Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
Ron-san, I am waiting for the return :-)
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang
3325kHz PMG NBC-Bougainville
7260kHz MONGOLIA, Always overmodulation ...
7290kHz INDONESIA RRI-Nabire
7502kHz TAIWAN V13 - Xingxing BS, maybe *0830- Now open carrier
7502kHz TAIWAN V13 - Xingxing BS, *0830- Start of flute Music
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
Mauno Ritola Nov 09, 2018 07:13 UTC No.3584 Dear Brizdx,
I checked 1377 kHz today at 0700 via South Korea remote rxs and there was no Mayak interval signal. So maybe they were testing the transmitter for a short time.
5965kHz UNID, etc... -
XYZ Nov 09, 2018 08:55 UTC No.3585 >1377kHz Radio Mayak
Yes, I did not hear it even at my location (Akita/Japan).
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG NBC-Bougainville
6035kHz weak signal, Bhutan backed ?
6080kHz CHINA Hulun-Buir PBS, Mongolian
7260kHz MONGOLIA P3 FM100.9
7290kHz INDONESIA RRI-Nabire, Koran
7580kHz NORTH KOREA Voice of Korea, Chinese
9410kHz weak signal, maybe Fu Hsing ??
7210kHz TAIWAN and VIETNAM, Sound of Hope vs Voice of Vietnam 1
7290kHz INDONESIA RRI-Nabire still here..
5965kHz UNID, song.., Garman ??, s/off at -1934*
6115kHz UNID, Congo ??
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Nov 11, 2018 08:04 UTC No.3586 Note;
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA Voice of Freedom, +pips jammer
6060kHZ HABANA CUBA, IS then s/off at -0800*
7290kHz No signal
8169kHz TAIWAN V13 - Xingxing BS, AM, *0800-
3260kHz, 3325kHz PNG, weak today..
3345kHz INDONESIA RRI-Ternate(tent.), weak signal
4943kHz CHINA VC01 Chinese Robot, USB
7225kHz CHINA Sichuan PBS - Ethnic Broadcasting, music
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Nov 15, 2018 10:24 UTC No.3587 Note;
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang
3325kHz PNG NBC-Bougainville
3345kHz INDONESIA RRI-Ternate
3389kHz UNID ? DRM ? , 8kHz width
5920kHz SK Voice of Freedom
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Nov 20, 2018 08:42 UTC No.3590 Note;
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang
3325kHz No signal (PNG NBC-Bougainville)
5055kHz AUSTRALIA Radio 4KZ
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Nov 21, 2018 20:56 UTC No.3591 Note;
3325kHz INDONESIA Voice of Indonesia, 2049- 3320kHz c/on strong...
3345kHz INDONESIA RRI-Ternate
7260kHz CHINA CNR-1, maybe spur..
(7325kHz No signal)
UNID 3215kHz, etc.. -
XYZ Nov 22, 2018 12:12 UTC No.3592 Note;
Radio waves in neighboring countries are skipping. (Phenomenon peculiar to winter)
3215kHz UNID, language ?,, maybe WWCR from USA
3325kHz INDONESIA Voice of Indonesia
4010kHz KYRGYZ Kyrgyz Birinchi Radio, fiar signal today, 4010.17kHz
6045kHz SOUTH KOREA National Unification Broadcast, no jammer
9410kHz TAIWAN Fu Hsing BS, etc.. -
XYZ Nov 23, 2018 00:56 UTC No.3594 Note;
9410kHz TAIWAN Fu Hsing BS(tent.), H3E(or AM ??, not stable..)
Live stream : Not in operation..
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA Voice of Freedom, + pips jammer
5995kHz SOUTH KOREA Echo of Hope, no jammer good condition
7260kHz MONGOLIA, They always feel overmodulation...
7545kHz CHINA CNR-1, maybe jammer but no target ??
9410kHz TAIWAN Fu Hsing BS(tent.), still on air , QRM: BBC english px *0159-
Non-stop music, fair signal but very bad modulation, test TTX ??
According to the program list:
0000-0100 life fun easy
0400-0500 Hefang Music Blog
0500-0600 life bla-bla -bla
0800-0900 into the two sides (replay)
0900-1000 life fun easy (replay)
1100-1200 Hefang Music Blog (Replay)
1200-1300 life bla-bla -bla (replay)
9410kHz still on air, test TX ??, QRM BBC on co-channel
9410kHz TAIWAN Fu Hsing BS, SA with them music at -1144-
changed schedule ??
