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North Korea related information --- XYZ - Feb 07, 2016 07:05 UTC No.910

BBS Thread:
"Pyongyang time" since Aug 15 2015: http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:48
3560/4405/6400/11680kHz Irregular : http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:46
Korean Central third broadcasting : http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:376
B-15 Voice of Korea / KCBS : http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:316
Clandestine "Echo of Unification" : http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:503
DRM : http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:1124

--- Time sort
Echo of Unification (Clandestine)
0430-0632 6250, 3970v, 1080, 684
1230-1432 6250, 3970v, 1080, 684
2230-0032 6250, 3970v, 1080, 684

Pyongyang BS
0000-2400 6400, 3320, 3250, 3220, 1053, 621

KCBS Pyongyang
0000-2400 11680, 9665, 6100, 3980, 3959
3920, 3250, 3220, 2850, 2350

Voice of Korea (KCBS)
0930-1030 9445, 7220
1230-1330 9850, 9435, 6170
1400-1500 9850, 6185
1730-1830 12015, 11710, 9435, 7570
2030-1830 9665, 3980, 3959, 3920, 3220, 2850, 2350
2030-2130 9875, 9425, 7210, 6170, 3250, 621
2030-0900 6100
2330-0030 12015, 11635, 9445, 7570, 7235

--- Frequency sort
Voice of Korea (KCBS)
621 2030-2130
6170 1230-1320
6185 1230-1320
7210 2030-2120
7220 0930-1020
7235 2300-0020
7570 2330-0020
9425 2030-2120
9435 1230-1320
9445 2330-0020
9850 1230-1320
9875 2330-0020
11635 2030-2120
11710 1730-1820
11910 2030-1820
12015 2330-0020

KCBS Pyongyang
2350 2030-1830 irr
2850 2030-1830
3220 2030-1830
3250 2030-1830
3920 2030-1830 irr
3980 2030-1830 irr
6100 2030-0900 (H3E)
1330-1830 (H3E)
9665 2030-1830
11680 2030-1830 irr
AOKI list B15: http://www1.s2.starcat.ne.jp/ndxc/news.htm

2350kHz KCBS Pyongyang, NK - XYZ Feb 16, 2016 16:16 UTC No.958
KCBS Pyongyang

-1600- 2350, 2850, 3220, 6100(AM), 9665kHz
No signal: 3920, 3980, 11680kHz

Re: North Korea related information; 6400kHz, 11680kHz etc.. - XYZ Mar 05, 2016 11:40 UTC No.1078

KCBS Pyongyang 2350kHz// 11680kHz(-1137+), No signal 3920kHz
Pyongyang BS 6400kHz, irr ON/OFF

It is still irregular transmission ...

North Korea 6400kHz, 11680kHz - XYZ Mar 20, 2016 09:52 UTC No.1147

6400kHz Pyongyang BS, strong signal
11680kHz KCBS Pyongyang, strong signal

3560kHz DRM test(?)
TNX! Alokesh Gupta (India): http://goo.gl/0416cz
Alokesh has introduced the My receiving video(YouTube).
Thank you very much !!
See also : http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:1124

North Korea 2350kHz - XYZ Mar 20, 2016 12:46 UTC No.1149

2350kHz, It seems to have started from past 12:00.
6400kHz, 11680kHz, no signal

TNX! HIROSHI : http://hiroshi.mediacat-blog.jp/e115507.html
6400kHz -1130*
11680kHZ -1124*

North Korea 3920kHz// 3250kHz - XYZ Mar 20, 2016 14:00 UTC No.1153
3920kHz Pyongyang, // 3250kHz,
2350kHz No signal

2350kHz KCBS Pyongyang, on air again

3920kHz Pyongyang BS,
//- 621kHz(MW), 3250kHz, 3320kHz, (No signal 6400kHz)

KCBS : 11680kHz , 9665kHz, 3220kHz, 2850kHz - XYZ Mar 31, 2016 10:41 UTC No.1216
-1038- 11680kHz KCBS, // 9665kHz, 3220kHz, 2850kHz, 

