DX Logs and News - Now On The Radio DX ** Multilingual support improved
Here is a bulletin board for exchange DX information.
All times: UTC. Please post only in English.
--- "*": sign on/sign off --- "+": fade in/fade out --- "-00:00-": around
YouTube Link : "!" + "Movie ID" + "!"
UNID Korean Numbers Station --- XYZ - Nov 10, 2015 11:11 UTC
XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / Moomin / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / Moomin / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / Ron Howard / Moomin / XYZ /
B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea --- XYZ - Oct 28, 2015 13:43 UTC
XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / Ron Howard / Ron Howard / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / Ron Howard / XYZ / Ron Howard / XYZ / XYZ / Ron Howard / XYZ / XYZ / Ron Howard / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / Amano / Amano / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ / XYZ /

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

UNID Korean Numbers Station --- XYZ - Nov 10, 2015 11:11 UTC No.394

*1030-1040* 3277 kHz Korean
*1100-1102*(?) 3277 kHz Korean (*Appended audio file: 394.mp3)
*1330-1340* 3277 kHz Korean

TNX! Ron-san.


File:394.mp3 (1594KB)

Re: UNID Korean station on 3277kHz XYZ - Nov 17, 2015 16:03 UTC No.419
TNX! cho-san.
This is the information from Cho-san, who is living in South Korea.

ASIA DX BBS (sorry in Japanese) : http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/?res:1844#2019
North Korean wording of numbers station has been received in 3261kHz and 3277kHz.


Re: UNID Korean Numbers Station on 3277kHz XYZ - Dec 02, 2015 07:33 UTC No.483
TNX! cho-san and baido-san !

Now On The Radio BBS in Japanese : http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/?res:1844

Wiki in Korea (Korean language): Korean Numbers Station "The Parrot" on 3277kHz
** Information that Ron-san's was posted in this Wiki it have been quoted.

"The Parrot"
Korean DXer who is so is referred to as a "The parrot" the broadcasting of 3277kHz.
Because women and parrot are talking at the end of the broadcast.

cho-san and baido-san are Korean DXer.

UNID Numbers Station on 6302kHz XYZ - Dec 02, 2015 09:54 UTC No.486

*0900-0901* 6302kHz UNID Numbers station (language Korean ?)
This broadcast(6302kHz) was similar to the broadcast of 3277kHz.

Re: UNID Korean Numbers Station on 3277kHz XYZ - Dec 03, 2015 16:03 UTC No.489
3277kHz V28 Numbers Station, called "The Parrot"
*** "V28" => ENIGMA Code : http://www.apul64.dsl.pipex.com/enigma2000/

According to the South Korean DXer 3277kHz broadcast has estimated that
broadcast from North Korea. This is because the speech is using North
Korean intonation, because North Korea specific place names appeared.

*1030-1040* 3277 kHz Korean (Female ann.)
*1100-1102*(?) 3277 kHz Korean (Female ann. and Male ann.)
*1330-1340* 3277 kHz Korean (Female ann.)

Openning ann.;
"1 2 3 1 2 3 rakdusan rakdusan rakdusan, 1 2 3 1 2 3 rakdusan rakdusan rakdusan"
*** There is no Lagdusan in Korean dictionary, so I guess Lagudusan means just
"Secret Code". (TNX! Moomin-san)

Last ann.;
"Hana dul ses, Hana dul ses. Lagdusan, Lagdusan, Lagdusan. Taeyang, Seumul hana,
Taepung, Jl gong gong, Gong gong hana, Aengmusae"
*** "1 2 3 1 2 3 rakdusan rakdusan rakdusan, teyang 02 tepung 10 0 0 0 0 1 angmuse"
*** "Aengmusae(angmuse)" = "Parrot"

TNX!!! baido-san, cho-san, Moomin-san (Korean DXer)
"Now On The Radio" ASIAN DX BBS in Japanese: http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/?res:1844

Re: UNID Korean Numbers Station on 3277kHz XYZ - Dec 07, 2015 13:51 UTC No.501

Dec 07, *1330-1337*
YouTube : https://youtu.be/w4xfBs77JOE

V28 "The Parrot", UNID Korean Numbers Station, New 3052/3689kHz XYZ - Dec 09, 2015 07:45 UTC No.524
TNX! cho-san.

V28 has changed the frequency.

Dec 08, 2015
*1329-1338* 3052kHz, gong-doo-san, weak signal
*1328-1340* 3689kHz, rak-doo-san, audio very bad
YouTube : https://youtu.be/04yomIQ-ZwE

QTH: Anyang, South Korea
Rx: G35DDCi excalibur ultra
Ant: 303WA-2

"Now On The Radio"
ASIAN DX BBS (Japanese): http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/?res:2095

Re: UNID Korean Numbers Station XYZ - Dec 09, 2015 13:37 UTC No.528

1330- 3277kHz

Re: UNID Korean Numbers Station Moomin - Dec 09, 2015 16:45 UTC No.533
Today, Stations(3047, 3277, 3690 kHz) are received in South Korea. 
V28 was divided into three frequency. * 3277 kHz and 3690 kHz's voice are same.
In addition, Three stations started at the same time.

Re: UNID Korean Numbers Station XYZ - Dec 09, 2015 16:53 UTC No.535

In the monitor in my location(Akita/Japan), signal was not visible
in the vicinity and near 3689kHz 3052kHz.
It may be the transmission output is small.

Very it will be helpful. TNX!!!

Korean Numbers Station : V28 "The Parrot" on 3277kHz XYZ - Dec 12, 2015 01:01 UTC No.551
Special TNX!! Moomin-san's website(WeBlog).

*** Google translation : Korean --> English

November 20 3277kHz structure of the Korean numbers station

1. Testing the microphone: 0 min 1 sec
Adjust the "One, two, three, two, one," repeated the phase of the signal and volume.
The syntax used in the ciphertext after a while the "ball two, ball, five, six balls,"
shouted several times to adjust.
At the end of the test the microphone, the buzzer ring of the oscillation start of the
transmission unit starts the transmission.
After the oscillation signal transmission puts a space of about two minutes. Whether
the microphone is on during blanks hear the sound of the voice or other radio chatter.

2. Digital signal transmission: 2 minutes 44 seconds
And it transmits the digital data generated by FSK modulation frequency. Usually
these digital transmission of syntax can be assumed that the communication made under
this government sponsored broadcasts is also due to take place primarily at the
national broadcasting password.
Modulation MFSK modulation is a favorite of Russian and Polish are used. Therefore,
the transmission would look at a subject that use the technology of Russia, it is
possible to speculate that North Korea is sending station. Western Europe and the US
is used as a wireless fax SSTV without these modulation.

3. Transfer the ciphertext
Down to read specialized in female voices.
Transmit the cipher text is accomplished in the following configuration.
<Country Notice -> recipient notices -> ciphertext sent "(repeated 9 times)

There passphrase has the following characteristics:
(1) attaches a number to distinguish a paragraph at the end of the password for the
The numbers from 00 to 09 after play against random password ago, reading is a "ball
X". In other words, "01 01" "03" "07" thus read. This number is distinguished from the
paragraph of the password, and displays the number of iterations, and shows the
information of each code. In this report it will be referred to as <header number>.

(2) This is a unique way to read.
Read Numbers (aka artillery numbers) used in the Republic of Korea read the numbers in
different ways, not. For example, 4 is read as "neoyi" 8 reads as "yeodeup".

(3) it occupies a very large portion of the repeat.
In previous V24 (Republic of Korea) and V15 (North Korea) <recipient notices ->
ciphertext sent> is repeated and the difference between the first round and the second
round there almost two times (depending only way to read the numbers dropped).
The 3277kHz broadcast is repeated about nine times the ciphertext, and was attached to
the header number of "0 N" N times in the loop. It announces that the war and the
arrival of another new way.

The following is a ciphertext transmission structure written in chronological order.
Each loop shape is changed will be described in detail as possible.

