Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
XYZ May 06, 2016 22:39 UTC No.1333 -2230- Sakha ??, 7295kHz(weak signal), //7345kHz
** 7345kHz CNR-1 off air...
TNX! Ivo via DXLD-yg :
RUSSIA NBC "Sakha" Yakutia on shortwave from May 6, schedule:
2100-2400 7295 IAK 250 kW / 045 deg to FERu Russian Sun-Thu
2100-2400 7345 IAK 100 kW / 310 deg to FERu Russian Sun-Thu
2200-0500 7295 IAK 250 kW / 045 deg to FERu Russian Fri/Sat
2200-0500 7345 IAK 100 kW / 310 deg to FERu Russian Fri/Sat
0300-0500 7295 IAK 250 kW / 045 deg to FERu Russian Mon-Fri
0300-0500 7345 IAK 100 kW / 310 deg to FERu Russian Mon-Fri
0900-1200 7295 IAK 250 kW / 045 deg to FERu Russian Daily
0900-1200 7345 IAK 100 kW / 310 deg to FERu Russian Daily
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
XYZ May 07, 2016 05:19 UTC No.1334 TNX! HIROSHI :
May 06, 2016 (Friday)
*2200- s/on, 7295, 7345kHz, Yakut and Russian language.
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
XYZ May 07, 2016 08:19 UTC No.1335 S.HASEGAWA and K.INOUE, thank you very much for more information!! (sorry in japanese)
IS(Theme music) of the Jew's harp, which is flowing at the end and at
the start, this is the same as the one which has been flowing in front
of the news in the previously Yakutskoe Radio.
Reception sound in 1988:
Same Theme music(IS) as YouTube from around 00:50 ;
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
XYZ May 07, 2016 09:16 UTC No.1337 -0910- 7295kHz// 7345kHz, *0900- ??
Broadcast schedule is presumed at present:
*2200-????* 7295, 7345kHz
*0900-1400* 7295, 7345kHz
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
Ron Howard May 07, 2016 11:47 UTC No.1338 May 7, heard R. Sakha on 7295 (very weak the whole
time) // 7345 which was many times stronger; 7345
had poor to almost fair reception. Heard with no QRM
on either frequency. Easy to ID with distinctive IS and
also "Radio Sakha" IDs. Here are today's highlights:
0852: Decent level open carrier.
0900: Brief IS (Jew's harp); 3 time pips ; announcers for
about 10 minutes (news?); assume in Russian (or at
times today in Yakut [a.k.a. Sakha]?).
0909-1000: Very nice music program (ballads, pop songs,
etc.). 0950 clear "Radio Sakha" ID; 0957-1000: musical
1000: time pips; announcer (news?)
Thanks to Stephen Cooper for the initial info in DXLD yg
about this station!
My audio at .
San Francisco
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
XYZ May 07, 2016 11:59 UTC No.1339 Oh!! Ron-san, thank you very much FB information and audio!!!
At the start of the detailed report is very helpful !
To examine the broadcast time during the day (Daytime) is difficult,
but the minutes of the morning and night we understand a little.
*2200-2400+ 7295, 7345kHz (s/on - signal fade out)
????-???? 7295, 7345kHz
*0900-1400* 7295, 7345kHz (s/on - s/off)
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
XYZ May 07, 2016 12:17 UTC No.1340 -1213- 7345kHz Thazin FM ? QRM of V26 Chinese numbers station.
I could not check s/off time today ... around 12:00 ??
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
XYZ May 07, 2016 22:10 UTC No.1341 May 07 Sat
*2200- :
Poor condition today... QRM of V26 Chinese Numbers station.
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
Ron Howard May 08, 2016 14:42 UTC No.1342 May 8, at 0900, on 7345, Radio Sakha started their
broadcast without the IS and time pips that I heard
yesterday; today was considerable weaker; 7295 was
unusable today. Unable to make out their sign off time.
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
XYZ May 08, 2016 19:08 UTC No.1345 Yesterday and today seems to have s/off at 12:00 UTC.
Sorry, the exact end time is unknown. Already been completed
when I checked past 12:00 UTC.
