Re: MEMO: -
XYZ Dec 29, 2015 09:16 UTC No.641 -0905-
7260kHz No signal, Mongolia / Vanuatu / China
Re: MEMO: -
XYZ Dec 29, 2015 10:41 UTC No.642 -1035- 11865kHz English, // 9740kHz
** IBB : BBC WSE 11865 NAK
New frequency.
BBC-WS : Changed schedule -
XYZ Dec 29, 2015 12:43 UTC No.643 BBC-WS
Change and addition of frequency;
0000-0100 11850kHz (addition)
1000-1300 11865kHz (ex: 11895)
1100-1200 15510kHz (ex: 15285)
..... since Dec 25.
XYZ Dec 31, 2015 10:40 UTC No.653 B15 BBC WS in English, December 25~
1000-1100 6195, 9740, 11865, 17760
1100-1200 6195, 9740, 11865, 15510
1200-1300 5875, 6195, 9740, 11865
1300-1400 5875, 6195, 9410, 9740, 15310
1400-1500 5845drm, 7465, 9410
1500-1600 5845drm, 6195, 7465, 9410, 9505, 12095, 15420
1600-1700 3255, 5845drm, 6190, 6195, 7465, 9410, 9505, 12095, 15420, 17640, 17830
1700-1800 3255, 6190, 6195, 7445, 9505, 15400, 15420, 17780, 17830
1800-1900 3255, 5945, 6190, 6195, 7445, 9410, 9915, 11810, 15400
1900-2000 3255, 6190, 6195, 7445, 9410, 9915, 11810, 15400
2000-2100 9915, 11810, 12095
2100-2200(M.-F.) 9915, 11810, 12095
2200-2300 3915, 5875, 5890, 5905, 5960, 6195, 7490
2300-2400 5875, 6195, 7490, 9740, 11955
0000-0100 5970, 9410, 11850, 12095
0100-0200 12095, 15310
0200-0300 12095, 15310
0300-0400 6195, 9410
0400-0500 9410, 9460, 12035, 12095
0500-0600 3255, 5875, 6005, 6190, 7445, 12095, 15420
0600-0700 3955drm, 6005, 6190, 9410, 9460, 9915, 12095, 15420, 17640
0700-0800 6190, 9410, 9915, 11770, 12095, 15420, 17640, 17830
0800-0900 17790drm
Server Maintenance ?? -
XYZ Jan 17, 2016 10:16 UTC No.756 Server Maintenance ??
Sorry! It seems to maintenance this server.
B15 : BBC-WS new schedule since Jan 23, 2016 -
XYZ Jan 24, 2016 11:10 UTC No.803 B15 : BBC-WS
B15 BBC WS in English, January 23~
** = New frequency
1000-1100 6195, 9740, 11865, 15510, 17760
1100-1200 6195, 9740, 11865, 15510
1200-1300 5875, 6195, 9740, 11865
1300-1400 5875, 6195, 9410, 9740, 15310
1400-1500 5845drm, 7465, 9410
1500-1600 5845drm, 6195, 7465, 9410, 9505, 12095, 15420
1600-1700 3255, 5845drm, 6190, 6195, 7465, 9410, 9505, 12095, 15420, 17640, 17830
1700-1800 3255, 6190, 6195, 7445, 9505, 15400, 15420, 17780, 17830
1800-1900 3255, 5945, 6190, 6195, 7445, 9410, 9915, 11810, 15400
1900-2000 3255, 6190, 6195, 7445, 9410, 9915, 11810, 15400
2000-2100 9915, 11810, 12095
2100-2200(M.-F.) 9915, 11810, 12095
2200-2300 3915, 5840**, 5890, 5905, 5960, 6195, 7490
2300-2400 5840**, 6195, 7490, 9740, 11955
0000-0100 5970, 9410, 11850, 12095
0100-0200 6155**, 12095, 15310
0200-0300 6155**, 12095, 15310
0300-0400 6195, 9410
0400-0500 9410, 9460, 12035, 12095
0500-0600 3255, 5875, 6005, 6190, 7445, 12095, 15420
0600-0700 3955drm, 6005, 6190, 9410, 9460, 9915, 12095, 15420, 17640
0700-0800 6190, 9410, 9915, 11770, 12095, 15420, 17640, 17830
0800-0900 17790drm
UNID 11770kHz -
XYZ Jan 25, 2016 15:42 UTC No.813 -1540- 11770kHz, weak signal in my location Akita/Japan.
Arabic ???
Re: UNID 11770kHz -
XYZ Jan 25, 2016 16:04 UTC No.814 UNID 11770kHz arabic???
-1601* s/off with the sound of African-ish instruments...
1603 c/off
WRTH B15 Update -
XYZ Jan 25, 2016 16:13 UTC No.815 TNX! HASEGAWA and AOKI
WRTH B15 Update:
TWR schedule of ASIA (KTWR) is different.
** 9910kHz has been actually used.
WRTH B15 Update - KTWR B15 Schedule -
XYZ Jan 26, 2016 11:56 UTC No.822 TNX! HIROSHI :
1100-1130 .23456. Chinese
1115-1130 ......7 Chinese
1130-1227 1234567 Chinese
1230-1245 .23456. Chinese
1245-1300 .23456. Cantonese
1345-1515 1....67 Korean
1345-1500 .2345.. Korean
1215-1245 1...... Japanese
1215-1245 .2...6. English(Digital)
1215-1245 ..345.. Chinese
1330-1400 123456. Chinese
1345-1430 ......7 Chinese
1400-1430 1.....7 Hui
1400-1430 .23456. Cantonese
1430-1445 1234567 Chinese
0930-1000 1...... English
0930-1000 .23456. Madurese
1000-1030 123456. Sundanese
1030-1100 .2..... English
1030-1110 ..3456. English
Re: UNID 11770kHz -
XYZ Jan 26, 2016 15:36 UTC No.824 UNID 11770kHz
-1500- No signal
-1530- No signal
-1535- 11775kHz Hindi --> Sorry this was NHK Urdu language program.
15545kHz Radio Vaticana new frequency -
XYZ Jan 27, 2016 10:16 UTC No.828 Radio Vaticana (Vatican Radio)
** TNX! remote radio in Qatar.
-1001- 15545kHz Radio Vaticana - Russian, 1903 IS
1005- sorry unknown language, Ukrainian ???