3.1. Country notices first: 3 minutes 43 seconds
Country Notice is the act of informing the station's name and identity. Country notices
appear a total of five times during the passwords sent them announces the start of the
first notice is the first name of a country sending password.
"One, two, three. One, two, three, Doosan Rock Rock Rock Doosan Doosan"
Precise confirmed through forensic results were confirmed as "two mountain rock." D
pronunciation was definitely sounded early, "even" or "two" It was unclear whether the
3 minutes 47 seconds, "Rock-based" was confirmed to be "both."

3.2. The first recipient Notices (00 signals): 4 minutes 7 seconds
It indicates the recipient. A similar role or the shape and the number of the previous
V24 **** is different.
I recall a lot of random recipients jekki seems to yeoreomyeong in the last 00 fitted
with a "public".
This section requires you accurate tapping. I hear Bonnie "kilohertz" I think demand is
heard saying OK Green eoteuna Monde called.
4 minutes 43 "Please respond." Carbide and the completion notice from the receiver 00
and repeat the signal.

3.3. 01 ~ 03 Signal Signal: 5 minutes 2 seconds
5 min 10 Carbide 01 signal begins.
After calling several numbers denoted by the "balls 0, 1 single" Every time at the end
of each phrase.
5 minutes, 40 Carbide 02 signal starts.
After calling several numbers whenever the end of each statement puts the "02 ball
6 min 24 03 Carbide signal is started.
After calling several numbers whenever the end of each statement puts the "03 ball

3.4. 2 Country Notice (Lee donggun 385 or 200 63 ?? 1 9): 6 minutes 28 cho
2 is the second Country Notice.
"One, two, three. One, two, three, Doosan Rock Rock Rock Doosan Doosan"
This phrase is repeated twice and chongchul a random password nondescript. Probably not
know anything, but I think to be the recipient notice.
"Sambaek palsip Oh, Lee donggun, yuksip cedar, Best, one of nine"
This phrase is repeated twice when the forward unconditional notice of the name of a

3.5. 04-05 Signal: 7 minutes 6 seconds
7 minutes 6 carbide 04 signal is started.
This country with 04 different pronunciations law is observed in the signal. 4 reads,
After calling several numbers whenever the end of each statement puts the "04 neoyi
7 minutes 43 05 Carbide signal is started.
After calling several numbers whenever the end of each statement puts the "05 Five

3.6. Third Country Notice (Lee donggun 385 or 200 63 ?? 1 9): 8 minutes 4 cho
A third Country Notice.
"One, two, three. One, two, three, Doosan Rock Rock Rock Doosan Doosan"
Repeat this phrase a second time and goes directly to the 07 signal.

3.7. 07-09 Signal: 8 minutes 37 seconds
Strangely, it is estimated that 06 signals or very short. Or you might have heard
wrong. OK desired. 08 pronunciation Korea and other laws are observed in a signal. 8
reads, "yeodeup".
8 minutes 37 07 Carbide signal is started.
After calling several numbers whenever the end of each statement puts a "zero seven seven balls".
9 min 15 08 Carbide signal is started.
After calling several numbers whenever the end of each statement puts "0 yeodeup eight
9 minutes 52 09 Carbide signal is started.
After calling several numbers whenever the end of each statement puts "0 9 ball nine".

3.8. 4 Country Notice (Lee donggun 385 or 200 63 ?? 1 9): 10 minutes and 0 seconds
The name of a country is the fourth notice.
"One, two, three. One, two, three, Doosan Rock Rock Rock Doosan Doosan"
Repeat this phrase twice and go right over to 222 signals.

3.9 222 signal (Twenty-two more than) 10 minutes 26 seconds
10 minutes 26 222 is cemented signal begins.
After calling several numbers whenever the end of each statement puts the "22 2
Twenty-two more."
Perhaps because it seemed a 01-09 signal and contains different content.

3.10. Fifth Country Notice (Lee donggun 385 or 200 63 ?? 1 9): 11 minutes and 15
5. The second Country Notice.
"One, two, three. One, two, three, Doosan Rock Rock Rock Doosan Doosan"
Jichyeotneun paper shuffling a woman announcer pauses broadcast relax harder to breathe
a sigh he choose to leave the end of the Country Notice the word "Ago Darya".
This seemed poor working conditions.
"Lee's the end of unidentified donggun 385 or 200 63 ?? It transmits two times 19 ".

4. The termination notice (the sun aboard 21 100 001 Parrot): 11 minutes 41 seconds
After all passwords broadcast ends the broadcast with "sun, Twenty One, hurricanes,
one hundred, one public, parrots".

When initially estimated to capture the voice broadcasting dwaeteuna wear, catch the
broadcast voice is getting more wear out that is not the actual transmission of voice
is that woman. Is a sound one, sometimes hitting the microphone Took the grounds that
sounds or voices of men suddenly appeared and sends the "One, two, three. One, two,
three Rock Rock Doosan Doosan Doosan rock" that phrase. In addition, women's voices to
be heard around the rest of breath, or "Gee Darya" is seen as the play-by-play voice
faintly heard outside the microphone is likely to be.

Every time the broadcast is finished, "the sun, (number), typhoon, one hundred, one
public, parrot" and has sent a regular nature to end the broadcast. Because of these
characteristics broadcasting will have been nicknamed "parrot".

The result of tapping local residents in the 3277 kHz, and did not hear. Recently,
Songdo and Anyang, baegot sounds best when tapping in or near New Town DRIFT, FSK
modulation and look at the code (lock Doosan) magazine was almost sent to default
realization of the north.

November when recording a broadcast sent out 22 days in the Chinese communications
pounding LSB, after the broadcast end, but it sounded to Morse code broadcast in
adjacent frequency interference, relevance and parrot shows is assumed sparse. In
November, the 21 days was the matter directly to the host blog parrots live on the
tried wiretapping Song, Wen heard a disturbing wave. But I also know this is
interference in the metropolitan area population in order to prevent jamming writing
Pyongyang broadcast listening, it was not the actual signal intermodulation (ghost
signal). This jammer is sent to Songdo it is being held is called grunge jamming radio
waves from the sea 3320 kHz harder than usual to parrot that transmits at 3277 kHz
broadcasting speculated on the impact.

Korea sight November 23 0:27 there, Token article's topic came up.
*** http://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/board,7.0.html
This is a possible new or previously unreported numbers station. I believe it is
Korean, but I am not sure. I have no idea if it is North or South Korea. This station
has been reported without great detail since early November.

The station cannot be received well at my location in the Mojave Desert of California,
so this recording was done on a remote SDR in Japan. Unfortunately the audio got muted
twice during the recording, so there are audio drops, but the majority of the
transmission is here.

Disclaimer: Many of the radio reception recordings on this Youtube channel pertain to
unusual, uncommon, unknown, or mystery signals that might be found on radio, both
shortwave and VHF / UHF. Among the subjects covered are numbers stations, utility
stations, military transmissions (both in the clear and encrypted / encoded), aviation,
maritime, ham radio, CB radio, radars, ionosodes, propagation beacons, ditters,
dashers, whistlers, and just about anything else that might transmit, in any mode, USB,
LSB, CW, Morse Code, FM, AM, FMCW, LFMCW, etc. Think of it as SIGINT (signals
intelligence) / COMINT (communications intelligence) / ELINT (electronic intelligence)
lite, the hobby version. All the recordings are made by me, most often at my home.
Although there are a few mysterious things to be found here, you will not find anything
paranormal, extraterrestrial, spiritual, or mystic. However, everyone can have their
own interpretations of the sounds heard, make of it what you will.

Certain points of the broadcast output weaker than the V24. Token posts could not reach
the Mojave Desert of California residents since the output is weak. So you use the SDR
receiver shapes in Japan.

3055, 3277, 3692kHz UNID Korean Numbers Station XYZ - Dec 13, 2015 13:40 UTC No.555

-1330- 3055v kHz, 3277 kHz(3276.9 kHz), 3692v kHz(3692.2 kHz)
Not pararel. Each frequency is varied.