-1115- 6400kHz Pyongyang BS(TNX!! AMANO), // 3320kHz,

KCBS 3920kHz, 11680kHz etc - XYZ Apr 02, 2016 23:03 UTC No.1225

3920kHz KCBS Pyongyang, // 11680, 9665, 6100, 3220, 2850 kHz
6400kHz Pyongyang BS, -2301*

North Korea 6400kHz,11680kHz etc... - XYZ Apr 04, 2016 10:51 UTC No.1236

6400kHz Pyongyang BS, // 3320kHz
11680kHz KCBS Pyongyang, // 9665, 3220, 2850kHz

North Korea 3959kHz reactived - XYZ Apr 11, 2016 10:45 UTC No.1245
3959kHz KCBS Pyongyang, // 11680, 9665, 3220, 2850 kHz
6400kHz Pyongyang BS, // 3320kHz

NK KCBS 11680, 3959kHz etc - XYZ Apr 13, 2016 10:42 UTC No.1254

KCBS Pyongyang
11680, 9665, 3959, 3220, 2850 kHz

Pyongyang BS
6400, 3320 kHz

No signal : 3959, 6400, 11680kHz ... - XYZ Apr 22, 2016 10:40 UTC No.1300

3959, 6400, 11680kHz No signal

KCBS Pyongyang
9665, 3220, 2850 kHz

Pyongyang BS
3320 kHz

*1052- 6400kHz, also started *1052- 11680kHz, *1052- 3959kHz

B16 Voice of KOREA - XYZ Nov 01, 2016 10:16 UTC No.1868
NORTH KOREA TECH : https://goo.gl/pW0GWo

Voice of Korea schedule through spring 2017

Voice of Korea website : http://www.vok.rep.kp/CBC/

The broadcasts follow the same basic line-up each day.
:00 Opening signal, station identification: 典his is Voice of Korea・br>:01 National Anthem
:03 Song of General Kim Il Sung
:06 Song of General Kim Jong Il
:09 News, editorials (approx 15 minutes, but can be extended to full broadcast), followed by music
:30 Reminiscences of Great Leader President Kim Il Sung of the century
:40 Music and features
:50 Editorial, special message (occasional)
:55 Frequency information
:57 Close

Sorted by Time
0330 in Chinese on 13650, 15105 to Southeast Asia
0330 in Spanish on 11735, 13760, 15180 to Central & South America

0430 in English on 7220, 9445, 9730 to Northeast Asia
0430 in English on 11735, 13760, 15180 to Central & South America
0430 in French on 13650, 15105 to Southeast Asia

0530 in Chinese on 7220, 9445, 9730 to Northeast China
0530 in English on 13650, 15105 to Southeast Asia
0530 in Spanish on 11735, 13760, 15180 to Central & South America

0630 in Chinese on 13650, 15105 to Southeast Asia
0630 in English on 7220, 9445, 9730 to Northeast Asia
0630 in French on 11735, 13760, 15180 to Central & South America

0730 in Japanese on 621, 3250, 7580, 9650 to Japan
0730 in Russian on 9875, 11735 to Far East
0730 in Russian on 13760, 15245 to Europe

0830 in Chinese on 7220, 9445 to Northeast China
0830 in Japanese on 621, 3250, 7580, 9650 to Japan
0830 in Russian on 9875, 11735 to Far East
0830 in Russian on 13760, 15245 to Europe

0930 in Japanese on 621, 3250, 7580, 9650 to Japan
0930 in Korean (KCBS) on 7220, 9445 to Northeast China

1030 in English on 6170, 9435 to Central & South America
1030 in English on 6185, 9850 to Southeast Asia
1030 in Japanese on 621, 3250, 6070, 7580, 9650 to Japan

1130 in Chinese on 7220, 9445 to China
1130 in French on 6170, 9435 to Central & South America
1130 in French on 6185, 9850 to Southeast Asia
1130 in Japanese on 621, 3250, 6070, 7580, 9650 to Japan

1230 in Japanese on 621, 3250, 6070, 7580, 9650 to Japan
1230 in Korean (KCBS) on 6185, 9850 to Southeast Asia
1230 in Korean (KCBS) on 6170, 9435 to Central & South America

1330 in Chinese on 6185, 9850 to Southeast Asia
1330 in English 9435, 11710 to North America
1330 in English on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe

1430 in French on 9435, 11710 to North America
1430 in French on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe
1430 in Korean (KCBS) on 6185, 9850 to Southeast Asia
1430 in Russian on 6170, 9425 to Europe

1530 in Arabic on 9890, 11645 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
1530 in English on 9435, 11710 to North America
1530 in English on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe
1530 in Russian on 6170, 9425 to Europe

1630 in English on 9890, 11645 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
1630 in French on 9435, 11710 to North America
1630 in French on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe
1630 in German on 6170, 9425 to Western Europe

1730 in Arabic on 9890, 11645 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
1730 in Korean (KCBS) on 9435, 11710 to North America
1730 in Korean (KCBS) on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe
1730 in Russian on 6170, 9425 to Europe

1830 in English on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe
1830 in French on 7210, 11910 to Southern Africa
1830 in French on 9875, 11635 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
1830 in German on 6170, 9425 to Europe

1930 in English on 7210, 11910 to Southern Africa
1930 in English on 9875, 11635 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
1930 in German on 6170, 9425 to Europe
1930 in Spanish on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe

2030 in French on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe
2030 in Korean (KCBS) on 7210, 11910 to Southern Africa
2030 in Korean (KCBS) on 6170, 9425 to Europe
2030 in Korean (KCBS) on 9875, 11635 to Near & Middle East; North Africa

2130 in Chinese on 7235, 9445 to Northeast Asia
2130 in Chinese on 9875, 11635 to China
2130 in English on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe
2130 in Japanese on 621, 3250, 7580, 9650 to Japan

2230 in Chinese on 7235, 9445 to Northeast China
2230 in Chinese on 9875, 11635 to China
2230 in Japanese on 621, 3250, 7580, 9650 to Japan
2230 in Spanish on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe

2330 in Japanese on 621, 3250, 7580, 9650 to Japan
2330 in Korean (KCBS) on 7235, 9445 to Northeast China
2330 in Korean (KCBS) on 9875, 11635 to China
2330 in Korean (KCBS) on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe

Sorted by Language
1530 on 9890, 11645 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
1730 on 9890, 11645 to Near & Middle East; North Africa

0330 on 13650, 15105 to Southeast Asia
0530 on 7220, 9445, 9730 to Northeast China
0630 on 13650, 15105 to Southeast Asia
0830 on 7220, 9445 to Northeast China
1130 on 7220, 9445 to China
1330 on 6185, 9850 to Southeast Asia
2130 on 7235, 9445 to Northeast Asia
2130 on 9875, 11635 to China
2230 on 7235, 9445 to Northeast China
2230 in Chinese on 9875, 11635 to China

0430 on 7220, 9445, 9730 to Northeast Asia
0430 on 11735, 13760, 15180 to Central & South America
0530 on 13650, 15105 to Southeast Asia
0630 on 7220, 9445, 9730 to Northeast Asia
1030 on 6170, 9435 to Central & South America
1030 on 6185, 9850 to Southeast Asia
1330 9435, 11710 to North America
1330 on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe
1530 on 9435, 11710 to North America
1530 on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe
1630 on 9890, 11645 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
1830 on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe
1930 on 7210, 11910 to Southern Africa
1930 on 9875, 11635 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
2130 on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe

0430 on 13650, 15105 to Southeast Asia
0630 on 11735, 13760, 15180 to Central & South America
1130 on 6170, 9435 to Central & South America
1130 on 6185, 9850 to Southeast Asia
1430 on 9435, 11710 to North America
1430 on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe
1630 on 9435, 11710 to North America
1630 on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe
1830 on 7210, 11910 to Southern Africa
1830 on 9875, 11635 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
2030 on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe

1630 on 6170, 9425 to Western Europe
1830 on 6170, 9425 to Europe
1930 on 6170, 9425 to Europe

0730 on 621, 3250, 7580, 9650 to Japan
0830 on 621, 3250, 7580, 9650 to Japan
0930 on 621, 3250, 7580, 9650 to Japan
1030 on 621, 3250, 6070, 7580, 9650 to Japan
1130 on 621, 3250, 6070, 7580, 9650 to Japan
1230 on 621, 3250, 6070, 7580, 9650 to Japan
2130 on 621, 3250, 7580, 9650 to Japan
2230 on 621, 3250, 7580, 9650 to Japan
2330 on 621, 3250, 7580, 9650 to Japan