May 07 : s/off at 1200. (TNX! AOKI)
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
Ron Howard May 10, 2016 13:41 UTC No.1346 RUSSIA. 7345, Radio Sakha, 1056-1126 & 1151-1235
on May 10. Sounded like Russian; 1100 brief IS
(Jew's harp); time pips; seemed to be the news being
read for 10 minutes; 1105 break for "Radio Sakha" ID
by different announcer; 1110 ad or promo and into
music show playing ballads. This station plays a lot
of nice music!
Did not sign off at 1200 as they recently had been
reported, but clearly continued on; same format as
after 1100 (seemed to be the news being read for
10 minutes; 1205 break for "Radio Sakha" ID by
different announcer; 1210 ad or promo and into
music show).
From 1151 to 1235 had increasing QRM from Thazin
Radio (Myanmar), but Radio Sakha was stronger. At
1158 had to go to LSB, to get away from V26 Chinese
numbers station that was on frequency in USB. Unable
to tell about 7295 due to OTH radar the few times I did
Ron, listening in San Francisco at Ocean Beach, california
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
XYZ May 10, 2016 14:07 UTC No.1347 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU!
It will be very helpful ! Thank you very much, Ron-san !!
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
Ron Howard May 10, 2016 16:14 UTC No.1348 Thanks very much to Mauno Ritola for the following:
"I also checked this today and they continued until 1400.
7345 kHz much stronger than 7295 kHz both here and via
Japan remote rx, so probably the reported powers should are
vice versa: 250 kW on 7345 kHz and 100 (or even 50 kW?)
on 7295 kHz."
Have to agree with him regarding the power. 7345 has always
been heard many times stronger than 7295.
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
XYZ May 10, 2016 16:50 UTC No.1349 Night schedule maybe....
weekday(local time) : *0900-1400* UTC
weekend(local time) : *0900-1200* UTC
May local time UTC
06 Fri -1400*
07 Sat -1200* <---
08 Sun -1200* <---
09 Mon -1400* ??
10 Tue -1400*
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
Ron Howard May 11, 2016 14:14 UTC No.1350 RUSSIA. 7345, Radio Sakha, 1059-1135, May 11.
Surprisingly fair reception; fluttery signal, but about the
strongest reception since they reactivated SW; usual
format; Kenny G music till brief IS (Jew's harp); five
time pips; announcer 10 minutes, with ID at 1105 by
different announcer; 1114 into music program; very
light QRM (R. Thazin).
At 1225 both R. Sakha and Thazin Radio about equal and
mixing together on 7345, with // 7295 JBA with no QRM.
My five+ minute audio at
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
XYZ May 12, 2016 13:45 UTC No.1352 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU!
May local time UTC
06 Fri *2100-2400*, *0300-0500*, *0900-1400*
07 Sat *2200-0500*, *0900-1200*
08 Sun *2200-0500*, *0900-1200*
09 Mon *2100-2400*, *0300-0500*, *0900-1200*
10 Tue *2100-2400*, *0300-0500*, *0900-1400*
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
Ron Howard May 13, 2016 14:41 UTC No.1353 7345, Radio Sakha, 1200-1235, May 13. Brief IS (Jew's harp);
five time pips; moderate QRM seemed to be from CRI(?), but
surprisingly they were off the air 1202-1219, leaving R. Sakha
with a nice signal in the clear. CNR1 continues silent here.
Did not hear Thazin Radio today. 7295 was // and had decent
reception. My audio with Radio Sakha in the clear 0:00-02:00,
followed by QRM - .
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
Ron Howard May 13, 2016 19:38 UTC No.1354 Upon further reflection, after listening to more of my recordings
today and helpful input from Glenn and Wolfy, I can now say that
the station causing QRM for R. Sakha was clearly not CRI,
but was in fact Thazin Radio. My recording at 1235 had Thazin
Radio much stronger than R. Sakha and they played some
indigenous music that conformed to Myanmar music.
Thanks to Glenn and Wolfy for their kind assistance.
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
XYZ May 14, 2016 14:14 UTC No.1355 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU!
I will no longer listen to the radio at my work, for a little while.
I want to as soon as possible finish my work...
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
Ron Howard May 16, 2016 14:08 UTC No.1357 ***** Bad news for R. Sakha & R. Thazin on 7345 kHz. *****
May 16, at 1224, found that a strong CNR1 has again returned
to 7345. Very bad news for R. Sakha (Russia) and R. Thazin
(Myanmar) also on frequency! CNR1 schedule: 1100-1805.
