DX Logs and News - Now On The Radio DX

*** "*" = sign on/sign off, "+" = fade in/fade out, "-UTC-" = around
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Mobile Site for Smartphone/ Tablet --- XYZ - Feb 12, 2019 06:59 UTC No.3757
Our mobile site is completed. Please access with a smartphone or tablet. 
Because the character size is automatically determined, when you look at PC,
huge letters line up. Posting to the bulletin board will not be accepted
other than posting from "https:// ~(NOT "http://~")" as in the PC version
as SSLization is done.


** Some RSS update information was deleted due to delayed reading.

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"*":sign on/sign off , "+":fade in/fade out , "-00:00-":around
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If you want to post a long URL, please use the bitly URL shortening.

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