3055kHz : https://youtu.be/SYVm2pcKvuc
3692kHz : https://youtu.be/Dr_XofvMVR8

Re: UNID Korean Numbers Station Moomin - Dec 14, 2015 18:15 UTC No.556
* This is very important information!! 

Ragdusan is means "Naktasan(鬧ア鬧晏アア)". North Koreans call Naktasan "Ragudsan"

We referred to Cheongjin person, North korean. And we could get this thing!

In the result, Ragudsan really exists in North korean!!

Re: UNID Korean Numbers Station XYZ - Dec 15, 2015 13:06 UTC No.557

Broadcast of another frequency was received at the 3156kHz had also arrived,
report from cho-san. TNX!! cho-san.
YouTube : https://youtu.be/ee58IzQLcdE

*1330-1340* , 4 frequencies.
3050v kHz (Frequency will vary)
3156 kHz
3277 kHz (Frequency has somewhat stable)
3690v kHz (Frequency will vary)

V28 Korean Numbers Station 4 Freq, : 3064, 3277, 3689, 3157kHz XYZ - Dec 15, 2015 13:35 UTC No.558

3063.6v kHz, 3277kHz, 3689kHz,

*1333- 3157v kHz

YouTube: 1338-1342* 3156.5vkHz

V28 : Korean Numbers Station XYZ - Dec 15, 2015 14:14 UTC No.559
ENIGMA Code: V28
Name: "The Parrot"
Frequency (4): 3055v, 3156v, 3277, 3692v kHz
Transmission location: Unknown

*1030-1040* irr.
*1100-1102* irr,
*1330-1340* (4 frequencies)

Secret Code:
3050vkHz : gong-doo-san
3155vkHz : cheon-gye-san
3277 kHz : rak-doo-san (Ragudsan)
3690vkHz : ?

See also:
Korean Wike (Korean): https://namu.wiki/w/%EB%82%9C%EC%88%98%EB%B0%A9%EC%86%A1
Moomin-san's Blog (Korean): http://moomin999.tistory.com/100

TNX! Ron-san, baido-san, cho-san, Moomin-san, AMANO

Re: UNID Korean Numbers Station Ron Howard - Dec 15, 2015 15:39 UTC No.562
Dec 13 - The Parrot on 3276.83v, with *1330 till 1339*, with Korean numbers; very poor.

Dec 15 - The Parrot on 3276.82v, with *1330; very weak.

Re: UNID Korean Numbers Station Moomin - Dec 17, 2015 07:25 UTC No.568
Yesterday, We received 3277, 3690, 3054, 3116 very well. so we could hear them clearly.

* 3054 kHz's secret code : Heukryongsan(鮟鷹セ榊アア).

and, I guess 3690 kHz's secret code is "Cheongyesan".

Re: UNID Korean Numbers Station XYZ - Dec 18, 2015 13:47 UTC No.573

Dec 18 2015:
-1335- 3051, 3277, 3691 kHz

Asia - Pacific DX log (2) --- XYZ - Nov 18, 2015 11:17 UTC No.421
Here is the new thread.

Previous Thread:
Asia - Pacific DX log (1): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:144

Please post a topic of broadcasting in the Asia-Pacific region.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Nov 18, 2015 11:22 UTC No.422

Nov. 18, 2015
off the air : 3260(PNG), 3365(PNG), 4830(Mongolia)
3275(PNG)kHz re-active.
6035kHz Bhutan BS off the air ??? (I don't hear in my location.)

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Nov 30, 2015 14:58 UTC No.475
-1450- signal check

PNG 3365kHz good signal.
RRI 3325, 3905, 4750, 4870kHz.

-1505- 3365kHz, all-night broadcast today??

Re: PNG - NBC Milne Bay Ron Howard - Nov 30, 2015 16:58 UTC No.478
PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3365, NBC Milne Bay, random listening 1223-
1504, Nov 30. Slightly above threshold level, but mostly unreadable;
after 1400 "NBC National Radio" audio; played some Christmas songs
("Little Drummer Boy," "Silent Night," etc.); my local sunrise at 1500 UT.
The only thing that can said about NBC stations is that they are on the
air erratically!

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Nov 30, 2015 17:26 UTC No.479

-1720- 3365kHz, Broadcasting has continued. It may relay of NBC-FM (90.7MHz).

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Dec 01, 2015 09:43 UTC No.480

3260kHz NBC-Madang(tent.)
3365kHz NBC-Milne Bay(tent.)
3905kHz RRI-Merauke(tent.) poor signal and heavy QRM Jamming.
4750kHz RRI-Makassar(tent.), QRM from CNR1 on co-frequency.
4870kHz RRI-Wamena(tent.), poor signal
5020kHz Solomon Islands BC
6035kHz Bhutan BS, //Live stream:http://www.bbs.bt/news/radio-wan.html
7260kHz Mongolian Radio 2, SA at 0929UT, no signal 4830 and 4895kHz
9410kHz Taiwan Fu Hsing BS, poor signal, heavy QRM from CRI on 9415kHz

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Dec 05, 2015 23:37 UTC No.493

3365kHz UNID poor signal, NBC ???
5985kHz UNID Myanmar ??, poor signal
7200kHz UNID Myanmar ??, poor signal
7435kHz Voice of Vietnam 1 //-5975, 9635, 11720kHz
9410kHz Taiwan Fu Hsing BS(tent.), poor signal
9636kHz Voice of Vietnam 1 //-5975, 7435, 11720kHz

** This time of VOV-1 has heard without interference.
5975(poor signal), 7435, 9636(QRM from Taiwan SOH), 11720kHz

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Dec 08, 2015 09:46 UTC No.517

3260kHz PNG NBC-Madang
9410kHz Taiwan Fu Hsing BS(tent.), weak signal
** No signal 7260(Both Mongolia and Vanuatu), 3275, 3365, 4750(Indonesia)kHz

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log - PBS Yunnan Ron Howard - Dec 08, 2015 15:37 UTC No.521
CHINA. 6035.0, PBS Yunnan, 1356, Dec 8. ID in English - "This is the Voice 
of Shangri-La, brought to you by Yunnan Radio; poor. In past years they
always gave this ID at the top-of-the-hour, but no longer. My audio of ID
at https://app.box.com/s/i1ufldgzhxd75peqwjnl4lssj15q1xxp . Best heard
with headphones or earphones, as it is very weak.

BTW - Seems BBS/Bhutan is signing off rather early these days. No longer
hearing then after 1230.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX - BBS Bhutan Ron Howard - Dec 09, 2015 04:41 UTC No.522
BHUTAN, 6034.95, BBS. Tuned in at 0052 (Dec 9) and hear what
clearly sounded like Bhutan's usual indigenous music and singing till
0102, when seemed to be a OM talking; faded out and lost about 0115.
Never very good, but happy to hear them again, as their sign off is too
early in my mornings to catch them. Jim Young (CA) also reported today -
" *0037 sign-on on 6034.955. Woman announcer at 0041, and possible
singing followed."

Very nice greyline reception:

Thumphu, Bhutan sunrise: 0040 UTC

Monterey, CA sunset: 0052 UTC

Ron, listening at Asilomar State Beach (near Monterey), California

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Dec 09, 2015 07:37 UTC No.523

6035kHz, in Japan(Akita), China Yunnan PBS s/on on same frequency begins
(around)0900-1000 I hear well in time. BBS will hear while interference
and begins China Yunnan PBS.
But it seems to end quickly recently.

UNID 3345kHz XYZ - Dec 09, 2015 09:32 UTC No.527

-0925- 3345kHz(3344.87kHz), UNID, The language used does not catch, weak signal.

