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B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea --- XYZ - Nov 08 (Tue), 2022 12:59 UTC No.5134
Broadcasting to North Korea [Not Government Broadcast]

[RFC] National Unification Broadcasting (National Unity Radio)
Korean : "Gugmin tong-il Bangsong"
Website : http://www.uni-media.net/

*1100-1300* 5900kHz (Nov 11 Fri), ex: 7250kHz(~Nov/10/2022)
*2000-2100* 5900kHz

[FNK] Free North Korea Radio
Korean : "Jayu Bukhan Bangsong"
WEB : http://www.fnkradio.com/
On-demand : http://www.fnkradio.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=radio&sca=%EC%98%A4%EB%8A%98%EC%9D%98%EB%B0%A9%EC%86%A1

*1300-1400* 11510kHz
*2000-2100* 7610kHz

[NKR] North Korea Reform Radio
Korean : "Joseon Gaehyeok Bangsong"
WEB : http://www.nkreform.com/
Freq. : http://www.nkreform.com/%ea%b3%b5%ec%a7%80%ec%82%ac%ed%95%ad-2/?mod=document&uid=20351

*1400-1500* 7590kHz
*2000-2100* 7590kHz

[VOM] Voice of the Martyrs (** Religious broadcast)
Korean : "Sung-yoja ui soli Bangsong" <=== old
** Thanks to AMANO! Recent opening announcements say
"순교자의 진소리 라디오 방송 (Sungyoja-e jinsoli radio bangsong)".
mean : "True Martyrs Radio Broadcast."
WEB : https://vomkorea.com/

*1200-1230* 9930kHz
*1330-1400* 9930kHz
*1530-1600* 7520kHz
*2100-2130* 7550kHz

Thanks to Ivo !:
0900-0930 on 9860 KNX 100 kW / 335 deg to NEAs Korean via Reach Beyond Australia
1200-1230 on 9930 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean via RRTM Telecom Tashkent
1330-1400 on 9930 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean via RRTM Telecom Tashkent
1530-1600 on 7520 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean via RRTM Telecom Tashkent
1900-1930 on 7490 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean via RRTM Telecom Tashkent
2100-2130 on 7550 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean via RRTM Telecom Tashkent
**Jan 16, 2023

[CMI] Voice of Wilderness (** Religious broadcast)
Korean : "Gwang-ya ui soli Bangsong"
WEB : http://www.cornerstone.or.kr/

*1400-1530* 9365kHz

[RBS] Revaival Broadcasting System (** Religious broadcast)

*1400-1430* 5900kHz , Tue/ Fri

New Country Broadcast Sae Nala (** Religious broadcast)

*1500-1530* ??? ,

Old station in 2021

CDNK North Korean Democratization Committee

1340-1400 7580 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs dead air - March 4
1400-1405 7580 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs VERY STRONG NOISE*
1405-1416 7580 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Tue/Thu/Sat
1416-1418 7580 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs AGAIN STRONG NOISE
1418-1430 7580 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Tue/Thu/Sat

(Thanks Ivo !)

... see also (sorry in japanse) : https://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/?res:4690

New Country Broadcast
(Sae Nala bangsong)
 1730-1800 on 5925 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Tue/Thu/Sun.

(Thanks Ivo !)

Re: B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea - Mauno Nov 08 (Tue), 2022 14:11 UTC No.5135
Did Voice of Martyrs stop their Chinese transmissions?

Re: B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Nov 08 (Tue), 2022 14:15 UTC No.5136
Hi MAUNO !  Thanks!!

I didn't know they had "Chinese program" ...

I haven't listened to the radio much, so I'm ignorant of information, sorry.

Re: B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Nov 08 (Tue), 2022 14:29 UTC No.5137
who ?
-1428* 5900kHz Korean

Re: B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea - Mauno Nov 08 (Tue), 2022 15:50 UTC No.5138
Yes, in May they broadcast in Chinese 1500-1530 11540 & 12110 2100-2130, but I don't know, when it stopped

Re: B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Nov 08 (Tue), 2022 20:08 UTC No.5140
Thanks MAUNO !
EiBi : "11620 1500-1530 CLA Voice of Martyrs DH MLD"
I will monitor it later..


