7175/7185kHz Eritrea 復活 XYZ 2015/03/28(Sat) 10:50 No.3 何気なくチェックしていたら出てました。 慌ててあっちこっち見たら結構多くの方が気がついていました。 3月になって復活したようです。
Dimtsi Hafash Radio http://alenalki.com/ http://www.alenalki.com/
再び Ethiopia との大がかりな追いかけっこが始まるのでしょうか。。。
VOBME in Amharic 1500-1600 on 7185 kHz, 1600-1830 on 7175 kHz on March 26. Bulgarian DX blog: http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/
Dimtsi Hafash: (Voice of the Broad Masses) is a state owned media that broadcasts from the capital Asmara. This national radio service began under the liberation front in 1979. The high illiteracy rate among Eritreans, particularly in rural areas, make this medium the most effective to educate and inform the general public. Its correspondents are stationed throughout the country. With a transmission power of 100 kilowatts, Dimtsi Hafash covers all Eritrea and it also available via satellite. It broadcasts in nine Eritrean ethnic languages, (Tigrinya, Arabic, Tigre, Kunama, Saho, Afar, Bilen, Hedareb and Nara), Amharic, Oromo and Somali languages and covers a wide range of subjects targeted at general and specific audiences. Children and youth, for example, broadcast their own shows each week (From http://www.eritrean-embassy.se/pressrelease/media/ via SW Bulletin March 15 via DXLD)
There are three radio stations in Eritrea. Radio Bana is an educational radio broadcast in five languages. Radio Zara is available only in Tigrinya, while Dimtsi Hafash is available in nine languages: Afar Arabic Beja Blin Kunama Nara Saho Tigre Tigrinya
WIKIPEDIA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_of_Eritrea