Past log

[688] UNID Korean on 9650kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 06, 2016 19:43 UTC  


UNID Korean Station:
Frequency: 9650kHz
Time : 1530-1630
Language : Korean

MP3 Audio file (It is a sound file that arrived from Mauno.):

[690] Re: UNID Korean on 9650kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 06, 2016 21:38 UTC  

IBB monitoring:

wed. only;
...W... BRB KORE 9650 XXX

This would be religious broadcasting. Sorry, I was mistaken.

BRB = Alyx & Yeyi (former TDP):
** None listed.

[693] Re: UNID Korean on 9650kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 07, 2016 13:29 UTC  

TNX! Mauno.
Living Water Ministry Broadcasting will start today 1530-1630
on 9650 kHz in Korean (info from Broadcast Belgium).

[727] 9650kHz Korean new religious station, Program ID as "Life's river" Name:XYZ Day:Jan 13, 2016 23:41 UTC  

TNX! cho-san! FB Information!
ASIAN DX BBS (Japanese):


The station started with Andrea Bocelli's song.
ID announcement as "Life's river"

[728] Re: UNID Korean on 9650kHz Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 14, 2016 01:52 UTC  

cho-san, an excellent recording !!

9650 kHz. introduction songs:

Josh Groban song in English - "Home to Stay," on cho-san's audio at 2:28.

[729] Re: UNID Korean on 9650kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 14, 2016 02:01 UTC  


I have to when searching for a song takes advantage of the "Shazam"
in the iPhone application.
Shazam :

This is useful.

[730] 9650kHz Korean new religious station "Life's river Broadcasting" Name:XYZ Day:Jan 14, 2016 09:59 UTC  

YouTube :

Sounded like as "Saengmyeong-ui Gang Bangsong"
*** mean: "Life's river Broadcasting" or "River of Life Broadcasting"

[774] Re: 9650kHz Korean new religious station "Life's river Broadcasting" Name:XYZ Day:Jan 20, 2016 16:15 UTC  


*1526- 9650kHz

-1630* I forgot that today is the broadcast date...(H.K.)

[777] Re: 9650kHz Korean new religious station "Life's river Broadcasting" Name:XYZ Day:Jan 21, 2016 11:04 UTC  


TNX! cho-san :
TNX! HIROSHI : (Jan 13) (Jan 20)

[885] Re: 9650kHz Korean new religious station "Life's river Broadcasting" Name:XYZ Day:Feb 03, 2016 15:54 UTC  


-1553- Korean, QRM from KNLS on 9655kHz

[1037] Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 27, 2016 10:48 UTC  

Here is the new thread.

Previous Thread:
Asia - Pacific DX log (3):
Asia - Pacific DX log (2):
Asia - Pacific DX log (1):

Please post a topic of broadcasting in the Asia-Pacific region.

[1038] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 27, 2016 10:56 UTC  


3260kHz NBC(tent.), heavy QRM of NK on 3250kHz
3519kHz(USB) VC01
5020kHz SIBC No signal, also no signal on 9545kHz
6400kHz NK Pyonyang BS, broadcast here for the first time in a long time

3905kHz RRI-Merauke
5020/9545kHz SIBC, No signal
6400kHz NK Pyonyang BS, No signal
6915.4kHz(LSB) VC01, Frequency is not clear... around 6915.4kHz
7502kHz(AM) V13 Xingxing BS, Opening music, *1200-

[1042] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Feb 27, 2016 16:03 UTC  

MALAYSIA. 9835 (Sarawak FM) // 11665 (Wai FM relay of
Sarawak FM) both continuing to air special coverage for the
upcoming Sarawak elections; we can probably expect more
of these // broadcasts in the run-up to the elections.

Feb 27 from 1331 to 1339 with speaker before a live audience;
mostly vernacular, but some English; addressing the Chinese
community; "You must not be divided," "Representation of the
Chinese community . . . you want a strong representation . . .
a strong Sarawak government is in a better position to negotiate
with the federal government . . ."; 1339 not //; 11665 Wai FM ID.
Interesting broadcast! My audio of English .

SOLOMON ISLANDS. Wantok FM relay via SIBC; continuing with
their very erratic testing on Feb 27.

5020.0 - From 1315 to 1317* with pop songs; suddenly no audio and
shortly thereafter transmitter off.

9545 - At 1319+ open carrier; no audio at all.

5020.0 - On and off testing with pop songs; 1343-1351*;
back on again by 1353 till again suddenly off at 1354*.

Ron, listening at Asilomar State Beach (near Monterey), California

[1043] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 27, 2016 16:10 UTC  


Oh!! FB monitoring SIBC !!!
We hope it is good to be broadcast normally.
Thank you very much Ron-san !!!

[1044] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 28, 2016 08:38 UTC  


TNX! remote radio in AUS
3325kHz NBC, SA at 08:34
5020kHz SIBC, No signal, also no signal on 9545kHz

7878kHz VC01, USB
9410kHz TAIWAN Fu Hsing BS

[1049] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 29, 2016 10:51 UTC  


3519kHz VC01
5020kHz SIBC, **TNX! remote radio in Australia.
7345kHz MYANMAR Thazin FM, QRM of CNR1 on cofrequency. (ex:9590kHz)

[1059] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 02, 2016 11:10 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang
3275kHz NBC-Southern Highlands ??, strong signal no-modulation
3325kHz NBC and RRI, QRM of 3320kHz
3519kHz USB, VC01
3915kHz RRI-Merauke
5020kHz SIBC

[1061] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 02, 2016 18:43 UTC  

MALAYSIA. 9835 Sarawak FM // 11665 Wai FM; 1600, March 2.
Choral National Anthem (Negaraku ・Lagu Kebangsaan Malaysia);
11665 off at 1601*, while 9835 continued on; both fair.

MYANMAR/BURMA. 5985.0, Myanmar Radio, 1503-1600, March 2
(Wednesday). NHK's radio drama in the Burmese language, which
corresponds to a radio drama heard by Timm Breyel (Malaysia), via
Myanmar in Jan that was produced by NHK (Japan); 1530 into English
(local news & weather); during 1536-1550 interesting "VOA Special
English" program about Mount Rainier National Park and Valley Forge
National Historical Park (; *1600 CRI sign on
blocked frequency.

7200.09, Myanmar Radio, 1404*, Feb 29, after CNR1 (jamming) went off
at 1400* after their time pips.

7345, Thazin Radio, 1328*, Feb 29. Went off after the usual theme music;
heard underneath strong CNR1 QRM.

BTW - Appreciate Wolfy's frequent monitoring of Myanmar and providing
accurate frequencies for all of their stations. Very helpful.

PHILIPPINES. 15640 // 17700 // 17820, R. Pilipinas, 0232-0250,
March 1; program "DFA On-line, news and events from different
Philippine embassies and consulates around the world"; profile of
Rolando de la Cruz, inventor of an anti-viral and anti-fungal cream
preparation derived from cashew nuts that non-surgical removes
warts, moles and other skin imperfections; gave website to listen
to Radio Pilipinas online; 0241 segment of songs from "ASEAN
countries"; program "It's More Fun In The Philippines"; all fair.

[1063] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 02, 2016 21:18 UTC  


Myanmar, this reception is difficult in my location, but through it
I monitor when the remote radio is up in Thailand. Ron-san's reports
are always very helpful.

3519kHz USB, VC01
7510kHz North Korea Reform Radio (NKRF)
7530kHz TAIWAN ??, Unknown program

I was concerned about the major earthquake that occurred in Indonesia.
According to the monitor from last night, following the frequency seems
to have been successful;
3325kHz, 4750kHz, 9525kHz

[1064] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 03, 2016 12:19 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang, -1215*(around)
3275kHz No signal (NBC-Southern Highlands)
3325kHz RRI? NBC?, heavy QRM of NK on 33250kHz
3519kHz USB, VC01
3905kHz RRI-Merauke
4750kHz (4749.95kHz), RRI-Makassar
4870kHz No signal (RRI-Wamena)
7502kHz AM, V13 TAIWAN Xingxing BS
9470kHz FNK Free North Korea Radio
9525kHz No signal (Voice of Indonesia)

** Indonesia, see also ISHIDA's info.:

[1068] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 04, 2016 10:59 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang
3275kHz Maybe NBC-Southern Highlands test TX, fair signal and no-modulation
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville & RRI-Palangkaraya, QRM of NK 3320kHz
3905kHz RRI-Merauke
5020kHz SIBC

No signal;
4870kHz RRI-Wamena
9525kHz Voice of Indonesia

3519kHz USB, VC01
4885kHz Echo of Hope, *1155-
7502kHz AM, V13 TAIWAN Xingxing BS, *1200- opmx

[1069] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 04, 2016 14:23 UTC  

North Korea


2350kHz KCBS Pyongyang
6400kHz Pyongyang BS

11680kHz No signal


[1070] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 04, 2016 16:16 UTC  

INDONESIA. 3325.0, Pro 1 RRI Palangkaraya, 1403-1422,
March 4. RRI Palangkaraya jingle followed by ID "Programa
satu RRI Palangkaraya"; theme music; 1404 time pips (a full
four minutes late!); local Palangkaraya news; ending news at
1422 with usual patriotic song 釘agimu Negeri・(For You Our
Country); reception well above the norm. My fairly clear five
minute audio at .

4749.95, RRI Makassar, 1315, March 4. Program of phone calls.
As Wolfy noted yesterday, is nice to have Bangladesh Betar
currently off the air, as normally they would be blocking RRI.

4869.89v, RRI Wamena on March 4 with another day of not

Ron, listening at Asilomar State Beach (near Monterey), California, USA

[1071] UNID strong signal on 4766kHz Name:XYZ Day:Mar 04, 2016 17:08 UTC  


-1438- 4766kHz UNID strong signal;
-1705- still continued... no modulation

[1076] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 05, 2016 10:22 UTC  


-1013* 7878kHz USB VC01
*1013- 3519kHz USB VC01

3905kHz No signal ? or VY weak ??
4750kHz RRI-Makassar(tent.)
4766kHz UNID strong no-modulation carrier, still on here...
5020kHz Solomon, fair signal

No signal; (It may be the effect of the earthquake.)
4870kHz RRI-Wamena, No signal, QRM of OTHR
9525kHz Voice of Indonesia, No signal

[1077] 6035kHz Bhutan BS Name:XYZ Day:Mar 05, 2016 11:27 UTC  


-1122- 6035kHz (6035.05kHz)
Bhutan BS, English program, //

[1082] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 06, 2016 10:41 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang
3275kHz NBC-Southern Highlands ??, no-modulation
3325kHz ** heavy QRM of NK 3320kHz
3905kHz RRI-Merauke
4750kHz RRI-Makassar
4870kHz ** QRM of OTHR
5020kHz Solomon
9525kHz Indonesia, No signal

[1084] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 06, 2016 14:49 UTC  

SOUTH KOREA. 5857.5, HLL2 Seoul, 1217, March 6.
Good signal, but poor audio (distorted); in English with
weather information; providing wind direction, wind speed
in meters per second, air pressure in hectopascals and
temperature in Celsius; 1218 changed language. My audio
at .

6015, KBS Hanminjok Bangsong 1, 1000, March 5. Start of
the usual program "Pops Freedom"; mostly in Korean; many
pop songs; "Everyday English" language lesson; poor with
the usual white noise jamming from North Korea.

6135, Voice of Freedom (clandestine), 1148-1202, March 6. A
very rare occurrence with NO white noise jamming from North
Korea; the often heard theme music ("We Shall Overcome"); in
Korean; almost fair. My eight minute audio at

Ron, listening in San Francisco at Ocean Beach, California

[1085] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 07, 2016 01:19 UTC  


7260kHz Mongolian Radio 2, //-
9625kHz Radio Taiwan, Thai language program, New schedule ?, -0100*
9153kHz LSB, V26 Chinese Numbers Station

I could not find a Daytime-frequency of VC01 ...
test TX ??, no-modulation strong carrier:
15605kHz(-0730*), 15495kHz(-0731*), 11605kHz
9522kHz V13 TAIWAN Xingxing BS

11570kHz Jamming test ???, Pips jamming, see image;

[1086] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 07, 2016 09:55 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang, TNX! remote radio in AUS
3275kHz No signal today
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville, TNX! remote radio in AUS

9525kHz UNID female talk in English, Voice of Indonesia back ??

[1087] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 07, 2016 14:43 UTC  

BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville. On
March 7 found rather an ironic coincidence. For
the past two days RRI Palangkaraya had been
well heard here and Bougainville had clearly been
off the air; today heard NBC Bougainville, while
RRI was clearly off the air.

Heard Bougainville 1049-1204*; "NBC Bougainville"
IDs at both 1103 and 1203; no news heard; pop
Pacific Island songs with DJ in Tok Pisin/Pidgin;
frequent time checks; only QRM was heavy QRN
(static) and some CW; after 1204* the frequency
was clear (no trace of RRI today).

[1088] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 07, 2016 14:54 UTC  


I heard the NBC-Bougainville for the first time in a long time
(via AUS remote radio). 6020kHz was Vietnam only...
Ron-san, Thank you very much for the detailed report !!

[1090] CHINA Special program CRI// CNR-1// CNR-2// CNR-5 Name:XYZ Day:Mar 08, 2016 02:47 UTC  


CRI // CNR-1 // CNR-2 // CNR-5, and Jamming CNR-1
** Relay of speech and Question-and-answer session (Press conference)
(in English and Chinese)

Same program: (kHz)
9500, 9570, 9620, 9645, 9675, 9720, 9810, 11610,
11620, 11660, 11670, 11720, 11750, 11760, 11800,
11915, 11935, 11960, 12045, 12080, 13590*, 13610,
13655, 15270, 15370, 15380, 15480, 15500, 15540,
15550, 17550, 17565, 17580, 17595, 17605, 17625,

Another program:(kHz)
15140, 15160

See also:
Live TV :

[1091] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 08, 2016 05:35 UTC  

Thank you Hiroyuki !!!

- - - - posted to DXLD yg:

** CHINA. 4940, Voice of Strait, 1500, March 5. Saturday
only English program "Focus on China"; started with pop
song; news item about ESports, with an audience population
in China that has grown to larger than 100 million players;
many of the items presented by native speakers of English;
many IDs - "You are now listening to Focus on China, Voice
of Strait Broadcast Station"; fair.

new 5436-USB, VC01 (Chinese Military numbers station),
ex: 3519-USB & 7878-USB, 1052 and subsequent checking
till 1305, March 7; Chinese numbers; fair-poor with OTH
radar QRM. Thanks again to Hiroyuki Komatsubara (Japan)
for keeping me informed as to the activities of these number
stations! (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA,
Et E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING

** KOREA SOUTH. 4885, Echo of Hope - VOH, 1238, March 6.
This continues to daily have a very good signal; very clean, with
no hint of jamming during my receptions; still with occasional
"V O H" IDs (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA,
Et E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING

** MALAYSIA. 9835, Sarawak FM via Kajang, 1306-1329,
March 7. Series on 10 minute recitations from the Qur'an.
The only major competition (Tilawah Al-Qur誕n) this month
in Malaysia was held last Friday (March 4), so this must have
been a recording of that; "Majlis Tilawah Al-Quran Peringkat
Wilayah Persekutuan 2016" (a competition at the federal level).
About the only time I hear a woman with Qur'an recitation is
during one of these competitions, as they have a division for
women; fair (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA,
Et E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING

UNIDENTIFIED. 4850, carrier + USB, 1220 and still on at
1256, March 7. Slow pips; routinely I monitor here and have
never heard this before. My audio at
(Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA,
Et E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING

[1092] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 08, 2016 09:32 UTC  


Audio of 4850kHz... mystery pips...

3260kHz NBC-Madang
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville, fair signal today
5020kHz Solomon, fair signal

VC01 Daytime frequency was found !

3905kHz RRI-Merauke
4750kHz RRI-Makassar
4870kHz RRI-Wamena, No signal
7415kHz Firedrake, Do not see the purpose of broadcasting..

[1099] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 09, 2016 21:54 UTC  

BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville on March 9.

1039-1105 did not have any RRI QRM; in Tok Pisin/
Pidgin; 1101 listed their frequencies; heavy QRN (static).

1105 start of RRI Palangkaraya QRM (weak), which
was only sporadically heard; tentatively NBC went off
at 1151*; by 1158 positive was only RRI here, so NBC
went off the air early today.

CHINA. 5436-USB, VC01 (Chinese Military numbers
station), 1038 and subsequent checking till 1256, March 9.
Fair with OTH radar QRM.

INDONESIA[and non-log]. 3904.96, RRI Merauke off
the air March 9 at 1044 and subsequent checking.

4749.95 RRI Makassar. March 9 was yet another day
with no Bangladesh Betar on 4750.0, so at 1215 had
decent reception of RRI here; only very light CNR1
QRM. Now is an excellent time to hear RRI without
the usually strong BB QRM.

MYANMAR. 9730, Myanmar Radio, 1130*, March 9.
Weak underneath SOH (Taiwan).

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, 1043 and
1213*, March 9. Any day, like today, that I can make out
what language they are using, is a day of good reception!
Pop songs with DJ in Tok Pisin/Pidgin; 1201-1205 NBC
news in English; after news seemed to be "NBC National
Radio" audio feed with pop songs till suddenly off.

3275, NBC Southern Highlands (presumed), 1230*, March 9.
From 1053 onward only able to hear an open carrier; never
reached the level of any audio.

7324.95 Wantok Radio Light, 1258, March 9. Brief opening
without CRI, with religious music; above average signal for

TAIWAN. 7502.0-AM, StarStar Broadcasting Station (Xing
Xing BS) (V13), 1218, March 9. Chinese numbers; clearly in
AM mode, although I occasionally see reports of it in just USB;
fair; schedule here: 1200-1230 & 1300-1330.

UNIDENTIFIED. 4850, carrier + USB. March 8 & 9 did not hear
the pips again, so was a one day only event.

[1100] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 10, 2016 10:02 UTC  


Yes, When heard by remote radio in Australia, it seems to be faintly heard
something but do not know too weak...
It is unmodulated in my location(Akita/Japan).

Ron-san, Thank you very much a lot of FB and interesting reports !!!

3260kHz NBC-Madang
3275kHz No signal today
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville
6847kHz(USB) VC01

[1101] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 11, 2016 08:46 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang
3275kHz ?? weak signal, no modulation
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville
6847kHz(USB) VC01
7290kHz(7289.92kHz) RRI-Nabire ??, weak signal, QRM of Pips Jamming
9410kHz Taiwan Fu Hsing BS

-0858- 3260kHz// 3325kHz
0859- Local program
0901- NBC News, 3260kHz// 3325kHz again...

[1103] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 12, 2016 14:17 UTC  


3905kHz RRI-Merauke, No signal ??
3945kHz Radio Vanuatu ??, no modulation carrier
4766kHz UNID strong carrier agan
5436kHz(USB) VC01
6505kHz(LSB) VC01

[1107] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 13, 2016 16:26 UTC  


11665kHz Malaysia, //9835kHz, -1623*
6505kHz(LSB) VC01, weak signal. -1525-

[1111] UNID 15107kHz (15106.69kHz) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 14, 2016 14:21 UTC  



15106.69kHz UNID, Hindi ??

Sorry, language is also the station name also was not able to confirm both...
URL ann. sounded like as "... www dot A-W-R dot ...."

[1113] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 15, 2016 05:16 UTC  

- - - - Ron posted to DXLD yg:

** BANGLADESH. 4750.0, Bangladesh Betar ・Home Service,
1228, March 14. Back on the air again; not being heard before
1228. Almost seems to be their sign on? Theme music till ID
at BoH. First noted back on the air March 10, also at 1228 with
same theme music (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA,
Et E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING

** BHUTAN. 6035.05, BBS (presumed), 1135-1154, March 14.
Non-stop EZL pop songs, while PBS Yunnan was continual
talking. Does seem they are now on a new, extended schedule
(Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Et E1, antenna:
100' long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville, 1156, March 14. For
sure two stations mixing together with RRI much stronger; 1200
both went to news; seemed NBC went off sometime around 1208,
but is so weak is hard to be positive of exact time (Ron Howard,
Asilomar State Beach, CA, Et E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg

** INDONESIA. 3325.0, Pro 1 RRI Palangkaraya, 1222, March 14.
Ending the Jakarta news audio feed with distinctive patriotic song
"Garuda Pancasila" (not the usual 釘agimu Negeri・; doing well and
// 4749.95 Pro 4 RRI Makassar.

3904.98, Pro 1 RRI Merauke as of March 14 continues to be silent.
(Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Et E1, antenna: 100'
long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MYANMAR. 7200.09, Myanmar Radio, 1400-1450*, March 13.
After CNR1 went off the air after their pips, Myanmar in the clear;
longer broadcast than recently heard; audio quality varies from
fair to garbled; ham QRM (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA,
Et E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING

** PHILIPPINES. 15640 // 17700 // 17820, R. Pilipinas, 0214, March 14.
擢rom the presidential palace Manila, Dateline Malacang・ "From the
News Center of PBS. This is the PBS News"; all fair (Ron Howard,
Asilomar State Beach, CA, Et E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg

UNIDENTIFIED. 4766.0 on March 14 from 1408 to 1420 noted a decent
strength open carrier with very faint audio at times; also recently being
heard in Japan by Hiroyuki Komatsubara; best in USB, with assume Tajik
Radio as usual on 4765.0; also usual open carrier on 4760 from assume
AIR Port Blair. Any possibility that UNID is AIR Leh up from 4760? (Ron
Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Et E1, antenna: 100' long wire,

[1114] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 15, 2016 09:49 UTC  


-0940- TNX! remote radio in Australia!
3210kHz UNID, song("Gimme Little Sign" etc...), spur ??
3260kHz NBC-Madang
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville
3905kHz RRI-Merauke, no signal
4750kHz RRI-Makassar
4870kHz RRI-Wamena, no signal

5020kHz Solomon, Wantok FM relay(presume), good signal
7030kHz Pakistan, on the air today

[1120] 5020kHz Wantok FM via SIBC, etc... Name:XYZ Day:Mar 15, 2016 14:47 UTC  


5020kHz Wantok FM via SIBC, still on the air
5290kHz V24- Korean Numbers Station, *1430-1438*
5436kHz(USB) VC01- Chinese Numbers station
6505kHz(LSB) VC01- Chinese Numbers station
7030kHz Pakistan, Voice of Jammu Kashmir Freedom Movement, -1445*
9525kHz Indonesia, off the air since yesterday(Mar 14)

[1123] PNG, Indonesia, VC01, V26, V28 Name:XYZ Day:Mar 16, 2016 09:39 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville
3905kHz RRI-Merauke, (broadcasting today)
4243kHz V26-Chinese, //7345kHz, 9054kHz
4766kHz UNID strong carrier(no-modulation)
4870kHz RRI-Wamena, No signal
5020kHz Solomon Islands, good signal
5453kHz(LSB) VC01-chinese
6847kHz(USB) VC01-chinese

3110kHz V28 female
3156kHz V28 female, *0933-
3277kHz V28 female
3696kHz V28 female

TNX! NAOTAMA for your recording audio:
4766kHz :

[1126] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 16, 2016 15:11 UTC  

BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville on March 16
finally a day that propagation favored NBC instead
of RRI Palangkaraya; 1145-1202*; DJ in Pidgin/Tok
Pisin playing pop Pacific Island music; for a time
(1155-1159) RRI was off the air; 1155 said "winding
down" program; 1200 nice ID; "island broadcast . .
NBC Bougainville . . frequency 3.325 kilohertz in 90
meter band, shortwave one, 94.5 frequency there . .
95.5 . . Central Bougainville . . NBC Bougainville."