5900kHz [RFC] National Unification Broadcasting (National Unity Radio), -2100*
7590kHz [NKR] North Korea Reform Radio , -2100*
7610kHz [FNK] Free North Korea Radio , -2100*

7550kHz [VOM] Voica of the Martyrs, -2130*
(7630kHz UNID in Chinese, strong signal but weak modulation , Religious broadcast ? , -2129* )

Re: B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Nov 09 (Wed), 2022 11:05 UTC No.5144

7250kHz [RFC] National Unification Broadcasting (National Unity Radio)

Re: B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea - Ron Howard Nov 09 (Wed), 2022 12:54 UTC No.5145
Nov 9 -  National Unification Broadcasting (National Unity Radio), 7250 kHz. Xmtr on at 1058 UT; 1100, time pips
and SA; mostly announcers chatting in Korean; playing some pop songs; was jammed by N. Korea, but of little effect.
Brief audio from 1100 UT.


Re: B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Nov 09 (Wed), 2022 13:03 UTC No.5146

7250kHz -1259*

-1300- 5900kHz No signal,
-1401- 5900kHz No signal,

Re: B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Nov 11 (Fri), 2022 12:01 UTC No.5156

5900kHz [RFC] National Unification Broadcasting (National Unity Radio),
QSY from 7250kHz, maybe *1100-1300*

Re: B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Nov 12 (Sat), 2022 15:41 UTC No.5166
-1540-  7520kHz  VOM ? (QSY from 7550kHz ??)

Re: B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Nov 18 (Fri), 2022 20:52 UTC No.5182
Rivaival Broadcasting System
New Country Broadcast Sae Nala

1400-1430 9430 PAO 300 kW / 002 deg to NEAs Korean Wed/Fri Rivaival Broadcasting System
1530-1600 9430 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Tu/Th/Su New Country Broadcast Sae Nala
(tnx GH via WOR)

1400-1428 5900 TWN Rivaival Broadcasting System Kor Tamsui Dist 36
(tnx AOKI)

SA (in Korean):
UNID Korean station on 9430 kHz sounds like "RBS 북한부흥통일방송 (北韓復興統一放送)" to me.
In Korean reading, “RBS Bughan buheung tong-il bangsong“.
In English, “RBS North Korean Revival Unification Broadcasting“.
(tnx AMANO)

Thanks for these info : Ron, AMANO, GH(WOR) and AOKI !!

Re: B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea - Ron Howard Nov 18 (Fri), 2022 23:31 UTC No.5183
"Rivaival Broadcasting System" and on-air IDing as  "RBS North Korean Revival Unification Broadcasting"

- - - Per Ivo (SWLDXBulgaria News, October 30-31):
> Rivaival Broadcasting System
> CLANDESTINE   Unknown B-22 frequencies of Rivaival Broadcasting System:
> 1400-1430 on  ???? PAO 300 kW / 002 deg to NEAs Korean Wed/Fri [?] Rivaival Broadcasting System (9430 in A-22)

- - - - Per Hiroyuki Komatsubara (Japan):

1400-1428   5900   TWN   Rivaival Broadcasting System   Kor   Tamsui Dist   36 [Tue/Fri - Ron]
(tnx AOKI)
[Aoki shows days as Tue/Fri, but the reference above is for "Wed/Fri"? My audio clip of the station was made on
July 22 (Fri), while Rick Barton's log was made on July 19 (Tue) - Ron]


Re: B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Nov 18 (Fri), 2022 23:53 UTC No.5184
Thanks Ron-san !

My reception day for 5900kHz UNID station was also Tuesday.

Re: B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Nov 19 (Sat), 2022 00:17 UTC No.5185
Thanks pasar malam !!

UNID broadcasting to Korea, 9430 kHz., 1400 UT, Friday, July 22, [MP3 file --- TNX Ron !] : https://bit.ly/3EjpOjI

북녘 동포 여러분 안녕하세요 ?
(bugnyeok dongpo yeoleobun annyeonghaseyo)
How are you, people in the northern part of Korea ?