Babcock test TX on 9585kHz -
XYZ Jan 31, 2016 11:24 UTC No.869 Memo;
-1115- 9585kHz(9584.94kHz) , Babcock music and announcement
WRMI changed schedule -
XYZ Feb 01, 2016 09:39 UTC No.872 TNX! HIROSHI :
The Overcomer Ministry via WRMI Radio Miami International
(Monitoring time: 0600-1000)
0600-0800 5015, 5850, 5950, 7570, 7730, 9955, 11580, 11920
0800-0900 5015, 5950, 7570, 7730, 11580, 11825, 11920, 15770
0900-1000 5015, 5850, 5950, 7570, 7730, 11580, 11825, 11920, 15770
Re: WRMI changed schedule -
XYZ Feb 02, 2016 23:40 UTC No.878 TNX! HIROSHI :
WRMI new schedule since Feb 01 2016.
Server Maintenance ? -
XYZ Feb 03, 2016 11:40 UTC No.879 Feb 03, 2016
Server Maintenance ?
Sorry! It seems to maintenance this server.
7570kHz Jamming -
XYZ Feb 06, 2016 15:34 UTC No.908 7570kHz, Jamming ? or Mixing ??
-1525- Noise type JAMMING
*1530- Voice of Korea, and Jamming
also Jamming on 9435kHz, May be this is Mixing...
5290kHz Reactived Korean Numbers Station -
XYZ Feb 14, 2016 14:34 UTC No.941 *1430- K-pop: "Me Guestas Tu" (GFriend)
** 6 girl group of the unit ??
1433- Numbers in Korean
4670kHz UNID -
XYZ Feb 14, 2016 16:17 UTC No.943 Note;
-1610- 4670kHz Ethnic song ?, weak in my location,
fair signal via remote radio(PERSEUS SDR) in Thailand.
Miss type of All India Radio 4760kHz ??? (4-7-6-0 --> 4-6-7-0) ???
-1632- 4670kHz "NA-MA-SU-KAH"
-1658- 4670kHz "All India Radio Network", No signal on 4760kHz.
May be "All India Radio - Port Blair" (1030-1700, Sat/Sun -1730)
-1730* 4970kHz YouTube:
9480kHz OMN Radio -
XYZ Feb 15, 2016 09:04 UTC No.947 9480kHz OMN Radio
TNX!! Mauno(Finland) and Marc Vissers
Frequency : 9480kHz
Time (UTC): 1800-1900
Language : Oromia
See also :
Twitter :
YouTube :
New station ??
4975kHz UNID Korean station -
XYZ Feb 16, 2016 13:30 UTC No.956 4975kHz UNID Korean station
-1320- 4974.49kHz H3E Radio drama ??
15405kHz Uganda Diaspora Radio -
XYZ Feb 17, 2016 13:14 UTC No.969 Uganda Diaspora Radio
Frequency : 15405kHz
Time : 1630-1700
Acc. to the station there are further transmission tomorrow,
election day as follows:
0300-0600 9685
0900-1100 17840
1300-1600 17840
1600-1900 15680
On Friday:
0400-0600 9685
17840kHz Uganda Diaspora Radio -
XYZ Feb 18, 2016 15:45 UTC No.976 -1640- 17840kHz Uganda Diaspora Radio, good signal via
remote radio in Europe(TNX!!!). English program.
6183kHz//11780kHz Brasil -
XYZ Mar 31, 2016 08:46 UTC No.1215 -0830- 6183kHz(6183.16kHz) strong signal //11780kHz(11780.10kHz)
** Program name is relayed has not yet confirmed.
0900 SA(ID) "Radio National da Amazonia"
4790KHz CNR-1 Jamming QSY from 4970kHz -
XYZ Apr 04, 2016 13:10 UTC No.1238 4790KHz CNR-1 Jamming, Target:BBC
4790kHz, Noise Jamming + CNR-1
4970kHz AIR only
It seems to have finally noticed, ha ha ha !
What time from the it was QSY is unknown, but
I noticed today.
-1330* Jamming off, BBC could not be confirmed..
Re: MEMO: -
Ron Howard Apr 06, 2016 05:17 UTC No.1241
- - - - - - posted to DXLD yg:
** TAJIKISTAN. 4790, BBC Uzbek. Thanks to Hiroyuki
Komatsubara (Japan), who today (April 4) provided this
"-1305- 4790kHz, Noise Jamming + CNR-1
4970kHz AIR only
-1330* Jamming off, BBC could not be confirmed.."
Seems China finally noticed they had been on the wrong
frequency (CNR1 jamming on 4970) for about the past
three months now. Hiroyuki was not sure just when this
happened, but he just noticed it today for the first time.
Well done Hiroyuki !
April 5 was able to confirm his observations; at tune in at
1241, found CNR1 jamming already on 4790 (// 6125);
also with strong CODAR QRM; unable to hear BBC.
On 4970 only heard AIR Shillong (Ron Howard, San
Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA, Et E1, antenna: 100'
long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Re: MEMO: -
XYZ Apr 07, 2016 09:57 UTC No.1244 RON san, ITUMO ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!!
Now, I am repairing my PC is broken, sorry..
UNID carrier on 4890.0kHz -
XYZ Apr 19, 2016 12:18 UTC No.1273 UNID carrier on 4890.0kHz
-1210- 4890kHz(4890.0kHz) weak signal, odulation could not be confirmed.
-1223* c/off
7495kHz New clandestine via Babcock -
XYZ Apr 20, 2016 21:05 UTC No.1291 TNX! Ivo @Bulgarian DX blog :
New clandestine broadcast via BaBcoCk from April 21:
U.K.(non) New clandestine broadcast via BaBcoCk from April 21:
1730-1800 on 7495 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Thu/Fri
China : Jamming to the DRM broadcasting ? -
XYZ Apr 21, 2016 13:08 UTC No.1295 China is CNR-1 Jamming to the DRM broadcasting ?