Heard a faint station underneath CNR1 today, but so weak
could not guess as to which station it was. CNR1 7345 //
6125 (also strong).
- - - - - - Ron's recent log:
7345, Radio Sakha, 1200-1235, May 13. Brief IS (Jew's harp);
five time pips; moderate QRM from Thazin Radio, but surprisingly
they were off the air 1202-1219, leaving R. Sakha with a nice
signal in the clear. CNR1 continues silent here. 7295 was // and
had decent reception. My audio with Radio Sakha in the clear
0:00-02:00, followed by R. Thazin QRM - .
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
Ron Howard May 17, 2016 01:34 UTC No.1358 On May 7, I emailed a reception report, in Russian (Google
translator), to Radio Sakha. May 16 updated that email with
new info about CNR1 now also being on 7345 and causing
Radio Sakha QRM.
Response in Russian, in three hours from:
Новости НВК Саха <>
Google translation:
"Good day! Very glad to see your post on our Radio Sakha. You
can also watch the news from the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
on our internet portal . Thank you."
Very generic, but still nice to get a response from them.
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
Ron Howard May 17, 2016 01:38 UTC No.1359 Sorry - the portion in Russian did not go through,
but the email address is there. Ron
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
Ron Howard May 27, 2016 17:39 UTC No.1371 My reception of Radio Sakha on 7345 continues to be fairly readable. at 1:23 you can hear the audio starting for CNR1,
causing major QRM at 1101 UTC (May 26).
Am also able to just make out // 7295, but 7345 is many times stronger.
Radio Sakha plays a great selection of Russian songs & ballads :)
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
XYZ May 30, 2016 09:46 UTC No.1372 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU!!
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii 5900kHz -
XYZ Sep 03, 2016 13:21 UTC No.1567 TNX! H.Okamura @ WRTH Facebook
Radio Rossii 5900kHz
-1139- Radio Rossii strong signal,
** Always it seems to be not in the Pirates broadcast that
is broadcast on the frequency of this neighborhood.
-1156- SA by female "Radio Rossii"
Re: RUSSIA : B16 schedule -
XYZ Sep 03, 2016 14:58 UTC No.1570 TNX!! Wolfgang Bueschel @DXLD-YG
see requested bc channels in winter B-16
a lot of mothballed Russian bcast center registered.
5900 Khabarovsk towards north Siberia.
RUSSIA on shortwave 301016 - 250317 requested schedule
N = DRM mode.
5900 1100 1500 43,44 KHB 100 218 217 D Rus VOR
5925 2100 2300 37NW,27,28 MSK 40 261 218 N Rus VOR
5955 1245 1530 41 IRK 250 224 218 D Rus VOR
5975 1600 2100 39,40 S.P 200 147 286 D Rus VOR
6000 1500 2200 27,37NW,37SW MSK 200 270 217 D Rus VOR
6000 1800 2000 29 ARM 100 188 218 D Ady VOR
6015 1500 2300 29SW MSK 200 190 217 D Rus VOR
6075 0900 1100 44,49 VLD 250 230 218 D Rus VOR
6090 2100 2230 28 MSK 250 240 217 D Rus VOR
6100 0000 2400 31,32 IRK 5 0 925 D RusTyvVOR
6110 1600 2000 28 MSK 40 261 218 N Rus VOR
6115 1100 1500 43,44 KHB 100 218 217 D Rus VOR
6120 0100 0300 41 ARM 500 110 217 D Rus VOR
6125 1700 2100 27,28 KLG 15 220 141 N Rus VOR