My edited audio, starting with ID, followed by Pacific
Island music - . Very enjoyable
music show!!!

[1127] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 16, 2016 15:24 UTC  

Nice!!! FB audio ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU! Ron-san !!

SA(ID) was heard clearly ! Thank you very much.

[1128] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 16, 2016 16:26 UTC  

CHINA. 5050, Beibu Bay Radio, 1319-1322, March 16. Usual
brief segment in English and Chinese; ID seems to be something
like "Are you ready? Hi everyone. This is Beibu Bay Radio, the
Voice of Guangxi, China"; seemed to be talking about the recent
comments of Foreign Minister Wang Yi, to "build a community
with a shared future for all of mankind."

13590, CRI (presumed), 0234, March 16. Special news conference
given by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang about the economy of China;
questions asked by Reuters reporter in English, with responses in

INDIA. 4810.264 (thanks to Wolfy for accurate frequency!), AIR
Bhopal continues to be off frequency (ex: 4810.0) on March 16 at

INDONESIA. 3904.98, Pro 1 RRI Merauke. Finally back on the
air again March 16 and // 3325.0, Pro 1 RRI Palangkaraya and
// 4749.95 Pro 4 RRI Makassar (even with CODAR QRM was
especially good today!); at 1227 ending the Jakarta news audio
feed with UNID song.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, 1204-1205*, March
16. Semi-readable with the end of the NBC news in English followed
by "NBC National Radio" promo; suddenly off.

UNIDENTIFIED. 4766.0 on March 16 strong open carrier 1240;
therefore believe there is no possibility that this is AIR Leh, as
signal was just too strong to be them. Still a mystery. No trace
of any audio today.

[1130] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 17, 2016 09:44 UTC  


Today, PNG is hear well.
3260kHz NBC-Madang, fair signal
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville

3905kHz RRI-Merauke
4750kHz RRI-Makassar, not found ?
4870kHz RRI-Wamena, No signal

4766kHz UNID strong carrier still have been transmission...

[1137] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 18, 2016 11:44 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang, fair signal
3275kHz No signal
3325kHz unknown heavy QRM of NK on 3320kHz
3905kHz RRI-Merauke
4750kHz(4749.96kHz) RRI-Makassar, back
6035kHz(6035.05kHz) Bhutan BS, QRM of China Yunnan PBS

9525kHz Voice of Indonesia, No signal

[1139] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 18, 2016 19:31 UTC  

RE: Myanmar Radio (aka "Myanma Radio")

Posted to "English Program, Myanma Radio" at Facebook:

Greetings from California! Today (18 March - Friday) had the
pleasure of hearing Myanmar Radio via shortwave (5985 kHz.)
at 10:05 PM MMT (1535 UTC), with the NHK (Japan) produced
program "Friends Around The World," with Mr. Lucien Kouakou
as a guest and talking about an upcoming International
Conference regarding Japan痴 support for African development
(known as TICAD).

An interesting program! I always enjoy hearing Myanmar Radio
and your wonderful programming in English. Thank you!

Wish all the staff at Myanmar Radio continued success!!

Best regards,

Ron Howard

[1140] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 18, 2016 20:02 UTC  

RE: 9960 kHz. - Special joint program for N. Korea

----- posted to DXLD yg:

Thank you very much Sei-ichi for the timely alert. At 1143 had
good reception here in California. In Japanese; nice musical
selections, including "Auld Lang Syne" sung in Japanese;
mentioned "Shiokaze" before going off at 1212. My audio
at .


----- Sei-ichi wrote in DXLD yg:

"Sea breeze" and "Wind from the Home town" Special joint program for N.Korea on
9960kHz via T8WH Palau at 1000-1200UT on today (Mar. 18).

Live bradcast " Byond the sea, The light of HOPE" in Japanese from Nishitetu Holl in


[1143] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 19, 2016 13:16 UTC  


>"English Program, Myanma Radio" at Facebook
I saw the Burma of the page. Thanks for letting me know!

[1145] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 19, 2016 17:59 UTC  

BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville, 1147-1216*,
March 19. Nice to find that RRI Palangkaraya was off the air
today; DJ in Pidgin/Tok Pisin with Celine Dion song and
Pacific Islands pop songs; at 1200 not the recently heard
format of ID and off; instead continued with music; 1210 a
different DJ in English; weak, but at least they had no QRM.

BTW - RRI Wamena (4869.89v) remains silent through
March 19.

[1146] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 20, 2016 09:43 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang, weak today
3275kHz No signal
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville
3905kHz RRI-Merauke
4750kHz RRI-Makassar
4870kHz RRI-Wamena. still off the air
7325kHz Wantok Radio Light

6505kHz ??? heavy QRM of Jamming
6847kHz USB, VC01

9525kHz Voice of Indonesia still off air

[1156] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 21, 2016 01:32 UTC  


6135kHz Voice of Freedom, (+ Pips Jamming)
6400kHz Pyongyang BS
7260kHz MNB Mongolian Radio, -0122*

[1158] 9774kHz TAIWAN Fu Hsing BS Name:XYZ Day:Mar 21, 2016 09:04 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang, -0901- //3325kHz
3325kHz NBC-Bougainvill, -0901- //3260kHz
6075kHz UNID test :
7290kHz(7289.94kHz) VY weak signal
7325kHz(7324.95kHz) Wantok Radio Light, -0902- Not // PNG-NBC
9410kHz Taiwan Fu Hsing BS, //9774kHz
9774kHz Taiwan Fu Hsing BS, //9410kHz

[1161] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 21, 2016 20:54 UTC  

BHUTAN. 6035.05, BBS, 1209-1221*, March 21. Slightly
stronger than PBS Yunnan (YL talking in Vietnamese) on
6035.0; at 1209 & 1213 BBS briefly played indigenous
instrumental music (as they normally do) with OM
announcer in vernacular; 1216-1220 with indigenous
music & singing; suddenly off. A good day for BBS!

BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville, 1145-1205*,
March 21. Today NBC slightly better than RRI; pop songs
with DJ in Pidgin/Tok Pisin; 1202 full "NBC Bougainville" ID
with usual frequencies; into the news in English; suddenly off.

CHINA. Voice of Jinling, *1236-1237* & *1237, March 21.
Before 1236 Xizang PBS via Lhasa was doing well, but totally
covered by strong VOJ's normal double sign on; very distinctive.

JAPAN. 6115, "RN2," 0518, March 21. Checking for Congo, but
surprised to find this instead, as I didn't think I could hear them this
early; started very poor; able to make out some pop hit songs from
the 50s; 0600 clear "RN2" ID.

PHILIPPINES. 15640 // 17700 // 17820, R. Pilipinas, 0203, March
21; long version of the "PBS . . 7,100 islands. One Philippines. One
Nation" song; the usual opening statement from Sammy Coloma
(Secretary Presidential Communications Operations) welcoming
listeners to R. Pilipinas and acknowledging Filipino overseas workers;
all fair.

TAIWAN. 9774, Fu Hsing BS, 1141, March 21 was a rare day indeed
that this was on the air here; usually only heard on 9410, which today
was //. Thanks to the timely alert from Hiroyuki Komatsubara! 9410
had the normal strong CNR5 QRM and 9774 was best in LSB.

UGANDA [non]. 5910, clandestine Radio Lead Africa, 0330-0358*,
March 21 (Monday). Carried their own program; person on phone in
vernacular with person in studio translating into English; technical
problems with phone connection; hard to hear the person on the
phone, while the studio audio was good; two different spots giving
their schedule for days and times of broadcasts; Colombia (5910+)
as usual went off about 0257.

My audio is partially clear: "Lead Africa Radio," but think she
stumbled over the first time she said "Radio," just before the
"Lead Africa Radio," as that was not too clear.

My audio, starting with two spots for their schedule, followed by
translation, at .

UNIDENTIFIED. 4766.0, no longer heard 1211 on March 20 and during
subsequent days. Last heard March 19 at 1224 with strong open carrier;
never any audio.

[1163] 9525kHz Voice of Indonesia back Name:XYZ Day:Mar 22, 2016 09:07 UTC  


3205kHz UNID weak carrier, -0806*
3260kHz NBC-Madang
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville
4870kHz RRI-Wamena, No signal
7325kHz Wantok Radio Light, -0905- //3260kHz, 3325kHz NBC News relay
9774kHz Taiwan Fu Hsing BS, //9410kHz.

9525kHz Voice of Indonesia, English news by female.
since March 13, 2016. (off the air since March 14)
See also ISHIDA's information :

[1170] 11550kHz Babcock etc... Name:XYZ Day:Mar 23, 2016 10:09 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville
3905kHz RRI-Merauke
4750kHz RRI-Makassar(tent.)
4870kHz RRI-Wamena, still No signal
9525kHz Voice of Indonesia, weak signal

5453kHz LSB VC01
6847kHz USB VC01

*1007- 11550kHz UNID, Babcock music, weak signal, -1009*

[1173] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 23, 2016 14:11 UTC  

6135, Voice of Freedom (clandestine) (presumed),
1212-1317, March 23. Unusual day with no white
noise jamming from N. Korea; series of monologues
in Korean; some Korean pop songs; fair-good. My
audio at .

[1174] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 23, 2016 14:19 UTC  


It is very clear audio!! It is a chance when the
Jamming has stopped. This is a great sound !!

[1176] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 24, 2016 08:54 UTC  


-0845- TNX! PERSEUS server in Australia.
3210kHz UNID (tent.)Unique Radio, very weak signal
3260kHz NBC-Madang
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville

4766kHz UNID strong carrier on air again
7325kHz Wantok Radio Light, fair
9410kHz// 9774kHz TAIWAN Fu Hsing BS, (No signal on 15375kHz)

[1178] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 24, 2016 16:00 UTC  

UNID on 4766 returned again! Well heard open carrier March 24,
check at 1142 and subsequent checking till 1444; some QRM from
4765.0. Never any audio on 4766.

Fluttery open carrier on 3210, assume to be the low powered
Australian station on March 24; at 1310 with open carrier
through subsequent checking till 1412; about 1357 almost
faint traces of some audio, but unusable for any details.
My local sunrise was at 1404 UTC. A day of good conditions.

[1179] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 25, 2016 09:53 UTC  


4766kHz UNID still here, strong signal
9410kHz/9774kHz TAIWAN Fu Hsing BS, No signal

9774kHz No signal, (9410kHz ???)

[1184] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 25, 2016 18:26 UTC  

KOREA SOUTH. 6015, KBS Hanminjok Bangsong 1, 1204-1218,
March 25. Heard without the usual strong white noise
jamming; some light pulsating noise, but believe was not
jamming; in Korean with the news; many reports from one
or more events with a lot of background sounds. I enjoy
this daily feature as it's easy to ID/SA, as after each
news item they say "KBS News."

My audio at , with "KBS News" IDs
at 0:03, 01:38 & 03:15.

During the same time period, there was no white noise
jamming of Voice of Freedom (clandestine) up on 6135 kHz.

[1185] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 26, 2016 11:02 UTC  


Clear SA ! This is a great recording.
In my location, many noise is bad condition today.

3260kHz NBC-Madang, weak
4766kHz UNID strong carrier still here
4870kHz RRI-Wamena, still off air

5453kHz LSB VC011

9525kHz Voice of Indonesia
9774kHz Fu Hsing BS No signal, only one day ??
15420kHz Radio Free Sarawak, *1100-

[1190] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 27, 2016 09:32 UTC  


9410kHz, 9774kHz Taiwan Fu Hsing BS, both no signal

3260kHz NBC-Madang, weak
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville, No signal -0938-
3905kHz RRI-Merauke, No signal ??
4838kHz UNID strong signal, Jammar ??, ** see attachment image
4870kHz RRI-Wamena, still no signal

3325kHz RRI ??, weak signal
3905kHz RRI-Merauke, weak
4766kHz strong carrier still here
4838kHz UNID still here

[1196] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 28, 2016 08:48 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang(t), weak
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville, No signal
3365kHz UNID weak signal
7290kHz(7289.92kHz) RRI-Nabire ??, weak signal
7325kHz PNG Wantok Radio Light
9410kHz Fu Hsing BS, No signal also on 9774kHz
15388kHz UNID tent. TAIWAN, -0840* ?
UNID no-modularion carrier : 15250kHz, 13750kHz, -0727*(around)

3325kHz RRI?, weak signal
3905kHz RRI-Merauke, No signal
4870kHz RRI-Wamena, No signal

7200kHz Myanmar Radio, Minority language, good condition no QRM

[1199] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 28, 2016 20:31 UTC  

BHUTAN. 6035.05, BBS, 1210-1224*, March 28. Mixing
with PBS Yunnan (6035.00); at 1210 & 1213 BBS briefly
played indigenous instrumental music; 1221-1224*
indigenous singing; suddenly off. A good day for BBS!

BOUGAINVILLE[non-log]. 3325, NBC Bougainville. March 28
had very poor conditions here; unable to make out any audio;
below threshold level carrier. Could have been either RRI or
NBC about 1200.

INDONESIA. 9525, VOI, 1301, March 28. In English with
ID and news; 1313 the 8 questions for the "Wonderful Indonesia
Quiz" (; semi-readable. In the past had
heard their Monday "Exotic Indonesia" program, but not on
today. Wonder what the current EI schedule is?

KOREA NORTH[non]. new 5935, Shiokaze, *1300, March 28.
Ex 7400, which had N. Korean jamming there today. In Korean;
new extended schedule; also heard at 1408. New schedule
1300-1400 & 1405-1435. Before 1300 was hearing a fair signal
from Tibet on 5935, which was totally blocked by Shiokaze (300kW)
sign on.

MALAYSIA. 6050.04. Semi-good news here; March 28 heard
assume Asyik FM 1145-1204 with decent signal; had been off the
air, I believe, all this year. In vernacular and playing pop songs;
did not stay with it, as I intended to re-tune later for the ID, but
after 1300 found just an open carrier. In trouble again so soon?

UNIDENTIFIED. 4766.0, strong open carrier at 1144 on March 28.
Jim Young (Calif.) informed me today "Have been listening to this
O/C for hours this AM while working. Ever-so-often, I hear the
tell-tale RTTY come on....very infrequently! Still at 1436." Thanks
to Jim for solving the mystery! Afraid I did not have the patience
to listen to this OC for hours.

[1201] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 29, 2016 07:13 UTC  


> 4766kHz UNID
Thank you very much FB information!

[1202] 5020kHz No signal, 6125kHz RRI-Nabire, etc... Name:XYZ Day:Mar 29, 2016 09:15 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville
3905kHz RRI-Merauke, No signal ?
4870kHz RRI-Wamea, No signal
5020kHz Solomon Islands BC, No signal, (9545kHz No signal)
5453kHz LSB VC01, weak signal
6125kHz(6125.21kHz) UNID, RRI-Nabire ?, weak signal
6847kHz USB VC01
7290kHz(7289.92kHz) RRI-Nabire ?, very weak signal
9410/ 9774kHz Fu Hsing BS, No signal

-0920- 6125.21kHz // RRI-Nabire Live stream
** same program "P1" and "P2"

5436kHz USB VC01, (5453kHz LSB still here)

** 7290kHz and 6125kHz Both s/off around -09:30*.

Special TNX! to ISHIDA for this information :

7345kHz MYANMAR Thazin FM, No QRM

[1205] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 29, 2016 19:37 UTC  


3325kHz NBC-Bougainville, fair
3390kHz UNID OM talk, very weak
5020kHz SIBC

5436kHz USB VC01
6505kHz LSB VC01

[1208] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 30, 2016 09:03 UTC  

-0845- signal check only

3260kHz NBC-Madang(t), weak signal
3275kHz NBC-Southern Highlands ?, weak signal
3290kHz Guyana?? I could not be confirmed because the signal is veryweak...
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville(t), weak signal
5020kHz SIBC No signal
6125kHz RRI-Nabire(t), 6125.2kHz weak signal heavy QRM
7290kHz RRI-Nabire(t)
7325kHz PNG Wantok Radio Light
9410kHz TAIWAN Fu Hsing BS, (9774kHz no signal),fair signal today

3905kHz RRI-Merauke back
4750kHz(4749.94kHz) RRI-Makassar
4870kHz RRI-Wamena still off air
5020kHz SIBC back on air
6035kHz(6035.02kHz) Bhutan BS(t), weak

4766kHz UNID USB male talk, strong signal

[1211] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 30, 2016 16:13 UTC  

RE: NHK via Myanmar Radio

March 30 (Wednesday), heard Myanmar Radio, on 5985 kHz.;
1445-1500 with NHK program in Burmese; intro with several
mentions of "NHK" and "Konnichiwa"; seemed to be a radio
drama; closing announcement with "1508001 NHK . . .
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan" and several "NHK Radio Japan";

My audio of closing announcement at .

[1212] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 30, 2016 18:57 UTC  

Was checking NHK program via Myanmar Radio today, as there is an ERROR
in the NHK Southeast Asia schedule - . They mistakenly
show "5980" instead of the correct frequency of 5985 kHz., as I confirmed
today (heard nothing at all today on 5980). Listed incorrectly under
Burmese & English.

[1213] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Mar 31, 2016 02:29 UTC  

CHINA. 5050, Beibu Bay Radio. The Aoki database shows
this as being in Thai 1300-1400, but my recent observations
differ and I also confirmed again on March 30. Most of the
1300-1400 time period is in Chinese, with the exceptions of
a brief segment (starts about 1320) that is in English and
Chinese; starting with ID in English (seems to be "Hi everyone.
This is Beibu Bay Radio, the Voice of Guangxi, China") and
short talk about some current item of interest; segment in
Thai 1330-1345 with announcer in Thai, some Thai pop
music and a language lesson in Thai (also with Chinese);
1345 back to Chinese. This format seems fairly regular.

7325.0, CRI again noted signing off early (1253*) on March 30;
them faint open carrier from presumed Wantok Radio Light (PNG)
on 7324.95.

KOREA NORTH[non]. 5935, Shiokaze, 1400*, March 30. Shiokaze
"JSR"" ID before 1400*; then confirmed *1405, but Hiroshi indicates
today's program was " 'Hometown of the Wind' Japanese broadcast
of the Japanese government production." Had thought Shiokaze was
running an extra half hour of their program, but perhaps not. Need to
check with Hiroshi's website (in Japanese) to tell what is happening
here, as he monitors daily ( Cut & paste
Japanese into Google translator.

KOREA SOUTH. 4885, Echo of Hope - VOH, *1157, March 30.
Briefly on and then a minute of dead air and then audio again;
good signal, but today OTH radar; this station has not been
jammed yet; most days with 1215 and 1315 ID of "V O H."

MALAYSIA[non-log]. 6050.04. March 28 was well heard for a short
time (1145-1204). March 30 not heard at all. Disappointing!

UNIDENTIFIED[non-log]. 4766.0, strong RTTY open carrier not
heard March 30 at 1213.

[1214] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Mar 31, 2016 08:10 UTC  


Yes, "5980kHz" is mistake. Myanmar Radio is "5985kHz".

7292kHz RRI-Nabire ?, weak
6125kHz Strong interference today, it could not be verified

6125kHz Very weak signal, heavy QRM of Jamming(6135kHz)
and saide QRM of 6115kHz(NIKKEI).

3260kHz NBC-Madang(t)
3275kHz No signal today
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville
3905kHz RRI-Merauke(t), very weak signal
4890kHz UNID weak signal ??
5020kHz Solomon No signal

9410kHz TAIWAN Fu Hsing BS, fair signal
9774kHz Fu Hsing BS No signal

4880kHz AIR No signal

[1219] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Apr 01, 2016 09:12 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang
3275kHz No signal (NBC-Southren Highlands)
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville
3905kHz RRI-Merauke
4870kHz No signal (RRI-Wamena)
5020kHz No signal (Solomon Island BC)
6125kHz(6125.2kHz) Not found or very weak
6183kHz No signal (Brasil Amazones)
6400kHz No signal (NK)
7290kHz RRI-Nabire Not found or weak
9410kHz Taiwan Fu Hsing BS, // 9774kHz
9774kHz Taiwan Fu Hsing BS, // 9410kHz
11680kHz NK KCBS Pyongyang, // 9665kHz, 2850kHz (3220kHz No signal)

3275kHz UNID carrier, -0926*
6135khz SK Voice of Freedom, Good condition No Jamming QRM

Add; TNX!! remote PERSEUS SDR in Australia
3260kHz NBC-Madang
3275kHz NBC-Southern Highlands, very poor modulation!

4880kHz AIR, No signal since yesterday? or day before yesterday??

3275kHz NBC-Southern Highlands ??, No-modulation(or very weak modulation).
3325kHz No signal

[1222] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Apr 02, 2016 09:45 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang
3275kHz NBC-Southern Highlands(tent.)
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville
3905kHz RRI-Merauke ?, weak signal
9410/9774kHz Taiwan Fu Hsing BS, No signal

6400kHz, 11680kHz on air

11680kHz, // 9665kHz, 3220kHz, 2850kHz, 2350kHz
6400kHz, // 3320kHz, (1053kHz Jamming)

5020kHz SIBC back

[1226] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Apr 02, 2016 23:13 UTC  

TNX!! remote PERSEUS server in Thailand

7200kHz No signal (Myanmar)
7260kHz No signal (Mongolia)

[1229] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Apr 03, 2016 09:15 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang, weak
3275kHz No signal
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville
3365kHz UNID carrier, spur?
3905kHz ** It can not be confirmed, sorry...
4870kHz No signal
5020kHz SIBC
5810kHz NHK spur, 5950 - (6090 - 5950) = 5810kHz
6230kHz NHK spur, 6090 + (6090 - 5950) = 6230kHz
9410/9774kHz Taiwan Fu Hsing BS, No signal

[1234] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Apr 03, 2016 19:08 UTC  

CHINA. 7200, CNR1 jamming. With the new A16
schedule, they are now signing off at 1300* (ex: 1400*),
just after their time pips (RTI signs off just before 1300).
This makes it possible to now check after 1300 for
Myanmar Radio on 7200.09.

MALAYSIA. 6050.05, Asyik FM via RTM, 1140, April 2.
Seems they have straightened out their problems and are
now back to normal transmissions; in vernacular and pop
songs; singing jingle IDs.

So inactive RTM stations remain Radio Klasik (with new
A16 schedule, is again a clear frequency for a much
longer period of time without CRI ) on 5965 and Traxx
FM on 7295. While Sarawak FM (9835) and Wai FM
(11665) are still on the air as usual.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, 1131-1200*,
*1204-1215*, April 3 (Sunday). In Tok Pisin/Pidgin with what
seemed like religious program (religious songs?); ID/SA 1159;
audio ended 1200* and then just dead air (open carrier).
Was disappointed, as was hoping to hear a certain Sunday
show. Fortunately I did not tune away, as at *1204 the audio
came back on with Stacy Rose's distinctive voice with the
intro to her "Island Praise" syndicated (Florida, USA) Sunday
show of pop Caribbean gospel music (reggae, soca, calypso,
hip hop gospel, etc.) till suddenly off at 1215*. Very pleased
to hear her unique show again!