-1300- 15040kHz All India Radio DRM + CNR-1
7495kHz New clandestine : Voice of Spring -
XYZ Apr 22, 2016 09:18 UTC No.1299 Voice of Spring, Iran Prisoner´s Radio
Website :
New clandestine broadcast via BaBcoCk from April 21:
U.K.(non) New clandestine broadcast via BaBcoCk from April 21:
1730-1800 on 7495 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi Thu/Fri
(TNX! Ivo:
UNID 4825kHz -
XYZ May 05, 2016 13:41 UTC No.1321 UNID
-1335- 4825kHz, poor modulation ? or no-modulation ??
UNID 11530kHz Korean -
XYZ May 05, 2016 15:14 UTC No.1325 UNID
-1510- 11530kHz Korean, maybe via Babcock TX.
Not // 11550kHz, 11570kHz
IBB : 1400-1600 11530kHz
-1530* s/off
UNID 7295kHz -
XYZ May 06, 2016 13:20 UTC No.1327 -1300- UNID 7295kHz OM talk
UNID 7295kHz// 7345kHz -
XYZ May 06, 2016 13:30 UTC No.1328 -1327- 7295kHz// 7345kHz
TNX!! Stephen Cooper @ DXLD-yg :
According to this news story :
and video -
This VK page ( suggested the
following back in January :
9. NBC "Sakha" - Yakutsk (para transmitter installation - with Tulagino.),
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 7295 kHz, 250 kW, the broadcast concept of
"cultural education";
10. NBC "Sakha" - Yakutsk (para transmitter installation - with Tulagino.),
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 7345 kHz, 100 kW, the broadcast concept of
"cultural education".
Re: 7295kHz// 7345kHz -
XYZ May 06, 2016 13:42 UTC No.1329 7295kHz// 7345kHz
** Google Translation;
Shortwave radio started in Yakutia. On the territory of today's 27 districts
will begin broadcasting on short wave. It will cover a total area of 2.5 million
square kilometers, an area that is 78% of the territory of Yakutia. On receipt
of the signal at the ceremony launching the transmitters have reported the head
of the Anabar, Olenek areas. Recall that in 2010, short-wave broadcasting in the
country has been suspended, and until now the signal is fed through fm transmitters
and acted only in towns. But with the launch of shortwave radio Yakut are now able
to listen to fishermen, hunters and people leading a nomadic life outside the
Re: UNID 11530kHz Korean -
XYZ May 06, 2016 14:47 UTC No.1331 -1445- 11530kHz UNID Korean YL talk
11530kHz Korean : Babcock test TX -
XYZ May 06, 2016 15:20 UTC No.1332 1530kHz UNID Korean language station
Maybe this is test TX of Babcock.
This program same as :
** "Issues and Answers of (school) sixth grader a semester of language(Korean)"
** Repeat of 12 minutes 26 seconds of this program.
** The contents starting with "Uli(mean: "our") ...".
UNID 5918kHz Russian, Uncover ?? -
XYZ Jun 15, 2016 10:56 UTC No.1390 Note;
5918kHz Russian song, Uncover station ??
(5914vkHz) see also :
5918 vkHz Radio Rossii, RUSSIA -
XYZ Jun 15, 2016 11:02 UTC No.1391 -1059- SA in Russian, "Radio Rossii"
** Frequency is varied.
??? Previously, but station that had been shed Metro FM
there were in this neighborhood or would it?
UNID 4830kHz -
XYZ Jul 03, 2016 15:41 UTC No.1427 -1540- 4830kHz UNID carrier, (4829.94kHz)
-1703- No signal
15195kHz 26th August : Paul Walkers Classic Experience -
XYZ Aug 26, 2016 13:29 UTC No.1528 TNX! Christian Milling@ WRTH Facebook
On friday, 26th August from 12-14 UTC we manage a broadcast directed
towards Japan on 15195 kHz for Paul Walkers Classic Experience.
..weak signal in my location (Akita/Japan), but nice song has heard !
1334-1336 Digital signal ... I should have recorded, sorry
1336 (back AM)
The next broadcast of The Classics Expirience with Paul Walker -
XYZ Aug 26, 2016 17:29 UTC No.1529 TNX! Paul B Walker Jr@ WRTH Facebook
The next broadcast of The Classics Expirience with Paul Walker is
going to be the biggest yet and IT HAPPENS TONIGHT!!
2 hours of rock n roll music with maybe a few country songs thrown
in for good measure. The show is ALL about the music and providing
something different on the shortwave bands, so all you'll get from
the show is MUSIC. There will be NO rants, raves, personal opinions
or political and religious rants. No commercials or sponsors either.
I fund the broadcast out of my own pocket so I can pick whatever
music I want and not have to answer to anyone but George D. Beagle!
Here's how the broadcast schedule looks WRMI 7570kHz Saturday August
27th 0400 to 0600UTC. Beaming at 315 degrees towards Vancouver.
It should provide a good signal to the West Coast of the US and
Canada and probably parts of the midwest and upper midwest along the way.
WRMI 11580kHz Friday August 26th 2100 UTC to 2300UTC., This signal
target area is Eastern North America and Western Europe.
WINB 9265kHz Saturday August 27th 0330 to 0530UTC. This should provide
good coverage into the Midwest, parts of southern Canada and into Mexico.
It was also logged in parts of Europe as well. It was weakly heard in
Australia and New Zeland during my last broadcast.
Channel 292 6070kHz Friday August 26th 2200 to 2400UTC. This should
provide good coverage of central and parts of Western Europe.
There will be MFSK32 data and pictures during the broadcast.
Memo: MFSK32
UNID 9690kHz Vietnamese -
XYZ Aug 28, 2016 13:02 UTC No.1538 -1300- 9690kHz Vietnamese, Sunday only
see also (Aug 21):
*1300-1400* 9690kHz Vietnamese
Radio Prague special transmissions, celebrates 80 years today, 31 August -
XYZ Aug 31, 2016 12:26 UTC No.1552 Radio Prague celebrates 80 years today, 31 August, with special transmissions
TNX!! DX International :
UTC frequency Language
1630-1700 9535kHz Russian
1800-1830 11845kHz German
1830-1900 11845kHz French
1930-2000 9885kHz Czech
2000-2030 9985kHz English
2100-2130 9405kHz Spanish
also TNX! Dave Harries @DXLD-yg :
Radio Prague
Website (English) :
Facebook :
Twitter :
UNID 15755kHz -
XYZ Sep 23, 2016 15:37 UTC No.1694 -1530- 15755kHz BBC ?, Hindi or Urdu ??, TNX! Qatar remote radio.