여기는 R B S. 코리아 복음소리 방송입니다.
(yeogineun R B S. kolia bog-eumsoli bangsong-ibnida)
こちらはR B S。 コリア福音の声放送です。
This is the Voice of the Revival of Korea.

북한 상대 9430 킬로해르츠.
(bughan sangdae 9430 killoheleucheu)
Bringing to you, in the northern part of Korea, on 9430kHz.

여기는 R B S. 코리아 복음소리 방송입니다.
(yeogineun R B S. kolia bog-eumsoli bangsong-ibnida.)
こちらはR B S。コリア福音の声放送です。
This is the Voice of the Revival of Korea.

북한 상대 9430 킬로핼츠로. 북녘 동포 여러분께 찾아 뵙니다.
(bughan sangdae 9430 killohaelcheulo. bugnyeok dongpo yeoleobunkke chaj-a boebnida)
Coming to you, people in the northern part of Korea, on 9430kHz.

RBS는 Revival Broadcast System을. 약칭해 지은 영어 이름입니다.
(RBS neun Revival Broadcast System-eul. yagchinghae jieun yeong-eo ileum-ibnida)
R B Sとはリバイバル・ブロードキャスト・システムを略称してつけた英語の名称です。
RBS is the English abbreviation for Revival Broadcast System.

revival이란 한국어로 번역하면 복음 / 회복 / 부활 … 이런 뜻입니다.
(revival-ilan hangug-eolo beon-yeoghamyeon bog-eum / hoebog / buhwal … ileon tteus-ibnida.)
Revival means gospel, recovery, resurrection in English language.

남북 통일 되여 한 몸이 되고
다시 한반도가 회복되면
함께 부활하는 그날을 보기하며
방송을 전하는…
비전을 가진 방송국입니다.
(nambug tong-il doeyeo han mom-i doego dasi hanbandoga hoebogdoemyeon hamkke buhwalhaneun geunal-eul bogihamyeo bangsong-eul jeonhaneun… bijeon-eul gajin bangsong-gug-ibnida.)
We are the broadcasting station with the vision - hoping the Reunification of Korea, the day that we meet and stay together….

여기는 R B S.
코리아 복음소리 방송입니다.
(yeogineun R B S. kolia bog-eumsoli bangsong-ibnida.)
こちらはR B S。コリア福音の声放送です。
This is the Voice of the Revival of Korea.

( --- Subsequent broadcast contents.. ---)
In this broadcast, they talked about ‘The Resurrection campaign(Christianity Movement) held in Pyongyang’ about 100 years ago.


Re: B22 : Broadcasting to North Korea :: KNLS - XYZ Jan 15 (Sun), 2023 13:11 UTC No.5294

[World Christian Broadcasting]
KNLS - Korean, Broadcast for North Korea.


SA : http://lib.bible.kr/wcb/20230107.mp3
**their Twitter : https://twitter.com/wcbroadcasting

KNLS - Korean, Broadcast for North Korea - XYZ Feb 12 (Sun), 2023 12:03 UTC No.5369
Thanks to FUKUNAGA !!

(sorry in japanese) : https://radio.chobi.net/bbs/?res:9337

1100-1200 9720 kHz Korean
1300-1400 9760 kHz Korean

SA : https://radio.chobi.net/bbs/img/9341.mp3

9720kHz very weak signal < JBA,
Is this weak signal reaching North Korea ??

9760kHz KNLS, Korean, weak signal,

Re: KNLS - Korean, Broadcast for North Korea - XYZ Feb 12 (Sun), 2023 20:36 UTC No.5370
Thanks to AMANO !!
> https://radio.chobi.net/bbs/?res:9337#9343

Korean :
"여기는 생명의 말씀을 전하는 K-N-L-S 한국어 방송입니다."

Pronunciation :
"Yeogineun saengmyeong-e malsseum-eul jeonhaneun K-N-L-S Hangug-eo bangsong-ibnida."

Mean(English) :
"This is K-N-L-S Korean broadcast that delivers the Word of Life."

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