BTW - Did not hear // NBC Bougainville (3325) at 1204,
as they were not on the air then; they usually cut off their
broadcast just before 1200 (April 2 closed down at 1157*).

7324.95 Wantok Radio Light, 0900, April 1. NBC news in
English; // NBC Bougainville (3325). Later at 0931 with
promotional spot for "Ninety-Nine Ltd., is a company that
introduces natural health products to keep the family
healthy and strong. We also give free health education
nation wide," which is the sponsor of "Focus On The
Family" program that followed; CRI transmitter turned
on at 0953 (not the usual 0957).

So have all the CRI transmissions been re-programmed
with this new xx53 time, instead of xx57?

TAIWAN[non-log]. 9745, Voice of Han. As of April 3, has
not been heard in over a year, so think we can safely say is
permanently inactive; Aoki agrees and is no longer listing it,
although per WRTH update - 10 April 2015 - "Voice of
Kuanghua is inactive on 9745 kHz, but expected to return
after antenna maintenance," but surely if so the work would
have been completed within one year?

Ron, listening in San Francisco at Ocean Beach, California

[1235] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Apr 04, 2016 09:14 UTC  


Yes! Since Taiwan ends at 1300, hear well Myanmar Radio until
the end 1500. Also Thazin FM on 7345kHz, China is not the time
is well heard.

> Voice of Han / Voice of Guanghua
Wiki :
Website :
It was formerly for the China mainland, now in shortwave because
it is broadcast Taiwan domestic market is there may be no longer
needed. Regime is in place do not know what would happen if
deteriorated relationship with China.

Ron-san, thank you very much FB reports !!

-0925- My logging
3260kHz NBC-Madang
3275kHz No signal
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville
3905kHz RRI-Merauke
5020kHz SIBC
6400kHz Pyongyang BS, // 3320kHz
9410/9774kHz No signal
11680kHz KCBS Pyongyang, // 9665, 3220, 2850kHz

It is normal, it is often a warning sign that something happens
when they are broadcasting in-actived 2 waves(6400kHz, 11680kHz).
(Such as missile and bombs of the experiment...)

[1242] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Apr 06, 2016 05:19 UTC  

BHUTAN. 6035.05, BBS, 1211-1215*, April 5. Mixing
with slightly stronger PBS Yunnan (6035.00); 1212 &
1214 BBS briefly with indigenous instrumental music
till suddenly off, leaving PBS in the clear.

BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville, 1020 &
1216*, April 4. Weak; underneath RRI Palangkaraya,
which mostly dominated the whole time; NBC running a
little bit longer than usual.

INDONESIA. 3325, RRI Palangkaraya, 1200-1221,
April 4. Time pips; Jakarta news; clearly // RRI Makassar
(4749.95), but RRI Merauke (3904.98) too weak to
confirm (mostly just open carrier); news ended 1221
with UNID patriotic song (not the recently heard "Garuda
Pancasila," nor the often heard 釘agimu Negeri・.

MYANMAR. 5915, Myanmar Radio, 1111, April 4. In
vernacular; reception in the clear before the *1158 sign
on of CRI.

5985, Myanmar Radio, *1130, April 4. Suddenly on; in
vernacular; weak, but clear frequency.

7200.104 (thanks to Wolfy for his March 23 measurement),
Myanmar Radio, 1314, April 5. In vernacular with pop songs;
this reception now possible at this time as CNR1 jamming
had already signed off.

7345, Myanmar Radio, 1112, April 4. Weak under a strong

9730, Myanmar Radio, 1117, April 4. pop music; 1128 usual
singing ID with frequencies; 1129* suddenly off. Did not hear
Sound of Hope (Taiwan), which in the past was often noted

[1243] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Apr 06, 2016 13:58 UTC  

RE: AIR Aizawl & Myanmar Radio

INDIA. 5050, AIR Aizawl, 1230-1235, April 6. Wonderful
to hear this one again, as they had been silent for about
six months; the best reception for me is this time period
when they carry the AIR news in English, via a relay
from New Delhi, which always produces stronger
audio (better modulation level) than the local AIR
studio; ID "This is All India Radio. The news read
by . . ."; semi-readable as there was QRM from
Beibu Bay Radio (China) also on frequency. AIR
with very respectable signal!

MYANMAR. 9730, Myanmar Radio, 1112-1129*,
April 6 (Wednesday). Start of the Radio Australia
program "English for Business," lesson 14; language
lesson with both English and Burmese ("There痴 a
slight hitch. Sorry about this. If you値l just bear with
us for a minute," etc.); semi-readable with slight SOH
(Taiwan) QRM; full transcript at .
Nice to find Myanmar is still carrying these programs.

[1246] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Apr 11, 2016 10:48 UTC  


From A16 schedule, Myanmar station hear well in Japan.
Thank you very much FB reports, Ron-san !!

3260kHz NBC-Madang still on air. -1225*

[1248] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Apr 12, 2016 02:13 UTC  

BHUTAN. 6035.05, BBS, 1146-1233*, April 11. Normal segment of
pop songs till ToH (unable to confirm if in English, as had been noted
in the past); 1215-1230 very distinctive indigenous instrumental music/
singing; usual PBS Yunnan (6035.00) QRM. Certainly one of their better
days and running somewhat past their usual sign off time!

My audio, starting with indigenous instrumental music/singing (mixing
with PBS announcer), followed by BBS announcer in vernacular (mixing
with PBS music) - .

MALAYSIA[non-log]. 6050.04, Asyik FM off the air April 11, so a
short lived recent reactivation?

MYANMAR. 7200.00, Myanmar Radio on April 11 again with their best
transmitter, providing fair to good reception; at 1328 heard their normal,
very distinctive format - singing jingle ID giving three different "kilohertz",
then indigenous instrumental theme music followed by chimes/bells; in
vernacular; BoH UT is their ToH local time. Can now be heard from about
1300 to 1500, after the CNR1 jamming of RTI ends.

My nice clear audio of BoH format - .

[1249] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Apr 12, 2016 10:53 UTC  


FB audio Myanmar 7200kHz !! Jingle and theme music(Bridge music ??).

My loggings -1040-;
3260kHz NBC-Madang, fair signal
3275kHz No signal
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville
3905kHz RRI-Merauke(tent.)
3959kHz NK KCBS-Pyongyang
7345kHz Myanmar Thazin FM, QRM of Jamming(7275kHz)
9525kHz Voice of Indonesia, back on 9525kHz from 9526kHz.(TNX! ISHIDA)

[1255] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Apr 13, 2016 21:55 UTC  

PHILIPPINES. 9910 // 12120 // 15190, R. Pilipinas, *1730-1854 & 1930*,
April 13. Choral Anthem; long version of the "PBS" song; ID with frequencies;
still giving ex: 9925; in Filipino; the usual opening statement from Sammy
Coloma; 1735-1745 news from "Provincial News Bureau" (Secretary Coloma
said 6.4% growth for the Philippines, item about Bangladesh ambassador
to the Philippines, etc.); fortunately with enough words in English to follow
the main points of the story; 1757-1830 "Show Business" segment; 1833
song from an "ASEAN" country; 9910 fair-poor; 12120 very poor with strong
CODAR QRM; 15190 the best signal with fair reception the whole time; off
with ID, frequencies and choral Anthem.

Even after all this time, I still very much miss the former simulcast of DZRM
Radyo Magasin via R. Pilipinas on Wednesday and DZRB Radyo ng Bayan on
Tuesday and Thursday, both of which ended about 2011. They were about the
only opportunity we SWLers had to catch their unique programs.

[1256] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Apr 14, 2016 21:52 UTC  

- - - - - Ron wrote in DXLD yg:

Hi Glenn,

April 14 rechecked 7325 to hear what is happening now with CRI and Wantok
Radio Light.

CRI (7325.00) again suddenly off at 1253*; immediately heard WRL (7324.95)
in English in the clear; end of a religious program; "Tune in tomorrow" and gave
phone number; religious song till CRI suddenly on again at *1258.

As you indicated in your log, strange that CRI went to an earlier cut off time than
before and now I find they are continuing to do so. If misprogrammed automation,
will they ever notice their error? Do they ever monitor their actual transmissions?


- - - - - Glenn wrote:

** CHINA [and non]. 7325-, March 28 at 1253, JBA carrier slightly on the lo side,
no doubt Wantok Radio Light, as CRI Japanese has just cut 7325.0 off the air early
at 1253*, widening the window for Wantok Radio Light, PNG before CRI resumes at
*1258:47; 1300 IS, IDs in Chinese and Japanese. During this break, site has shifted
from Jinhua to Xi`an, and weakened here. Makes no sense to cut off programming
in progress earlier than natural break circa 1257; Ron Howard first noted this a few
days ago, but it may not last. Suspect misprogrammed automation

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 7325-, March 28 at 1253, JBA carrier slightly on the lo side,
no doubt Wantok Radio Light, as CRI Japanese has just cut off the air early at 1253*,
widening the window for WRL before CRI resumes at *1258:47

This report dispatched at 1936 UT March 28

[1257] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Apr 15, 2016 09:26 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang
3275kHz No signal
3325kHz NBC-Bougainville
3905kHz RRI-Merauke, no signal ?
4870kHz RRI-Wamena still off air
9410kHz Taiwan Fu Hsing BS, // 9774kHz

7498kHz USB VC01, new!(ex; 6847kHz)

3959kHz NK KCBS Pyongyang, // 11680, 9665, 3220, 2850kHz
6400kHz NK Pyongyang BS, // 3320kHz

[1258] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Apr 16, 2016 12:54 UTC  


9410kz Taiwan Fu Hsing BS, //9774kHz15630
15420kHz *1100-1300* since March 07.
15630kHz [FNK] Free North Korea Radio

3959kHz NK KCBS Pyongyang, // 11680, 9665, 3220, 2850kHz, (2350kHz)
6400kHz NK Pyongyang BS, // 3320kHz

VC01 - Numbers station
4029kHz USB
5461kHz LSB

[1262] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Apr 17, 2016 15:03 UTC  

Radio Vanautu ??

Greetings from California!

Could someone please check on about 3944.1 to see if it is
Radio Vanuatu off frequency? April 17, tuned in 1337 and
had a definite open carrier (no audio), as well as during
subsequent checking; whereas 3945.0 was silent, so I
have to wonder about the possibility that it is Radio

If it should be them, perhaps someone can get a more
accurate frequency for them?

Appreciate any help or comments about this UNID.


[1263] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Apr 17, 2016 15:34 UTC  


Yes, 3944.2kHz very weak signal, received via remote radio in Australia.
The signal was not able to confirm the modulation for weak.

In my location, not found it signal because heavy QRM of NK Jamming.

[1266] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Apr 17, 2016 19:05 UTC  

As it's Sunday (April 17), I checked out NBC Madang again
on 3260. Sure enough, at 1203 heard pop religious song as
the start of the "Island Praise" syndicated weekly show
presented by Stacy Rose, with her very distinctive voice;
playing pop religious songs and a few IDs for NBC PNG;
today running much later than normal; off suddenly at 1243*.

Ron, listening at Asilomar State Beach (near Monterey), California

- - - - - - Ron wrote:

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, 1131-1200*,
*1204-1215*, April 3 (Sunday). In Tok Pisin/Pidgin with what
seemed like religious program (religious songs?); ID 1159;
audio ended 1200* and then just dead air (open carrier).
Was disappointed, as was hoping to hear a certain Sunday
show. Fortunately I did not tune away, as at *1204 the audio
came back on with Stacy Rose's distinctive voice with the
intro to her "Island Praise" syndicated (Florida, USA) Sunday
show of pop Caribbean gospel music (reggae, soca, calypso,
hip hop gospel, etc.) till suddenly off at 1215*. Very pleased
to hear her unique show again! . . . (Ron Howard, San
Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA)

[1267] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Apr 17, 2016 20:49 UTC  

RE: Radio Vanuatu ??

Greetings from California!

Could someone please check on about 3944.1 to see if it is
Radio Vanuatu off frequency? April 17, tuned in 1337 and
had a definite open carrier (no audio), as well as during
subsequent checking; whereas 3945.0 was silent, so I
have to wonder about the possibility that it is Radio

Mauno Ritola found it "3944.203-4 via Brisbane rx."

Appreciate any help or comments about this UNID.


[1268] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Apr 18, 2016 10:54 UTC  


There is also a carrier on 3944.20kHz today. (via AUS remote radio)

[1269] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Apr 18, 2016 11:19 UTC  

Am very thankful for the following feedback. Greatly appreciate their
assistance in confirming the off frequency open carrier I heard was in
fact Radio Vanuatu.


- - - - - Bryan Clark emailed me (April 18):

"Yes Ron, definitely Radio Vanuatu on 3944.21 at 0827 UTC today in
Pidgin - Japan 3945 putting a het on them but easy log here on lower
sideband. Just rechecked at 1025 UTC and I measure frequency as
3944.205. Regards, Bryan (Mangawhai - New Zealand)."

- - - - - - Mauno Ritola emailed the following:

"Yes, Bryan, I can also hear now at 1030 bits of audio via Brisbane.
But really a shadow of what it used to be, can't be 1 kW any more.
Best regards, Mauno" (Finland)

[1270] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Apr 18, 2016 16:28 UTC  

RE: Yunnan Radio and Television International - the Voice Shangri-la

CHINA. 6035.0, PBS Yunnan, 1250-1302, April 18, with
remarkable Asian reception; in Vietnamese; brief language
lesson in Chinese/Vietnamese (very simple words); 1300
multi-language IDs (one in English and Chinese - "SW liu
ling san wu. Yunnan Radio and Television International,
the Voice Shangri-la"; after ID went to Chinese programming.
Extremely happy to have had this rare opportunity to actually
catch a very readable ID. My audio at .

BTW - BBS Bhutan (6035.05) had a respectable signal today till
cut off at 1214*.

[1271] Bhutan BS 6035.0kHz Name:XYZ Day:Apr 19, 2016 12:04 UTC  


Bhutan -1200- 6035.0kHz(ex:6035.05kHz), QRM of China Yunnan PBS Vietnamese PX.

3260kHz NBC-Madang
3325kHz No signal ?
4870kHz RRI-Wamena
9774kHz TAIWAN Fu Hsing BS, 9410kHz no signal

[1276] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Apr 19, 2016 14:33 UTC  

RE: China vs Taiwan spy station

TAIWAN[non-log]. 7502.0-AM, StarStar Broadcasting Station
(Xing Xing BS) (V13). For some time now I have been almost
daily monitoring their 1200-1230 & 1300-1300 schedule here;
normally with fair or better, un-jammed reception of their
Chinese numbers.

A major surprise on April 19 to tune in at 1206 to find program
jamming of CNR1 (// 6125) on 7501.5, totally blocking any
chance to tell if Xing Xing BS was even on the air today.
CNR1 jamming still on at 1326.

If these segments of Xing Xing BS are vital to the Taiwan
intelligence community, then we can look for them to move this
station to an un-jammed frequency in the near future.

[1277] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Apr 19, 2016 14:46 UTC  


Sorry, that should read "1300-1330." Ron

[1278] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Apr 19, 2016 15:03 UTC  

3260 NBC Madang - suddenly off at 1204*, in mid-news in English.

3325 RRI - Tuned in at 1212 to find them off the air for the Jakarta news relay;
still off at 1230, but at 1246 heard them with nice strong signal.
Jakarta news on 3905, Pro 1 RRI Merauke // 4869.9, RRI Wamena.
Not heard for the news was 4749.95 Pro 4 RRI Makassar, but they were
heard with clear ID at 1230.

7325 CRI - 1253*; no trace of Wantok Radio Light (PNG) today after CRI.

[1279] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Apr 19, 2016 15:21 UTC  


>7501kHz CNR-1
This is maybe spur, because China is such should not have
transmitter that they can set the frequency at 1kHz unit.
Transmitter of China should not be able to change the
frequency only 5kHz unit.

[1281] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Apr 20, 2016 10:43 UTC  


4766kHz USB strong carrier, OM talk UT ?
4870kHz RRI-Wamena, (4869.91kHz)
7345kHz Thazin FM, good signal
9774kHz No-modulation signal, maybe TAIWAN Fu Hsing BS

4029kHz USB VC01
5825kHz LSB VC01

3959kHz NK KCBS
6400kHz NK Pyongyang BS
11680kHz NK KCBS

[1282] 7260kHz China and ... Name:XYZ Day:Apr 20, 2016 11:07 UTC  

3944.2kHz UNID weak carrier, TNX! remote PERSEUS SDR in AUS.
7259.99kHz China Xinjiang PBS
7259.96kHz UNID

[1286] 7260kHz Radio Vanuatu Name:XYZ Day:Apr 20, 2016 12:24 UTC  


-1205* 7259.99kHz China Xinjiang PBS, s/off

-1215- 7259.96kHz Radio Vauatu
National Anthem ("Yumi, Yumi, Yumi") ??

[1289] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Apr 20, 2016 14:14 UTC  


3325kHz RRI-Palangkaraya
7030kHz No signal, (Voice of Jammu Kashmir Freedom Movement)
7260kHz(7259.96kHz) No-modulation carrier.

[1296] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:Ron Howard Day:Apr 22, 2016 04:38 UTC  

Thank you very much Hiroyuki for explaining to me
what was going on!

Noted V13 (Xing Xing BS) (Taiwan) on 7502-AM at
*1200 with one minute of the usual flute music, them
numbers in Chinese; fair-good on April 21.

No CNR1 jamming. What I recently heard on April 19,
with what I thought was jamming of V13, was in fact a
CNR1 spur on about 7501.5. Just happened to hear the
spur on a day of super strong CNR1 reception! Today the
spur was heard very poorly! V13 off at 1231*.

[1297] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (4) Name:XYZ Day:Apr 22, 2016 08:12 UTC  


[326] B15 Schedule Update Name:XYZ Day:Oct 26, 2015 16:56 UTC  

ZIP file:

EiBi List

Excel File:

[327] B15 : Media Broadcast Name:XYZ Day:Oct 26, 2015 17:00 UTC  

Media Broadcast:

PDF file Dowbload URL:

[328] B15 : Alyx & yeyi / LeSEA Name:XYZ Day:Oct 26, 2015 17:07 UTC  

Alyx & yeyi:

LeSEA Broadcasting Network (WHRI / T8WH):

[909] Re: B15 Schedule Update Name:XYZ Day:Feb 07, 2016 06:26 UTC  

HFCC - Feb 04 2016 :
EiBi - Feb 06 2016 :
AOKI - daily :

[979] Re: B15 Schedule Update Name:XYZ Day:Feb 19, 2016 09:43 UTC  

HFCC List updata on Feb 16, 2016

EiBi List updata on Feb 17, 2016.

AOKI List updata almost daily..

[1180] B15 EiBi updata Name:XYZ Day:Mar 25, 2016 10:47 UTC  

EiBi List updata on March 24, 2016.

[853] MALAYSIA : Radio Free Sarawak Name:XYZ Day:Jan 29, 2016 13:15 UTC  


Radio Free Sarawak
Frequency : 15420kHz
Language : Iban
Website :

[854] Re: MALAYSIA : Radio Free Sarawak Name:XYZ Day:Jan 29, 2016 13:16 UTC  


TNX! remote radio in AUS.
-1300* 15420kHz UNID, Radio Free Sarawak ???

IBB (1030-1200)
SMTWTFS 10:32:51 CME VARI 15420 WHO

[856] Re: MALAYSIA : Radio Free Sarawak Name:XYZ Day:Jan 29, 2016 16:15 UTC  

New schedule since Jan. 2016 ?

May be *1130-1300* 15420kHz
This broadcast is in the recording of the IBB had heard from 1130.
The latest data is Jan 20, prior to that is unknown.

Sorry, I'll try to investigate further.

[859] 15420kHz Radio Free Sarawak changed schedule Name:XYZ Day:Jan 30, 2016 11:35 UTC  


-1127- EG song then SA in Malay or Iban.
** TNX! remote radio in Thailand.
May be *1130-1300*, and it may have been changed to every
day of the broadcast. (ex: weekday only)


[1102] Radio Free Sarawak, changed schedule since March 07 Name:XYZ Day:Mar 11, 2016 11:05 UTC  


1100- 15420kHz, Opening, Malay-based language (Iban).

Broadcast time has returned to the original, 1100-1230

It seems to change since March 7, according to the monitor
(recording audio) of the IBB.

[1117] Re: MALAYSIA : Radio Free Sarawak Name:XYZ Day:Mar 15, 2016 12:44 UTC  


Sorry, Maybe new schedule : *1100-1300* since March 07.
-1239- 15420kHz Iban language(presumed).
**Because of the high-band state is bad condition, at night
does not hear most.

Recording audio (On demand), There are also 2 hours.

[578] Spy Numbers Station : Name:XYZ Day:Dec 19, 2015 15:08 UTC  

Spy Numbers Station : Links

ENIGMA 2000:
Numbers & Oddities :
HF Underground BBS :
Numbers Stations Com :
Numbers Station WIKI :
Korean Numbers Station(Korean):
V28 Radio Mania (Korean): ,

** BBS thread
V28 "The Parrot", Korean Numbers Station:
V28 Frequencies (Japanese):
V28 Monitor on 3277kHz (Japanese):
V26, VC01 China Numbers Station (Japanese):
V24 Korean(South) Numbers Station (Japanese):
V24 Monitor log in May 2015 (Japanese):
V13 TAIWAN, XingXing Broadcasting Station (Japanese):

[579] V28 Korean Numbers Station , "The Parrot" Name:XYZ Day:Dec 20, 2015 00:47 UTC  

V28 Korean Numbers Station

ENIGMA Code: V28
Name: "The Parrot"
Frequency (4): 3050v, 3150v, 3277, 3690v kHz
** "v" : Frequency will move in a wide width.
Transmission location: Unknown (North Korea ?)
** Speaking with a North Korean accent, place name in North Korea

*1030-1040* irr.
*1100-1102* irr,
*1330-1340* active (4 frequencies)

Secret Code:
3050vkHz : "gong-doo-san" or "heuk-ryong-san"
3150vkHz : "cheon-gye-san"
3277 kHz : "rak-doo-san"
3690vkHz : "bak-doo-san" or "cheong-ye-san"
*** It is currently under investigation.
*** Both the name of the mountain in North Korea.

See also:
Moomin-san's Blog (Korean):


** TNX! cho-san
3261kHz, Nov 17, 2015:
3277kHz, Dec 01, 2015:
3277kHz, Dec 01, 2015:
Channel :

** TNX! Moomin-san
3277kHz, Nov 25, 2015:

** XYZ
3055kHz :
3692kHz :

Ron-san(USA), baido-san(Korea), cho-san(Korea), Moomin-san(Korea), AMANO(Japan)

[586] V26 Chinese Numbers Staion 3596USB Name:XYZ Day:Dec 21, 2015 16:54 UTC  

V26 Chinese Numbers Staion
The numbers station by mechanical synthesis.

-1550- 3596 vkHz-USB
Broadcasting on this frequency has broadcast a long period of time at night recently.