Re: MEMO: -
XYZ Sep 23, 2016 15:40 UTC No.1695 UNID 15755kHz
TNX! Mauno @WRTH Facebook
BBC Urdu will replace 17790 kHz with 15755 kHz for
1500-1600 transmission.
UNID 15700kHz -
XYZ Oct 02, 2016 12:39 UTC No.1744 TNX! Ivo @Bulgarian DX blog :
Unidentified clandestine broadcast via SPL Secretbrod, Oct.1
Unidentified clandestine broadcast via SPL Secretbrod, Oct.1:
1505-1558 on 15700 SCB ??? kW / ??? deg to SEAs unknown(Khmer/Lao),
very strong
This is interesting information.
-1500-1508- 15700kHz No signal, Saturday only ??
9650kHz -1400* UNID station is Voice of Turkey -
XYZ Oct 15, 2016 12:26 UTC No.1785 TNX! kei@USA NJ
This audio is Voice of Turkey SA in Italian.
My report (H. Komatsubara)
9650kHz UNID station, s/off at -1400*,
** Sorry, I don't know this language ... "... La Voz de .." ??
** TNX! remote radio(PERSEUS Server) in Italy.
audio :
It's like a new schedule...
6850kHz DRM: USCG -
XYZ Nov 21, 2016 13:33 UTC No.1910 -1330- 6850kHz DRM, "USCG - Journaline"
Re: MEMO: -
XYZ Nov 24, 2016 07:12 UTC No.1918 -0700-
7510kHz BBC-World service, test TX?, repeat announcement only
6055kHz Radio Menschen & Geschichten -
XYZ Feb 05, 2017 15:25 UTC No.2113 Thanks Ivo via dxld-yg
Radio Menschen & Geschichten in German 1500-1600 on 6055 Yerevan.
Website :
Facebook :
... fair to good signal in my location.
Re: 6055kHz Radio Menschen & Geschichten -
XYZ Feb 06, 2017 00:47 UTC No.2114 Thanks MAUNO !
6055kHz, TX site either Dushanbe or Tashkent.
6260kHz Bible Voice reactived *1400- -
XYZ Feb 18, 2017 14:04 UTC No.2140 6260kHz reactived
Aiso see :
** I noticed on February 4, 2017.
*1400- 6260kHz Bible Voice, English program, maybe TX from Uzbekistan.
UNID 7630kHz -
XYZ Feb 18, 2017 14:41 UTC No.2141 -1430- 7630kHz, weak signal, OM talk, spur??
UNID signal -
XYZ Mar 26, 2017 14:50 UTC No.2194 -1445-
7kHz width similar to DRM waveform (but not DRM signal)...
Re: MEMO: -
XXX May 19, 2017 15:16 UTC No.2265 CHINA
CNR - Voice of China Country
SA in Chinese : "Zhongyang renmin guengbo diantai zhangguo xiongcun zhi sheng"
9700kHz CNR-16 -
XXX May 19, 2017 15:56 UTC No.2266 Thanks Mauno Ritola and Glenn Hauser ! (Via WRTH - Facebook)
>9700kHz UNID Chinese station
... weak signal in my location ....
It resembles the program contents of the China National Radio - voice of the Chinese Country.
I am not sure yet.... sorry
-1605* s/off
This is CNR-16. (Thanks MAUNO and AMANO !)
// MW720kHz
UNID 15600kHz *1500- -
XYZ Aug 11, 2017 14:19 UTC No.2462 Thanks to MAUNO@WRTH-FB
*1500-1530* ? or 1600*
Who is "RTC" ??
Re: UNID 15600kHz *1500 -
Ron Howard Aug 11, 2017 15:00 UTC No.2464 Believe RTC is Radio and Telecommunications of People's Republic of China
> Thanks to MAUNO@WRTH-FB
> *1500-1530* ? or 1600*
> Who is "RTC" ??
Re: UNID 15600kHz *1500- -
XYZ Aug 11, 2017 15:00 UTC No.2465 15600kHz
SA at 1459 "This is Bible Voice Broadcasting"
Re: UNID 15600kHz *1500- -
XYZ Aug 11, 2017 15:06 UTC No.2466 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !
It seems that "RTC" of IBB is different from "RTC" of HFCC.
UNID 9640kHz -
XYZ Aug 29, 2017 11:34 UTC No.2509 Note;
TNX! remote radio (PERSEUS server) in EU
*1126- 9640kHz Languages resembling Persian ??
Thanks to MAUNO ! :
This seems to be Armenian broadcast.
RFA/VOA extended Khmer broadcasting -
XYZ Sep 15, 2017 10:39 UTC No.2564 Radio Free Asia / Voice of America, extended Cambodian language broadcasting.
Thanks to HIROSHI :
RFA-Khmer Aug 17~
1230-1330 9700, 12140
1430-1500 12140, 7520
2230-2330 13740, 15275
1330-1430 1575, 9615, 11695
2200-2230 1575, 5915, 7375, 9320
see also :
Thanks to Ron Howard !!
BBC - Korean : 9940kHz and 5810kHz -
XYZ Sep 28, 2017 10:36 UTC No.2588 News :
YouTube :
This sound is OTHR, not Jamming.
At this frequency, the sound of Jamming for 5830 kHz( )
and the sound of nearby OTHR( ) are interfered and heard.
Both are always appearing at this side frequency. **Many appearances around the weekend.
I think, North Korea does not use such halfway Jamming ..
** OTHR = "over the horizon radar"
see also :
I think ... maybe both no jamming 9940kHz and 5810kHz..
Thanks to HIROSHI :
Re: BBC - Korean : 9940kHz and 5810kHz -
XYZ Sep 28, 2017 15:39 UTC No.2589 BBC - Korean
Today's openning..
YouTube :
-1622-(noticed) (around) 5690kHz - 5830kHz OTHR started
YouTube :
Re: MEMO: BBC - Korean : 9940kHz and 5810kHz -
Ron Howard Sep 28, 2017 20:06 UTC No.2590 Hiroyuki-san - Excellent comments and observations regarding the
new BBC broadcasts in Korean! Ron
Re: MEMO: BBC - Korean : 9940kHz and 5810kHz -
XYZ Sep 28, 2017 20:13 UTC No.2591 Ron-san, thank you very much for always following up and helping !!!