6130 1500 1800 30S,31 IRK 100 263 288 D Rus VOR
6145 1100 1500 43,44 KHB 100 218 217 D Rus VOR
6145 1500 1700 29SW MSK 200 190 217 D Rus VOR
6155 1600 2100 39,40 ARM 100 157 217 D Rus VOR
6165 0100 0600 12,13,14,16 S.P 800 268 236 D Rus VOR
6170 0700 1000 43,44 KHB 100 218 217 D Rus VOR
6195 1700 2200 37,38,39 S.P 200 217 286 D Rus VOR
7205 0900 1200 44,49 VLD 250 230 218 D Rus VOR
7205 1200 1500 29SE,30SW,39,40MSK 250 159 156 D Rus VOR
7205 1300 1500 43,44,49 TCH 250 200 288 D Rus VOR
7205 1500 1800 39,40 ARM 100 157 206 D Rus VOR
7210 2300 0700 12,14,16 MSK 500 267 217 D Rus VOR
7245 2000 1600 35 KHB 100 64 875 D Rus RRS
7270 1400 1700 38,39 MSK 250 190 158 D Rus VOR
7280 0700 1500 24,25 IRK 100 44 288 D Rus VOR
7285 2000 2200 38,39 NVS 250 240 218 D Rus VOR
7295 1300 1500 43N,44N NVS 250 120 218 D Rus VOR
7305 1000 1400 42,43,44,49 IRK 250 180 288 D Rus VOR
7305 1600 1800 42,44,49 NVS 250 145 288 D Rus VOR
7310 1230 1500 27,28 MSK 250 267 158 D Rus RRS
7320 1600 1900 27 MSK 250 285 158 D Rus VOR
7335 1100 1600 44,45 IRK 100 110 288 D Rus VOR
7335 1800 2000 41,53 TCH 250 230 218 D Rus VOR
7385 1400 1800 39,40 ARM 100 188 218 D Rus VOR
7385 1600 1800 53 TCH 200 240 288 D Rus VOR
9420 1100 1500 43,44 P.K 250 263 288 D Rus VOR
9440 1100 1500 44 IRK 100 125 288 D Rus VOR
9480 1500 1700 28,37 MSK 250 240 218 D Rus VOR
9560 1600 1900 49 P.K 250 247 288 D Rus VOR
9580 1100 1500 43,44 KHB 100 218 217 D Rus VOR
9625 0800 1500 27,28 KLG 15 220 141 N Rus VOR
9625 1600 2000 28 MSK 250 240 218 D Rus VOR
9635 1900 2200 41 IRK 15 224 217 N Rus VOR
9650 1500 1700 28SE KLG 60 205 142 D Rus VOR
9735 1700 1900 38,39,47,48 MSK 500 193 288 D Rus VOR
9775 1400 2000 39 MSK 200 190 217 D Rus VOR
9790 1800 2000 30S,31SW MSK 250 117 288 D Rus VOR
9800 1400 1600 41 IRK 15 224 287 N Rus VOR
9820 1500 2300 27,28,29 MSK 250 275 158 D Rus VOR
9830 0800 1600 30 ARM 100 104 217 D Rus VOR
9830 1700 2200 38,39 IRK 250 290 288 D Rus VOR
9860 1800 2200 27,28,37NW MSK 200 270 217 D Rus VOR
9870 0900 1300 29SW MSK 200 190 217 D Rus VOR
9870 1300 1500 41 TCH 500 240 288 D Rus VOR
9880 1500 1800 49 P.K 250 247 288 D Rus VOR
9890 1300 1500 45 P.K 250 241 288 D Rus VOR
9895 0700 1000 43,44 KHB 100 218 217 D Rus VOR
11620 0700 1000 27S,28W,37N SMF 250 312 218 D Rus VOR
11655 2200 0100 43,44 KHB 100 218 217 D Rus VOR
11680 1000 1200 41 TCH 500 240 288 D Rus VOR
11740 1600 2100 27NE,28NW ARM 500 290 217 D Rus VOR
11770 1400 1900 41 ARM 500 110 217 D Rus VOR
11900 0400 0700 1,2,6,7,8,9 P.K 250 64 288 D Rus VOR
11935 1000 1200 44 NVS 250 120 288 D Rus VOR
11960 0000 0400 41 IRK 250 224 287 D Rus VOR
11975 1300 1400 40,41W ARM 250 110 238 D Rus VOR
12010 0300 0700 1,2,6 P.K 200 61 288 D Rus VOR
12015 0700 0900 42,44,49 IRK 250 180 288 D Rus VOR
12035 1100 1300 41 IRK 15 224 287 N Rus VOR
12060 1800 2200 27,28,36,37 MSK 250 240 218 D Rus VOR
12060 2300 0300 11,12 ARM 500 290 217 D Rus VOR
12065 0300 0500 30S,31SW MSK 250 117 288 D Rus VOR
12065 1200 1600 38,39 MSK 250 190 158 D Rus VOR
12070 0300 0700 1,2,6 P.K 250 67 288 D Rus VOR
12070 1600 2300 27,28 MSK 250 285 217 D Rus VOR