This is not V26 but VC01. (TNX! AMANO.)

[594] V26, V28 Name:XYZ Day:Dec 22, 2015 13:40 UTC  

V28 3040, 3277, 3690kHz
V26 3596-USB

This is not V26 but VC01. (TNX! AMANO.)

[606] V28 Name:XYZ Day:Dec 24, 2015 13:34 UTC  

V28 : 3157("cheon-gye-san"), 3277("rak-doo-san"), 3691("???") kHz

[617] V28 Name:XYZ Day:Dec 25, 2015 13:37 UTC  


3149.7vkHz "cheon-gye-san" by male
3277 kHz
3688.5 kHz

audio: -1331- 3149.7kHz, "cheon-gye-san" by male

[694] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28 Name:XYZ Day:Jan 07, 2016 13:43 UTC  


V28 Korean Numbers Station
-1335- I could not find between 3000-3700kHz.
This broadcast is not yet heard in 2016.
And heard this broadcast in Dec/31/2015 was the last.

[696] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V26 Name:XYZ Day:Jan 08, 2016 10:21 UTC  


-1020- 5006kHz-USB

This is not V26 but VC01. (TNX! AMANO.)

[697] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Links Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 08, 2016 18:28 UTC  

Domo arigato Hiroyuki-san! Appreciate the timely tip.

CHINA. new 5006-USB, V26 Chinese numbers station, randomly monitoring
from 1239 to 1523, Jan 8; non-stop numbers via mechanical synthesis
voice; mostly fair.

Why is V26 broadcasting non-stop here? Now completely blocking the low
powered Japanese station; per Aoki database:

5006 HFD Radio Station 0000-2400 1234567 H3A 0.2 ND Tokyo-Chofu J 3539N 13932E JG2XA // 8006 contains my three
minute audio (fair quality).

[698] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Links Name:Amano Day:Jan 09, 2016 01:57 UTC  

Hello! and "Konnichiha!" in Japanese. Ron-san and Hiroyuki-san.

Thank you for your great reception audio.
I have just heard to the audio.
The results that I have heard the audio, it's not V26 but VC01.

VC01's another name has called Chinese Robot.
Reference(VC01) -
My audio: Jan.28(Sat) 2012 at 1650UTC on 5195kHz(USB) -

Description of the V26 can be found below.
Reference(V26) -
Examples of reception audio on Youtube -
This station will read the Chinese number of basically three figure groups.
All numbers are Chinese, but it has some characteristic numbers.
For example, it is the following.
*** 0="Dong"; 1="Yao"; 2="Lia"; 7="Guai"

[699] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Links Name:XYZ Day:Jan 09, 2016 03:11 UTC  

Ron-san, TNX FB audio!

I appreciate the advice. Corrected V26 --> VC01.
This was my mistake, verry sorry!

[700] Re: Spy Numbers Station : VC01 Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 09, 2016 03:49 UTC  

Domo arigato Amano-san. Then it would seem that 5006-USB is in fact
ex: 6225-USB, the Chinese military station that I had recently been
hearing. Audio of that reception at

As always, appreciate your expert assistance!

[701] Re: Spy Numbers Station : VC01 Name:Amano Day:Jan 09, 2016 08:19 UTC  

I'm very glad that I could be of assistance to you.

>** CHINA. 6225-USB, Chinese Robot(VC01), 1339, Dec 11, 2015.
Thank you for your reception report and audio from California, USA.
I have seen the reception report of VC01 on 3210-USB in ASIA DX BBS(in Japanese) via S.Hasegawa before.
ASIA DX BBS(in Japanese) -
It is in the last year of July, it was the information from RON-san.
Thank you so much for your nice report!

Donmai! Hiroyuki-san.
Please never mind! I don't mind.
Your reception information is always a high degree of importance, and the timely.
Your band survey is awesome! You are No.1 in Japan!!!

[703] Re: Spy Numbers Station : VC01 Name:XYZ Day:Jan 09, 2016 11:33 UTC  


VC01; 5006kHz began to hear from yesterday, 3596kHz was no longer heard.

[707] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Links Name:XYZ Day:Jan 10, 2016 16:24 UTC  

Jan 10, 2016

VC01 5006kHz, can not hear QSY?
V28 off the air ? 4 frequency since Jan 01 2016.

[709] Re: Spy Numbers Station : VC01 Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 11, 2016 05:52 UTC  

CHINA - 5006-USB, VC01 Chinese military numbers station on Jan 9 at 1246 and
subsequent checking, heard with almost fair signal.

Jan 10 VC01 was off the air.

TAIWAN - 7502.0 USB, StarStar Broadcasting Station (XingXing BS), noted Jan 10
at 1224 and again at 1315 with Chinese numbers; almost fair.

[712] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Links Name:XYZ Day:Jan 11, 2016 11:49 UTC  



-1145- 5006kHz-USB VC01.

[713] Re: Spy Numbers Station : VC01 Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 11, 2016 15:00 UTC  

CHINA - 5006-USB, VC01 Chinese military numbers station on Jan 11 at 1219 and
subsequent checking through 1432, heard with almost fair signal. Back again
after being silent yesterday.

TAIWAN - 7502.0-AM (sorry, yesterdays log should have also been "AM," not just
USB), StarStar Broadcasting Station (XingXing BS), noted Jan 11 at 1301 and
subsequent checking till 1309, only heard good signal with just open carrier
(no audio, so no numbers today).

[767] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28 "The Parrot" reactived Name:XYZ Day:Jan 20, 2016 09:35 UTC  

3075kHz, 3145kHz, 3277kHz, 3690kHz

It is a new broadcasting time, (ex: *1030-irr, *1330-)

-1030- No signal around 4 frequencies.
-1100- No signal
-1200- No signal
-1300- No signal
-1330- No signal
-1400- No signal

[780] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28 "The Parrot" reactived Name:XYZ Day:Jan 21, 2016 11:22 UTC  

TNX! cho-san

Three frequencies were heard today in South Korea.

*0930-0940* 3277kHz, 3690kHz
-0937-0945* 3080kHz

[786] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28 "The Parrot" Name:XYZ Day:Jan 22, 2016 09:40 UTC  

V28 "The Parrot"

-0930- 3277kHz(female), 3690kHz(female)
-0832- 3083kHz(female)
-0835- 3156.5kHz, "cheon-gye-san" by male
YouTube :

[798] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28 Name:XYZ Day:Jan 24, 2016 09:34 UTC  


3084kHz female, 0932-
3144kHz male, 0930-
3277kHz female, 0930-
3690kHz female, 0932-

See also : or
** Korean language

[807] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28 Name:XYZ Day:Jan 25, 2016 09:37 UTC  


3092kHz female
3145kHz male
3277kHz female
3689kHz female

[827] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28 Name:XYZ Day:Jan 27, 2016 09:37 UTC  


3073kHz female
3144kHz male
3277kHz female
3697kHz female

[849] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Name:XYZ Day:Jan 29, 2016 09:39 UTC  


-0935- 3145kHz male
0936- 3277kHz female
-0943- 3033kHz male, very weak signal

[867] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28 "The Parrot" Name:XYZ Day:Jan 31, 2016 09:36 UTC  

V28 "The Parrot"

3047kHz female
3157kHz male
3277kHz female
3697kHz female

VC01 5006-USB kHz

[911] Re: Spy Numbers Station : VC01, V28 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 07, 2016 09:36 UTC  

VC01 "Chinese Robot"
-0925- 5006kHz No signal

V28 "The Parrot"
3058kHz *0930- female
3277kHz *0929- female
3690kHz *0930- female
** 3150vkHz Nothing, 3142kHz ??? very dirty modulation.

[916] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28, VC01 new on 7878kHz Name:XYZ Day:Feb 08, 2016 09:37 UTC  


3051kHz *0929- female
3142kHz -0930- male
3690kHz -0930- female
3277kHz -0934- (3276.66kHz), poor signal

-0936- 5006-USB kHz No signal
-0940- 7878-USB kHz New Frequency
** 3595kHz --> 6225kHz --> 5006kHz --> 7878kHz ??

V13 TAIWAN, XingXing Guangbo Diantai (Star Star Broadcasting Station)
0200-0230 15388 kHz
0300-0330 15388 kHz
0400-0430 15388 kHz
0700-0730 15250 kHz
0800-0830 15250 kHz
0500-0530 9522 kHz
0600-0630 9522 kHz
1200-1230 7502 kHz
1300-1330 7502 kHz

[918] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Name:XYZ Day:Feb 08, 2016 10:52 UTC  

-1040- 7878kHz(new freq.) No signal, QSY ??

[924] Re: Spy Numbers Station : VC01 7878kHz Name:XYZ Day:Feb 10, 2016 08:19 UTC  


-0817- VC01 7878kHz(USB)

It might s/off at 10:00 ....... ?
I am looking for the frequency use of the later 10:00 but not found.
(around 3000kHz - 9300kHz)

[925] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Name:XYZ Day:Feb 10, 2016 09:36 UTC  

3048kHz female
3140kHz male
3277kHz female
3690kHz Not found

-0935- still on 7878kHz, 5006kHz No signal

-1013- still on 7878kHz, Heavy QRM of OTHR

[926] Re: Spy Numbers Station : VC01 "Chinese Robot" New on 3519kHz Name:XYZ Day:Feb 10, 2016 13:56 UTC  

VC01 "Chinese Robot"

-1353- 3519kHz, QSY from 7878kHz at 1030 ???

added on Feb 11 2016;
-0530- 7878kHz USB

[930] Re: Spy Numbers Station : VC01, V26?? Name:XYZ Day:Feb 11, 2016 06:34 UTC  

VC01 "Chinese Robot"
-0630- still on 7878kHz USB

V26 ?? Chinese numbers station
-0630* 7345kHz(USB), reading three-digit random number by female
** QRM Radio Romania on co-freqency.

[931] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Name:XYZ Day:Feb 11, 2016 10:19 UTC  


7878kHz No signal
3519kHz(USB), unknown QSY time... around 1000 ???

-0055- 7878kHz(USB), VC01 Chinese Robot,

[932] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Name:Ron Howard Day:Feb 12, 2016 03:21 UTC  

Domo arigato Hiroyuki-san.

new 3519-USB, VC01 Chinese Military numbers station (ex: 5006-USB),
1220 and subsequent checking, Feb 11. Would never have found this
except for your timely tip!

[933] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Name:XYZ Day:Feb 12, 2016 10:52 UTC  


-1052- still on 7878kHz, (No signal on 3519kHz)
The QSY Time does not seem to be determined....(around 1000-1100 ???)

-1150-(noticed) 3519kHz, No signal on 7878kHz, QSY from 7878kHz

[936] Re: Spy Numbers Station : VC01 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 13, 2016 11:56 UTC  


7878kHz(USB) VC01 fair signal
(3519kHz No signal)

-1404- still on 7878kHz... May be forget the switching of frequency...?

-1437-(noticed) 3519kHz QSY from 7878kHz...

-2257- 7878kHz VC01

[939] Re: Spy Numbers Station : VC01 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 14, 2016 09:49 UTC  


-0600-, -0945- No signal both 3519kHz and 7878kHz, It closed on Sundays ??

-1318-(noticed) 3519kHz

add Feb 14;
-2108- 3159kHz VC01

[942] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V24 Korean Numbers Station Name:XYZ Day:Feb 14, 2016 15:01 UTC  

Re-actived Korean Numbers Station.

5290kHz (Feb 14 2016)
*1430- Opening music(K-pop): "Me Guestas Tu" (GFriend) 6 girl group of the unit ??
1433- Numbers in Korean
Last Broadcast period was April-June 2015.
See also (sorry in Japanese):

Old data period was April-June 2015 (Times UTC);
(Frequency) (time) (opening music/song)
4900kHz 1500-1538 Theme From Schindler's List
5715kHz 1330-1338 Requiem Mass in D Minor K. 626 III Dies Irae (Mozart)
5900kHz 1300-1308 Imagine (Avril Lavigne)
6310kHz 1430-1438 Piano Sonata No.8 Op.13 II. Adagio Cantabile
5290kHz 1530-1538 Gloomy Sunday - Piano Version
6215kHz 1330-1338 Nulla In Mundo Pax Sincera

1300-1308 kHz
1330-1338 kHz
1330-1338 kHz
1430-1438 5290kHz Me Guestas Tu (GFriend) :
1500-1508 kHz
1530-1538 kHz

[949] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28, VC01 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 15, 2016 09:38 UTC  

3055kHz female
3144kHz female (ex: male)
3277kHz female
3697kHz female

-0910- 7878kHz
-0955- 3519kHz

[951] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V24 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 15, 2016 15:10 UTC  


-1455- 6215kHz, signal on/off, may be this is Numbers station.
*1500- 6215kHz YouTube:

1300-1308 kHz
1330-1338 kHz
1330-1338 kHz
1430-1438 5290kHz Me Guestas Tu (GFriend)
1500-1508 6215kHz Baek A Yeon - Shouldn't Have... (Featuring Young K)
YouTube :
1530-1538 kHz

[954] Re: Spy Numbers Station : VC01, V13 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 16, 2016 12:25 UTC  


7878kHz VC01
7502kHz H3E Xingxing BS

3519kHz VC01

[965] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28, VC01 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 17, 2016 09:38 UTC  

V28 Korean Numbers Station "The Parrot"
3082.36kHz female
3142kHz male
3277kHz female
3693kHz female

VC01 Chinese numbers Station "Chinese Robot"
3519kHz(USB), QSY from 7878kHz

[968] Re: Spy Numbers Station : UNID Name:XYZ Day:Feb 17, 2016 11:44 UTC  

UNID Numbers Station

-1130- 6914kHz weak signal, Chinese Numbers ???, sounded like "VC01"

[970] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V13, V24 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 17, 2016 13:39 UTC  


1200-, 1300- 7502kHz(H3E) V13 Xingxing BS
1300-, 1330- V24 Not found

1430-1437 5290kHz V24

[978] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28, QSY to 3213kHz Name:XYZ Day:Feb 19, 2016 09:39 UTC  


3141kHz male
3689kHz female

3042kHz female, *1932-
3213kHz female, QSY from 3277kHz, No signal on 3277kHz.

-0938- 7878kHz(USB)

[981] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V24 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 19, 2016 16:04 UTC  

Special TNX!! Moomin-san and MKParrot-san (Korean DXer)
V24 informations;

Opening song of 5290kHz is "Me Gustas Tu". <--- Me Guestas Tu(misstake)
Today's BS : *1500-1508* 6215kHz :

Thank you very much!

[984] Re: Spy Numbers Station : VC01, V24 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 20, 2016 13:12 UTC  



VC01 No signal both 3519/7878kHz. (Feb/20/2016 Sat.)
V24 Not found

TNX!! MKParrot-san(Korean DXer)
*1400-1408* V24 6310kHz

*1500- V24 6215kHz

[985] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V24 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 20, 2016 15:03 UTC  


1300-1308 kHz
1330-1338 kHz
1400-1408 6310kHz ???
1430-1438 5290kHz Me Guestas Tu (GFriend)
1500-1508 6215kHz Baek A Yeon - Shouldn't Have... (Featuring Young K)
YouTube :
1530-1538 kHz
Monitoring logs(Feb 14 2016-):
News about the resumption of V24 in KOREA :

[987] Re: Spy Numbers Station : VC01 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 21, 2016 07:25 UTC  

VC01 - "Chinese Robot"

-0715- 7878kHz(USB), Feb/21/2016-Sunday
**No signal in Yesterday -1300-: No signal both 3519/7878kHz. (Feb/20 Sat)

[989] New schedule V13 TAIWAN Xingxing BS Name:XYZ Day:Feb 21, 2016 08:30 UTC  

V13 TAIWAN, XingXing Guangbo Diantai (Star Star Broadcasting Station)

New schedule;
*0800-0830* 9522kHz(AM) Numbers in Chinese

Other time zone will take a look again ....

Old schedule
0200-0230 15388 kHz
0300-0330 15388 kHz
0400-0430 15388 kHz
0700-0730 15250 kHz
0800-0830 15250 kHz
0500-0530 9522 kHz
0600-0630 9522 kHz
1200-1230 7502 kHz
1300-1330 7502 kHz

Old schedule 2 (Nov 4 2015~)
0200-0230 1 15388
0300-0330 1 15388
0400-0430 2 15388
0700-0730 3 15250 / 9522
0800-0830 3 15250 / 9522
0500-0530 4 9522
0600-0630 4 9522
1200-1230 4 7502
1300-1330 4 7502

[990] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 21, 2016 09:37 UTC  


3277kHz Mic test by male as "1 2 ...." in Korean, *0929-, Yesterday: 3214kHz

3115kHz female
3144kHz male
3277kHz female (ex: 3214kHz)
3690kHz(around) -Not found-

[991] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V24 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 21, 2016 14:06 UTC  


*1400-1403 Opening song
1403- read numbers, very weak signal

Special TNX!! MKParrot-san, Moomin-san;

Opening song : Maeil Geudaewa (Every day with you) - by Sojin

[992] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V24 4900kHz Name:XYZ Day:Feb 21, 2016 15:19 UTC  


*1500-1508* 4900kHz, Opening song: Chohon (Spiritualism) - by Yunjeong Jang

Special TNX!! MKParrot-san, Moomin-san !!!


Time Frequency Opening music/song
1300-1308 -----
1330-1338 -----
1400-1408 6310kHz Maeil Geudaewa (Sojin)
1430-1438 5290kHz Me Guestas Tu (GFriend)
1500-1508 6215kHz Shouldn't Have... (Baek A Yeon - Featuring Young K)
YouTube :
1500-1508 4900kHz Chohon (Yunjeong Jang)
1530-1538 -----
Monitoring logs(Feb 14 2016-):
News about the resumption of V24 in KOREA :

[993] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Name:Ron Howard Day:Feb 21, 2016 16:58 UTC  

Feb 21 heard V24 with nice signal here in California at *1500, with an open
carrier noted as early as 1457. My audio at
Had some audio hum during the numbers. Nice music !

Ron, listening in San Francisco, at Ocean Beach

[994] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Name:XYZ Day:Feb 21, 2016 17:14 UTC  


Good signal!! I did not hear their start song because it
was late to notice. I am glad to hear the recording !
Thank you very much Ron-san !!!

[995] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V13 TAIWAN Xingxing BS Name:XYZ Day:Feb 22, 2016 08:08 UTC  


XingXing Guangbo Diantai (Star Star Broadcasting Station)

[997] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 22, 2016 09:36 UTC  


3051kHz female *0931-
3142kHz male *0935-
3277kHz female, *0929-
3688kHz female, *0928-

[1000] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V24 5900kHz Name:XYZ Day:Feb 22, 2016 15:48 UTC  

Monitoring logs:

*1530-1538* 5900kHz, very weak and heavy QRM,
Sorry Opening Song did not hear.

TNX!! cho-san(Korean DXer)
5900kHz Opening song : "Good Day" by IU

Time Frequency Opening music/song
1300-1308 -----
1330-1338 -----
1400-1408 6310kHz Maeil Geudaewa (Sojin)
1430-1438 5290kHz Me Guestas Tu (GFriend)
1500-1508 6215kHz Shouldn't Have... (Baek A Yeon - Featuring Young K of "DAY6")
YouTube :
1500-1508 4900kHz Chohon (Yunjeong Jang)
1530-1538 5900kHz Good Day (IU)
News about the resumption of V24 in KOREA :

[1001] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28, VC01 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 23, 2016 09:50 UTC  

V28 "The Parrot"

3079kHz female
3143kHz male
3277kHz female
3697kHz female

VC01 "Chinese Robot"

[1007] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28, VC01 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 24, 2016 09:36 UTC  


3012kHz female
3142kHz male, overmodulation...
3277kHz female
3691kHz female, overmodulation...


-0935- 7878kHz(USB)
-1140- 3519kHz(USB)

[1008] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Name:Ron Howard Day:Feb 24, 2016 12:04 UTC  

Feb 24

1134* VC01 7878-USB

*1134 VC01 3519-USB

[1009] Re: Spy Numbers Station : VC01 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 24, 2016 12:16 UTC  


Nice catch!! Also on the around 6915kHz I have that seems to this broadcast,
but can not be quite sure have always OTHR has suffered.

[1010] Re: Spy Numbers Station : 6915kHz(LSB) VC01 ?? Name:XYZ Day:Feb 24, 2016 13:00 UTC  

VC01 ??

6915kHz LSB
-1255- weak signal
YouTube :

3519kHz USB VC01
7502kHz AM V13 Taiwan Xingxing BS

-1230-, -1300-, -1330, -1400- V24 Not found

[1013] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V24 5715kHz Name:XYZ Day:Feb 24, 2016 14:34 UTC  


TNX!! MKParrot-san, Moomin-san !!!

*1430- 5715kHz OP: "Cheer Up"
6 waves of frequency that was used last year by this time has been used all.

Time Frequency Opening music/song
1300-1308 -----
1330-1338 -----
1400-1408 6310kHz Maeil Geudaewa (Sojin)
1430-1438 5290kHz Me Guestas Tu (GFriend)
1430-1438 5715kHz Sandaneun Geon (Hong Jin-Young)
YouTube :
1500-1508 6215kHz Shouldn't Have... (Baek A Yeon - Featuring Young K of "DAY6")
YouTube :
1500-1508 4900kHz Chohon (Yunjeong Jang)
1530-1538 5900kHz Good Day (IU)
News about the resumption of V24 in KOREA :

[1015] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Name:Token Day:Feb 24, 2016 21:04 UTC  

V24 started very late on Feb 24, 2016. The actual start time for the audio on 5715 kHz was 1432:20 UTC, but the transmitter started on the frequency with no audio at 1419:30 UTC and continued transmitting, with no audio, until 1456 UTC.

Mojave Desert, California, USA

[1016] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Name:XYZ Day:Feb 24, 2016 22:05 UTC  


Thank you very much will tell me the details !

I because English is not good, I also received the information
in the Japanese version from Korean DXers.

[1018] 7895kHz(USB) UNID Chinese Numbers Station Name:XYZ Day:Feb 25, 2016 08:46 UTC  

UNID Chinese Numbers Station - Machinery synthetic language (Female)

7895kHz USB
YouTube :

VC01(7878kHz) No signal, (add: +0914- 7878kHz VY weak signal)

It is repeated many times the same number at intervals...
TX test ? or New type ??

[1019] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 25, 2016 09:43 UTC  


3091kHz female
3277kHz female
3689kHz female

3 freq, not found around 3150kHz

-1119- 3519kHz(USB)

[1030] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Name:Token Day:Feb 26, 2016 13:38 UTC  

Your recording of 7878 kHz USB on February 25 sounded reasonably typical of VC01 testing on a new frequency. Also the voice heard is very similar to the low speed version of VC01. It is possible you heard VC01 testing on a new frequency, however that is not certain.

Mojave Desert, California, USA

[1031] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Name:Token Day:Feb 26, 2016 13:41 UTC  

Correction, 7895 kHz, not 7878 kHz, is the possible VC01 testing. 7878 kHz is, of course, obviously VC01.