Re: BBC - Korean : Jamming started 5810 kHz -
XYZ Oct 03, 2017 05:11 UTC No.2603 Thanks to HIROSHI :
Translated to EG :
October 2, pulse jamming came out to 5810 kHz.
But Jamming to 9940 kHz could not be confirmed.
BBC - Korean : Jamming started 9940 kHz -
XYZ Oct 06, 2017 08:25 UTC No.2617 Thanks to HIROSHI :
Also on Oct 5, noise Jamming came out to Taiwan transmitted 9940 kHz.
Now On The Radio : Renewed Japanese site -
XYZ Oct 21, 2017 11:19 UTC No.2647 I renewed Japanese site today.
Thanks all !!
BBC-Korean changed TX site -
XYZ Nov 30, 2017 10:54 UTC No.2771 Thanks to HIROSHI! :
BBC Korean Service
5895kHz Armenia
7530kHz Uzbekistan
9940kHz Philippines, November 28~ (ex. Taiwan)
Re: MEMO: -
XYZ Dec 06, 2017 13:01 UTC No.2800 Memo:
1100-1300 9360
1100-1300 9345
1200-1500 9980
** IBB Seoul
I could not find signals.
Re: MEMO: -
XYZ Dec 07, 2017 09:52 UTC No.2804 Thanks to HOROSHI ! :
On November 7th and 8th, unified broadcasting appeared at 9980 kHz
between 1200 and 1400 only.
1200-1400 9980kHz National Unity Radio
B17 :
1200-1500 7530kHz (Tajikistan), (7520kHz QSY to 7530kHz)
Re: MEMO: -
Mauno Ritola Dec 07, 2017 12:05 UTC No.2806 Checking at 1205 on 9980 kHz I don't hear anything?
Re: MEMO: -
XYZ Dec 07, 2017 12:08 UTC No.2807 Thanks MAUNO !!
Yes, I could not hear anything. Perhaps it might be a spare frequency ?
It seems that on HIROSHI's monitor it was broadcasting only for 2 days.
9980kHz No signal
9345kHz No signal
UNID 9955kHz Korean ---> Voice of America -
XYZ Dec 07, 2017 12:50 UTC No.2808 -1249- 9955 vkHz, Korean, male talk
-1255- 9955 vkHz //5840kHz, 11570kHz
9490kHz ??
YouTube :
Re : UNID 12040kHz -
XYZ Dec 08, 2017 09:27 UTC No.2810 Dec 05
12040kHz UNID, Urdu or Hindi ?, Audio via PERSEUS server in Qatar :
-1438- English, Reach Beyond Australia (HCJB) ??
-1501- No signal, maybe -1500*
Thanks to Jose Jacob @WRTH-FB :
Now a days I am receiving UNLISTED TWR programs on 12040 kHz at 1330-1445
in Hindi, Bangla etc. TWR has now informed me that it is Reach Beyond
Australia which is transmitting these TWR programs!
UNID 6500kHz Chinese station ?? -
XYZ Dec 08, 2017 12:08 UTC No.2811 -1205-
6500kHz UNID, Music by Chinese style string instrument.
YouTube :
PERSEUS SDR Group moved to "Groups io" (from "Yahoo Groups") -
XYZ Dec 08, 2017 14:28 UTC No.2812 Yahoo Group of "PERSEUS SDR" moved to "Groups io"
This message is being sent to all of the subscribers of the perseus-SDR Yahoo group.
This group has been transferred to the platform
Visit for info.
Posting to this group has been blocked, while the files, photos, etc. will continue to
stay here for a few weeks, then they will be definitely erased and the group deleted.
73 Alberto I2PHD
<<< Group owner >>>
Re: MEMO: -
Mauno Ritola Dec 09, 2017 10:31 UTC No.2815 Mr. Aoki suspects, that 9490 kHz would have been on 9955 kHz, but also 9490 kHz was heard:
Looks like it was drifting on 9955 kHz.
Re: 9955kHz VOA - Korean -
XYZ Dec 09, 2017 10:46 UTC No.2816 Thanks to MAUNO ! for always helping !!
Dec 07
-1255- 9955 vkHz //5840kHz, 11570kHz
9490kHz ??
YouTube :
No signal on Dec 08.
Yes, they might have wandered for some reason, or possibly have spur out..
Radio Thailand - changed schedule ? or mistake ? -
XYZ Dec 09, 2017 11:27 UTC No.2817 Radio Thailand
Website :
5875kHz, 9390kHz
They changed the schedule ? or mistake ?
YouTube :
-1125- 5875kHz Chinese, usually Khmer
1130 SA in English
*1130-1144* Japanese, usually Lao, (There was off air on the way..)
1145- SA in English
*1145- German , usually Burmese
-1213-(Noticed) 5875kHz No signal, 9390kHz Open carrier
Thanks to NAOTAMA(Japan)!
-1244* 5875kHz YouTube :
Re: 9955kHz VOA - Korean -
XYZ Dec 09, 2017 12:31 UTC No.2818 -1227- 9490kHz Voice of America via PHL, Good to Strong signal
**9955kHz No signal
Re: 5875kHz Radio Thailand - changed schedule ? or mistake ? -
XYZ Dec 09, 2017 12:45 UTC No.2819 Thanks to NaoTama (Japan) !
YouTube (-1244*) :
The directivity of the transmitting antenna was also switched,
It is different from the order of 9390 kHz schedule,
... So it may be a change in the intended schedule. ??
Website :
1100-1115 - unchecked -,
1115-1130 Chinese , usually Khmer
1130-1145 Japanese , usually Lao
1145-1200* German , usually Burmese
*1230- English , As scheduled
....... Perhaps at this frequency the schedule is as till the end.
Did they have any trouble for their Indo-chinese peninsula ?
Re: MEMO: -
Mauno Ritola Dec 09, 2017 13:03 UTC No.2820 Did you hear 6500 kHz today?
Re: 6500kHz -
XYZ Dec 09, 2017 13:07 UTC No.2821 > 6500kHz
No signal today. I did not know its identity. :-((
same as :
Dec 06, -1824- 9585kHz UNID chinese music ?, -1030*
Unknown stations shedding non-stop Chinese music that is not Firedrake
will occasionally also appear.