12085 0300 0700 30S,31 IRK 100 263 288 D Rus VOR
13645 1100 1500 43,44 P.K 200 263 288 D Rus VOR
13770 1200 1500 28 S.P 200 217 286 D Rus VOR
13820 0800 1600 28 MSK 250 267 158 D Rus RRS
15170 1100 1500 44 P.K 200 247 288 D Rus VOR
15520 0100 0500 39,40 ARM 100 104 217 D Rus VOR
15525 1300 1700 30S,31SW MSK 250 117 288 D Rus VOR
15740 0700 1100 27,28 MSK 40 261 218 N Rus VOR
17615 0200 0400 43,44 KHB 100 218 217 D Rus VOR
17615 0400 0600 43,44 KHB 100 218 217 D Rus VOR
17735 1100 1500 39,40 ARM 100 104 217 D Rus VOR
17755 1200 1500 41,49 MSK 250 100 217 D Rus VOR
17760 0400 0800 30 ARM 100 104 218 D Rus VOR
17770 2300 0200 44 P.K 200 247 288 D Rus VOR
17880 0200 0700 43,44 KHB 100 218 217 D Rus VOR
(GFC Aug 30)
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii -
XYZ Sep 03, 2016 15:31 UTC No.1571 TNX!! Nono(Japan) and S.Hasegawa(Japan) !
5900kHz Radio Rossii, s/off at -1500* with Russia National Anthem
*1100-1500* or *1000-1500* ??, Also check tomorrow ...
TNX! Okamura :
TNX! Nakanaka:
7245kHz Radio Rossii -
XYZ Sep 04, 2016 04:11 UTC No.1572 -0400- 7245kHz Radio Rossii
Website :
According to the list of the above:
5900 kHz 1100-1500 43,44 KHB 100 218 217 D Rus VOR
7245 kHz 2000-1600 35 KHB 100 64 875 D Rus RRS
My YouTube:
5900kHz(-1200-) :
7245kHz(-0500-) :
Radio Rossii : Extraordinary broadcast for the corresponding to the typhoon disaster in Primorye ?? -
XYZ Sep 04, 2016 06:40 UTC No.1573 TNX! Loop(Japan) :
Extraordinary broadcast for the corresponding to the typhoon disaster
in Primorye.
Google translate : Russian --> English
In connection with the introduction of the regime at the federal level emergency
in the Primorsky region of the typhoon "Layonrok" and to increase public awareness
zone, 3 September in Primorye in the communications center in an area with.
Razdolnoe launched a transmitter power of 75 kW on medium wave (AM mode) for
broadcast at a frequency of 810 kHz radio "Radio Russia. Primorye". This "West
Primorye" was reported at the branch RTRS "Seaside KRTPTS".
As explained communicators in the next two days, the transmitter power will be
increased to cover the maximum possible area of Primorsky Krai. "Radio Russia.
Primorye" at a frequency of 810 kHz (medium wave) planned to carry out before the
removal of the regime of emergencies.
Source: "News: Primorye" []
Re: RUSSIA : 9895kHz / 7245kHz Radio Rossii -
XYZ Sep 04, 2016 07:02 UTC No.1574 -0400(noticed) -0700* 7245kHz
*0700- 9895kHz
According to the list of the above:
5900 kHz 1100-1500 43,44 KHB 100 218 217 D Rus VOR
7245 kHz 2000-1600 35 KHB 100 64 875 D Rus RRS
9895 kHz 0700 1000 43,44 KHB 100 218 217 D Rus VOR
The actual received ...:
5900kHz (1100)- 1500*
7245kHz (0400)- 0700*
9895kHz *0700 -
** (): noticed
Re: RUSSIA : 9895/ 7245/ 5900/ 810kHz Radio Rossii -
XYZ Sep 04, 2016 10:02 UTC No.1576 Radio Rossii
*????-0700* 7245kHz
*0700-1000* 9895kHz
*1000-1500* 5900kHz, 810kHz(fade in)
Re: RUSSIA : 9895/ 7245/ 5900kHz Radio Rossii -
XYZ Sep 05, 2016 00:10 UTC No.1581 Radio Rossii
Now, tone signal(about 800Hz):
-2323- 7245kHz
-2343- 9895kHz
-2345- 5900kHz, -2358*
It had been sent in order to switch.