Mojave Desert, California, USA

[1032] Re: Spy Numbers Station : VC01 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 26, 2016 13:54 UTC  


Thank you very much for your advice !!
7895kHz YouTube :

[1034] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V24 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 26, 2016 14:29 UTC  


-1426- 5715kHz no-modulation strong carrier. May be V24
*1429- 5715kHz V24

*1529- 5900kHz V24, Song by IU

Time Frequency Opening music/song
1300-1308 -----
1330-1338 -----
1400-1408 6310kHz Maeil Geudaewa (Sojin)
1430-1438 5290kHz Me Guestas Tu (GFriend)
1430-1438 5715kHz Sandaneun Geon (Hong Jin-Young)
YouTube :
1500-1508 6215kHz Shouldn't Have... (Baek A Yeon - Featuring Young K of "DAY6")
YouTube :
1500-1508 4900kHz Chohon (Yunjeong Jang)
1530-1538 5900kHz Good Day (IU)
News about the resumption of V24 in KOREA :

Information from KOREA;
Cho-san(Korean DXer) seems went to check and investigation of the
transmitting station in Seoul. Here is near to the South Korea
National Intelligence Service(NIS).("Naegok-Dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul")
TNX! MKParrot-san !

[1035] Re: Spy Numbers Station : UNID 7345kHz Chinese Name:XYZ Day:Feb 26, 2016 16:03 UTC  

UNID Chinese numbers Station


[1045] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28, VC01, UNID 7345kHz Name:XYZ Day:Feb 28, 2016 09:55 UTC  


3047kHz female, *0930-
3158kHz male , *0933-
3691kHz female, *0929-

3277kHz No signal, Not found

7878kHz USB

UNID - 3 digits numbers in Chinese
-0938- 7345kHz USB or H3E, -0948*
YouTube :

[1046] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V26 Name:XYZ Day:Feb 28, 2016 10:39 UTC  

This is might be V26.

UNID - 3 digits numbers in Chinese
-0938- 7345kHz USB or H3E, -0948*

See also :
Enigma ID : V26
Name : XSA/XSE23
Frequencies : 4243, 4283, 7345, 7553, 9054, 9153, 11530
Voice : Female
Time : 0800-1530
Emission mode : LSB or USB, error TX have been made in AM
Known schedule: 4283 + 7553 + 9153 kHz
4243 + 7345 + 9054 kHz
11530 kHz

My logs;
-1440- Feb 26
-1542* Feb 26
-0948* Feb 28
-0630* Feb 11

-1141* 7345kHz USB, other frequency survey was delayed...
-1220- 7345kHz USB, // 4243kHz, others no signal, -1235*

[1048] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V26 4243//7345//9054kHz Name:XYZ Day:Feb 29, 2016 09:54 UTC  


*0937-0939* 4243kHz // 7345kHz (USB)
*0948-0949*(?) 4243kHz // 7345kHz (USB), weak on 9054kHz(USB)

V26 is using 3 frequencies. (parallel)
 4243kHz(USB), 7345kHz(USB), 9054kHz(USB)

Broadcast time is like a random, have confirmed the broadcast time of around 0600-1600.

[1054] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Name:XYZ Day:Feb 29, 2016 15:24 UTC  

-1520- 6915.7kHz(LSB), 3519kHz(USB), maybe separate content...

[1055] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V28 Name:XYZ Day:Mar 01, 2016 09:38 UTC  

3051kHz female
3142kHz male
3277kHz female
3698kHz female

7878kHz USB

*1138- 4243// 7345// 9054kHz

[1065] Re: Spy Numbers Station : UNID 3624kHz USB Name:XYZ Day:Mar 03, 2016 14:03 UTC  

UNID Chinese Numbers station

Frequency ; 3624kHz USB
-1355- Chinese number of machine synthesis (female voice)
YouTube :
** It is slow tempo to read than the VC01 on 3519/7878kHz.

Other Chinese Numbers station;
3519kH USB, fast speed
3624kHz USB, middle speed
9153kHz LSB, slow speed

read speed: VC01 > UNID > V26

[1066] Re: Spy Numbers Station : V24 reactived Name:XYZ Day:Mar 03, 2016 14:35 UTC  


TNX!! Poyfull !
*1430- 5290kHz, Op:"Me Gustas Tu"(GFriens)

The first time in 3 days is broadcast.

*1530- 6310kHz

[1067] Re: Spy Numbers Station : CHINA, KOREA, TAIWAN Name:XYZ Day:Mar 03, 2016 15:41 UTC  

- Mar 03, 2016 -

Korean Numbers Station, South Korea
Time : 1400-1408, 1430-1438, 1500-1508, 1530-1538 (about 8 minutes)
Frequency : 4900, 5290, 5715, 5900, 6215, 6310 kHz

Korean Numbers Station, (Maybe North Korea)
Time : 0930-1940 (about 10 minutes)
Frequency : 3050, 3150, 3277, 3690 kHz ... Moving around

Chinese Numbers Station, China
Time : 0000-2400
Frequency : 3915kHz(USB), 7878kHz(USB), 6915kHz(LSB)
** There is a case to be changed.
0000-1000 7878kHz(USB)
1000-0000 3519kHz(USB)
0000-2400? 6915kHz(LSB)

Chinese Numbers Station, China
0600-1600 4243, 7345, 9054 kHz (USB)
0600-1600 4283, 7553, 9153 kHz (USB & LSB)
Other frequency : 8073kHz, 10530 kHz

Chinese Numbers Station, (Maybe China)
-1330-1530- 3624kHz(USB) :
read speed: VC01 > UNID > V26
--- under investigation ---
add; -1600* ???

Chinese Numbers Station, Taiwan
0200-0230 15388 kHz AM or H3E
0300-0330 15388 kHz AM or H3E
0400-0430 15388 kHz AM or H3E
0700-0730 15250 kHz AM or H3E
0800-0830 15250 kHz AM or H3E
0500-0530 9522 kHz AM or H3E
0600-0630 9522 kHz AM or H3E
1200-1230 7502 kHz AM or H3E
1300-1330 7502 kHz AM or H3E

[1072] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Name:Token Day:Mar 05, 2016 03:50 UTC  

Hello XYZ,

Your chart ( ) says that 6215 kHz was active at 1400 UTC on March 04, 2016. I do not think it was active at that time.
There was a transmitter on air on that frequency at that time, and it was probably the V24 transmitters, however I never heard any music or numbers.

This morning it appears the V24 technicians tested all frequencies between the times of 1255 UTC and 1422 UTC. All frequencies, 4900, 5115, 5290, 5715, 5900, 6215, and 6310 kHz were on the air at different times, for a few minutes each, with no music or numbers sent.

Here is a plot of when each frequency was active, and the power level as received at my location. ( ).


[1073] Re: Spy Numbers Station : Name:XYZ Day:Mar 05, 2016 04:02 UTC  


Yes, I was worried whether to broadcast, but added it is determined
that the signal from the transmitter of the V24. It is difficult
judgment of the record of how this kind of time...
Thank you very much detail information!!
I did not notice only 6215kHz... sorry!

** I put your information, TNX!!;

[1074] Re: Spy Numbers Station : New BBS Name:XYZ Day:Mar 05, 2016 04:39 UTC  

This thread has moved to New BBS. Thanks all.

"Spy Numbers Station in Asia" :

Now On The Radio
(DX) :
(Japanese) :
(Asian DX BBS):

Editor: Hiroyuki Komatsubara,

[136] MYANMAR: Thazin Radio (Thazin FM) New schedule Name:XYZ Day:Sep 15, 2015 02:13 UTC  


New website;
Thazin FM (Thazin Radio) :

E-mail: thazinradio @
Address: No.1, Tatmataw Broadcasting, Pyin Oo Lwin Thazin FM

The following is the previous announcement that India DXer was hear.

XXXXXXX Athan lwin thana ma athan lwin nebaday,
yakhu achien ga sa bi thayinda asisingo set la athan klwin ba may shin

English translation;
We are broadcasting from XXXXXXX Broadcasting Station, from now you will
listen our minority language program.

** XXXXXXX = Program name

[142] Re: MYANMAR: Thazin FM new website Name:XYZ Day:Sep 16, 2015 10:35 UTC  

Minority language program


Thazin Radio - Minority languages program on 9590kHz

*0130-0230 9590kHz
0230-0330* 9590kHz

*0430-0530 9590kHz
0530-0630 9590kHz
0630-0730 9590kHz
0730-0830* 9590kHz

*0930-1030 9590khz (7345kHz)
1030-1130 9590kHz (7345kHz)
1130-1230 9590kHz (7345kHz)
1230-1330* 9590kHz (7345kHz)

[143] MYANMAR: Thazin FM (Thazin Radio) Schedule/Frequency 2015 Name:XYZ Day:Sep 16, 2015 11:03 UTC

Time(UTC) Frequency Language
*2330-0030 6165kHz Kachin
0030-0130* 6165kHz Pwo Karen

*0130-0230 9590kHz Sgaw Karen
0230-0330* 9590kHz Mon

*0430-0530 9590kHz Chin
0530-0630 9590kHz Kachin
0630-0730 9590kHz Wa
0730-0830* 9590kHz Paoh

*0930-1030 9590khz (7345kHz) Lahu
1030-1130 9590kHz (7345kHz) Kokang
1130-1230 9590kHz (7345kHz) Kayah
1230-1330* 9590kHz (7345kHz) Shan

[145] MYANMAR : Thazin Radio - Immigration program schedule [English/Burmese] Name:XYZ Day:Sep 17, 2015 13:11 UTC  

Thazin Radio (Thazin FM)
Immigration program (English and Burmese)

6030 kHz Thazin Radio - Burmese, English 2330-0200
9460 kHz Thazin Radio - Burmese, English 0430-0700
6165 kHz Thazin Radio - Burmese, English 0930-1500

According to Website of Thazin Radio, Immigration program as follows;

Morning 6030kHz
2330 Burmese Open Anthem
2333 Burmese Blogger law
2338 Burmese Law (in the muddy water)
2348 Burmese Bless
2358 Burmese love
0008 Burmese morning
0028 Burmese Karen Song (Karen FM Radio)
0030 Burmese Thazin Morning Review
0040 Burmese Sports + Call
0050 Burmese Call songs
0100 Burmese Broadcasters
0110 Burmese Weeks during incubation (music performances)
0130 Burmese Stop
0130 English Morning open
0131 English Morning Music call
0134 English Music
0142 English Daily News
0143 English Music
0149 English Introduction of Buddha
0150 English Morning Music call again
0151 English Music
0200 English Morning Close

Afternoon 9460kHz
0430 Burmese Open
0431 Burmese Karen Song (Karen FM Radio)
0433 Burmese Birthday plans
0449 Burmese Station Call
0520 Burmese Dozens of soldiers
0530 Burmese Afternoon
0540 Burmese National Unity Music
0555 Burmese Call songs
0600 Burmese Stories gifts
0610 Burmese Buddhistic instructions in ethics
0611 Burmese enjoy (music performances)
0630 Burmese Stop
0630 English afternoon open
0631 English afternoon Music call
0632 English Music
0642 English Beatuy & Health Tips
0650 English Song For Children
0656 English Presenting Songs
0700 English Afternoon Close

Night 6165kHz
0930 Burmese Open
0931 Burmese Karen Song (Karen FM Radio)
0933 Burmese Call songs
1010 Burmese Samantha
1020 Burmese Karate
1130 Burmese Evening News
1140 Burmese National Unity Music
1150 Burmese Call songs
1200 Burmese Melody World
1209 Burmese Buddhistic instructions in ethics (true love)
1230 Burmese Rakhine music (music performances)
1250 Burmese Karen record
1300 Burmese Call music
1320 Burmese Dozens of soldiers
1330 Burmese News
1340 Burmese So important
1345 Burmese National Unity Music
1350 Burmese Call songs
1405 Burmese Observing the traditional proverbs
1415 Burmese ?
1430 Burmese Stop
1430 English evening open
1431 English evening Music call
1434 English Music
1442 English Daily News
1443 English Music
1449 English Introduction Of Buddha
1450 English evening Music call again
1451 English Music
1500 English evening close

[151] MYANMAR : Thazin Radio - National program schedule [Minority language] Name:XYZ Day:Sep 18, 2015 13:51 UTC  

MYANMAR Thazin Radio - National program schedule [Minority language]

Thazin Radio - Minority languages program

Time(UTC) Frequency Language
*2330-0030 6165kHz Kachin
0030-0130* 6165kHz Pwo Karen

*0130-0230 9590kHz Sgaw Karen
0230-0330* 9590kHz Mon

*0430-0530 9590kHz Chin
0530-0630 9590kHz Kachin
0630-0730 9590kHz Wa
0730-0830* 9590kHz Paoh

*0930-1030 9590khz (7345kHz) Lahu
1030-1130 9590kHz (7345kHz) Kokang
1130-1230 9590kHz (7345kHz) Kayah
1230-1330* 9590kHz (7345kHz) Shan

*** Program and program name might have changed.
*** Program name was Google translation. (Burmese --> English)

"Kachin" national broadcast program (6165kHz)

2330 Open talk to open the bedroom
Policy love rice
2335 weather
2340 So important
2340 My gardens
NOTE TO foodstuff
Plenty of love
Your Suggestive Come
Karen's gifts
0030 Closing speech

"Pwo" national broadcast program (6165kHz)

0030 Open talk to open the bedroom
0031 Traditional music
0035 weather
0040 So important
0041 National Unity Music
Land birth
Seed grass
0059 Music
Karen talk
Stories - soldiers and evil
0115 Music
He went away
See right
Beautiful girl
Happy love
0130 Closing speech

"Sgaw Karen" national broadcast program (9590kHz)

0130 Open talk to open the bedroom
0131 Traditional music
0135 weather
0140 So important
0141 Love line
0146 Magazine (Let's just think)
Solo (YRO)
0212 Blessed analysis
I really love
Give freedom
0230 Closing speech

"Mon" national broadcast program (9590kHz)

0230 Open talk to open the bedroom
0231 Traditional music
Han Thar
0235 weather
0240 So important
0241 National Unity Music
0241 Happy analysis
0251 Pop
Police say
I Kan friends
Power Bangalore
0304 Magazine (only six profit)
0313 Plenty of love
Charter Love
0330 Closing speech

"Chin" plan for national broadcast (9590kHz)

0430 Open talk to open the bedroom
0431 Traditional music
0435 weather
0440 So important
0439 Happy analysis
0440 Pop
0444 Magazine (bone disease osteoporosis)
0449 Song presentation
0505 Less easy part
0515 Lovers
Search near
0519 Health research
0522 Solid right
0530 Closing speech

"Kachin" national broadcast program (9590kHz)

0530 Open talk to open the bedroom
0531 Love line
States 0 beauty
0535 weather
0540 So important
NOTE TO Food Part 2
0613 Plenty of love
Around the heart
And board
Last Love
Karen's gifts
0630 Closing speech

"Wa" national broadcast program (9590kHz)

0630 Open talk to open the bedroom
0631 Traditional music
0635 weather
0640 So important
0641 Love line
Love and union
Karen's gift
0646 Magazine (jam)
0650 Karate
0700 Article
(those with high blood pressure sensitive in the winter)
0714 Music
Traditional music and let us melt quickly
I love alone
0730 Closing speech

"Paoh" national broadcast program (9590kHz)

0730 Open talk to open the bedroom
0731 Still / barrel Thursday
Students new to
0735 weather
0740 So important
0746 Happy analysis
0751 Magazine - health body movement
0755 Karate
Comfortable and easy-section
Tear companion
0830 Closing speech


"Lahu" national plans to broadcast (9590kHz ex:7345kHz)

0930 Open talk to open the bedroom
0931 Traditional music
0935 weather
0940 So important
0941 Love line
Seed grass, trees - sunflower oil's health benefits
1021 Music
Sow the seeds of love
1030 Closing speech

"Kokang" national broadcast program (9590kHz ex:7345kHz)

1030 Open talk to open the bedroom
1031 Traditional music
1035 weather
1040 So important
1046 Pop
I better clean
Last night I dream a dream
These questions are
1051 Beautiful and healthy (Want slender waist)
1104 Plenty of love
This is for you
1112 Traditional festival
1116 Pop
Knows happiness
1130 Closing speech

"Kayah" national broadcast program (9590kHz ex:7345kHz)

1130 Open talk to open the bedroom
1131 Traditional music
A bag of sticky rice aid
1135 weather
1140 So important
1141 Love line
Land birth
1146 Magazine (Travel Art)
1151 Karate
1211 NOTE TO Food Part 2
1216 Music
1230 Closing speech

"Shan" national broadcast program (9590kHz ex:7345kHz)

1200 pen talk to open the bedroom
1201 Traditional music
1205 weather
1210 So important
1216 Love line
Karen Song
Plenty of love
I understand
I want to see
Magazine (breathing exercise)
1300 Plenty of love
Meet people near
1306 Health education
Talk online
1330 Closing speech

[545] Re: MYANMAR: VOA via Myanmar Radio Name:Ron Howard Day:Dec 11, 2015 05:33 UTC  

MYANMAR/BURMA. 5985.0, Myanmar Radio, 1540, Dec 9, Wed.
"VOA Learning English, this is The Making of a Nation"; interesting
program about the sea battle between the Virginia and the Monitor
during the Civil War; at end of program went over some of the
vocabulary used; website has audio streaming and transcript:

[550] Re: MYANMAR: VOA via Myanmar Radio Name:XYZ Day:Dec 11, 2015 23:48 UTC  


Because I do not hear well (bad condition) on 5985kHz in my location,
I'll try to listen to the live broadcast.

[1027] 7345kHz MYANMAR Thazin FM (Thazin Radio) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 26, 2016 11:57 UTC  


9590kHz Myanmar Thazin FM (Thazin Radio) No signal at -0945-


*0930- 7345kHz Minority language program

Broadcast from the night of the 0930 Thazin FM might have returned to 7345kHz.

Thazin Radio - Minority languages program;
*0130-0230 9590kHz
0230-0330* 9590kHz

*0430-0530 9590kHz
0530-0630 9590kHz
0630-0730 9590kHz
0730-0830* 9590kHz

*0930-1030 9590khz (7345kHz)
1030-1130 9590kHz (7345kHz)
1130-1230 9590kHz (7345kHz)
1230-1330* 9590kHz (7345kHz)

[1036] Re: 7345kHz MYANMAR Thazin FM (Thazin Radio) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 27, 2016 10:46 UTC  


TNX! remote radio in Thailand !
7345kHz Myanmar Thazin FM(tent.), Minority language Px
No signal on 9590kHz.
5915kHz Myanmar Radio, Burmese Px
5985kHz No signal
6035.06kHz Bhutan BS, QRM of CHINA Yunnan PBS Vietnamese Px
6165kHz Thazin FM, Burmese Px
9590kHz No signal
9730kHz Myanmar Radio, Burmese Px

[735] Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 14, 2016 14:47 UTC  

Here is the new thread.

Previous Thread:
Asia - Pacific DX log (2):
Asia - Pacific DX log (1):

Please post a topic of broadcasting in the Asia-Pacific region.

[737] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 15, 2016 03:51 UTC  

Jan 14:

Heard OTH radar 4850-4910, causing QRM for VOH on 4885 at 1310, which is still not jammed.

CHINA. 5006-USB, VC01 Chinese Military numbers station at 1306; fair.

TAIWAN. 7502.0-AM, StarStar Broadcasting Station (XingXing BS) at 1307; almost fair. I am clearly
hearing carrier+LSB+USB.

INDIA. 5040, AIR Jeypore with a normal signal at 1356. Yesterday's strange audio must have been
a one day only event?

[739] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 15, 2016 10:32 UTC  


AIR was out to 5040kHz was a mystery to not be confirmed...

[748] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 15, 2016 16:53 UTC  

PNG-NBC Madang on 3260 from 1145-1203* (poor).

BBS/Bhutan (6035.05) mixing with PBS Yunnan about 1032, but
think BBS was off the air after 1100. No longer running up to past
1230 as noted during part of last year.

5006-USB, VC01 Chinese Military numbers station was off the air
1134 + 1220, BUT was heard 1328 and subsequent checks till 1507,
so not sure just when they started.

[749] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 16, 2016 11:29 UTC  


5006-USB, This broadcast was heard even past 2000UTC.

[750] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 16, 2016 11:36 UTC  


3260kHz No signal
3275kHz No signal, It had been broadcast around 1930.UTC in the morning today.
4970kHz AIR only, QRM from Utility QSO station.
5040kHz AIR, *1130-
60mb OTHR (Over the Horizon Radar)

[758] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 17, 2016 14:16 UTC  


3260kHz NBC-Madang around -1200*, fair signal
V28 Korean Numbers station, -1330- No signal around 3000-3700kHz
VC01 Chinese Numbers station, -1409- 5006-USB kHz

[762] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 18, 2016 16:48 UTC  

North Korea jamming:

KOREA NORTH on Jan 18 was not jamming Shiokaze (via Japan) on 5910, at 1338.

KOREA SOUTH. 4885, Echo of Hope - VOH, 1312, Jan 18. Strong signal as usual;
not jammed yet; // 3985 (jammed) // 6003 (NOT JAMMED) // 6348 (jammed)
4885 audio at

6015, KBS Hanminjok Bangsong 1, heard from 1321, on Jan 18 with NO white noise
jamming; did have QRM of crackling sound; still clear of white noise jamming at 1442;
station heard underneath believed to be PBS Xinjiang.
Audio at

6135, Voice of Freedom (clandestine) Jan 18 jammed with strong
white noise as usual.

Ron, listening in San Francisco at Ocean Beach, California

[763] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 19, 2016 15:39 UTC  


Today's Akita/Japan (is the place where I live) was the heavy snow.
It seems to have snow in the whole of Japan today.

[768] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 20, 2016 09:47 UTC  

No signal: 3260, 3275kHz,
UNID signal on 3335kHz, no modulation, signal with fluttering.

7030kHz UNID, spur???

No signal on 3335kHz

*1158- 4885kHz VOH

[773] Radio Taiwan International, New frequency on 11685kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 20, 2016 15:28 UTC  

RTI : Radio Taiwan International
-1515- 11685kHz English program, // 9465kHz
See also :

[775] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 20, 2016 23:02 UTC  

CHINA. 5006-USB, VC01 Chinese Military numbers
station, 1236, Jan 20. Scheduling here is erratic; sign
on time varies greatly.

INDIA. 4970, AIR Shillong was not on the air Jan 20
at 1416; recently erratic scheduling.

INDONESIA. 9525.0, VOI, 1310, Jan 20. A very rare
day with almost semi-readable audio; news (Chinese
ambassador to Indonesia at groundbreaking ceremony
for a high speed railway project, etc.); commentary
(sanctions against Iran lifted); "Today in History" (this
date 1965 Indonesia withdrew from UN [1966 back in
again] and this date 1982 Yassar Arafat elected);

KOREA NORTH[non]. new 7400, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze
via Yamata (Japan), 1301, Jan 20. Thanks to Hiroshi who
noted this change yesterday; ex: 5910; today I heard them
in Korean; QRM from station underneath (CRI?).

Last time Shiokaze was here, CRI dropped 1300-1400
from their schedule. Will they do so again? Noted North
Korea jamming was already here (very quick for them!).

KOREA SOUTH. 4885, Echo of Hope - VOH, 1342,
Jan 20. Continues with very strong signal and no jamming.

MYANMAR/BURMA. 7200.0 Myanmar Radio, 1402*,
Jan 20. Only heard in the clear after CNR1 goes off the
air (1400*). RTI goes off at 1300.