Testing transmission equipment to obstruct SOH ???
Re: 5875kHz Radio Thailand - changed schedule ? or mistake ? -
XYZ Dec 09, 2017 22:46 UTC No.2822 Thanks NaoTama(Japan) !!
YouTube :
1100-1115 Malay , usually Vietnamese
1115-1130 Chinese , usually Khmer
1130-1145 Japanese , usually Lao
1145-1200* German , usually Burmese
9390kHz , As scheduled
I noticed on Dec 04.
Re: 5875kHz Radio Thailand - changed schedule ? or mistake ? -
XYZ Dec 10, 2017 11:25 UTC No.2825 -1124- 5875kHz Radio Thailand, Chinese program
Today it is not for Indochina too...
Re: 5875kHz Radio Thailand - changed schedule ? or mistake ? -
XYZ Dec 11, 2017 11:19 UTC No.2831 *1100- 5875kHz Malay
1115- Chinese
Today it is not for Indochina too...
I wonder what happened ?
Due to continued transmission from the schedule, there may be a possibility
that the schedule was temporarily changed for some reason.
1145- German
11600kHz UNID -
XYZ Dec 20, 2017 15:49 UTC No.2865 Thanks to MAUNO @WRTH-FB for this infomation :
11600kHz UNID, "Oromiya" words are heard a lot.
Acc. to IBB : 1500-1600 CME VARI 11600 TXA
MP3 file via remote PERSEUS server in Doha/Qatar (Thanks !)
around -1540- :
Re: 11600kHz Radio OMN -
XYZ Dec 20, 2017 22:01 UTC No.2867 Re :
SA sounded like as :
"(Khon ??) Raadi'o O-M-N (dhee ??)"
** OMN : "Oromia Media Network" :
Facebook :
See also :
Their theme music and SA(ID) match.
Re: 11600kHz Radio OMN -
XYZ Dec 21, 2017 20:30 UTC No.2872 Thanks to HIROSHI !
Translated to EG by Google :
IBB's monitor has sound files up since December 19.
It sounds good in many parts of Europe, and the possibility of TXing Bulgaria
is high from the patterns at the start and end.
Re: 11600kHz Radio OMN via IRRS -
XYZ Dec 22, 2017 15:10 UTC No.2874 Note:
Radio OMN
*1459- 11600kHz
YouTube :
** via PERSEUS server in German. Thanks !!
Re: 11600kHz Radio OMN via IRRS -
Ron Howard Dec 22, 2017 19:24 UTC No.2875 ETHIOPIA[non]. 11600, Radio OMN (Oromia Media Network) via
IRRS (Kostinbrod [Sofia]), 1524-1532, Dec 22. Announcers talking in
what must be the Oromo language. OMN is a U.S. based nonprofit
organization, licensed under the FCC and located in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. Website - . Nice grayline
reception, as my local sunrise was at 1516 UT and Sofia sunset was
at 1456 UT.
Thanks very much to Mauno Ritola, Hiroshi and Hiroyuki Komatsubara
for info about this station (
My audio at .
Ron, listening at Asilomar State Beach (near Monterey), California
World Music Radio back on SW -
XYZ Jan 10, 2018 12:06 UTC No.2916 Thanks to BABA and AOKI !!
Facebook :
Website :
After a short break of 13 years - WMR is now back on short wave.
Broadcasting on the new frequency of 5840 kHz commenced today January
7th at 0000. This time using low power only - 100 W only - into an
Inverted V aerial at the new transmitter site near Randers, Denmark.
Later 927 and 15805 kHz will be added.
The music format is tropical world music, and WMR can also be heard
via online streaming at
According to the e-mail received by BABA:
WMR is on the air 24 hours a day on 5840 kHz - from 0000 to 2400.
And "soon" we will be on the air on 15805 - also 24 hours a day.
Everything low power, though.
According to Aoki, Japanese greetings were also being broadcast.
UNID Korean maybe South Korean station, 9565kHz --> 9530kHz --> 9700kHz -
XYZ Jan 11, 2018 14:20 UTC No.2927 Who ? Test TX ??
See also :
UNID Korean Station:
-1200- 9565kHz
-1340- 9530kHz, -1358*
-1400- 9700kHz,
1200-1300 9565 kHz
1300-1400 9530 kHz
1400-1500 9700 kHz
1500-1600 Where ? or s/off ??
It was a different program from 7530kHz (Not //7530kHz), but it may have been
sending another program of National Unity Radio..
MP3 audio sounded like as "Gunmin tongil Bangsong"..
Test TX ?
9565kHz South Korea - National Unity Radio // with 7530kHz (*1200-) -
XYZ Jan 12, 2018 12:03 UTC No.2934 Note;
9565kHz Open carrier, weak signal..
*1200- SA , //7530kHz (There is a little time lag.)
Shortwave radio live show Friday January 19th 2018 -
XYZ Jan 19, 2018 21:30 UTC No.2956 YouTube :
Radio OMN ?? : 11575/11600/11630kHz 1600-1700 -
XYZ Jan 25, 2018 07:35 UTC No.2971 Acc. to IBB :
1600-1700 11575kHz, 11600kHz, 11630kHz CME VARI TXA
Maybe this is probably Radio OMN.
However, unfortunately it is time I can not monitor, sorry ..
See also MAUNO's report @WRTH-FB :
Thanks to MAUNO for always valuable information ! ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
BBC WS 24Hrs -
XYZ Feb 15, 2018 10:40 UTC No.3065 Thanks HIROSHI :
Frequencies of BBC-WS as of February 15, 2018:
0000-0200 5970 5845 Feb.8~
0200-0300 6155 6170 Feb.8~
0300-0400 6195 9410
0400-0500 9410 9915 12035 12095
0500-0600 3255 5875 5925 6005 6190 15420
0600-0700 3955drm 6005 7325 7345 7445 12095 15420 17640
0700-0800 7445 9915 11770 12095 15420 17640
0800-0900 17790drm
1000-1300 6195 9740
1300-1500 9410
1500-1600 7405 12095 15420
1600-1700 3255 6190 7405 7445 12095 17640 17830
1700-1800 3255 6190 6195 7445 9410 15400 17780 17830
1800-1900 3255 6190 6195 7445 9410 9915 11810 15400
1900-2000 3255 5875 6190 7445 9410 11810 15400
2000-2100 5875 11810 12095
2100-2200 M-F 9915 11810 12095
2200-2300 3915 5890 5960 6195 7300
2300-2400 3915 5890 6195
Since February 8, 5845kHz (Tashkent 0000-0200) and 6170kHz (Oman 0200-0300) has been added.