-0050- 72745kHz signal on/off. No-modulation strong carrier.
-0105- 5900kHz, no-modulation strong carrier.
Re: RUSSIA : 9895/ 7245/ 5900kHz Radio Rossii -
XYZ Sep 05, 2016 02:02 UTC No.1582 *0200- 7245kHz
*0200-0700* 7245kHz
*0700-1000* 9895kHz
*1000-1500* 5900kHz
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii Local program -
XYZ Sep 05, 2016 03:28 UTC No.1583 Special TNX!! S.HASEGAWA(Japan) and KONSU(Japan)
Local programs:
Time that could local program is being broadcast;
There is a possibility that there is an announcement
of the local stations (Local SA/ID) in the local program.
Radio Rossii Primor'e
2110-2200 weekday Local program
2210-2300 weekday Local program
2310-2400 weekend Local program
0210-0300 daily Local program
Teleradiokompaniya Dal'nevostochnaya (Khabarovsk)
2110-2200 weekday Local program
2310-2400 Sunday Local program
0110-0200 Saturday Local program
0210-0300 weekday Local program
** Radio Rossii website:
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii - Program -
XYZ Sep 05, 2016 08:55 UTC No.1584 Special TNX!! KONSU(Japan) and INOUE(Japan)!!
UTC Freq Program Live stream
XX00-XX10(every hour) News, //-
0200-0300 7245kHz, -- sorry no check --
0300-0700 7245kHz, //-
0700-0810 9895kHz, //-
0810-0900 9895kHz, //-
0900-0910 9895kHz, News, //-
0910-1300 9895/5900kHz, //-
1300-1310 5900kHz,
1310-1400 5900kHz,
1400-1410 5900kHz,
1410-1500 5900kHz,
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii - Vladivostok -
Ron Howard Sep 05, 2016 14:36 UTC No.1587 Radio Rossii - Vladivostok
RUSSIA. 5900, R. Rossii via Vladivostok, 1254, Sept 5. Site
based upon hearing "radio companion Vladivostok"; ToH pips
and "Radio Rossii" ID; into the news. Much better reception
today and not as much noise, which I assume is produced
via their transmitter. My audio at .
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii -
XYZ Sep 05, 2016 14:54 UTC No.1589 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !
In Japan the bulletin board do we had to check the structure of
the program, but it is too difficult for me...
Special thanks to S.HASEGAWA, KONSU and INOUE !!!
1210-1300 5900kHz This may be special local broadcast of
"Radio Rossii Primor'e".
1300-1310 5900kHz National net of news
1310-1400 5900khz talk show is a live streaming parallel
of Chita and Yakutsk
1400-1410 5900kHz National net of news
1410-1500 5900kHz live streaming parallel of this program
also Chita, these are thought to Radio Rossii
of the program from Moscow.
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii MW:810kHz -
XYZ Sep 05, 2016 15:29 UTC No.1590 -1525-
810kHz still on air !, (SW s/off), heavy QRM of
AFN-Tokyo on co-channel.
Time until either the broadcast ??
-1600* 810kHz(maybe s/off), test tone signal
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii, SA -
XYZ Sep 05, 2016 16:32 UTC No.1592 TNX!! Ron-san, FB audio !
** -1254- clear SA
Yes, clear ID almost at the beginning
"Gosudarstvennaya Teleradiokompania Vladivostok".
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii -
Ron Howard Sep 05, 2016 23:03 UTC No.1593 Thanks to Sei-ichi !!
- - - - posted to DXLD yg:
Dear Ron,
Gosudarstvennaya Teleradiokompaniya Vladivostok is the operating
company of Radio Rossii Primor'e.