Ron, listening in San Francisco at Ocean Beach, California

[778] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 21, 2016 11:06 UTC  


SIOKAZE see also :

4970kHz AIR-Shillong(tent.), on the air

[784] Re:Radio Taiwan International, New frequency on 11685kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 21, 2016 15:43 UTC  

Radio Taiwan International, New frequency on 11685kHz

-1540- No signal on 11685kHz, 9465kHz only.

Do not mistake the broadcast time of the schedule ???

[785] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 21, 2016 16:19 UTC  

JAPAN. 5006, HFD Radio Station JG2XA (presumed), random checking 0819-1007, Jan 21. A propagation
station running 200w; does not broadcast continuously in CW, but does have CW for a portion of every minute;
naturally was a weak signal, but much of the time was above the background noise level. Very pleased to hear
this, as for years I had noted their open carrier when tuning by, but never really looked into the possibility of
actually hearing their CW. This audio is the result of my cutting & pasting a few
segments that I heard together. Really needs ear plug headphones to hear the CW.

Between 1007 and 1018, VC01 Chinese Military numbers station came on the air (5006-USB), which blocked JG2XA.

[787] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 22, 2016 09:46 UTC  


Yesterday, VC01 5006kHz signal was weak in my location.
TNX! FB report!

[788] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 22, 2016 10:41 UTC  

TAIWAN, Radio Taiwan International


New schedule (English program):

1100-1200 1359 (MW)
1100-1200 11600
1500-1600 11685 <--- CHECK!

South Asia
1500-1600 9465

Southeast Asia
0300-0400 15320
1100-1200 7445

[789] Re:Radio Taiwan International, New frequency 11685kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 22, 2016 12:29 UTC  


Radio Taiwan International, English Service
Part of the "Taiwan time" of the schedule was so wrong.

1100-1200 1359 (MW)
1100-1200 11600
1500-1600 11685 **New!!

South Asia
1500-1600 9465

Southeast Asia
0300-0400 15320
1100-1200 7445


RTI English January 15, 2016~
0300-0400 15320
1100-1200 1359, 7445, 11600
1500-1600 9465, 11685

[791] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 22, 2016 22:52 UTC  

MYANMAR/BURMA. 7200.0 Myanmar Radio, 1353, Jan 22. CNR1 and Myanmar mixing;
China 1400* after time pips, leaving Myanmar in the clear till suddenly of at 1402*; an
unusually strong signal today; rare to hear Myanmar with outstanding reception. contain good quality audio.

Ron, listening in San Francisco at Ocean Beach, California

[792] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 23, 2016 01:16 UTC  

RE: Wantok Radio Light

- - - - Ron wrote in DXLD yg:

Hi Glenn,

Earlier on Jan 21 (0808-0830) was listening to WRL
with a poor signal, but certain was them on 7324.94.

Jan 22 at 1406, just as you noted 24 hours earlier, WRL
clearly off the air; no hint of a carrier. Gone again after a
brief comeback?

San Francisco

- - - - - Glenn wrote:

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA [non]. 7325-, Jan 21 when CRI
Japanese stops a few seconds past 1357*, NO signal at all,
no JBA carrier, so is Wantok Radio Light off again? I had
been able at least to detect it on the lo side the last few days

[794] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 23, 2016 13:41 UTC  


FB audio Myanmar(+ CNR1 jammar) on 7200kHz.

-1412- 7325kHz Wantok Radio Light, Signal has sway.

[797] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 24, 2016 09:31 UTC  


3260kHz PNG, weak signal
7325kHz PNG Wantok Radio Light
60mb OTHR

6035kHz China Yunnan PBS Vietnamese Px.
6035kHz (6035.06kHz) Bhutan BS(tent.)

[805] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 25, 2016 00:06 UTC  

INDONESIA. 3904.94, Pro 1 RRI Merauke, 1426-1503*, Jan 24. Mostly fair;
pop songs, some in English (Celine Dion with "My Heart Will Go On," Elton
John "Can You Feel The Love Tonight"); clear ID "Pro Satu RRI Merauke" giving
three frequencies and also "Radio ..?.."; off with the beautiful "Pulau Ambon"
(Island of Ambon)/"Love Ambon." Very enjoyable listening today! contains my 3+
minute audio (fair quality) with clear ID and "Pulau Ambon."

JAPAN. 774, JOUB Akita (NHK-2), 1344-1350, Jan 24. Mostly fair; very
readable with English language lesson. contains my
2 minute audio (fair quality).

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 7324.94, Wantok Radio Light, 1357-1424, Jan 24.
After being off the air for three days, they are back again; religious singing;
1359-1408 assume preaching, but unreadable; followed by religious music &
singing till covered at 1424 with CRI trx coming on. Thanks to Bryan Clark
(New Zealand), who confirmed he heard them earlier at 0854 today.

Ron, listening in San Francisco at Ocean Beach, California

[806] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 25, 2016 09:03 UTC  

Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU! Akita NHK on 774kHz... FB!!!

3260kHz PNG(tent.), weak signal
3275kHz PNG(tent.), reactived

-1018-(noticed) 3275kHz No signal
-1025- 5985kHz Myanmar No signal, (Evening)Start time is changed ???(ex: *0930-)

[816] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 25, 2016 18:37 UTC  

INDIA. Jan 25, on the eve of the 67th Republic Day, an
address to the nation by President Pranab Mukherjee.
This year noted with unusually poor propagation compared
to past years.

1330: ID; National Anthem; president's speech in English;
1349: Ends with "Delay not, delay not, a new age dawns.
Thank you. Jai Hind" and NA again; repeats address in

President痴 address // frequencies:

4760 AIR Port Blair - Open carrier (later after the speech
[1417] heard with decent audio playing subcontinent music).

4800 AIR Hyderabad - Not only the usual CNR1 (China),
but also strong OTH radar, so unable to hear AIR.

4810 AIR Bhopal - Only heard OTH radar.

4835 Gangtok - Only heard ABC and OTH radar.

4850 AIR Kohima - Only heard OTH radar; probably
PBS Xinjiang was also there, but couldn't confirm.

4880 AIR Lucknow - Started out poor, but improved.

4895 AIR Kurseong - Poor.

4910 AIR Jaipur - Poor.

4920 AIR Chennai - Good signal but mixing with PBS Xizang.

4950 AIR Radio Kashmir, Srinagar (presumed) - only an open
carrier; never reached the level of any audio.

4970 AIR Shillong - Mostly poor; not as good as normally

4990 AIR Itanagar - Only heard PBS Hunan (China).

5010 AIR Thiruvananthapuram - Poor; QRM from 5006-USB
(VC01 Chinese military numbers station).

5040 AIR Jeypore - This was the strongest of all the AIR
stations. Briefly off the air about 1338.

5050 AIR Aizawl - Only heard BBR (China) and a lot of SSB
chatter in Spanish.

9380 AIR Aligarh - Fair

9870 AIR Bengaluru - Good signal, but strong CRI QRM.
contains transcript of today痴 address by the president.

[817] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 25, 2016 19:16 UTC  


67th Republic Day! FB reports! AIR local station.
We want to listen to the AIR-Kohima on 4850kHz for the after a long time.
Thank you very much!

[818] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 25, 2016 23:19 UTC  

RE: AIR Kohima

Ohayou gozaimasu Hiroyuki-san,

Yes, AIR Kohima is also one of my favorite stations.
Over the years, I have always kept a listen for their
rare broadcasts. conatins
one of my better receptions (clear ID at 01:46).

Ron in California

[819] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 26, 2016 03:44 UTC  

FB audio!

"This is All India Radio Kohima ...", It sounded very clearly !


[830] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 27, 2016 12:57 UTC  


4970kHz AIR + CNR-1


-1540- 5975kHz VOV-1, Vietnamese

[834] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 27, 2016 20:22 UTC  

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3260, NBC Madang, 1154-1206*, Jan 26. DJ in Pidgin/Tok Pisin playing pop songs; suddenly off;
poor. Also heard Jan 27.

7324.94, Wantok Radio Light, 0842-0957, Jan 27. One of their better receptions; fairly readable. Highlights:

0842-0900: Syndicated USA program "Fresh Touch" in English; request to write to "Fresh Touch c/o Wantok
Radio Light, P.O. Box 1273, Port Moresby." On my audio the clearest ID heard is at 01:00 (WRL address).

0901-0912: "NBC PNG regional news"; news, sports and weather in English; Australia and China to help
PNG with malaria diagnosis, etc.; ending with the usual WRL "thanks" NBC for their news program.

0912-0913: Advertisement for "NASFUND" retirement savings plans; "Your Partner in Superannuation."

0913-0929: In Pidgin/Tok Pisin.

0930-0957: Syndicated USA program "Focus on the Family"; interview with Dr. Juli Slattery (author of "No
More Headaches: Enjoying Sex & Intimacy in Marriage"); presented with John Fuller and Jim Daly. Begins and
ends with promotional spots from their sponsor; "Ninety-Nine Ltd., is a company that introduces natural health
products to keep the family healthy and strong. We also give free health education nation wide"; CRI transmitter
turned on 0957.

[835] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 27, 2016 22:04 UTC  


3260kHz NBC, very weak signal in my location. Recently it became difficult to
hear in the interference of the unknown signal(UT station?).
Thank you for your FB report !!

[836] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 28, 2016 10:27 UTC  


3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang(tent.), weak signal
3325kHz IDN RRI-Palangkaraya(tent.), QRM from 3320kHz.
3905kHz IDN RRI-Merauke, No signal

[843] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 28, 2016 15:56 UTC  

Pro 1 RRI Merauke (3904.94) not heard at 1250 and subsequent checking till 1425.
Not often they are silent!

3945 had an unusually strong open carrier at 1410 and subsequent checking till
1434 (after Japan is gone), but certainly no audio at all. Believe if R. Vanuatu
had any audio today, I could have heard it, but seems they just left the trx on.
7260 was a clear frequency, but no carrier there at all.

[850] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 29, 2016 09:42 UTC  


3260kHz NBC(tent.), weak signal
3275kHz NBC(tent.), weak signal
3905kHz RRI-Merauke, weaksignal, QRM from 3912kHz.

[858] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Jan 30, 2016 11:04 UTC  


Jan 30 2016, Saturday
15420kHz Radio Free Sarawak, No signal
3275kHz PNG NBC(?), No modulation
3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang
3905kHz IDN RRI-Merauke

4835kHz ABC, No signal
5985kHz Myanmar Radio, No signal, *1130- ???

15420kHz Radio Free Sarawak, TNX! remote radio in Thailand, -1300*
** see also :

3970.5 vkHz Echo of Unification(NK)
** see also :

[870] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 31, 2016 21:24 UTC  

AUSTRALIA[non-log]. 4835, ABC Alice Springs NT, 1417,
Jan 30; noted off the air; had hoped to be able to catch AIR
Gangtok without ABC QRM, but no such luck, not even a
carrier. Both 2325 // 2485 doing well. Jan 31 had 4835 back
on the air.

BANGLADESH. 4750, Bangladesh Betar (Home Service),
1530, Jan 31. In English; "Assalamu alaikum. 9:30 PM. This
is Bangladesh Betar. The news read by ・; items about the
sustainable development summit now being held in the capital,
Bangladesh in the cricket quarter finals, etc.; weather;

BHUTAN. 6035.05, BBS, 0059, Jan 30. Just after missing sign
on, heard the usual chanting/singing; weak.

KASHMIR [non]. 7030, Voice of Jammu Kashmir Freedom Movement
(presumed), 1354, Jan 31. Indigenous music; unable to make out the
language as the signal was weak and also with heavy ham (CW) QRM.
Thanks for all the work put into IDing this during the month by Mauno
Ritola (Finland) and Sei-ichi Hasegawa (Japan). Greatly appreciated!

PAPUA NEW GUINEA[non-log]. 3325 and 6020, NBC Bougainville
not testing on Jan 31; random checking 1234-1509; only Vietnam
(VOV-4) on 6020 and only Indonesia (RRI Palangkaraya) on 3325.

Thanks again to Ian for all his time spent communicating with NBC

RRI audio (poor quality) of ID, patriotic song "Bagimu Negeri," etc.:

VOV-4 audio (poor quality) of indigenous music:

[871] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 01, 2016 09:14 UTC  


3325kHz is also I was only Indonesia. If NBC come back, it received
the start of Japan's morning was good.

[873] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 01, 2016 09:51 UTC  


3260kHz ??? heavy QRM
3275kHz No signal
9410kHz Taiwan Fu Hsing BS, fair signal, QRM from 9415kHz

3260kHz NBC-Madang(tent.)

[874] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Feb 01, 2016 23:59 UTC  

INDONESIA. 3325.0, RRI Palangkaraya, random checking 1240-1527,
Feb 1. Glenn and I were listening at the same time - 1401 RRI jingle &
theme music; pips (6+1, not accurate); long segment of local Palangkaraya
news till 1433; again local ID and playing the usual patriotic song 釘agimu
Negeri・(For You Our Country); promo for receiving RRI via iPhone.

No NBC Bougainville heard testing here Feb 1.

My audio at

new 3905.00, Pro 1 RRI Merauke, 1242-1258*, Feb 1. On Jan 31 was
not heard; seems they were working on the transmitter, as today looked
to be on exact frequency, whereas in the past was always off frequency.
Perhaps Wolfy, et al. could check on this again for a more accurate

JAPAN. 7400, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze via Yamata, 1317, Feb 1 (Monday).
In stilted Chinese; mixing with CRI.

MALAYSIA[non-log]. 6050, Asyik FM via RTM, via Kajang. As of
Feb 1, seems we can add this to the ever increasing list of silent
RTM stations, along with Radio Klasik (5965) and Traxx FM (7295);
Asyik has not been heard in quite a while. So when a transmitter
breaks down now, they are not repairing it?

PAPUA NEW GUINEA[non-log]. 3325 and 6020, NBC Bougainville
not testing on Feb 1; random checking 1240-1527.

PHILIPPINES. 17700.09, R. Pilipinas, 0219-0241, Feb 1. This
frequency had been off the air for quite a while; in English; many
IDs; PBS news; " 'DFA On-line,' news and events from different
Philippine embassies and consulates around the world"; "Philippine
Trivia"; "It's More Fun In The Philippines," etc.; 15640 // 17820; all
mostly fair.

TAIWAN. 7502.0 in AM, but strongest in USB, StarStar Broadcasting
Station (XingXing BS), 1319, Feb 1. Giving numbers in Chinese; fair;
has been on this frequency for a while now; schedule 1200-1230 &

VIETNAM. 6020, Voice of Vietnam-4, randomly 1240-1527, Feb 1.
No NBC Bougainville heard testing today; usual indigenous music.

[886] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Feb 03, 2016 16:39 UTC  

Happy New Year Hiroyuki-san !! Yes, Chinese New Year is Monday (Feb 8).

The annual New Year's Eve (Spring Festival) Gala will be broadcast live
via many Chinese SW stations; normally all in //, so a good chance to ID
some of the regional stations. Should be on the air after 1230 UTC (Feb 7).
Is an audio feed from CCTV coverage. Info at .

Will be out of town for a long weekend, so no more reports till Sunday.

Ron, in California.

[887] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 03, 2016 16:51 UTC  


OK! I look forward to come back.
Thank you for your information !

[901] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 06, 2016 12:56 UTC  


-1250- TNX! remote radio in Qatar.
15120kHz-DRM All India Radio, 1st channel:English & 2nd channel:Hindi.
15420kHz Radio Free Sarawak, Iban

[920] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 08, 2016 12:57 UTC  


3325kHz No signal RRI & NBC in my location..
4885kHz Echo of Hope (VOH), QRM of OTHR
4970kHz All India Radio - Shillong, still QRM of CNR-1
5006/ 7878kHz VC01, No signal, QSY again ??
6020kHz NBC, unknown due to heavy QRM of NK Jamming

[927] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Feb 10, 2016 21:44 UTC  

INDIA. 4970, AIR Shillong, randomly 1356-1547, Feb 10.
Preempted regular programming for special live coverage
from Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Shillong of the women's
"football" (soccer) match between India and Sri Lanka;
alternating coverage in English and Hindi; part of the 12th
South Asian Games being held in both Shillong and also in
Guwahati. The games end on Feb 16. .

Look for more live coverage from Shillong. Found no AIR
stations //. Shillong today did not switch over to the usual
audio feed from Delhi (1512-1515 advertisements; 1515-1530
news in Hindi; 1530-1545 news in English), but instead
continued with the live sports coverage.

Shillong is the capital and hill station of Meghalaya, also known
as "The Abode of Clouds", one of the smallest states in India. It
is said that the rolling hills around the town reminded the European
settlers of Scotland. Hence, they would also refer to it as the
"Scotland of the East"

[928] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Feb 10, 2016 23:34 UTC  

BANGLADESH. 4750, Bangladesh Betar (Home Service),
1532, Feb 10. News/sports/weather in English; scores from
the South Asian Games; 1542 "News Commentary," "The
cabinet approved the draft of a Memorandum of Understanding
with Malaysia with a target of sending 15 lakh Bangladeshi
workers there in three years under a G2G Plus process. The
approval came at the regular weekly cabinet meeting held at
Bangladesh Secretariat with prime minister Sheikh Hasina in
the chair."; 1545*; fairly readable even with CNR1 QRM.
long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

BOUGAINVILLE[non-log]. Feb 8 (1228-1331), 9 (1232-1404)
and 10 (1220-1530), did not hear NBC Bougainville on either 3325
nor 6020.

BTW - RRI on 3325 noted off the air Feb 8 during 1228-1331. Also
off the air Feb 10 at 1234 and subsequent checking till 1345, when
I found open carrier and by 1459 could tell it was RRI (not NBC).

CHINA. 4970, CNR1 jamming. As of Feb 10, continue to hear
the jamming of AIR from just before 1300 till about 1331. Is here
instead of being on 4790 against the BBC. Seems they are locked
in here and may never note their error in frequency!

[929] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 11, 2016 06:00 UTC  

Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU! for your FB report!!

-0530- 7878kHz(USB) VC01-Chinese Robot, weak signal
see also:
New frequency of "VC01" : 7878kHz(day time -1030*) and 3519kHz(Night time)

[938] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 13, 2016 12:19 UTC  


3325kHz No signal
7502kHz(H3E) Xingxing BS
7878kHz(USB) VC01, No signal on 3519kHz

-1316- VC01 still on 7878kHz, Forget the switching of frequency ???

[940] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 14, 2016 14:26 UTC  


3325kHz RRI-Palangkaraya(tent.)
3905kHz No signal RRI
4790kHz BBC + Noise type jammong
4970kHz AIR + CNR1 Jamming
7325kHz PNG Wantok Radio Light

[948] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 15, 2016 09:15 UTC  


3325kHz NBC ??, sorry heavy QRM of NK on 3320kHz
3905kHz RRI-Merauke
7878kHz VC01

[952] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Feb 15, 2016 18:51 UTC  

Feb 15 heard AIR Shillong (4970) again with the South Asian
Games non-stop live "football" (soccer) coverage, but today
not played at Shillong, but from the Indira Gandhi Athletics
Stadium in Guwahati; 1344 till match between India and Nepal
ended at 1521 with Nepal winning (2-1); mostly poor with QRN,
but improved to fair at times by my local sunrise (1456); hard to
copy due to loud background sound of the excited crowd; usual
alternating coverage in English and Hindi; not // to other AIR

After the game, by 1531, had joined the Delhi audio feed with news
in English and // 4810 AIR Bhopal // 4895 AIR Kurseong // 4920 AIR
Chennai (PBS Xizang QRM) // 5040 AIR Jeypore and // 9380 AIR

Video of the game is already on Youtube - .

My audio with about one minute Hindi and one minute English at .


[953] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 16, 2016 11:39 UTC  


FB audio ! relay of Football. I saw also YouTube.
Ron-san, thank you very much !! introduction of YouTube

[971] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Feb 17, 2016 14:58 UTC  

INDONESIA. 9525.0, VOI. Is a very rare day indeed to
have a decent signal here, along with nice audio level;
Feb 17 was such a day, but wait, what could VOI do to
mess up this truly unique reception; they aired TWO
audio feeds simultaneously; both in English and out
of sync by over one minute; resulting in a mess from
1318 to past 1340. My audio at

[972] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 17, 2016 15:06 UTC  


It is an interesting audio! 2 programs have been confusion ..

[977] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 19, 2016 08:52 UTC  


HFCC List updata on Feb 16, 2016
EiBi List updata on Feb 17, 2016.
AOKI List updata almost daily..

3325kHz NBC(tent.), this time still signal is weak, No signal on 6020kHz.
7325kHz Wantok Radio Light
7878kHz(USB) VC01
9410kHz Fu Hsing BS(tent.), heavy QRM of China on 9415kHz.

3141kHz V28 male
3260kHz NBC-Madang(tent.)
3689kHz V28 female

3042kHz V28 female
3213kHz V28 female, QSY from 3277kHz ??? No signal on 3277kHz.

7502kHz AM V13 Xingxing BS *1300- opening music
3325kHz No signal both RRI & NBC in my location
4970kHz AIR + CNR-1

[982] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Feb 19, 2016 18:15 UTC  

BOUGAINVILLE[non-log]. NBC Bougainville not heard on
either 3325 nor 6020 on Feb 19; checking 1234-1359.

CHINA. 3519-USB, VC01 Chinese Military numbers station,
1332 + 1403, Feb 19; recently heard daily here after moving up
from ex: 5006-USB. As they broadcast continuously for so many
hours daily, is this just a very long loop of numbers?

4970, CNR1 jamming again heard Feb 19 at 1320; mixing with
AIR Shillong; while intended victim of this jamming down on
4790 (BBC) seems free of any type of jamming and is only
subject to CODAR QRM.

5050, Guangxi Beibu Bay Radio, 1500 on Feb 18 with time pips;
"Beijing time is now 11 PM" and multi-language IDs; fair.

INDONESIA. 3325, RRI Palangkaraya. Feb 19 tuned in at 1234 to
find the frequency clear of any carrier (so also no NBC Bougainville);
still totally silent at 1340, but by 1359 they were on the air with almost
fair reception and went into their normal local Palangkaraya news.

3905, Pro 1 RRI Merauke was silent Feb 18, but heard again the next
day at 1236 check.

JAPAN. 774, JOUB Akita (NHK-2), 1334, Feb 19 with Chinese
language lesson and of course also in Japanese; by 1403 had a
English language lesson. This is consistently the best Trans-
Pacific station that I can hear.

5006, HFD Radio Station JG2XA. Now that VC01 Chinese
military numbers station has moved off this frequency, am
able to almost daily hear CW here and // 8006; their CW is
on for about 37 seconds every minute; best reception about

KOREA SOUTH. 4885, Echo of Hope - VOH, as of Feb 19,
this continues to be well heard daily; still free of jamming, but
occasionally hit with either OTH radar or CODAR QRM.

RE: UNID on 4888 that Glenn Hauser and I heard Feb 18, was not
there today. Yesterday heard a strong signal; seemed to be OM
saying something, but unable to turn it into a readable signal;
tried USB, then LSB, then carrier, but nothing worked to make
it readable. Military or some type of utility?