-1340- 3344.87kHz, No Modulation ?
at 1350, SA, re-start. //RRI-Ternate Live stream

Asia - Pacific DX LOG : 3345kHz etc... XYZ - Dec 10, 2015 09:35 UTC No.536

*3345kHz Very weak signal on 3344.86kHz.
*7260kHz China Xinjiang PBS only, No signal Mongolian Radio.
*3260, 3365kHz weak signal. No 3275kHz.
*No signal 4750kHz.
*No signal Bhutan BS on 6035kHz.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX - Shiokaze Ron Howard - Dec 10, 2015 14:09 UTC No.538
5985, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze via Yamata (Japan), 1325, Dec 10 (Thursday), 
instead of being in the usual English today, had the anomaly of being
in Korean; mixing with Myanmar.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Dec 10, 2015 20:58 UTC No.541

5985kHz It is frequency is often interference.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX - Chinese military 6225-USB Ron Howard - Dec 11, 2015 17:09 UTC No.546
6225-USB, Chinese military (Navy), tuned in 1339
till 1351*, Dec 11. Chinese numbers; also heard them back
in Aug. 2011 on 9000-USB; here is what they sounded like
back then https://app.box.com/s/vuz3sn373be28oeg6289 .
Keith Perron explained back then - "This is not the Taiwan
number station . . . This station comes from China . . . The
station is operated by the Chinese Navy and is very active
during military exercises. It's in no way a spy station . . . The
reason it sounds the way it does is because of the old
technology being used to generate the numbers. Back in
the 70s Taiwan's number station sounded the same until
there was an equipment upgrade in the late 70s or early 80s . . ."
(thanks again to Keith for this info!).

contains my recording today, as a way of comparing the two

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) - Chinese military XYZ - Dec 11, 2015 23:26 UTC No.548

Chinese military
Chinese by mechanical synthesis language.
In Japan in the past it had been a little become a hot topic.

ASIAN DX BBS (sorry in Japanese): http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/?res:1746

See also (sorry in Japanese):

It seems that many frequencies are used.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Dec 13, 2015 11:07 UTC No.554

No signal 5985kHz(Myanmar), 3345kHz(Indonesia), 4750kHz(Indonesia).

-1137- 5985kHz Myanmar on the air

UNID 6035.05kHz XYZ - Dec 24, 2015 11:12 UTC No.603

-1100- 6035.05kHz UNID, QRM from China Yunnan PBS on 6035.0kHz.
-1110* c/off

Signal was only looked.....

Re: UNID 6035.05 = Bhutan/BBS Ron Howard - Dec 24, 2015 12:13 UTC No.604
Domo arigato for the current sign off time of BBS !!

BHUTAN: 6035.05, BBS, Dec 24:

*0057-0100: no intro - straight into indigenous chanting.
0100-0111: monologue (news?).
0111-0119: items with brief indigenous instrumental music between items.
0119-0126: indigenous chanting/singing.


BBS on Dec 22, doing very nicely. Noted their non-stop indigenous
chanting/singing 0051-0101. Jim Young measured 6035.055. Very happy
to finally heard their sign on format!

My 5+ minute recording at
https://app.box.com/s/0mmh3p5hve98s6ca1ya2d3evkf35zbe3 .

Re: UNID 6035.05 = Bhutan/BBS XYZ - Dec 24, 2015 12:54 UTC No.605
Ron-san, FB Info, and FB Japanese!  ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU!

BBS is a chance of receiving in Japan until 10:00(UTC) that the Yunnan PBS begins.
This broadcast is it is difficult to receive and confirm it recently has been
completed at an early time.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Dec 25, 2015 10:38 UTC No.613

3205kHz UNID signal
3905kHz RRI
4750kHz RRI, QRM CNR1
4870kHz RRI
6035kHz Two signal, May be Yunnan PBS and Bhutan BS.(TNX! Ron-san)
7260kHz No Mongolia China Xinjiang PBS only

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Dec 25, 2015 13:29 UTC No.616

3325kHz No signal (also at -1030-)
4885kHz Echo of Hope-VOH, Korean, *1200-
5020kHz SIBC, extended broadcasting
5910kHz Korean, Shiokaze QSY? (ex:5985kHz)

-1345- 3325.0kHz on the air ! -1348- SA

Re: Asia - Pacific DX - Ron's logs Ron Howard - Dec 25, 2015 17:31 UTC No.622

3904.93v - Pro 1 RRI Merauke, on Dec 25 found on a lower frequency
than recently heard; off with "Pulau Ambon" (Island of Ambon)/"Love
Ambon" and ID at 1502*.

5020 - Wantok FM 96.3 relay via SIBC, 1425, Dec 25 with pop & Christmas
songs; no announcements, just playing music with very brief IDs between
every 3-4 songs. Special extended Christmas Day schedule.

5910 - Shiokaze, 1324, Dec 25 in Korean; no jamming here, as it was their
first day here, but N. Korean jamming (pulsating noise) was still on
Shiokaze's former frequency of 5985, mixing with Myanmar Radio.

5985 - Myanmar Radio, 1530, Dec 25 with fair reception (very readable)
in English; ID, news and weather; 1537 NHK's "Friends Around the World,"
a Thursday & Friday show; interesting program about haioko short poems,
with 3 lines of 5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables. Clear audio at
https://app.box.com/s/lgi98a89f41b0zq3nixafut8sah4ud8u .

Re: Asia - Pacific DX - Ron's logs Ron Howard - Dec 26, 2015 02:13 UTC No.623
Or is it haiku short poems?

5985 - Myanmar Radio, 1530, Dec 25 with fair reception (very readable)
in English; ID, news and weather; 1537 NHK's "Friends Around the World,"
a Thursday & Friday show; interesting program about haioko short poems,
with 3 lines of 5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables. Clear audio at
https://app.box.com/s/lgi98a89f41b0zq3nixafut8sah4ud8u .

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Dec 26, 2015 03:36 UTC No.624

FB audio about Japanese "HAIKU".
"HAIKU" is the short fixed form poetry consisting of a 5-7-5 total of 17 sound,
including ("KI-GO") one word that represents the season.
It will entrust my thoughts and landscape to 17 characters.

Sample (by MATSUO BASHO) ** famous poet of Japan.


Season("KI-GO") : autumn = "AKI-HUKAKI" = "Autumn deepens"
Mean : Autumn deepens, hills and fields will miss is when comes to
somehow feel lonely person, such as that of the neighbors
come worrisome.

I'm sorry, my poor description.......

Re: Asia - Pacific DX - Ron's logs Ron Howard - Dec 26, 2015 17:20 UTC No.627

5020 - Wantok FM 96.3 relay via SIBC, Dec 26 another day of extended
broadcasting; many Christmas songs; 1401 & 1423 played "Silent Night";
still on at 1547 UTC.

new 5955 kHz. - Shiokaze noted Dec 26 at 1610, with no jamming.

Former frequency of 5910 still jammed with pulsating noise from N. Korea.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX - haiku poem Ron Howard - Dec 26, 2015 21:21 UTC No.628
Domo arigato for the haiku information!

My poor attempt at haiku.

winter is with us
DX season upon us
hunt down that DX

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Dec 27, 2015 07:41 UTC No.629

Here had snow yesterday.
It is a full-fledged winter of arrival.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) Amano - Dec 27, 2015 08:34 UTC No.630
Hello! XYZ and Ron.

:To XYZ.
What a fast snow!!!
The snow accumulation is higher than my hometown in Hokkaido.
It's only one day, isn't it?

I'm in Tokyo right now.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Dec 27, 2015 10:35 UTC No.631
Hi! Amano

It seems to have arrived in Tokyo safely out of the Hokkaido.
It was a short holiday, but please also luck!

I am a sore hip in the snow shoveling... Orz


Re: Asia - Pacific DX - CNR1 on 6225 kHz, Ron Howard - Dec 31, 2015 05:04 UTC No.650
Dec 30 found CNR1 on a new 6225 kHz. at 1349; // 6125. 

Is this CNR1 jamming against SOH or who?

CNR1 : 6075/6225kHz XYZ - Dec 31, 2015 05:17 UTC No.651

I think that it is spurious to come out to be the winter period every year.