7275kHz CHINA Guizhou PBS - News station, Chinese, around 7275.005kHz
YouTube :
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Nov 23, 2018 09:33 UTC No.3596 Note;
3260kHz No signal (PNG)
3325kHz PNG NC-Bougainville (tent.), weak
3345kHz INDONESIA RRI-Ternate, 3344.86kHz
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA Voice of Freedom, + pips jammer
6080kHz CHINA Hulun-Buir PBS, Mongolian
7260kHz MONGOLIA and CHINA, P3 FM100.9 and Xinjiang
3260kHz No signal
3265kHz SPUR (SK Voice of the People)
4943kHz USB CHINA VC01 "Chinese Robot" Numbers station
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Nov 24, 2018 10:31 UTC No.3597 Note;
3260kHz No signal (PNG)
3325kHz PNG NBC-Bougainville, weak
3345kHz INDONESIA RRI-Ternate, weak
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation
5920kHz SK Voice of Freedom
5985kHz UNID, etc.. -
XYZ Nov 25, 2018 07:30 UTC No.3598 Note;
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA Voice of Freedom, + pips jammer
6030kHz CHINA CNR-1 DRM, also 11955kHz/15580kHz/13850kHz
See also :
7260kHz MONGOLIA, strong but overmodulation..
7290kHz No signal (INDONESIA)
3260kHz No signal(PNG)
3325kHz PNG NBC-Bougainville
5919kHz CHINA VC01 "Chinese Robot", USB
4943kHz CHINA VC01 "Chinese Robot" Nighttime frequency, USB,
QSY from 5919kHz (Daytime freq.)
5005kHz UNID carrir, no modulation ? or very weak modulation..
5055kHz AUSTRALIA Radio 4KZ
7208.6kHz UNID Beacon ? CW: "..._ ..._ ..._" repeat
5985kHz UNID, heavy QRM from noise or jamming..
Radio Nothern Star, JG at -1430-
7435kHz UNID, etc.. -
XYZ Nov 26, 2018 13:44 UTC No.3599 Note;
7435kHz UNID, not Radio Marti
7502kHz TAIWAN V13 Xingxing BS, Numbers station
7120kHz SOMALILAND Radio Hargeysa(tent.), weak
7140kHz / 7180kHz ERITREA (tent.), Dimtsi Hafash Radio 1 & 2
3325kHz (weak siganl)
3345kHz (weak signal)
3945kHz JAPAN and NORTH KOREA, Radio Nikkei(-1401*) vs Echo of Unification(-1402*)
4750kHz BANGLADESH, CHINA CNR-1 off air today
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA Voice of Freedon, closing song maybe -1406*
See also :
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Nov 27, 2018 12:08 UTC No.3601 Note;
3260kHz No signal (PNG)
4750kHz BANGULADESH, CHINA CNR-1 still off air
6045kHz SOUTH KOREA National Unification Bro.
Voice of Martyrs
1530-1600 daily 7520 Nov.21-(ex.7505)
1502-1532 Tu.Th. 7530
Thanks HIROSHI ! :
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Nov 27, 2018 12:11 UTC No.3602 Note;
3260kHz No signal (PNG)
4750kHz BANGLADESH, CHINA CNR-1 still off air
6045kHz SOUTH KOREA National Unification Bro.
Voice of Martyrs
1530-1600 daily 7520 Nov.21-(ex.7505)
1502-1532 Tu.Th. 7530
Thanks HIROSHI ! :
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Nov 29, 2018 08:50 UTC No.3603 Note;
3260kHz No signal (PNG)
3325kHz PNG NBC-Bougainville
3345kHz INDONESIA RRI-Ternate, weak
6400kHz NK Pyongyang BS
7290kHz (very weak signal : 7289.92kHz)
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Dec 01, 2018 15:44 UTC No.3604 Note;
3260kHz UNID, no modulation, who ?
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA Voice of Freedom
7120kHz SOMALILAND Radio Hargeysa(tent.)
7140kHz / 7180kHz ERITREA (tent.)
7260kHz No signal (Mongolia), -1500* ?
6240kHz TWR, language ??, -1600* ,
Re: PBS Yunnan (China) again broadcasting on 6035 kHz. -
Ron Howard Dec 01, 2018 19:32 UTC No.3605 Since September, both 6035 (PBS Yunnan relay of FM99 - Voice of Shangri-La)
and 7210 (PBS Yunnan - ethnic minority broadcasting) have been silent. As a
result, I enjoyed some entertaining reception of BBS (Bhutan), on 6035, without
the normal QRM.
Dec 1, via WRTH Facebook - "Uwe Volk noticed, that Voice of Shangri-La is
back on 6035 kHz." Bad news for BBS reception!
What is happening on 7210?
San Francisco
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Dec 01, 2018 19:54 UTC No.3606 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !
>Yunnan PBS 7210kHz
My monitor in November, only TAIWAN Sound of Hope and Vietnamese Voice of Vietnam
on 7210 kHz.