MALAYSIA[and non-log]. 5965, Radio Klasik, 1607, Feb 18.
Checking for possible reactivation, but frequency was completely
clear of any signal, as CRI had already signed off. So inactive
remain Radio Klasik, Asyik FM (6050) and Traxx FM (7295).
Almost daily I check for Asyik & Traxx.

11665, Limbang FM via Wai FM via RTM. It's Thursday so I checked
for this relay; yes, they still carry Limbang FM programming (1315-1400);
1333 on Feb 18 with full Limbang FM ID and frequencies; fair. Thanks
again to Harold Frodge for first finding this Thursday relay. Is also
carried on Monday, as discovered by Dan Sheedy.

MYANMAR. 5985.0, Myanmar Radio, on Feb 18 (Thursday), after
the news and weather in English, heard NHK's "Friends Around the
World" show starting at 1536 with guest Kaichiro Kitamura, a jazz
vocal percussionist, with hosts Risa Shimizu and Michelle Yamamoto;
semi-readable. Program is repeated again Friday.

Ron, listening at Asilomar State Beach, California

[983] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 20, 2016 05:33 UTC  


See also HIROSHI's information :
This was "All India Radio".

>5050kHz Guangxi Beibu Bay Radio
Khmer program does not start easily, although the program guide it rests
from previous.
See also :

>VC01, 3519kHz/7878kHz
0000-1100 7878kHz-USB
1100-2400 3519kHz-USB
There is considerable variation in the time to switch from day to day.

Ron-san, thank you very much for always great information !!!

[988] 9522kHz TAIWAN Xingxing BS New schedule etc.. Name:XYZ Day:Feb 21, 2016 08:25 UTC  


3325kHz UNID weak signal, Not yet contents/language can be confirmed
3905kHz No signal since yesterday in my location.
7325kHz Wantok Radio Light, weak signal today..
9522kHz Xingxing BS, AM, new scheduke: *0800-0830*

3905kHz UNID tent.RRI, weak signal

[996] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 22, 2016 09:00 UTC  


3325kHz NBC, fade in around -0800-, No signal on 6020kHz
3905kHz RRI, weak signal
7260kHz China, Not hear "Mongolian radio" recently...
7878kHz VC01, USB, Chinese numbers station

[998] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Feb 22, 2016 14:28 UTC  

BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville, 1140-1205*,
Feb 22. In Tok Pisin/Pidgin and playing Pacific Island pop
songs till 1201; PNG bird call and into the news in English;
suddenly off before the news ended; RRI Palangkaraya
off the air today during many checks. Bougainville not
on 6020 at 1205 nor subsequent checking.

It should be noted that my Jan 30 reception here, on their
first day of testing the new transmitter, was without a doubt
the strongest reception I have had so far.

CHINA. 7878-USB, VC01 Chinese military numbers
station, 1212 through subsequent checking till final
tune out at 1303 on Feb 22; so today they did not
switch to 3519-USB as they did yesterday.

INDONESIA[non-log]. 3325, RRI Palangkaraya on
Feb 22 was off the air from tune in at 1140 and
subsequent checking.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA[non-log]. 3260, NBC Madang
off the air at 1155 tune in and subsequent checking on
Feb 22.

SOLOMON ISLANDS[non-log]. 5020 & 9545, SIBC.
Both Feb 21 & 22 did not hear any sign of a carrier from
SIBC from about 1145 through subsequent checking.
Anyone hearing them now?

Ron, listening in San Francisco at Ocean Beach, California

[999] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 22, 2016 14:43 UTC  


Their new transmitter is bad condition, it was instead to the old
transmitter. It will still in maintenance... ?
** Old transmitter === Frequency is shifted to slightly lower.

Thank you very much for your FB report !!
Solomon ... We want to return soon...

[1002] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 23, 2016 11:27 UTC  


3905kHz RRI-Merauke
5020/9545kHz Solomon No signal
7878kHz VC01 Chinese Robot

209kHz Mongolian Radio 1, //-164kHz, 227kHz weak, No signal 4830/7260kHz
3260kHz NBC-Madang, -1213*
7502kHz V13 TAIWAN Xingxing BS, AM
7878kHz VC01, still on here
9470kHz Free North Korea Radio:
------- V24 Not found

3519kHz(USB) VC01
4870kHz 4869.92kHz RRI-Wamena,
4871kHz 4870.51kHz UNID, AIR ???
------- V24 Not found

[1003] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Feb 23, 2016 14:40 UTC  

BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville, 1202+, Feb 23.
Assume them with very poor signal underneath much
stronger RRI Palangkaraya; RRI OM with news, while NBC
had YL with the news; unable to say just when they went
off the air, but fairly certain was shortly after 1202.

CHINA. 7878-USB, VC01 Chinese military numbers
station at 1229 and still here at 1302, on Feb 23.
So another day, like yesterday, that they did not switch
to 3519-USB, as they often do around 1130; erratic
schedule; fair reception. My audio at

INDONESIA. 3325, RRI Palangkaraya heard again Feb 23;
yesterday not signing on till *1425, per Atsunori Ishida; 1202
with Jakarta news; NBC Bougainville very weak underneath
for a short time; 1219 ended the news with UNID patriotic
song (not the usual patriotic song 釘agimu Negeri・; //
3904.96 (RRI Merauke)

SOLOMON ISLANDS[non-log]. 5020 & 9545, SIBC. Feb 23
at 1145 and subsequent checking again found no carrier.

Ron, listening in San Francisco, at Ocean Beach

[1004] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 23, 2016 14:50 UTC  


I did not hear much in severe thunder today. It seems to have
recovered little by little. Rumbling...GOROGOROGORO!!!

[1005] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Feb 23, 2016 14:52 UTC  

Domo arigato Hiroyuki-san for your update -
"- 1328 - 3519kHz(USB) VC01."


[1006] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 24, 2016 08:53 UTC  


3325kHz NBC(tent.), (No signal on 6020kHz)
5020/9545kHz SIBC No signal
7325kHz Wantok Radio Light, good signal
7878kHz(USB) VC01

3325kHz// 7325kHz NBC News relay

[1011] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Feb 24, 2016 14:24 UTC  

BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville, 0901-0910,
Feb 24. News in English; // 7324.95 Wantok Radio Light;
poor reception and mostly unusable; after 0910 not //;
by 1045 RRI Palangkaraya stronger with Islamic call-
to-prayer, the Maghrib (evening prayer, just after sunset).
No NBC on 6020.

MYANMAR. 9730, Myanmar Radio. On Feb 24 tuned
in at 1047 to check out the Wednesday R. Australia
program "English for Business" carried by Myanmar,
but was preempted by special live sports coverage of
the AFC Cup match (soccer) between Yangon United
and South China, played at Thuwunna Stadium in
Yangon; coverage must have been a TV audio feed,
as there was only sparse commentary, not the non-stop
type of commentary used via radio coverage; match
ended at 1124; usual singing ID jingle with 3 frequencies
given; off at 1129* with the normal theme music.

[1014] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 24, 2016 15:19 UTC  


>3325kHz RRI & NBC
Here do not hear well in my location, I have the information of
Ron-san's and ISHIDA to reference. Thank you very much !!

[1017] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 25, 2016 08:37 UTC  


3325kHz NBC, weak signal
5020kHz SIBC No signal
7878kHz VC01 No signal??

7895kHz Chinese Numbers Station, another pattern as VC01:

3325kHz NBC-Bougainville, 0901- NBC News relay, //7325kHz WRL

+0814- 7878kHz VC01 fade/in ?? very weak signal

[1020] 5020kHz Solomon Islands BC, back on 5020kHz Name:XYZ Day:Feb 25, 2016 12:08 UTC  


1200- 5020kHz Solomon Islands BC, National Anthem
5020.0kHz: It looks like using the new transmitter.


1211- 9545kHz c/on, No modulation

[1021] 9545kHz Test TX of Solomon Islands BC Name:XYZ Day:Feb 25, 2016 12:25 UTC  

Solomon Islands BC

*1211- 9545kHz May be test, //-

-1245- "Wantok FM" by male


TNX!! SEN! ; YouTube(9545kHz):

[1023] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Ron Howard Day:Feb 25, 2016 15:22 UTC  

SOLOMON ISLANDS. 9545, Wantok FM relay via
SIBC, 1234-1312, Feb 25. After SIBC being silent on
both 5020 and 9545 for several days, heard this
simulcast of Wantok FM; weak modulation; at
1238 somewhat improved audio level (testing
transmitter?); non-stop easy listening pop songs,
except for very brief IDs; "This is Wantok FM 96.3.
Good times, great music"; adjacent CRI QRM
except clear reception 1257-1300, per my music
audio at . Found off the air
by 1401 check.

Ron, listening in San Francisco at Ocean Beach, California

[1024] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 25, 2016 15:29 UTC  


FB DX!! We are likely to be able to listen to SIBC from tomorrow.
See also :

[1025] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:Hasegawa Day:Feb 25, 2016 22:00 UTC  

5020.0kHz s/on at 1859UT on Feb.25.

[1026] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 26, 2016 09:38 UTC  


-0928- 5020kHz SIBC fair signal !

3260kHz NBC Madang
3325kHz NBC Bougainville
9410kHz Fu Hsing BS
9590kHz Myanmar No signal at -0945-


3048kHz female
3141kHz male
3695kHz female
3277kHz (Not found)

-0950-(noticed) 5020kHz off the air. (also no signal on 9545kHz)
1109- 5020kHz SIBC back, but it does not seem to be a normal state.

[1028] 9545kHz Name:XYZ Day:Feb 26, 2016 12:04 UTC  


-1200- 9545kHz un-modulation carrier, may be test TX of SIBC...

[1029] Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (3) Name:XYZ Day:Feb 26, 2016 13:23 UTC  


3519kHz(USB) VC01
7345kHz CNR-1 + Myanmar
see also :

-1409-(Noticed) 5020kHz no-moduration carrier, may be SIBC

[76] GUAM: KTWR DRM test on 15450kHz Name:XYZ Day:Aug 13, 2015 10:04 UTC  


Date : 13th & 14th Aug 2015 (Thu & Fri)
Time : 1445 -1515 UTC (8.15 - 8.45 pm IST)
Power : 90 kW
Language : English
Frequency : 15450 kHz

TNX! Alokesh :

Test broadcast of KTWR were also able to receive around 1500 UTC on August 1.

[79] Re: GUAM: KTWR DRM test on 15450kHz Name:XYZ Day:Aug 13, 2015 15:03 UTC  

-1500- It does not seem to be broadcast.

[95] GUAM: KTWR DRM test on 12120kHz Name:XYZ Day:Aug 18, 2015 10:26 UTC  

-1454- Aug 17, 2015.

KTWR DRM test on 12120kHz. Good signal.

TNX! Alokesh Gupta :
KTWR Guam DRM Test - New
Date : 17th & 18th Aug 2015 (Monday and Tuesday)
Time : 1445 -1515 UTC (8.15 - 8.45 pm IST)
Power : 90 kW
Language : English
Frequency : 12120 kHz

[415] Re: GUAM: KTWR DRM test broadcast on 9975kHz Name:XYZ Day:Nov 16, 2015 12:26 UTC  


KTWR DRM test broadcast
-1225- 9975kHz English

[919] Re: GUAM: KTWR DRM test on 9975kHz Name:XYZ Day:Feb 08, 2016 12:31 UTC  


KTWR DRM test broadcast
-1230- 9975kHz English

[744] UNID 7030kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 15, 2016 14:22 UTC  

-1415- 7030kHz, Language is unknown, Interference of the CW because
it is within the HAM band. Song of the Middle East-style.

Arabic language ??? --->(add: sounded like Urdu language)

audio : 1421-

[745] Re: UNID 7030kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 15, 2016 14:41 UTC  

-1440* c/off

YouTube :
** around -1428-

[752] Re: UNID 7030kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 16, 2016 14:00 UTC  


-1358- 7030kHz, Also heard today. Spurious?


[771] Re: UNID 7030kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 20, 2016 13:31 UTC  


7030kHz No signal -1100-, -1200-, -1300-, -1330-

[781] Re: UNID 7030kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 21, 2016 13:27 UTC  


-1320- 7030kHz, fair signal but weak modulation,


[790] Re: UNID 7030kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 22, 2016 13:23 UTC  

-1313- Now on the air. Koran, then talk.
** Sorry, their language used is I do not know. (Hindi or Urdu ???)

TNX! remote radio (PERSEUS SDR) in Finland. (TNX! Mauno)
YouTube (UTC:1328-):

-1437* s/off

[793] Re: UNID 7030kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 23, 2016 13:32 UTC  


-1330- 7030kHz talk by male, language ??

-1440* s/off

[795] Re: UNID 7030kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 23, 2016 16:14 UTC  


This language sounds like Urdu.

[796] Re: UNID 7030kHz audio files Name:XYZ Day:Jan 23, 2016 16:41 UTC  

Jan 15 2016, 1421-

Jan 22 2016, 1416-

Jan 22 2016, 1435-1437*

Jan 15 2016, 1428-

Jan 22 2016, 1328-

[800] Re: UNID 7030kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 24, 2016 10:55 UTC  


+1000-1055- 7030kHz, UNID, very weak signal.


[804] Re: UNID 7030kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 24, 2016 13:04 UTC  


-1300- No signal

*1303- c/on
OTHR(Pulse signal type) : 7020 - 7180kHz

1315-1320 Koran
1320 Ann. by female
1320- Talk by male
YouTube :
TNX! remote radio in Finland. (TNX! Mauno)

Sorry, I does not know the discrimination of this language.

-1400- Song such as the Koran, or Koran ???
-1425- Koran ??, weak signal...
-1442*(around) s/off

MP3 audio at 1320(announcement by femal):

[809] Re: UNID 7030kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 25, 2016 11:06 UTC  


+1030-1100* 7030kHz UNID, weak carrier only, Contents I could not be confirmed.

-1158- 6930 - 7100kHz OTHR(Pulse signal type) "Woodpecker"

-1310- 7030kHz fair signal, talk by male,
1313-1322 Koran --> correction: "A cappella" song
1322- Ann, by female at 1322, then talk by male

-1428*(around) sorry, It was over when I noticed.

[810] Re: UNID 7030kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 25, 2016 13:38 UTC  


This is the a cappella song not the Koran.

[820] Re: UNID 7030kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 26, 2016 11:04 UTC  


+1000-1102* 7030kHz, weak carrier only, spur ??

[823] Re: UNID 7030kHz *1304- s/on Name:XYZ Day:Jan 26, 2016 13:06 UTC  


*1304- c/on s/on, weak signal...
1310- song by male

[831] Re: UNID 7030kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 27, 2016 13:01 UTC  


A station in Urdu is heard on 7030 kHz before -1100v and 1300v-1430v.
I haven't got any station identification, but it sounds very much like
Voice of Jammu & Kashmir Freedom Movement, heard earlier on 3995 kHz.
Thanks for the tip and help to Hiroyuki Komatsubara, Sei-ichi Hasegawa,
Abid Hussain Sajid and Alok Kr Dasgupta.
WRTH Facebook :

Reference information:

** Voice of Jammu and Kashmir Freedom Movement
The Voice of Jammu and Kashmir Freedom Movement is the mouthpiece of the
Jammu and Kashmir Freedom Movement (JKFM) and programmes have been aired
on shortwave since 1999.
Transmitter Site: Rawat, Islamabad - 100 kW.

1300-1415 Kashmiri/Urdu/Balti/Gojri/English/Hindi 3995 - irregular

[832] Re: UNID 7030kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 27, 2016 15:01 UTC  

1421-1438*, SA(?) at 1436. (timer: 15:30)
Also English announcement was heard.

[839] Re: UNID 7030kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 28, 2016 13:10 UTC  


** TNX! remote radio in Finland.(TNX! MAUNO)
-1303- No signal
1305 c/on
*1306- s/on, ann. by female, then talk by male
-1316 "A cappella" song
1316- Ann. by female, then talk by male

-1345- song

[840] 7030kHz Voice of Jammu and Kashmir Freedom Movement Name:XYZ Day:Jan 28, 2016 14:09 UTC  

YouTube :

*1315-1320 "A cappella" song
1320 announcement by female.
1320- Talk by male.

1320 announcement by female (YouTube timer: 2:50)
Sounded like as "Ye Sedaye Hurriyat Jammu Kashimir hei"
"Voice of Jammu and Kashmir Freedom Movement"
MP3 is recorded from their live stream:

[842] Re: UNID 7030kHz Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 28, 2016 15:54 UTC  

After checking 7030 for a while now, finally had some audio. Unable to make out language at 1318, but at
1404 had definite chanting/singing. Assume this could be Voice of Jammu & Kashmir Freedom Movement
(clandestine)? Heavy ham QRM.

[845] Re: 7030kHz Voice of Jammu and Kashmir Freedom Movement Name:XYZ Day:Jan 28, 2016 16:05 UTC  


Check the recording with Sei-ichi Hasegawa, we tried to hear the SA part.
This is "Voice of Jammu and Kashmir Freedom Movement". (ex: 3995kHz, 5100kHz)

Sei-ichi Hasegawa said:
Maybe, they are broadcasting 100kW transmitter of Radio Pakistan. (same as
"Azad Kashmir Radio")

[19] Taiwan: Fishery Radio Station via RTI changed schedule Name:XYZ Day:Jul 29, 2015 09:32 UTC  

Fishery Radio Station via RTI changed to the weekly broadcast since June 24.

0800-0830 15290kHz Wednesday only
0830-0900 15290kHz Wednesday only

TNX! Hiroshi:

[829] Re: Taiwan: Fishery Radio Station via RTI changed schedule Name:XYZ Day:Jan 27, 2016 10:50 UTC  


Fishery Radio
Taiwan Fishery Radios was changed schedule:

0800-0830 15290kHz Wednesday only (ex: 0800-0900)

[825] JAPAN : NHK Radio Japan Name:XYZ Day:Jan 26, 2016 15:55 UTC  


NHK : Nippon Hoso Kyoukai
Radio Japan

Website :

[826] Re: JAPAN : NHK Radio Japan - Urdu, new on 11775kHz Name:XYZ Day:Jan 26, 2016 15:57 UTC  

New frequency of Urdu program

NHK was change the frequency of the Urdu language program.

*1515-1600* 11775kHz (ex: 13870kHz)
NHK Urdu page :

-1600* Babcock music, s/off

[575] CHINA : Qinghai PBS reactived Name:XYZ Day:Dec 19, 2015 01:11 UTC  

-0050- 9780kHz Chinese


Qinghai PBS reactived on Dec 15, 2015.

2200-0600 9780kHz Chinese
0600-0600 9780kHz Chinese (except Tue.)
0900-1600 9780kHzChinese

2250-0600 9850kHz Tibetan
0600-0900 9850kHz Tibetan (except Tue.)
0900-1600 9850kHz Tibetan

inactive schedule:
4220kHz Tibetan
5990kHz Tibetan
6145kHz Chinese

[692] Re: CHINA : Qinghai PBS reactived Name:XYZ Day:Jan 07, 2016 13:07 UTC  

-1300- 6145kHz Qinghai PBS ???
Heavy QRM Of Jamming

-1315- TNX! remote radio in Russia. 6145// 9780kHz.
This is "Qinghai PBS".
6145kHz reactived.

No signal on 4220kHz, unknown on 5990kHz.

Sorry poor audio (at 1300UTC):

[716] Re: CHINA : Qinghai PBS on 6145kHz reactived Name:Amano Day:Jan 12, 2016 18:15 UTC  

** CHINA. 6145, Qinghai PBS, 1350-1402, Jan 9, 2016.
6145 Qinghai PBS on Jan 9 with fair signal at 1350.
This time was a music program by male DJ.
What a surprise! A few seconds later, it had been broadcast in the Qinghai PBS.
It's called "If I Were A Boy" by Beyonce. Wow!
And time signal before, I was copy the ID.
It had announced "Qinghai Xinwen Zonghe Guangbo" in Chinese.
It's called "Qinghai News and General Radio" in English.
Time signal after, it became difficult to hear with RTI or CNR1 jamming QRM. - My 01:15(1359'20"-1400'35") audio
(ID@1359'41"UTC 00:21-00:23)

The following my 6145kHz audio is Beyonce Knowles, "If I Were A Boy" from Qinghai,
(Amano, Jan. 9, 2016. 1350'23"-1352'53"UTC, ICF-SW7600GR & AN-12. Saitama, Japan)
- My 02:30 audio.

[717] Re: CHINA : Qinghai PBS reactived Name:XYZ Day:Jan 12, 2016 18:37 UTC  


I love Beyonce Knowles. She's Dance is also nice.

[723] Re: CHINA : Qinghai PBS reactived Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 13, 2016 15:50 UTC  

Domo arigato Amano-san for the excellent tip !!

CHINA. 6145, Qinghai PBS (presumed), 1319-1400, Jan 13. Clearly // 9780;
in Chinese with music show; mostly pop Chinese songs, but one in English
("First Time"); started poor but improved to fair; 1400 covered by both
RTI and CNR1 (jamming) signing on. My audio with fair quality at

Ron, listening at Asilomar State Beach, California, USA

[724] Re: CHINA : Qinghai PBS reactived Name:XYZ Day:Jan 13, 2016 16:01 UTC  


"Good Time" - Carly Rae Jepsen

[725] Re: CHINA : Qinghai PBS reactived Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 13, 2016 16:15 UTC  

Domo arigato Hiroyuki-san for the correct song ID !! Appreciate your feedback.

[738] Re: CHINA : 5990kHz Qinghai PBS reactived Name:XYZ Day:Jan 15, 2016 10:28 UTC  

-1025- 5990kHz // 9580kHz Tibetan

Qinghai PBS reactived on 5990kHz.

Chinese 6145, 9780
Tibetan 5990, 9850, (No signal 4220kHz)

[776] Re: CHINA : Qinghai PBS on 6145kHz - The frequency of FM and AM Name:Amano Day:Jan 21, 2016 04:23 UTC  

** CHINA. 6145, Qinghai PBS, 1301-1312, Jan 15, 2016.
6145 Qinghai PBS on Jan 15 with fair signal at 1301.
I was copy the station ID with the frequency of FM and AM at 1310.
The station ID is "Qinghai Guangbo Dianshitai Xinwen Zonghe Guangbo"
in Chinese. I think it's called "Qinghai Radio and TV Station, News
and General Radio" in English.
The frequency of FM and AM is "FM Jiu-Ba-Dian-Jiu(98.9) Zhao-He(MHz),
AM Liu-Liu-Liu(666) Qian-He(kHz)" in Chinese. Incidentally I copied
the program name is "Ye-Lai-Ye-Tong-Ping" in Chinese.
In English ... Hmmm, I don't know. This is because I don't know the
Chinese characters of the program name. I'm sorry.
It should be noted, this time is a music program by male DJ.

The following my 6145kHz audio is the station ID, the frequency of
FM and AM and the program name in Chinese.
(Amano, Jan. 15, 2016. 1308'53"-1311'23"UTC, ICF-SW7600GR & AN-12.
Saitama, Japan) - My 02:30 audio.
/// Chinese announcement by the male DJ (01:22-01:28) ///
** The male DJ says "Zhelishi FM Jiu-Ba-Dian-Jiu(98.9) Zhao-He(MHz),
AM Liu-Liu-Liu(666) Qian-He(kHz), Qinghai Guangbo Dianshitai Xinwen
Zonghe Guangbo de Ye-Lai-Ye-Tong-Ping."
/// English translation (01:22-01:28) ///
** The male DJ says "This is FM98.9MHz and AM666kHz, Qinghai Radio
and TV Station, News and General Radio, Ye-Lai-Ye-Tong-Ping."