Mutual interference wave of 6125kHz and 6175kHz
6125 - (6175 - 6125) = 6075 kHz
6175 + (6175 - 6125) = 6225 kHz

However, there has come out strong UNID signal than this spurious wave in recent 6075kHz.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) Ron Howard - Dec 31, 2015 06:02 UTC No.652
Thanks so much! Have heard the 6075 spur in the past, but 6225 is new to me.

Appreciate your help!

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Dec 31, 2015 11:26 UTC No.654

3260kHz NBC
3905kHz RRI
5020kHz Solomon
6035kHz No signal: Bhutan
7260kHz No signal: Mongolia


3260kHz (Nothing)
4885kHz VOH, No jamming
7502kHz AM Taiwan Xingxing BS
9470kHz Raio Free North Korea

5020kHz Solomon
7260kHz Mongolia Radio 2, poor signal

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Jan 02, 2016 11:08 UTC No.665

3260kHz NBC-Madang(tent.), weak signal
3595vkHz V26 Numbers station
5020kHz SIBC, -1100- SA

6055kHz CNR-1 //4800kHz etc..

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) Ron Howard - Jan 02, 2016 16:24 UTC No.669
My last log of - "MYANMAR. 7200.09, Myanmar Radio, 1300-1312*, 
Dec 28. In vernacular; pop songs; slowly improving till suddenly off.

Reception contingent upon both RTI and CNR1 (jamming) going off
together at 1300, but recently one or the other has often run late"

Today (Jan 2) a new development on 7200.00. Surprised to hear
MYANMAR mixing with CNR1 (China) at about equal strength;
1313-1400*. Myanmar Radio playing indigenous and pop music.
At 1400* CNR1 went off first, then a few seconds later Myanmar
went off.

https://app.box.com/s/tyl40t5ezehlgfoefprihq17dqnkbnej contains
my audio.

Ron, listening at Asilomar State Beach, California, USA

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Jan 03, 2016 12:23 UTC No.672
FB audio!
In Japan (my location), this broadcast received has become more difficult
because of Taiwan station and Chinese jamming CNR.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Jan 04, 2016 11:32 UTC No.673

3260kHz NBC-Madang(tent.)
3905kHz RRI-Merauke
3596vkHz USB, V26 Chinese Numbers station

3000-3700kHz V28 No signal, I could not find...
7200kHz CNR-1 is yet... at 13:39

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) Ron Howard - Jan 04, 2016 15:51 UTC No.674
Jan 4 - 4885, Echo of Hope VOH, noted 1310 UTC and subsequent checking.

I confess I assumed it was OTH radar that I was hearing today, but others
are reporting this as NOT OTH radar nor CODAR, but instead N. Korea jamming.
Sound very much like the usual OTH radar to me? Sorry I did not measure the
exact width.

What do Japanese DXers think?

Thanks for any feedback! Appreciate any comments or observations.

California, USA

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) Ron Howard - Jan 04, 2016 16:38 UTC No.675

Jan 4 on 7200.00 was another day of not only CNR1 (jamming) continuing on past
usual cut off time of 1300, but RTI also kept going. Myanmar was also noted
mixing with the other two. Assumed they would all close down at 1400, as I
recently noted, but not so. Myanmar Radio stayed on all alone till suddenly
off at 1437*; after 1400 was completely in the clear when I tuned in at 1406;
some ham QRM, but mostly fair/good reception.

https://app.box.com/s/yt5zopw4zr73wuminiss605slwm35b7m contains my audio
(fair/good quality).

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) Ron Howard - Jan 04, 2016 17:16 UTC No.676
QRM on 4885 today:

Response from Mauno Ritola (Finland) to my opinion that the QRM was
the usual OTH radar:

"I agree, it sounded more like that."

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Jan 04, 2016 17:30 UTC No.677

I think this is normal OTHR, transmits frequently before and after the weekend.
This is sometimes transmits in 60mb.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) Amano - Jan 04, 2016 17:45 UTC No.678
Hello! Ron-san, XYZ-san.

Thank you so much for your reception report of 4885 kHz from California, USA.

I'm listening to "Echo of Hope(VOH)" on 4885 kHz.
There is no jamming from North Korea right now.

-1759* c/off!
The following is a audio that was recorded the 4885 kHz a while ago.
/// Description of the audio ///
After VOH's SA is "Talk Of Unity" that is the name of the program.
This program is called "Tong-il Iyagi" in Korean.
(1637'34"-1640'04", Jan 4. ICF-SW7600GR & AN-12. Saitama, Japan.)

File:678.mp3 (293KB)
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) Ron Howard - Jan 04, 2016 18:31 UTC No.679
Hiroyuki and Amano - Domo arigato! Appreciate your feedback. Very helpful. Ron

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) Amano - Jan 04, 2016 18:59 UTC No.680
Ron-san - Word of "arigato" I'm very happy! and I'm looking forward to Information exchange with you. Amano

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) Ron Howard - Jan 05, 2016 15:30 UTC No.684
Jan 5 found Echo of Hope VOH on 4885 with no QRM today, no OTH radar.

Nice signal here in California with dramatization in Korean:


Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Jan 06, 2016 10:29 UTC No.685
Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU! FB audio file!

-1025- 3260kHz (tent.)NBC-Madang

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) Amano - Jan 06, 2016 15:31 UTC No.686
Hello! Ron-san, Hiroyuki-san.

Nice reception from California! Ron-san.

VOH's program name in the Ron's audio is the "Kim Sat-gat Bang-rang-gi" in Korean.
"Kim Sat-gat Bang-rang-gi" is "Kim Sat-gat Wanderer's Notebook" in English, I guess.
Incidentally, "Kim Sat-gat Bang-rang-gi" is "Kim Sat-gat Hou-rou-ki" in Japanese.

"Kim Sat-gat" is the person's name.

The following is a audio that was recorded the 4885 kHz a while ago.
/// Description of the audio ///
Noise on this audio is the local noise. Sorry...
Program name called "Kim Sat-gat Bang-rang-gi" in Korean on this audio,
you can hear to between 57 seconds and 59 seconds.
(1346'56"-1348'16"(UTC), Jan 6. ICF-SW7600GR & AN-12. Saitama, Japan.)

File:686.mp3 (157KB)
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) Amano - Jan 06, 2016 18:46 UTC No.687
The following Youtube is the audio of baido-san from Korea.
Jan 6 Echo of Hope(VOH) on a 4885 with no Jamming. at 1440UTC - http://youtu.be/g7sspJAOWII
Thank you reception report! baido-san from Korea. via ASIA DX BBS in Japanese.

The following audio is mine.
Jan 6 1646'49"-1649'19"(UTC) - http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/img/2281.mp3
"Kim Sat-gat Bang-rang-gi" in Korean, the program beginning.
It is the same content with 1347UTC.

This program is 10 minutes radio drama.

Jan 6 1654'21"-1656'51"(UTC) - http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/img/2282.mp3
"Kim Sat-gat Bang-rang-gi" in Korean, the program ending.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) Ron Howard - Jan 06, 2016 20:33 UTC No.689
Amano - Domo arigato for the program info for VOH! Much appreciated!!  

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Jan 07, 2016 11:51 UTC No.691

3260kHz NBC-Madang(tent.), (s/off around 12:00)
3275kHz NBC-Southern Highlands(tent.), weak modulation

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Jan 09, 2016 10:45 UTC No.702

3260kHz PNG
3275kHz PNG
3325kHz Indonesia
3905kHz Indonesia
5006kHz USB VC01 Chinese Numbers Station (TNX! AMANO), 3596kHz has not been heard.
6035kHz Bhutan(tent.), 2 signals
7420kHz China Nei Menggu PBS, spur on 7412, 7416, 7424, 7428kHz

5985kHz Myanmar, No signal
6165kHz Thazin FM (tent.) Burmese program, TNX! remote radio in Thailand.
13740kHz Iran //13750kHz, TNX! remote radio in Qatar.

add -1200-
3260kHz -1202*
3275kHz Indonesia
5985kHz Myanmar on the air

Radio Free Sarawak 15420kHz XYZ - Jan 11, 2016 07:35 UTC No.711
Radio Free Sarawak

Frequency : 15420kHz
Language : Iban
Website : https://radiofreesarawak.org/

According to the web site of the agency, it has become a resume since January 4 2016.
At the end of the broadcast of the Dec 4 2015, this broadcast is not heard.
TNX! HIROSHI : http://hiroshi.mediacat-blog.jp/e113545.html

Sorry, I forgot to monitor this broadcast in 2016. (H. Komatsubara)

No signal on 15420kHz at -1030-.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) Ron Howard - Jan 11, 2016 15:10 UTC No.714
3260 PNG-NBC Madang heard Jan 11 with 1226*, suddenly off; weak.