0930 (KCBS) on 7220, 9445 to Northeast China
1230 (KCBS) on 6185, 9850 to Southeast Asia
1230 (KCBS) on 6170, 9435 to Central & South America
1430 (KCBS) on 6185, 9850 to Southeast Asia
1730 (KCBS) on 9435, 11710 to North America
1730 (KCBS) on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe
2030 (KCBS) on 7210, 11910 to Southern Africa
2030 (KCBS) on 6170, 9425 to Europe
2030 (KCBS) on 9875, 11635 to Near & Middle East; North Africa
2330 (KCBS) on 7235, 9445 to Northeast China
2330 (KCBS) on 9875, 11635 to China
2330 (KCBS) on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe

0730 on 9875, 11735 to Far East
0730 on 13760, 15245 to Europe
0830 on 9875, 11735 to Far East
0830 on 13760, 15245 to Europe
1430 on 6170, 9425 to Europe
1530 on 6170, 9425 to Europe
1730 on 6170, 9425 to Europe

0330 on 11735, 13760, 15180 to Central & South America
0530 on 11735, 13760, 15180 to Central & South America
1930 on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe
2230 on 7570, 12015 to Western Europe

KCBS Pyongyang, New frequency - XYZ Nov 24, 2016 13:53 UTC No.1920
KCBS Pyongyang New frequency

5700kHz NEW!!, -1357*

5700kHz = Not! 2850 * 2

YouTube: https://youtu.be/Mb7AZu_SVIk

Re: North Korea related information - XYZ Jan 28, 2017 09:10 UTC No.2084

Broadcasting for the border near the 38th line. (tent.)

Frequency : 1614vkHz (1613vkHz)
s/off around 1000 - 1030 UTC
YouTube : https://youtu.be/oVQzV57uwu8

The day on which it was broadcast:
Jan 10 Tue
Jan 23 Mon
Jan 26 Thu

Re: North Korea related information - XYZ Feb 24, 2017 11:16 UTC No.2152


1613kHz UNID, weak modulation (maybe NK station)
around 0800 -0900 UTC

See also (BBS in Japanese) : http://radio.chobi.net/bbsmw/?res:1343

1613 vkHz (MW) - XYZ Feb 25, 2017 00:20 UTC No.2154
YouTube (Feb. 22, 2017) : https://youtu.be/u_eAuOK5dmY

Re: 1613 vkHz (MW) - XYZ Feb 25, 2017 09:50 UTC No.2156
Thanks NAOTAMA(Japan)! and SENDA(Japan)! and Chulsu(Korea)!
BBS in japanese : http://radio.chobi.net/bbsmw/?res:1343#1437

-0945- 1612.7vkHz
-0948* c/off

It seems to be On/Off several times today.

0952- on the air again ..

YouTube (-1150-) : https://youtu.be/TZGObO2w2t8
YouTube (-1326-) : https://youtu.be/ILU7rCTqri8
** SA at 00:35 : "We have broadcasted a Korean art movie,
<squadron political instructor> by recording."
Not // 6400kHz Pyongyang BS or KCBS

DX NEWS : http://radio.chobi.net/DX/DXNEWS/?res:36

See also (sorry, in japanese):
Wiki : https://goo.gl/wSe9cW
Daily NK : http://dailynk.jp/archives/9551

Re: 1613 vkHz (MW) relay of KCBS-Pyongyang - XYZ Feb 26, 2017 10:15 UTC No.2161
Thanks NAOTAMA(Japan)!

-0950- 1613kHz, Frontline Soldiers Radio (tentative)
maybe *0930- s/on, relay of KCBS-Pyongyang program today.
// 2850, 3220, 3959, 6100, 9665, 11680 kHz

Re: 1613 vkHz (MW) relay of KCBS-Pyongyang - XYZ Feb 27, 2017 10:21 UTC No.2162
-1020* 1613kHz c/off

-1057- 1613kHz on the air back, // KCBS 2850kHz etc..

5700kHz KCBS - XYZ Jul 11, 2017 09:55 UTC No.2403
-0935- 5700kHz KCBS, //11680kHz
Youtube : https://youtu.be/qPsC0YtDyiY

This seems to be a frequency used extremely rarely.