Re: MEMO: -
XYZ Jun 09, 2018 15:19 UTC No.3289 IBB June 10 :
.MT.... 12:02:01 BRB KORE 7280 XXX ** -1230* or 1300* ?
SM..... 15:01:00 BRB KORE 7190 XXX ** 7190kHz ???
Re: MEMO: -
KBYS Jun 13, 2018 03:29 UTC No.3296 THX to Hiroshi:
Due to equipment maintenance, some CRI frequencies off the air from Jun. 13 to Jul. 29, 2018.
Freq.(kHz) Time(UTC) Lang.
5965 1400-1457 Korean
7220 2300-2357 Vietnamese
7290 2100-2300 Korean
7325 1300-1357 Japanese
7395 1400-1457 Japanese
9470 2300-2357 Mongokian
9535 2200-2257 Japanese
9585 1500-1557 Japanese
11620 1000-1257 Japanese
11680 2300-2357 Japanese
11710 0800-1000 English
11790 2300-2357 English
11820 0000-0057 Cantonese
11885 0000-0057 English
12025 1300-1357 Korean
12035 0000-0057 Chinese
13570 0900-1000 Chinese
13570 1000-1100 English
13570 1100-1300 Korean
13600 0100-0157 Russian
13655 0000-0257 Chinese
13770 0000-0057 Vietnamese
15140 0100-0157 Chinese
15230 0300-0400 Chinese
15230 0400-0600 Cantonese
15230 0600-0700 Chinese
15230 0700-0800 Cantonese
15230 0800-0857 Chinese
15425 0100-0300 Amoy
15435 0200-0227 Pashto
15785 0100-0157 English
15785 0300-0500 English
15785 0500-0657 Chinese
17640 0200-0500 Russian
17730 0400-0600 English
17740 0400-0557 Vietnamese
17740 0600-0800 Chinese
17750 0700-0757 Chaozhou
Re: 7190kHz -
XYZ Jun 13, 2018 14:44 UTC No.3298 Thanks MAUNO !!
Reach Beyond Australia
>> No.3289
IBB June 10 :
.MT.... 12:02:01 BRB KORE 7280 XXX ** -1230* or 1300* ?
SM..... 15:01:00 BRB KORE 7190 XXX ** 7190kHz ???
9470kHz Korean -
XYZ Jul 04, 2018 10:56 UTC No.3334 Thanks MAUNO @WRTH-Fb !! :
UNID Korean on 9470kHz.
*1500-(1600* ?) 9470kHz Korean
IBB: 15:02:01 BRB KORE 9470 XXX
Maybe parallel with 7280kHz or QSY
IBB: 15:02:26 BRB KORE 7280 XXX
Maybe "Living Water Ministry Broadcasting" ??
See also (Alyx & Yeyi) :
Living Water Ministry Broadcasting 1500-1600 7280 -twt--- Korean Asia
Living Water Ministry Broadcasting 1500-1530 7280 ----f-- Korean Asia
Re: 9470kHz Korean -
XYZ Jul 04, 2018 15:09 UTC No.3335 -1505-
7280kHz LWM off air ? or QSY to 9470kHz
9470kHz strong signal
kiwiSDR : Indonesia and Vietnam -
XYZ Jul 23, 2018 11:45 UTC No.3363 I am glad that kiwiSDR was set up in a new country !!
Jakarta Indonesia :
Vietnam :
New Delhi India :
Re: MEMO: -
MW DXer Jul 23, 2018 13:20 UTC No.3364 Unfortunately MW filtered down in Jakarta Kiwi.
Re: MEMO: -
XYZ Jul 23, 2018 13:44 UTC No.3366 Hi MAUNO, It seems that MW is also heard ..
5850kHz / 7570kHz New religious program via WRMI -
XYZ Sep 19, 2018 09:12 UTC No.3476 WRMI 5850kHz / 7570kHz New schedule since September 01
Thanks to HIROSHI ! :
** Google translation Japanese ---> English
The short wave broadcasting schedule of WRMI has been updated on September 1.
Although some reports have been reported in DXLD, etc., new Bible recitation programs
are beginning. It already has appeared at 5850 and 7570 kHz on September 15 and seems
to be out every day for now.
English, Japanese, Korean and Chinese each 15 minutes. In fact it has been off by
about 2 minutes, and the language has been changed seamlessly. Finally the website has been announced.
In this site, 23 languages including English are described.
What we have confirmed so far,
0100-0115 5850, 7570 English
0115-0130 5850, 7570 Japanese
0130-0145 5850, 7570 Korean
0145-0200 5850, 7570 Chinese
2200-2215 7570 English
2215-2230 7570 Japanese
2230-2245 7570 Korean
2245-2300 7570 Chinese
It is a content to remind us of broadcasting the eschatological theory at a family
radio for a long time.
.. and thanks to Glenn Hauser logs September 16-17-2018
Alameda Bible Fellowship - "HOLY GOD IS STILL SAVING"
See also :
Re: New religious program via WRMI -
XYZ Sep 21, 2018 08:14 UTC No.3484 Thanks to HIROSHI ! :
Google translated:
I do not think that a dubious program from WRMI, a program expressing eschatology
will last very long, but for the time being, it is out. The 2000-2100 on September
20 are the same as usual, the programs that are out are exactly the same as the
website every day.
After this, at 2300 also Japanese was out at 7730 kHz. Of course this is also the
same content. And from 2317 Indonesian language, 2336-2400 Tagalog language was out.
From 0000 on Friday VORW comes out.
It seems there is a possibility that other languages may come out in this way.
French and Spanish are also available at other frequencies. Both languages seem to
have the same contents, and the language has been changed seamlessly after the
website URL has come out.
The broadcast of 0100 on September 21 is VORW, and this sorry TV program has not
appeared. But since 0300 as well after 7700 kHz after this time it comes out of
English program. It is French from 0317.
