Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification 6250kHz -
Ron Howard Dec 07, 2015 15:55 UTC No.506 Seemed to be Echo of Hope - VOH (Clandestine) on Dec 7, on 6250 (poor),
which am fairly sure was // 6003 (almost fair), at 1406; both jammed.
Ron, listening at Asilomar State Beach (near Monterey), California
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification 6250kHz -
Ron Howard Dec 07, 2015 16:00 UTC No.507 Maybe I was wrong? Others are indicating Echo of Unification! Ron
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification 6250kHz -
XYZ Dec 07, 2015 16:14 UTC No.509 YouTube:
00:30 "tong-il ui meali" (mean: "Echo of Unification")
01:05 " Yeogi neun Tong-il ui meali bangsong imnida"
(mean: "Here is Echo of Unification Broadcasting Station")
s/off at 1432*
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification 6250kHz -
Ron Howard Dec 07, 2015 16:16 UTC No.510 Thanks for the correction! Ron
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification 6250kHz -
XYZ Dec 07, 2015 16:25 UTC No.511 Ron-san
It was as well hear a skip phenomenon of radio waves.
-1620- This time I hear the Echo of Hope (VOH) and Jamming.
Always it will have been crushed in the jamming.
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification 6207v//6293v//6250kHz -
XYZ Jan 07, 2016 14:03 UTC No.695 Note;
Echo of Unification
-1400- 6207 vkHz, Spurious ???, //6250kHz, 6293vkHz
6250kHz +- 43kHz Spurious
-1432* Spurious waves at the end of the 14:32 also had gone.
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification 6250kHz -
XYZ Jan 29, 2016 09:33 UTC No.848 TNX! HIROSHI :
*1230-1432* 6250, 3971v, 1080, 684 kHz
3971 vkHz is sometimes heard at irregular.
In their announcement is "3970kHz".
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification 3972vkHz -
XYZ Jan 29, 2016 12:45 UTC No.852 Note;
-1240- 3972 vkHz Echo of Unification
It is dirty modulation.
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification, New Frequency -
XYZ Dec 23, 2016 08:28 UTC No.1988 TNX! Moomin-san
Voice of Unification, a propaganda broadcasting against South Korea
re-transmitted FM 97.8 MHz, made new frequencies, SW 5905 kHz, FM
97MHz 89.4MHz, and removed AM 684 kHz and 1080 kHz. they transmit
VOU on AM no more, and South Korean jammers turned off AM(684,
1080 kHz) too.
Original frequency: SW 3970 kHz, 6250 kHz
Re-transmitted: FM 97.8 MHz
New Frequency: SW 5905 kHz, FM 97 MHz, 89.4 MHz
Removed: MW 684 kHz, 1080 kHz
South Korea FM Jammers which are located in Namsan started to
prevent Pyongyang FM and VOU frequencies from receiving in South
Now FM Jammers in South Korea: 89.4 MHz, 92.8 MHz, 103.7 MHz
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification -
XYZ Dec 23, 2016 12:23 UTC No.1990 Translated to English, and Japanese:
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification 5905kHz NEW FREQUENCY ! -
XYZ Dec 23, 2016 12:33 UTC No.1991 *1230- 5905kHz Korean, heavy QRM from CHINA CRI, //6250kHz
3970vkHz Not found
Openning musuc,
SA sounded like: "Yeoleobun annyeonghasimnika. Tong-il ui meali bangsong imnida."
5905kHz NK strong signal than CHINA, No jammer
6250kHz I can not catch it at all because of heavy jammer.
3968vkHz, -1345* ?, bad modulation
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification -
XYZ Dec 23, 2016 13:27 UTC No.1992 TNX! Chris Kadlec @WRTH-Facebook
AM, FM, and SW happenings in Seoul - it's a bit of a mess, all of it
occurring on December 21:
KOR 1080 Goyang & Hwaseong have both turned off.
DPK 1080 Haeju (Echo of Unification) has turned off.
KOR 684 Goyang & Hwaseong have turned off.
DPK 684 Pyonggang-Cheorwon (E. of Unification) has turned off.
DPK 6250KHz, 5905KHz, 3970KHz now running Echo of Unification
DPK 89.4 has turned on with E. of Unification [likely] in Kaesong (suburban
Seoul area)
DPK 97.0 has turned on with E. of Unification, unknown location likely
along the east coast
DPK 97.8 is still listed active with E. of Unification but has been off since
2015, transmitter in Haeju //1080 south of downtown.
All Echo of Unification frequencies confirmed via the station's announcement
on their website and observations in Seoul and Incheon Friday afternoon. Echo
of Unification runs from 7-9, 1-3, and 9-11pm PST (UTC+9:30) across all network
TNX! Moomin-san@
+Addition Explanation
South Korea FM Jammers which are located in Namsan started to prevent
Pyongyang FM and VOU frequencies from receiving in South Korea.
FM Jammers testing now in South Korea : 89.4 MHz, 92.8 MHz, 93.6 MHz,
97.0 MHz, 97.8 MHz, 103.7 MHz
I think testing FM Jammers except 89.4, 97.0, 97.8 MHz are aimed at
Pyongyang FM or other propaganda broadcasts.
(I couldn't check 92.8 93.6 103.7 because of jammer yet, but I think
103.7 is still same as 92.5 (Pyongyang FM).