>Yunnan PBS 6035kHz
I heard two stations from the end of November, but in my location the reception
condition was bad and could not be confirmed. It might be Bhutan and Yunnan, but
I could not confirm their language.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Dec 04, 2018 10:33 UTC No.3608 Note;
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang
3265kHz SK (spur of "Voice of the People")
3325kHz PNG NBC-Bougainville
3345kHz No signal (INDONESIA)
4943kHz CHINA VC01 "Chinese Robot", USB
5005kHz UNID carrier, no modulation ?
5055kHz AUSTRALIA Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA Voice of Freedom, + pips jammer
6035kHz No signal ?
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Dec 06, 2018 07:54 UTC No.3609 Note;
5020kHz Solomon
7260kHz MONGOLIA P3 FM100.9
7290kHz INDONESIA RRI-Nabire, 7289.92kHz
5890kHz UNID strong signal
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang ?, weak or no modulation ??
3325kHz PNG NBC-Bougainville
6045kHz..., etc.. -
XYZ Dec 10, 2018 19:45 UTC No.3610 Note;
6045kHz SOUTH KOREA Voice of Freedom, ex: 5920kHz
Recent schedule :
2058-0206 Morning program
0258-0806 Afternoon program
0858-1406 Evening program *(ex:-1506)
1451-2006 Nighttime program *(ex:1551-)
same frequency as "National Unification Broadcasting" ... ??
1100-1300 6045kHz
1800-1900 6045kHz
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Dec 12, 2018 02:57 UTC No.3611 Note;
7200kHz UNID carrier, no modulation
7260kHz MONGOLIA P3 FM100.9
7275kHz CHINA Guizhou PBS ?, Chinese
5920kHz NK Pips type jamming
6045kHz Strong carrier, maybe SOUTH KOREA Voice of Freedom *0300-
Re: Shiokaze mini-concert -
Ron Howard Dec 12, 2018 18:09 UTC No.3612 Shiokaze/Sea Breeze, via Yamata, Japan, which currently is on 6085 kHz.,
from 1300 to 1400 UT, will shortly be broadcasting their annual special
mini-concert program. The concert will take place in Tokyo, on December
15. The mini-concert will be broadcast via Shiokaze and will often be
rebroadcast throughout December and January. It is always timed to
coordinate with “North Korean Human Rights Abuses Awareness Week"
and the international symposium held by the government of Japan. We
can expect a disruption of their schedule of languages, so perhaps
Thursdays will not be in English?
"Part 3 : Mini-Concert
   Joint recording of radio programs to North Korea by “Furusato no Kaze
(Wind of Home)” and “Shiokaze (Sea of Breeze)” co-hosted by the
Secretariat of the Headquartes for the Abduction Issue, and Investigation
Commission on Missing Japanese Probably Related to N. Korea.
   Cast : A gathering to sing “Anata wo Wasurenai (We never forget you)”,
Ms. Ayaki Yamaguchi, Ms. Yumiko Usami, Ms. Saya, and students from
Tachikawa Daishiti Junior High School."
XYZ Dec 12, 2018 21:27 UTC No.3613 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
KTWR Guam (US) want to give DRM listeners a Christmas gift this year in the form of
some special English and Japanese Christmas DRM broadcasts starting on December 15th.
They will be in stereo mode B 64 QAM to Japan and ANZ/SP and mono mode A 16QAM to
India. The antenna azimuths for Japan will be at 350 degrees; Australia and
New Zealand will be at 165 degrees; and South Asia will be at 285 degrees.
The exact schedules are:
Japanese - Towards Japan
15 Dec 2018 1100-1130 UTC 9910 kHz 50 kW
16 Dec 2018 1245-1315 UTC 7500 khz 50 kw
22 Dec 2018 1100-1130 UTC 9910 kHz 50 kW
23 Dec 2018 1245-1315 UTC 7500 kHz 50 kW
English - To South Asia
24 Dec 2018 1245-1315 UTC 9380 kHz 75 kW
25 Dec 2018 1245-1315 UTC 9380 kHz 75 kW
English - To ANZ/South Pacific
24 Dec 2018 1030-1100 UTC 11995 kHz 50 kW
25 Dec 2018 1030-1100 UTC 11995 kHz 50 kW
XYZ Dec 12, 2018 21:40 UTC No.3614 Thanks MAUNO @WRTH Faceook !
From KTWR Guam:
"Hi Everyone,
The staff at KTWR wanted to give listeners with DRM receivers a Christmas gift
this year. I have attached the schedule for our 2018 Christmas DRM broadcasts.
We will be doing stereo mode B 64 QAM to Japan and ANZ/SP and mono mode A 16QAM
to India. The latter set-up seems to be the best way to get decent audio and
reliable decoding with the poor propagation we have this time of year. Japan
and ANZ should get a very strong signal. (When we ran regular DRM broadcasts
to Japan, we only used 32kW.)