[779] Re: CHINA : Qinghai PBS reactived Name:XYZ Day:Jan 21, 2016 11:08 UTC  

TNX! AMANO for your detailed report!

[704] Papua New Guinea : 7325kHz Wantok Radio Light Name:XYZ Day:Jan 09, 2016 14:08 UTC  


Wantok Radio Light
Website :
Program schedule :
Live stream :

Freuency : 7325kHz
Language : English

Relay of NBC News:
*** In some cases, program name is different.
*** Day of the week is the local time.

2000 NBC Brief News
2100 NBC Main News Bulletin
0200 NBC Midday News Bulletin
0800 NBC News in Brief
0900 NBC Main News Bulletin

2000 NBC Brief News
2100 NBC News Bulletin
0200 NBC Midday News Bulletin
0900 NBC Main News Bulletin / News in Brief

2100 NBC Main News Bulletin
0200 NBC News Bulletin
0800 NBC News in Brief
0900 NBC Main News Bulletin / News in Brief

[705] Re: Papua New Guinea : 7325kHz Wantok Radio Light Name:XYZ Day:Jan 09, 2016 14:12 UTC  

Wantok Radio Light reactived on 7325kHz

-1411- SA

[706] Re: Papua New Guinea : 7325kHz Wantok Radio Light Name:XYZ Day:Jan 09, 2016 15:07 UTC  


1000-1400 China CRI
1430-1930 China CRI
2000-2030 China CRI
2100-2400 China CRI

.... The time can be received no QRM ...

[708] Re: Papua New Guinea : 7325kHz Wantok Radio Light Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 11, 2016 05:35 UTC  

Domo arigato Hiroyuki-san!

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 7324.96, Wantok Radio Light (presumed). Thanks for
your alert that WRL has reactivated after being off the air for some
time now; Jan 10 with several openings with CRI off the air.

1257-1258 heard religious song; this opening is usually 1, 2 or 3 minutes

After 1357 (CRI sign off time) heard very weak signal clearly off frequency
as usual; by 1413 had definite religious songs; 1418 tentative ID and back
to religious music; 1424 CRI transmitter turned on covering WRL. Nice
to have them back on the air again!

[710] Re: Papua New Guinea : 7325kHz Wantok Radio Light Name:XYZ Day:Jan 11, 2016 07:01 UTC  


-0645- 7324.95vkHz, weak signal. (Frequency is shaking)
The time of fade in around 0630UTC in Akita/Japan.

[754] Re: Papua New Guinea : 7325kHz Wantok Radio Light Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 16, 2016 20:57 UTC  

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 7324.94, Wantok Radio Light,
0740-0927, Jan 16. Started poor and slowly improved,
but never reached the level of steady readability; only
able to pick out a few words here and there. At times
hard to be positive of the language, due to Pidgin
using so many English words. The spoken modulation
seemed rather low, whereas the music was better.

0740-0800: DJ playing religious songs, along with
messages & dedications.

0800-0810: News & weather in English (did not sound
like NBC news?).

0810-0823: Religious songs (0815 ID).

0823: Announcer with brief religious spot in English.

0826-0835: More religious music (0829 ID).

0835-0855: Religious preaching in Pidgin/Tok Pisin.

0901-0903: Brief news in English; not the full NBC news
that I often heard in the past; followed my more music.

0934-0942: In English; unable to make out what he was
talking about?
contain my poor quality audio.

Ron, listening now in San Francisco at Ocean Beach, California, USA

[755] Re: Papua New Guinea : 7325kHz Wantok Radio Light Name:XYZ Day:Jan 17, 2016 02:21 UTC  


NBC News relay
It seems there is also the case of the different news from the program guide.

Ron-san, TNX! FB Information and FB audio !!

[764] Re: Papua New Guinea : 7325kHz Wantok Radio Light Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 19, 2016 18:33 UTC  

PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 7324.94, Wantok Radio Light. Jan 19 with decent signal strength 0813-0957, but with
moderately strong OTH radar QRM till that stopped at 0939*. Highlights:

0825-0845: Syndicated USA program "Fresh Touch"; preaching in English; ending the show with request for
listeners to write c/o "Wantok Radio Light, P.O. Box 1273, Port Moresby." .

From 2011 till early 2015, this time slot was always taken by the programs of Dr. Tayo Adeyemi (New Wine
Church, England), but perhaps as he died in 2013, WRL finally decided to drop his shows and replace this time
period with the "Fresh Touch" program. Based upon my observations, believe the WRL website program schedule
has not been updated in a long time! .

0845-0901: In Pidgin/Tok Pisin; ID, frequencies, time check, etc.

0901-0912: PNG bird call, into the NBC National News in English; item about mining in PNG.

0912: Sounded like the usual thank you announcement ("Wantok Radio Light Ministries thanks the National
Broadcasting Corporation for allowing us to relay the daily news bulletin. Join us at 7 AM for the next NBC
National News・.

0912-0913: advisement for "NASFUND" savings, "Your Partner in Superannuation."

0933: In progress with the syndicated USA program "Focus on the Family"; interview with Mary Flo Ridley
about her books on parenting; presented with John Fuller and Jim Daly.

0954: Ending "Focus on the Family" with a promotional spot from their sponsor - "Ninety-Nine Ltd."

0957: CRI transmitter turned on, blocking WRL.

Ron, listening in San Francisco at Ocean Beach, California

[765] Re: Papua New Guinea : 7325kHz Wantok Radio Light Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 19, 2016 18:43 UTC  

Sorry that should be "advertisement," not advisement (0912-0913).

[766] Re: Papua New Guinea : 7325kHz Wantok Radio Light Name:XYZ Day:Jan 20, 2016 09:32 UTC  


[273] UNID 6260kHz in English Name:XYZ Day:Oct 16, 2015 14:28 UTC  

-1405- English - Talk of religion

Transmiting from Uzbekistan ??? (Old: CVC-Voice Asia on co-channel 6260kHz)

[274] Bible Voice on 6260kHz Name:XYZ Day:Oct 16, 2015 14:30 UTC  

-1429- SA "Bible Voice"
-1430* s/off

[275] Re: UNID 6260kHz in English Name:XYZ Day:Oct 17, 2015 14:21 UTC  

-1415- talk in English

[301] Bible Voice 6260kHz Name:XYZ Day:Oct 20, 2015 14:06 UTC  

-1404- No signal
Limiting the day of the week to be broadcast ???

[317] Bible Voice 6260kHz Name:XYZ Day:Oct 24, 2015 15:53 UTC  

Bible Voice Broadcasting on 6260kHz

English broadcast of 6260kHz is not a daily broadcast, seems to be the only broadcast
Friday and Saturday. These same program can be heard even 17650 or 15640kHz.


[401] 6260kHz Bible Voice Broadcasting Name:XYZ Day:Nov 13, 2015 14:21 UTC  


-1400- 6260kHz English, Talk program.
** Today is Friday.

[468] 6260kHz Bible Voice Broadcasting Name:XYZ Day:Nov 28, 2015 02:36 UTC  

Bible Voice Broadcasting

1400-1430 Friday only 6260 English "Time of Reason"


[547] Re: BVB 6260kHz in English Name:Ron Howard Day:Dec 11, 2015 18:01 UTC  

UZBEKISTAN. 6260, Bible Voice Broadcasting via
Tashkent, *1400-1430*, Dec 11. On the air only on
Friday; program "Time of Reason" with Don Curtis
preaching in English; ends with religious song; address
given - "B.V.B., PO Box 95561, Newmarket, Ontario,
Canada, L3Y 8J8"; start of intro for another BVB
program, but suddenly cut off; poor.

[549] Re: BVB 6260kHz in English Name:XYZ Day:Dec 11, 2015 23:40 UTC  


6260kHz is a little nostalgic frequency. >>> CVC-Voice Asia

Old schedules (Nov. 2009)
The Voice Asia, Tashkent
0000-0400 6260 Hindi
0100-0400 9975 Hindi
0400-1100 13630 Hindi
1100-1400 9660 Hindi
1400-2000 6260 Hindi

[618] Re: BVB 6260kHz in English Name:XYZ Day:Dec 25, 2015 14:05 UTC  

*1400- 6260kHz BVB English program.

[743] BVB 6260kHz in English Name:XYZ Day:Jan 15, 2016 14:16 UTC  

-1415- 6260kHz, weak signal and QRM from Jamming on 6250kHz.

[172] MICRONESIA : PMA The Cross Radio Name:XYZ Day:Sep 20, 2015 12:59 UTC  

The Cross Radio :
Short-wave Listeners :
Broadcast Schedule :

FM 88.5 MHz
Coverage: Island of Pohnpei
Amplification: 300 Watts

Short-Wave 4755 KHz
Coverage: Surrounding Micronesian Islands within a radius of 500 - 1,000 miles
Amplification: 1000 Watts
Antenna: Quarter-length vertical antenna

..... return of short-wave broadcasting will be when?

[173] Re: MICRONESIA : PMA The Cross Radio Name:Ron Howard Day:Sep 20, 2015 13:42 UTC  

Hi Hiroyuki,

Since May 10, the date Cyclone Dolphin hit them,
PMA-The Cross Radio (4755.54kHz.) has been
silent through to September 19.

Here is the second email I received from Sylvia, at
PMA-The Cross Radio, on June 11:

"Hi Ron,

We do have power, but haven稚 had the time to address
the short wave problem after the typhoon. Will let you
know when we are up and running again. For now we
are broadcasting FM only.

Thanks for your concern,

Sylvia Kalau

Pacific Mission Aviation
POB 517
Pohnpei, FM 96941
691-320-2496 "

- - - - - - - first email received from Sylvia on May 12:

"Hello Ron,

We have had no power at the radio station for 3 days, hence
the loss of communication over the air.

Storm/typhoon Dolphin slammed into us on Sunday. The radio
building and the tower are all fine. Just waiting for the down
power lines to be fixed and we will be on the air again. Will
let you know when we are on the air again.

We lost part of our church roof, it seems we had the full furry
of the storm with gusts 70-100 at around 3am. It sucked the
roof right off.

At this point, we do not know when we can use the church. It
all depends on the roof.

Thank you for your prayers. We need sunshine today to repair
and keep the water out!

Sylvia Kalau

Pacific Mission Aviation
POB 517
Pohnpei, FM 96941
691-320-2496 "

Hope they return before too long!

San Francisco, Calif.

[175] Re: MICRONESIA : PMA The Cross Radio Name:XYZ Day:Sep 20, 2015 13:48 UTC  

Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!! Nice info!

This year there was a lot of damage to come a lot of typhoons in Japan.
It is nice to be able to quickly return.

[671] Re: MICRONESIA : PMA The Cross Radio Name:Ron Howard Day:Jan 03, 2016 06:44 UTC  

Received (Jan 3 at 0600 UTC) an update from Sylvia Kalau from
PMA-The Cross Radio (4755.54kHz.):

"Sorry Ron, we are not running the short wave, only the FM at
this time. Will let you know when we start up again."

Has been off the air since May 10, 2015.

[620] LAOS : Lao National Radio Name:XYZ Day:Dec 25, 2015 14:52 UTC  


Lao National Radio
Website :

*2100-2200 Chinese
2200-2230 Hmong
2230-2300 Khmer
2300-0630* Lao

*0630-0700 Hmong
0700-0730 Khmer
0855-1330* Lao

*1330-1400 Khmer
1400-1430 Chinese
1430-1500 English
1500-1530 France
1530-1600 Thai
1600-1630 Vietnam
1630-1632* Lao

Vintage audio :

[621] Re: LAOS : Lao National Radio Name:XYZ Day:Dec 25, 2015 14:53 UTC  

TNX!!! remote radio in Thailand.

6130kHz, Lao National Radio
-1432 Chinese
1432- SA in English, English program.
** QRM from China Xizang PBS (Tibetan program) on co-frequency.

[444] B15 KNLS New schedule Name:XYZ Day:Nov 22, 2015 14:24 UTC  

0800-0900 11870 English ex: 9615
9655 Chinese ex: 7355
0900-1000 11870 Russian ex: 9680
9655 Chinese ex: 7355
1000-1100 11870 English ex: 9615
9655 Chinese ex: 7355
1100-1200 11870 Russian ex: 9680
9610 Chinese ex: 7355
1200-1300 11870 English ex: 9615
7355 English
1300-1400 9655 Chinese
9920 Chinese ex: 9680
1400-1500 11765 English ex: 9615
7355 Chinese ex: 9655
1500-1600 9655 Russian ex: 9680
9920 Chinese ex: 9655
1600-1700 9655 Russian ex: 6190
9920 Chinese ex: 9655
1700-1800 9655 Russian ex: 6190
9920 Chinese ex: 9655


[477] Re: B15 KNLS New schedule Name:XYZ Day:Nov 30, 2015 16:19 UTC  

-1515- 6190kHz Russian, 9655kHz Chinese.

Sorry, schedule of the above is not the latest.

[488] Re: B15 KNLS New schedule Name:XYZ Day:Dec 03, 2015 15:06 UTC  


-1459 7355kHz Chinese px.
-1500* 7355kHz IS, c/off

*1500- 9655kHz Chinese, 9680kHz Russian

[595] Re: B15 KNLS New schedule Name:XYZ Day:Dec 22, 2015 16:04 UTC  


Dec 22,
*1500-1600* 7355kHz Chinese
*1600- 7355kHz Chinese

**Their website has become a server error.

[597] Re: B15 KNLS New schedule Name:XYZ Day:Dec 23, 2015 00:35 UTC  

Server error seems to have recovered.

Schedule remains is not latest.

[359] CHINA : Nei Menggu PBS off the air. / CNR2 resumed. Name:XYZ Day:Nov 06, 2015 10:23 UTC  

Nei Menggu PBS off the air, November 3rd~

9520, 7420 Chinese
9750, 7270, 6040 Mongolian


CNR2 (No.491) of which had been off the air from October 3, four-wave is resumed
from the broadcast start of November 6 (Beijing time).
6040 / 7375 / 11800
6155 / 15500
7370 / 7375 / 11610
9775 / 15270


[365] Re: CHINA : Test Music ? 3985/4800/6080/6090kHz Name:XYZ Day:Nov 06, 2015 15:53 UTC  

It has broadcast the same program(Non-stop music) at frequencies below.

** 4800kHz and 6080kHz broadcast from the same transmitting station.


TNX! Ron-san

[367] Re: CHINA : Test Music ? 3985/4800/6080/6090kHz Name:XYZ Day:Nov 06, 2015 22:29 UTC  

-2220- 4800// 6080// 6090// 6190kHz. (3985kHz Unknown)

[370] Re: CHINA : Test Music ? 3985/4800/6080/6090kHz Name:XYZ Day:Nov 07, 2015 08:06 UTC  

Thanks to HIROSHI additional information.

Non-stop music. (Test transmission??)
6080 / 9630
6090 / 9570
6190 / 7220 / 3985

[371] Re: CHINA : Test Music ? 3985/4800/6080/6090kHz Name:XYZ Day:Nov 07, 2015 15:26 UTC  

> 3985, 4800, 6080, 6090, 6190, 7220, 9570, 9630kHz

All of the frequency is off the air.

[372] Re: CHINA : 4800 kHz. Name:Ron Howard Day:Nov 07, 2015 16:04 UTC  

Nov 7, noted from 1155 to 1416, with only AIR Hyderabad on 4800. Nothing else today.

[373] Re: CHINA : Nei Menggu PBS off the air. / CNR2 resumed. Name:XYZ Day:Nov 08, 2015 09:17 UTC  

TNX! Ron-san !
Nov 8,
-0915- this time but it does not seem to be broadcast today.

[379] CHINA : Nei Menggu PBS reactived Name:XYZ Day:Nov 09, 2015 06:27 UTC  

Nei Menggu PBS
9520, 7420 Chinese
9750, 7270, 6040 Mongolian

Shortwave five waves of Nei Menggu PBS but was stopped from November 3,
two waves of Chinese November 9, has resumed all Mongolian three waves.


[380] Re: CHINA : Test Music ? 3985/4800/6080/6090kHz Name:XYZ Day:Nov 09, 2015 06:32 UTC  

> 3985, 4800, 6080, 6090, 6190, 7220, 9570, 9630kHz

Frequencies of CNR-1 and CNR-2, off the air is continuing.


[567] Re: CHINA : CNR1 heard on 4970 kHz. Name:Ron Howard Day:Dec 16, 2015 14:25 UTC  

4970, CNR1. For years I have enjoyed hearing AIR Shillong here during my normal listening time (1200-1400).
Dec 16 heard *1055 with AIR IS, followed by IDs in both Hindi & English.

Dec 15 & 16 have heard QRM from CNR1 (clearly // 6125), mixing with AIR about 1300. Have never heard this
before. Why would I now be hearing China here?

[432] YEMEN : Radio Sana'a back on new frequency 11860kHz Name:XYZ Day:Nov 21, 2015 09:50 UTC  


Radio Sana'a
Frequency : 11860kHz **New frequency!
Language : Arabic, English
Website :
Live stream :
Live stream :

Bulgarian DX blog:
Algeria radio amateur:

[433] Re: YEMEN : Radio Sana'a back on new frequency 11860kHz Name:XYZ Day:Nov 21, 2015 10:22 UTC

** I have translated(Google) into English the part of their page.
31 meters frequency 9780 kHz
49 meters frequency 6135 kHz
49 meters frequency 5950 kHz

422 meters frequency 711 kHz
358 meters frequency 837 kHz
298 meters frequency 1008 kHz
280 meters frequency 1071 kHz
252 meters frequency 1188 kHz

HFCC B15 Frequency list:

Previous schedule by Aoki list.
** Old schedules.
6135kHz 0500-0800 Arabic
6135kHz 1200-1600 Arabic
6135kHz 1800-1900 English

[435] Re: YEMEN : Radio Sana'a back on new frequency 11860kHz Name:XYZ Day:Nov 21, 2015 11:33 UTC  

Information received in Japan.

TNX! MSD @ Our Japanese BBS:

-2300* National Anthen of Yemen, s/off.

It has also received a lot of information from DXLD-YG.

*** Gif:

[436] Re: YEMEN : Radio Sana'a back on new frequency 11860kHz Name:XYZ Day:Nov 21, 2015 12:24 UTC  

@2000 UTC News.
SA in Arabic : "Huna Sanaa idhaat aljumhuriya alyamaniya al bernamaj al a'am"
Mean: (this is Sanaa the republic of Yemen Radio the general program.)
TNX! Tarek Zeidan, Cairo @ DXLD-YG

** It seems to also be announced as "Radio Sana'a".

[437] Re: YEMEN : Radio Sana'a back on new frequency 11860kHz Name:XYZ Day:Nov 21, 2015 22:23 UTC  

-2145- 11860kHz ....presume. Arabic talk, Songs of the Middle East-style.

[438] Re: YEMEN : Radio Sana'a back on new frequency 11860kHz Name:XYZ Day:Nov 21, 2015 23:00 UTC  


-2253- "Huna Sanaa. idhaat aljumhuriya alyamaniya ......." (audio file)
** TNX! Recording via remote radio in Qatar, Doha.

-2300* Tone signal, s/off

[440] YEMEN : Radio Sana'a(presume) 11860kHz *0400UT-s/on Name:XYZ Day:Nov 22, 2015 04:08 UTC  


*0400(around)- 11860kHz Koran, Radio Sana'a(presume) ?
QRM from China Xizang PBS on co-frequency.
Not //- Live stream.

-0425- SA in Arabic sounded like :
"Huna Sanaa, idhaat al-jumhuriya al-yamaniya al-bernamaj al-a'am"
** TNX! Recording via remote radio in Qatar, Doha.

[441] Re: YEMEN : Radio Sana'a back on new frequency 11860kHz Name:XYZ Day:Nov 22, 2015 06:05 UTC  


**It has translated into English the following page in the Google translation;
Science reform online site that government Sanaa radio re-broadcast Saturday
on short-wave frequency 11860 after an enforced absence as a result of piracy
militia al-Huthi and the ousted president.

The radio staff for reform Online, "will broadcast radio Sanaa pro-legitimacy
of the short-wave frequency 11860 during two shifts, and made it clear that
the morning start seven o'clock until twelve noon, and the evening session
starting at two o'clock in the afternoon and until the ninth evening, note
that grief today villain experimental acoustic reference only

Frequency : 11860 kHz

Yemen Time : *2100-0200* , *0700-1200*
UTC : *1800-2300* , *0400-0900*
JST(Japan) : *0300-0800* , *1300-1800*

** This is a guess schedule.....

[442] Re: YEMEN : Radio Sana'a back on new frequency 11860kHz Name:XYZ Day:Nov 22, 2015 09:07 UTC  

Nov 22, 2015

*????-2300* 11860kHz Arabic
*0400-0857* 11860kHz Arabic

Station name announcement coming in between program:
"Huna Sanaa, idhaat al-jumhuriya al-yamaniya al-bernamaj al-a'am"
There is no time signal every hour on the hour. It flows songs like
the theme song instead.

[473] Re: YEMEN : Radio Sana'a via TX of Radio Saudi Name:XYZ Day:Nov 30, 2015 12:00 UTC  

Frequency is out exactly, it is out about 3Hz lower than Tibet broadcasting.
I every day but have a remote receiver, it is there you have heard mixed the
IS of Radio Saudi near the end.

Radio Sana'a sounds like almost certainly in a broadcast over the Saudi Arabia
of the transmitter.

[496] Re: YEMEN : Radio Sana'a 11860kHz Name:XYZ Day:Dec 06, 2015 10:45 UTC  

-1040- 11860kHz, via remote radio in Qatar(TNX!).
** It has extended the broadcast. (Normally -0900*)

TNX! Tarek Zeidan, Cairo @ DXLD-YG

It does not look even signal in my location(Akita/Japan).

-1147- 11860kHz, Extension broadcasting is still followed.

[499] 11860kHz YEMEN : Radio Sana'a, change broadcast time? Name:XYZ Day:Dec 07, 2015 13:00 UTC  


-1254- 11860kHz, TNX! remote radio in Qatar, talk in Arabic.
It is change of the broadcast time ??? , or special program ???

[515] YEMEN : Radio Sana'a 11860kHz Name:XYZ Day:Dec 07, 2015 17:18 UTC  

-1713- 11860kHz Talk in Arabic.
All-Night program ???

[518] Re: YEMEN : Radio Sana'a 11860kHz Name:XYZ Day:Dec 08, 2015 09:56 UTC  


-0954- 11860kHz Talk in Arabic.
TNX! remote radio in Qatar.

The signal is not seen at all in my location(Akita/Japan).

[537] Re: YEMEN : Radio Sana'a 11860kHz Name:XYZ Day:Dec 10, 2015 10:00 UTC  


11860kHz of Arabic programs, but is followed by a 24-hour broadcasting, have increased
the time zone does not go out of the program of the republic of Yemen Radio has come
out of and voice(audio) of Yemen satellite TV, also other than this program.
The extended 2300 and later it seems from a different program.