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification -
XYZ Dec 23, 2016 14:13 UTC No.1993 TNX! AMANO @ASIAN DX BBS
Frequencies Announcement at -1335- by female.
"Tanpa, 3970kHz, 5905kHz, 6250khz. Choutanpa, 89.4 MHz, 97.0 MHz, 97.8 MHz"
** 5905kHz (O-cheon-Gu-baeg-O kHz)
Their new frequencies are also announced.
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification -
XYZ Dec 23, 2016 14:33 UTC No.1994 5905kHz
-1432*, also Jammer stoped at-1432-(a little late)
YouTube :
-2310- 5905kHz, heavy QRM from CHINA jammer to Tibet
TNX! Poyfull: - 0535- 5905kHz No Jammer
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification -
XYZ Dec 24, 2016 10:18 UTC No.1996 TNX! AMANO(Japan)
New frequencies announcement:
"Danpa 6250kHz, 5905kHz, 3970khz wa Chodanpa 97.8MHz, 97MHz, 89.4MHz"
** "Danpa, Yug-cheon I-baeg O-sib kHz, O-cheon-Gu-baeg-O kHz, Sam-cheon
Gu-baeg Chil-sib kHz wa Chodanpa, Gu-sib chon Pal MHz, Gu-sib chil
MHz, pal-sib Gu chon Sah MHz"
Broadcast time was announced in Pyongyang time.
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification -
XYZ Dec 24, 2016 12:37 UTC No.1997 Note;
1229- IS,SA
*1230- Start
YouTube :
5905kHz -1430*
3966vkHz, 6250kHz -1433*
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification, New frequency 3945kHz -
XYZ Nov 02, 2017 05:58 UTC No.2703 Note;
Nov. 01
3945kHz N KOREA Echo of Unification, //6250kHz
-1432* s/off
5905kHz not hear, QSY ? or moved from 3970vkHz ??
3945kHz (tent.) Echo of Unification, Radio NIKKEI not heard
not heard on 5905kHz,
3945kHz, // 6250kHz and 3965kHz(TNX! WebSDR in S KOREA), 5905kHz No signal
-0632* s/off
3945kHz, 3965vkHz, 6250kHz 3 frequencies. ** 3945kHz maybe QSY from 5905kHz.
On their website they had announced 5905 kHz. It does not seem to be updated..
NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification, frequency backed to 5905kHz from 3945kHz -
XYZ Feb 11, 2018 03:10 UTC No.3038 Thanks HIROSHI ! :
--translatrd to English by Google :
Echo of Unification, ... since February 10 2018
3970, 5905 (ex.3945), 6250 kHz
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification, frequency backed to 5905kHz from 3945kHz -
Amano Feb 11, 2018 13:06 UTC No.3045 KOREA NORTH. 5905, Echo of Unification,*1229-, Feb 11.
I also confirmed that the frequency changed
from 3945 kHz to 5905 kHz.
Frequency announcement is as usual.
3945 kHz was a clear channel.
-1222- Tone signal confirmation. //6250 kHz.
-1224- It changed into non-modulation.
*1229- s/on, IS and EOU SA
-1230- Start announcement.
Thank you for the information, Hiroshi and Hiroyuki.
Amano, listening at my home in Saitama, Japan.
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification -
Ron Howard Feb 12, 2018 01:03 UTC No.3046 Feb 12 (UTC) from Ralph Perry (USA).
Re: Echo of Unification:
"Fair signal on 5905 since 0020, running past sked close
at bottom of the hour, OM and YL tlks KK, droning xmtr noise
in background. Brief mx break at 0034 after drumming, then
more of this fascinating programming, ha, running past 0044."
New schedule? Ron
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification -
XYZ Feb 12, 2018 10:40 UTC No.3047 Ron-san and AMANO, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
>their closing time
I will check if there is a chance..
NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification : Frequency change since November 01 -
XYZ Oct 30, 2018 22:02 UTC No.3554 New schedule since November 1st, 2018.
Their website :
Our "Echo of Unification" will be broadcast from November-01-2018 to
Short wave 6250kHz, 3945kHz, 3970kHz and FM 97.8MHz, 97MHz, 89.4MHz will be
Echo of Unification, ... since November 1st 2018
6250kHz, 3970(3970v)kHz, 3945(ex:5905)kHz
** FM frequency has not changed : 89.4MHz, 97.8MHz, 97.0MHz
** 3970vkHz : Today *2200- 3967vkHz(This frequency is unstable.)
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification -
XYZ Oct 31, 2018 22:14 UTC No.3556 New frequency
3945kHz *2159-(UTC) YouTube :
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification, 5905kHz (ex: 3945kHz) -
XYZ Apr 01 (Mon), 2019 12:11 UTC No.3897 Echo of Unification, ... A19
6250kHz, 3970(3970v)kHz, 5905(ex:3945)kHz
** FM frequency has not changed : 89.4MHz, 97.8MHz, 97.0MHz
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification -
XYZ Apr 01 (Wed), 2020 08:36 UTC No.4416 New freq. since Apr 01, 2020.
0400-0600, 1200-1400, 2200-2400
6250KHz 5905KHz(ex: 3945kHz) 3970KHz FM97.8MHz FM97MHz FM89.4MHz
Thanks Hiroshi for this info. .
Re: NORTH KOREA: Echo of Unification -
Philby Jan 07 (Sat), 2023 22:36 UTC No.5273 3945 kHz -2225- copy in France with a very small signal, commentary in korean by female voice and song