See also: http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:1920
YouTube : YouTube: https://youtu.be/Mb7AZu_SVIk
(Nov 24, 2016)

2850kHz, ** Not 5700kHz = 2850 * 2

North Korea 5700kHz again, - XYZ Oct 21, 2017 07:58 UTC No.2645
5700kHz KCBS, strong signal not spur, // 11680kHz etc..

Thanks to HIROSHI : https://goo.gl/jD7Eqj

7570kHz Voice of Korea - XYZ Jan 22, 2018 09:21 UTC No.2960
Voice of Korea

*0730- 7570kHz Russian, // 9875/11735/15245kHz, QSY from 13760kHz ??

Scheduled of 7570kHz maybe :
0330-0430 Spanish
0430-0530 English
0530-0630 Spanish
0630-0730 French
0730-0830 Russian
0830-0930 Russian
... and regular schediles of *1330-0020*

Or is it mistake ???

Re: North Korea related information - Mauno Ritola Jan 23, 2018 14:01 UTC No.2962
Did you hear 7570 0330-0930 today?

Re: North Korea related information - XYZ Jan 23, 2018 14:40 UTC No.2963
Sorry, I am still working now... Orz

Re: North Korea related information - XYZ Jan 24, 2018 07:34 UTC No.2964

7570kHz No signal

Re: North Korea related information - Mauno Ritola Jan 24, 2018 11:14 UTC No.2966
I also checked at 0850: 7570 kHz was empty, but also 13760 kHz had just open carrier, no audio.

Re: North Korea related information - XYZ Jan 24, 2018 12:18 UTC No.2967
Thanks MAUNO !

I will check again.

5700kHz KCBS Pyongyang - XYZ Jan 26, 2018 00:54 UTC No.2979
-0050-  5700kHz  KCBS Pyongyang, 
// 3220kHz, 3959kHz, 6100kHz, 9665kHz, 11680kHz

Re: North Korea, KCBS/ Pyongyang BS - XYZ Apr 20 (Sat), 2019 11:07 UTC No.3941

2850kHz KCBS Pyongyang
3220kHz KCBS Pyongyang
3320kHz Pyongyang BS
3920kHz No signal today, irr., KCBS Pyongyang
3959kHz No signal today, irr., KCBS Pyongyang
3994vkHz KCBS Pyongyang
6100kHz KCBS Pyongyang
6400kHz Pyongyang BS
9665kHz KCBS Pyongyang
11680kHz KCBS Pyongyang

Re: North Korea :: 4405kHz, 3560kHz - XYZ Sep 28 (Sat), 2019 14:52 UTC No.4106

3320kHz // 4405kHz // 6400kHz Pyongyang BS
3560kHz who ?, not // Pyongyan BS and KCBS

Pyongyang FM Pangsong - XYZ Dec 28 (Sat), 2019 14:33 UTC No.4288
Thanks to Roger @WOR  :  https://groups.io/g/WOR/topics

Pyongyang FM Pangsong / ?? FM ??
Am 25.12.2019 um 23:00 schrieb Roger:
Link uber die IP:

Aktuell via:



-1425- ... active links :

Re: Pyongyang FM Pangsong - XYZ Dec 29 (Sun), 2019 02:07 UTC No.4289
SA -0200- UTC

(via Live stream)

Re: North Korea related information - XYZ Feb 22 (Sat), 2020 05:04 UTC No.4357

"Kim Jong-un appointed his sister Kim Yo-Jong as his successor"

** The truth is unknown ...
** He(Kim Jong-un) seems to have severe diabetes and gout..

Re: North Korea - XYZ Apr 21 (Tue), 2020 05:22 UTC No.4458
"US monitoring intelligence that North Korean leader is in grave danger after surgery"
** CNN


Re: North Korea related information - XYZ Aug 08 (Sat), 2020 15:30 UTC No.4671
Pyongyang BS

-1520- 3320kHz 4557kHz 6400kHz

Re: North Korea related information - KBYS Oct 04 (Sun), 2020 05:19 UTC No.4712
The Voice of Korea has updated its official website: 

HP: http://www.vok.rep.kp/

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