4885 Echo of Hope VOH on Jan 11 with usual good signal and still
not jammed but:

OTH radar 4845-4885 kHz.

CODAR 4885-4910 kHz.

OTH radar 4945-4985 kHz.

7324.5 PNG-Wantok Radio Light again heard Jan 11 at 1258 and from
1357 to 1424; very weak here in California; mostly religious music.

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) - VOH Ron Howard - Jan 11, 2016 22:15 UTC No.715
4885 Echo of Hope VOH - This from Wolfy (Wolfgang Bueschel) of Germany:

"Good excellent modulation of a new TX unit, which is determined by the
Bernd Friedewald report / confirmation, of new Continental Texas-USA
transmitter unit produced for South Korea delivery in 2015."

Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Jan 12, 2016 18:44 UTC No.718

Broadcast time of 4885kHz repeated the program of 3 hours just twice.
TNX! HIROSHI : http://hiroshi.mediacat-blog.jp/e114328.html

UNID 5040kHz XYZ - Jan 13, 2016 14:02 UTC No.719
UNID 5039.39kHz

-1355- Song

Re: UNID 5040kHz XYZ - Jan 13, 2016 14:17 UTC No.720
Audio at 1459-
language unknown.
Sorry poor recording...

File:720.mp3 (1226KB)
Re: UNID 5040kHz XYZ - Jan 13, 2016 14:50 UTC No.721
-1435- SA "All India Radio" in English. (TNX! remote radio in Sri Lanka)
2 signal on co-frequency. 5039.7vkHz and 5040.0kHz It is a different program.
(AIR-Jeypore and AIR-???)

** I did not monitor continuously.
-1435- English
-1520- Hindi
Strong signal.

"Trial" ??? by femal, Unknown word of meaning has been mixed. <-- Sorry my mistake

File:721.mp3 (1382KB)
Re: Asia - Pacific DX log (2) XYZ - Jan 14, 2016 14:44 UTC No.734
7325kHz Wantok Radio Light

60mb OTHR (Over The Horizon Radar); around 4780kHz <---> 4900kHz
5006kHz-USB VC01 Chinese Numbers Station

B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea --- XYZ - Oct 28, 2015 13:43 UTC No.334
B15 schedule : Broadcasting to North Korea

Oct 27 2015

[RFC] National Uniform Broadcasting ----- New name!!!
WEB: http://www.rfchosun.org/
Unified broadcasting WEB site: http://www.i-ubs.org/
*1300-1500* 7515kHz
New ID: "Gugmin tong-il bangsong, Radio Chayu Choseon" (National Uniform Broadcasting, Radio Free Choson)
Opening SA (MP3): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/img/332.mp3

[FNK] Free North Korea Radio
WEB: http://www.fnkradio.com/
*1200-1300* 9470kHz

[NKR] North Korea Reform Radio WEB: http://www.nkreform.com/
*1430-1530* 7590kHz

[VOM] Voica of Martyrs
WEB: http://vomkorea.co.kr/
*1600-1730* 7520kHz (ex:7530, 7510, 7505)

[CMI] Voice of Wilderness
WEB: http://www.cornerstone.or.kr/
*1330-1530* 7620kHz

Open Radio for North Korea WEB: http://www.nkradio.org/
Shortwave broadcasts ended in November 2014, it has been broadcast on MW & FM.

Also see : http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:299

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea XYZ - Nov 01, 2015 22:23 UTC No.341
TNX! cho. 
(This is the information from the ASIA DX bulletin board of the Japanese site
of the "Now On The Radio".)
http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/?res:1856 (sorry, in Japanese)

I'm a Korean BCLer.
RFK, anti-North Korea MW broadcast of NIS, changed their schedule.

New schedule;
1200-2100 1143kHz (ex: 1100-1900 1143kHz)

Confirmation in Japan is a valuable information so difficult.

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea XYZ - Nov 04, 2015 11:18 UTC No.348
1300-1330 9950
1500-1530 9975
1530-1600 9965

1330-1357 9950
1430-1500 9960
1600-1630 9975

1300-1400 7400kHz YAM 300kW
1300-1330 1...... Japanese
1300-1330 .2..... Chinese
1300-1330 ......7 Korean
1300-1400 ..3.... Japanese
1300-1400 ...4.6. Korean
1300-1400 ....5.. English
1330-1400 12..... Korean
1330-1400 ......7 Japanese

1600-1700 5990kHz YAM 300kW
1600-1630 1...... Japanese
1600-1630 .2..... Chinese
1600-1630 ......7 Korean
1600-1700 ..3.... Japanese
1600-1700 ...4.6. Korean
1600-1700 ....5.. English
1630-1700 12..... Korean
1630-1700 ......7 Japanese

TNX! HIROSHI : http://hiroshi.mediacat-blog.jp/e112732.html

[CMI] Voice of Wilderness : QSY 7620 --> 7615kHz XYZ - Nov 09, 2015 13:37 UTC No.385
[CMI] Voice of Wilderness
*1330- 7615kHz Korean SA
QSY from 7620kHz to 7515kHz today.

[RFC] National Uniform Broadcasting
-1320- 7515kHz.
National Uniform Broadcasting of 7515kHz, it had not been broadcast yesterday
has been broadcast today.

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea XYZ - Nov 12, 2015 13:36 UTC No.400

*1200- 9470kHz [FNK] Free North Korea Radio
*1300- 7515kHz [RFC] National Uniform Broadcasting
*1330- 7615kHz [CMI] Voice of Wilderness

*1430- 7590kHz [NKR] North Korea Reform Radio

Voice of the People XYZ - Nov 16, 2015 08:37 UTC No.410

Voice of the People - Clandestine to North Korea.

-0820- No signal : 3480, 4450kHz
-0826- 3480kHz It has repeated on/off.
** Will the bad condition of the transmitter?

** 3912, 4557, 6518, 6600kHz on the air.

Also see (Asian Broadcasting Institute): http://www.abiweb.jp/clan/clandest.htm

UNID 6215kHz test TX from South Korea ?? XYZ - Nov 25, 2015 06:18 UTC No.449
** This is the information from other bulletin board of Japan.

6215kHz Strong signal. May be TX from South Korea.

-0550- Non-stop K-Pops song : "Into The New World" (Girls Generation)
-0600- (No pips)

Program is repeated of the same song.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/e1UE8USI-Hc

YouTube("Into The New World"): https://youtu.be/K_6EiCZOsrE

Re: 6215 kHz. UNID Ron Howard - Nov 25, 2015 16:20 UTC No.452
UNIDENTIFIED. (Korea?), 6215, at 1259, Nov 25. Playing the same 
pop Korean song over and over again; "Into the New World," sung by
Girls' Generation (aka: SNSD); mostly fair; still heard at 1355. Thanks
very much to Hiroyuki Komatsubara for the alert. My audio (fair/poor
quality) at https://app.box.com/s/jbm4yh91jkwt2rqjefxv30na3r8rlko2 .

Re: 6215 kHz. UNID Ron Howard - Nov 25, 2015 17:13 UTC No.453
As Chris Kadlec points out, 6215 was once a frequency for V24:


UNID Korean 6215kHz --> 4900kHz QSY XYZ - Nov 26, 2015 08:16 UTC No.454
Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU! Nice report !!