Have a great time enjoying this year’s celebration of Jesus’ earthly birthday.
Japanese 15.12.2018 1100-1130 9910 50kW
16.12.2018 1245-1315 7500 50kW
22.12.2018 1100-1130 9910 50kW
23.12.2018 1245-1315 7500 50kW
English SAs 24.12.2018 1245-1315 9380 75kW
25.12.2018 1245-1315 9380 75kW
English Aus/NZ 24.12.2018 1030-1100 11995 50kW
25.12.2018 1030-1100 11995 50kW"
7495kHz VOA-Khmer, etc.. -
XYZ Dec 15, 2018 22:10 UTC No.3616 Note;
7495kHz VOA - Khmer, SA at -2208-, // 7460kHz 5880kHz, (add:-2201*)
not list IBB monitoring, TX site ?
3345kHz (weak signal)
3945kHz NORTH KOREA Echo of Unification
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Dec 17, 2018 20:46 UTC No.3617 Note;
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang ?
3325kHz INDONESIA Voice of Indonesia
3345kHz INDONESIA RRI-Ternate ?
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Dec 20, 2018 13:24 UTC No.3618 Recently, I have created some PHP scripts, and my head is confused (lol)..
etc.. and some software by Javascript, and Communication Board by CGI PERL script.
I am suffering from problems related to RSS FEED.
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Dec 23, 2018 16:19 UTC No.3619 Note;
5920kHz SK Voice of Freedom
7180kHz ERITREA(tent.)
5055kHz AUSTRALIA Radio 4KZ, Christmas special ?
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Dec 24, 2018 09:33 UTC No.3620 Note;
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
5020kHz SOLOMON(tent.), no modulation ? or very weak ??
5055kHz AUSTRALIA Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA Voice of Freedom, K-Pop song
6035kHz BHUTAN ?, QRM from CNR-1 DRM on 6030kHz
6847kHz CHINA VC01 "Chinese Robot", USB
UNID 6962 vkHz, etc.. -
XYZ Dec 25, 2018 13:13 UTC No.3621 Note;
6962.4kHz UNID, tradx song ?, maybe near east ..?
Frequency is moving. 6960 vkHz at -1316-, 6957kHz at -1327-
6955kHz Sounded like as "All India Radio" in Hindi..
Re: UNID 6962 vkHz ---> AIR Urdu service (7340kHz) -
XYZ Dec 25, 2018 14:13 UTC No.3623
Thanks Jose Jacob @ DX India
Air Urdu service noted now 0320 utc on 6970 khz !
Must be Mumbai as 7340 is missing
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log(18) -
XYZ Dec 26, 2018 09:17 UTC No.3624 Note;
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang
3325kHz No signal (PNG)
5055kHz AUSTRALIA Radio 4KZ
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA Voice of Freedom
7470kHz no modulation strong signal
7200kHz UNID, etc.. -
XYZ Dec 27, 2018 10:14 UTC No.3626 Note;
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang
3265kHz (Spur) SK Voice of the People (3480kHz)
3325kHz No signal(PNG Bougainville)
3345kHz No signal ? (INDONESIA)
7200kHz (strong signal but no modulation..)
5055kHz AUSTRALIA Radio 4KZ, fair signal today
5920kHz SOUTH KOREA Voice of Freedom, + pips jamer
7630kHz Spur ?? OM talk but weak modulation, language ?
3049kHz North Korea V28 "The Parrot", It might be misplacement switch of the Mic.
7200kHz still open carrier
3260kHz Madang and 5020kHz SOLOMON Extended broadcasting, etc.. -
XYZ Dec 31, 2018 01:10 UTC No.3628 Note;
7260kHz MONGOLIA, strong signal but over modulation..
9410kHz TAIWAN ? , -0059*, QRM: *0058- BBC-SNG in English, H3E(AM + USB)
7275kHz No signal (CHINA Guizhou PBS)
7266kHz, 7274kHz Spur from Neimengu PBS on 7270kHz(in Mongolian)
around 11440kHz CHINA CNR-1, New type jamming ?,
CNR-1 is spreading in quite a wide band..
11695kHz CHINA CNR-1 DRM
7275kHz CHINA Guizhou PBS, Chinese, It started when I noticed it..
It seems that the start time is a little behind today :-)
// Live stream ::
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang, extended broadcasting (normal: -1200*)
5020kHz SOLOMON, weak modulation, extended broadcasting (normal: -1200*)
5055kHz AUSTRALIA Radio 4KZ
Today, some Chinese stations had extended broadcasting as well. (2018/Dec/31)