The WRMI schedule table has not been updated since the 15th, and there is a
considerable divergence from the actual program.
September 20
2200-2300 Alameda Bible Felloeship
2200 English
2217 Japanese
2232 Korean
2247 Chinese
2300 Japanese
2317 Indonesian
2336 Tagalog
September 21
0300 English
0317 French
0332 Spanish
0400 Portuguese
0416 German
0434 Polish
0450 Czech
The languages that are supposed to be broadcast are Japanese, English, Spanish,
German, French, Pokish, Czech, Russian, Italian, Tagalog, Chinese, Potuguese,
Arabic, Indonesian, Hebrew, Hindi, Korean, Bengali, Urdu, Punjabi, Zulu, Afrikaans.
Re: New religious program via WRMI : Bible Fellowship -
XYZ Sep 24, 2018 09:25 UTC No.3487 Thanks to HIROSHI ! :
September 22
15770kHz 1900-2000 Alameda Bible Felloeship
1907 Russian
1924 Arabic
1943 Hebrew
September 22
7570kHz 2200-2300
2200 English
2217 Japanese
2232 Korean
2247 Chinese
September 22
7730kHz 2245-2400
2245 French
2300 Japanese
2317 Indonesian
2336 Tagalog
September 23
5850kHz 0100-0200
0100 English
0117 Japanese
0132 Korean
0147 Chinese
September 23
7780kHz 0300-0500
0300 English
0317 French
0332 Spanish
0400 Portuguese
0416 German
0434 Polish
0450 Czech
YouTube link test -
XYZ Dec 27, 2018 01:44 UTC No.3625 YouTube link :
"!" + "Video ID" + "!"
*** !(Video ID)!
I modified it to be able to link directly to YouTube video.
Papua New Guinea
** Radio Fly, 5960kHz, 2010,

** NBC - Central, 3290kHz, 2010,

** NBC - West Sepik, 3335kHz, 2010,

** NBC - East New Britain, 3385kHz, 2011,

** NBC - Madang, 3260kHz, 2011,

** NBC - Bougainville, 3325kHz, 2010,

** RRI - Fak Fak, 4790kHz, 2010,

** RRI - Serui, 4605kHz, 2010,

** RRI - Jambi, 4925kHz, 2010,

** RRI - Toli Toli, 1377kHz, 2015,

New Audio Board -
XYZ Jan 19, 2019 03:40 UTC No.3675 Since the Audio bulletin board we used so far seems to be closed,
I made a new Audio Board.
Upload the sound you want to keep as an important record.
CNR-1 Schedule Table -
XYZ Jan 26, 2019 11:02 UTC No.3701
It was translated by Google etc, but is it accurate ??
I would like to ask DXer who is proficient in Chinese.
add; Ohhhh! Sorry, The letters changed! !!
About the difference between "SA" and "ID". -
XYZ Feb 09, 2019 12:58 UTC No.3746 Since it was talked about in DXLD, I will explain.
>> SA? Maybe means station announcement? as distinct from ID? (gh)
"SA" is the official announcement of the station name. "Station Announcement"
"ID" also includes "SA", but it expresses "Station Jingle", "announcer 's voice",
"program name" and "language", such as' confirmation method' that can be confirmed
with that station. "Identification"
As an example:
SA: "KOCHIRAWA N-H-K DESU" in japanese by female announcer
ID: News Theme Music and SJ(station jingle) at 18:57 UTC
Since it was a term we used on a daily basis for about 50 years ago, we still use it even now.
Did not it just divide the same meaning as "ID" in detail ?
"ID" is also used on a daily basis.
5945kHz :: New unknown transmissions in Japanese -
XYZ Nov 03 (Sun), 2019 02:13 UTC No.4180 Thanks to MAUNO for this information !!
Thanks to Ivo @ Bulgarian DX blog :
New unknown transmissions via MBR Tashkent from November 2
GERMANY(non) New unknown transmissions via MBR Tashkent from November 2:
1300-1400 on 5945 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to JPN Japanese Sat, poor to fair

... This is a religious program.
Re: 5945kHz :: New unknown transmissions in Japanese -
XYZ Nov 03 (Sun), 2019 02:41 UTC No.4181 TNX Ivo :
This may be a broadcast instead of the discontinued Palau T8WH.
However, in Japan, there is a powerful Chinese station at the same frequency, so it may be changed again.
Program name : "SHU NO SAIRIN NI SONAETE" ("主の 再臨に 備えて")
English : "Living The Bible"
...Mieko Namihira
About Romanization of my Name -
XYZ Dec 22 (Sun), 2019 10:23 UTC No.4277 In accordance with the policy of the Government of Japan,
the Romanization of names has been changed to the following.
Hiroyuki Komatsubara --->>> "Komatsubara Hiroyuki"
** Abbreviated name --->>> "Komatsubara"
From January 2020, domestic(Japan) official documents are likely
to use this notation..
Thanks all !!
Re: About Romanization of my Name -
Ron Howard Dec 22 (Sun), 2019 16:50 UTC No.4278 Greetings, Komatsubara Hiroyuki, from California.
Have read online that it is recommended to capitalize family names - KOMATSUBARA?
Would that be correct for your name?
Thanks. Wish you and the all the contributors to your wonderful "Now On The Radio" website
a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thanks for all the great SW info you have provided?over
the years.
Re: About Romanization of my Name -
XYZ Dec 22 (Sun), 2019 20:22 UTC No.4279 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
Yes, It seems that it is recommended to write family names
in capital letters on official domestic documents.
It will be noticeable, so please use "Komatsubara" as before :D :D
Corona-virus COVID-19 -
XYZ Mar 01 (Sun), 2020 06:36 UTC No.4366 World:
A topic that is featured in news from every country.
We want to calm down quickly.
[PERSEUS SDR] Third Party Software Guide -
XYZ Nov 13 (Sun), 2022 11:06 UTC No.5170 Jan. 2022 :: Third Party Software Guide
PDF file :
Thanks DJ6JZ !!
LADX List updated -
XYZ Jan 23 (Mon), 2023 12:33 UTC No.5311
I referred to the information in DX GUIDE( ).
Thanks !