-0815- Now on 4900kHz, "Into The New World" (Girls Generation)

QSY from 6215kHz to 4900kHz. *** add: sorry 6215//4900
The frequency which was used in the same manner previously numbers station.
Korean numbers station but had stopped broadcasting from around 2012 and
was active about a month by resurrection from around April 2015.

Also see (sorry in Japanese):
Korean numbers station: http://radio.chobi.net/ivent/Number.html
ASIA DX BBS: http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/?res:1397

UNID Korean 6215kHz // 4900kHz XYZ - Nov 26, 2015 08:27 UTC No.455
-0825- 4900kHz // 6215kHz

Echo of Hope, Voice of the People XYZ - Nov 26, 2015 08:34 UTC No.456
TNX! HIROSHI! : http://hiroshi.mediacat-blog.jp/e113269.html

Reports of "Voice of the People" and "Echo of Hope".

Echo of Hope - VOH
0555~ 3985, 6003, 6215, (6250 0900~), 6348 kHz

Voice of the People
0530~ 3480, 3912, 4557, 6518, 6600 kHz (4450 off the air)

Re: UNID Korean 6215kHz // 4900kHz XYZ - Nov 26, 2015 08:49 UTC No.457
The following frequencies also needs to be checked:
4900, 5290, 5715, 5900, 6215, 6310kHz
Also see (sorry in Japanese): http://radio.chobi.net/ivent/Number.html

TNX! cho-san! Information of VOH contamination had been received from the Korean DXer cho-san.

Re: 4900 // 6215 kHz. UNID Ron Howard - Nov 26, 2015 16:42 UTC No.462
Nov 26, heard 4900 (strong) // 6215 (weak), at 1134 and subsequent checking, 
with the same music loop as heard yesterday on 6215.

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea XYZ - Nov 27, 2015 10:36 UTC No.464

-1035- No signal both 4900, 6215kHz.

Re: KBS "Pops Freedom" on 6015 kHz. Ron Howard - Nov 28, 2015 22:32 UTC No.471
KOREA SOUTH. 6015, KBS Hanminjok Bangsong 1, from 1000 to 1100,
Nov 28. Usual hour long program ("Pop's Freedom"); mostly in Korean,
but with English IDs and segment with English language lesson; hosted
by Kwak Young Il, a broadcaster who holds a PhD in English; playing
pop songs (Todd Rundgren "Hello Its Me," Chubby Checker "The Twist,"
etc.); 1011 "Pop's Freedom Everyday English"; "Wow, they called off
the wedding after a fight"; 1018-1045 playing hit songs "Open Arms"
and different versions of it and adding commentary about the song;
the ever present white noise jamming from N. Korea was present, but
KBS was coming through fairly well; one of KBS's more enjoyable

Website: http://www.kbs.co.kr/radio/scr/popsfreedom/program/index.html .

https://app.box.com/s/6csq7upcgik8wf9m6ca27kc5grg3u3ma contains
a recording I made in the past, with clear IDs.

Ron, listening in San Francisco, at Ocean Beach, California, USA

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea XYZ - Nov 29, 2015 11:12 UTC No.472

Station announcement in English !!
In my location, it is one of the broadcast can not hear because of the jamming
from North Korea. When the radio waves from the neighboring countries has been
"SKIP" phenomenon, or will be receiving chance when something jamming has stopped due.
I did not know that there is a English program. TNX!

4885kHz: New freq. of "Echo of Hope - VOH" XYZ - Dec 21, 2015 13:10 UTC No.581
Dec 21 2015

Test ??

Echo of Hope - VOH
New frequency : 4885kHz //- 3985, 6003, 6348kHz
UTC:1300 SA "Huimang! Huimang!! Huimang!!! Huimang!!! Huimang ui meali bangsong imnida"

YouTube : https://youtu.be/9HRUY7lzuzo

Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - VOH Ron Howard - Dec 21, 2015 15:53 UTC No.583
new 4885, Echo of Hope - VOH, 1345-1430, Dec 21. Fair; in Korean with drama, 
news, Korean songs; easy to ID with "VOH" letters in English and // 6003
(jammed) and 6348 (jammed). Testing?

Audio at https://app.box.com/s/jgh1gbzydu1xbmvdlcw10pewrlwdmedy

Ron, listening at Asilomar State Beach, California, USA

Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - VOH XYZ - Dec 21, 2015 16:10 UTC No.584

FB audio! Jingle and SA!
It may test transmission because there are examples of 4900kHz.
If it came out Jamming from North Korea here, might fairly influence
comes out in Japan (60mb).

Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - VOH XYZ - Dec 21, 2015 16:39 UTC No.585
Echo of Hope - VOH

The station name of the broadcast will have been translated into English
as "Echo of Hope", from the fact they are announced as "VOH" the call sign,
they wanted to ask is called the "Voice of Hope" might.

Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - VOH Ron Howard - Dec 21, 2015 16:58 UTC No.587
Thanks to Bernd Friedewald (DK9FI) for the following email: 

"Many thanks for the tip. Great!

Just put on PERSEUS SDR in Japan and they are still there
at 1642 UTC. Looks for test...

I remember when I was at the HFCC conference at Dallas
we visited Continental. Here we saw a 100kw (or more)
transmitter(s) available for delivery to South Korea.
Maybe this is one of them because KBS is still using the
very old transmitters."

Appreciate his feedback.


Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope XYZ - Dec 21, 2015 17:23 UTC No.588

-1713- 4885kHz
This broadcast might continue until 2400 UTC.

We(I) hope that this frequency is a test transmission...

*0555-2400* 3985, 6003, 6348 kHz
*0900-2300* 6250 kHz

Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - VOH XYZ - Dec 21, 2015 18:04 UTC No.589
-1803* 4885kHz, Suddenly s/off in the middle of a talk...

Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - VOH XYZ - Dec 22, 2015 12:23 UTC No.591
Echo of Hope - VOH

*1203-(around) 4885kHz

TNX! cho-san (Korean DXer).

Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - VOH XYZ - Dec 22, 2015 12:59 UTC No.593
TNX! HIROSHI : http://hiroshi.mediacat-blog.jp/e113848.html

*1158-1803* 4885kHz Echo of Hope - VOH, December 21, 22

6250kHz have started at 0555(UTC) since Dec 19.

*0555-2400* 3985, 6003, 6348 kHz
*0555-????* 6250kHz (ex: *0900- )

Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - VOH XYZ - Dec 23, 2015 05:21 UTC No.599
TNX! HIROSHI : http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ndxcjp/13813251.html

4885kHz have come 6 hours: 1200-1800.
Frequency announcement every three hours 5 waves instead of 4 waves has been announced.
Broadcast time precisely shorter than the other 4 waves but it would be added.

Echo of Hope
*0555-2400* 3985, 6003, 6250, 6348
*1200-1800* 4885

4885 kHz., Echo of Hope, -1800* XYZ - Dec 24, 2015 18:08 UTC No.612
Echo of Hope - VOH

Dec 24 2015, -1800*
YouTube : https://youtu.be/Id73TZYRogE

Re: 4885 kHz, Echo of Hope, -1800* Amano - Dec 25, 2015 10:40 UTC No.614
Good evening! XYZ_san. I'm staying in Hokkaido, Japan right now.
I heared your Youtube audio.

Your Youtube audio(from 2m23s to 2m29s) is broadcast middle announcement.
This is not the end announcement.
Next program is "Today's News" in this station.
This station has been stopped in the middle of the theme music.

The Youtube audio of the above is cho_san's from Korea.
This Youtube audio has been recorded in Dec. 21 1300UTC before.
***Postscript start:correction
Oh! my goodnees! I made a mistake. I'm sorry.
cho_san's Youtube audio has been recorded in Dec. 21 1500UTC before.
This was not the audio at the time of the broadcast start.
***Postscript end

1300UTC is the transmission start time of 4885kHz.
But this is not the start announcement.
I think 4885kHz begins from the middle of the just before 1300UTC.

Announcement contains the following.
English:"This time of the broadcast is over. Continue to start the next regular broadcasting."
Korean:"isang-euloi sigan bangsong-eul machigo, god-ieo dasi jeong-gyu bangsong-eul bonae deuligessseubnida."
*** XYZ's audio(from 2m23s to 2m29s) and cho's audio(from 1m04s to 1m10s) are the same announcement.

Thank you so much for following me on ASIA DX BBS in Japanese! baido_san from Korea.

Korea:Echo of Hope - VOH (New freq. 4885 kHz) Amano - Dec 26, 2015 11:33 UTC No.626
TNX! HIROSHI : http://hiroshi.mediacat-blog.jp/e113865.html
ASIA DX BBS : http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/?res:1934
*** TNX! XYZ, S.Hasegawa from Japan
*** TNX! cho, baido from Korea

Echo of Hope has been added a new freq. - 4885kHz.
60mb might be contaminated with North Korea Jamming.
According to the baido's, this station is supposed to be being broadcast for foreign
by the Overseas Koreans Confederation.
However, the station will have been thought to be broadcast by the National Intelligence Service(NIS).
*** [Actual broadcast schedule] ***
Echo of Hope - VOH
0555-2400 3985, 6003, 6250, 6348
1200-1800 4885 December 21-

According to the Hiroshi's, frequency announcement will be broadcast every 3 hours.
I think broadcast start announcement of 0600 before and broadcast end announcement of
around 0000 is a different announcement.
After the frequency announcement will start the "Today's New"(About 15 minutes
*** [Frequency announcement schedule] ***
0600before Broadcast start announcement
0900before Frequency announcement
1200before Frequency announcement
1500before Frequency announcement
1800before Frequency announcement
2100before Frequency announcement
0000around Broadcast end announcement

*** [Frequency announcement of every 3 hours] ***
#1:4885kHz Dec.21 1500before cho's Youtube:http://youtu.be/qR2lqpWdBGc
#2:4885kHz Dec.24 1800before XYZ's Youtube:http://youtu.be/Id73TZYRogE

/* <The contents of the announcement> */ #1 - 0m45s-1m10s // #2 - 2m04s-2m29s
/// English ///
"We will broadcast on shortwave frequency 3985kHz, 4885kHz, 6003kHz, 6250kHz and
6348kHz. We will terminate the broadcast of this time. We will immediately start the
next broadcast."

/// Korean ///
"Danpa Samcheon-gubaeg-palsib-o kHz wa Sacheon-palbaeg-palsib-o kHz, Yugcheon-pal kHz,
Yugcheon-ibaeg-osib kHz, Yugcheon-sambaeg-sasib-pal kHz-leul bangsong habnida.
Isang-euloi sigan bangsong-eul machigo, god-ieo dasi jeong-gyu bangsong-eul bonae

According to the Hiroshi's, After the "Today's News" will be broadcast frequency
This announcement also announced broadcast time.
New frequency 4885kHz will broadcast the VOH 1200-1800. But there is no announcement
broadcast time of 4885kHz.
*** [Frequency announcement of after "Today's News"] ***
#3:4885kHz Dec.24 1315:21"-1316:36 Audio:http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/img/2173.mp3

/* <The contents of the announcement> */ #3 - 0m00s-0m40s
/// English ///
"Today's News will end. Next program is Broadcast Symposium & Talk Of Unity and
Gim-sasgas Wandering Collection."
"You can listen to the Echo Of Hope on 3985kHz, 4885kHz, 6003kHz, 6250kHz and 6348kHz
in shortwave from 3pm to 9am."
"This is Echo Of Hope to broadcast from Overseas Koreans. VOH."

/// Korean ////
"Isang-eulo Oneul-ui Sosig -eul machibnida. Ieoseo Bangsong Jwadamg wa Tong-il Iyagi,
Geuligo Gimsasgas Banglang-gi ga bangsongdoebnida."
"Huimang ui Meali Bangsong-eun danpa Samcheon-gubaeg-palsib-o kHz wa Sacheon-palbaeg-
palsib-o kHz, Yugcheon-pal kHz, Yugcheon-ibaeg-osib kHz, Yugcheon-sambaeg-sasib-pal
kHz-leul tonghae ohu Se-sibu teo achim Ahob-sikka ji deul-eusil su issseubnida."
"Haeoe dongpodeul-i bonae deulineun Huimang-ui Meali Bangsong-ibnida."

ASIA DX BBS(The same contents in Japanese) : http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/?res:2224

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea XYZ - Dec 27, 2015 10:39 UTC No.632

It is thanks to record the description.
We have many things to understand thanks to Korean DXer who gave me to cooperate.
They is also thanks!

7530kHz Korean XYZ - Jan 25, 2016 14:37 UTC No.811

-1435- 7530kHz Korean


13:32:26 S RTC As 7530 AM XXX
14:02:01 S RTC As 7530 AM XXX
15:05:46 S RTC As 7530 AM XXX

16:35:46 S WBT VARI 7530 AM XXX
17:35:46 S WBT VARI 7530 AM XXX

7530kHz UNID Korean test TX XYZ - Jan 25, 2016 14:50 UTC No.812
7530kHz UNID Korean station, (Babcock test ??)

This broadcast has been repeated a program of 12 minutes 26 seconds.(video below)
YouTube : https://youtu.be/hUnS8oJtOlk
** It will start with the word "uli....".

see also (sorry BBS in Japanese) : http://radio.chobi.net/bbs/?res:2973

-1530* s/off

-1635- No signal on 7530kHz 1630-
It will probably be of VOM(7520kHz *1630-1800*).

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea XYZ - Feb 02, 2016 16:17 UTC No.877

National Unity R. has extended its transmission on 7515 kHz by one hour,
now 1300-1600.

Also unidentified transmission in Korean was reported last week on 7510 kHz
between 2030-2100.
NEABI reports, that 7510 kHz 2030-2130 is an additional morning transmission
from North Korea Reform Radio:

National Unity Radio / North Korea Reform Radio XYZ - Feb 04, 2016 14:32 UTC No.893
TNX! HIROSHI : https://goo.gl/lV0DRT

National Unity Radio (Unification Media Group)
Dushanbe/Tajikistan 200kW
1300-1600 7515 kHz
1800-2000 774 kHz

North Korea Reform Radio
1430-1530 7590 kHz
2030-2130 7510 kHz New

National Unity Radio
"[Notice] Radio Broadcast Extended to Five Hours a Day"

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea XYZ - Feb 05, 2016 14:24 UTC No.897

-1415- 7515kHz No signal

7590kHz Open carrier (NKR)
7615kHz CMI

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea XYZ - Feb 06, 2016 15:28 UTC No.907

7515kHz National Unity Radio
7590kHz North Korea Reform Radio
7615kHz Voice of Wilderness

7525kHz National Unity Radio XYZ - Mar 17, 2016 13:08 UTC No.1133
*1300- 7525kHz National Unity Radio, QSY from 7515kHz

It might have to QSY because the powerful FAX(facsimile)
signal began to appear in the 7515kHz recently.

-1429* 7525kHz s/off
*1429- 7525kHz c/on again ... repeat On/Off, no-modulation

-1440- 7525kHz on the air again !
Repetition of 1 hour and 30 minutes of the program ?

7615kHz CMI, *1330-
7590kHz NKR, No-modulation at -1433- ??, *1435-

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea XYZ - Mar 18, 2016 13:02 UTC No.1138

*1300- 7525kHz National Unity Radio
Babcock music, then opening music
** 7515kHz: strong FAX signal

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea XYZ - Mar 20, 2016 13:01 UTC No.1150
B15 checking

9470kHz Radio Free North Korea, -1255-, "Ya ya ya" by T-ara.
7525kHz National Unity Radio, -1300 Babcock MX, *1300- SA

7615kHz CMI Voice of Wilderness, *1330-

7590kHz North Korea Reform Radio, *1430-

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