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii -
XYZ Sep 06, 2016 05:15 UTC No.1595 Sep 05, 1200UTC - Sep 06(today)
see also;
RUS DX -888 :
INOUE(Japan) :
KONSU(Japan) :
*0200-0210 7245kHz New relay of central, //-
0210-0300 7245kHz Local program of "Radio Rossii Primor'e"
0300-0310 7245kHz News relay of central
0310-0400 7245kHz ?
0400-0410 7245kHz News relay of central
0410-0500 7245kHz //-
0500-0510 7245kHz News relay of central
0510-0600 7245kHz //-
0600-0610 7245kHz News relay of central
0610-0700* 7245kHz //-
*0700-0710 9895kHz News relay of central
0710-0800 9895kHz
0800-0810 9895kHz News relay of central
0810-0900 9895kHz
0900-0910 9895kHz News relay of central
0910-1000* 9895kHz
*1000-1010 5900kHz News relay of central
1010-1100 5900kHz
1100-1110 5900kHz News relay of central
1110-1200 5900kHz
1200-1210 5900kHz News relay of central
1210-1300 5900kHz This may be special local broadcast of
"Radio Rossii Primor'e"
1300-1310 5900kHz News relay of central
1310-1400 5900khz //- Chita and Yakutsk
1400-1410 5900kHz News relay of central
1410-1500* 5900kHz //-Chita, maybe program from Moscow.
-1600* 810kHz
** News : Pararel with Center //-
Special thanks : S.HASEGAWA, KONSU and INOUE !!
810kHz Radio Rossii, //5900kHz, QRM of AFN-Tokyo
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii -
XYZ Sep 06, 2016 16:09 UTC No.1598 TNX! MAUNO@WRTH and Anatoly Klepov !
...the complete schedule:
0200-0700 7245kHz
0700-1000 9895kHz
1000-1500 5900kHz
1500-2100 7350kHz
**CNR-11 till -1605* on 7350kHz.
-1605- 7350kHz No signal in my location (Akita/Japan).
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii 7350kHz -
XYZ Sep 07, 2016 10:39 UTC No.1599 TNX! INOUE
Radio Rossii 7350kHz
*2005-2010 Radio Rossii
2010-2100* Local program
Re: RUSSIA : NBC Sakha - Yakutsk, 7295kHz, 7345kHz -
Ron Howard Sep 07, 2016 14:45 UTC No.1600 RUSSIA. 7295, R. Sakha, via Yakutsk, 1026-1101, Sept 6. Pop
songs; 1051 usual "Radio Sakha" ID, along with ads; ToH Jew's
Harp IS and time pips; almost fair. 7295 the stronger transmitter,
with // 7345 much weaker.
5900, Radio Rossii, via presumed Vladivostok, *1000, Sept 6.
Transmitter suddenly on and audio quickly followed; strong OTH
radar (later off); news in Russian with sound bites; 1010 usual
"Radio Rossii" ID; traditional Russian song; their national network.
1103 news (no OTH radar); 1110 usual "Radio Rossii" ID; pop hit
song (sounded like a Prince song); their national network.
Radio Rossii Primorye: by 1250 good signal strength but had
intermittent crackling (assume their transmitter); 1257 not the
usual Radio Rossii ID, but instead the unique ID of "Radio
Rossii Primorye"; ToH time pips and usual "Radio Rossii" ID;
1300 into their national network.
So 1210 to 1300 is indeed local programming (not the national
network), which conforms nicely with Sei-ichi Hasegawa (Japan)
posting (thanks very much Sei-ichi):
"Radio Rossii Premor'e Local Px at 1210-1300UT on 5900kHz
via ???(Khabarovsk). As ID "V efire Radio Rossii Primor'e".
It seems to be a special service of the flood damage by typhoon
My audio of ID through ToH today at .
Special thanks to Mauno Ritola for his Russian linguistic assistance
yesterday. I never would have made the connect from my hearing
"radio companion Vladivostok" to the actual correct ID of
"Gosudarstvennaya Teleradiokompania Vladivostok". Well done!
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii 7350kHz/ 810kHz -
XYZ Sep 07, 2016 15:34 UTC No.1601 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU!
Radio Rossii
-1500* 5900kHz
*1500- 7350kHz, QRM of China on co-freq. // MW810kHz
MW 810kHz maybe s/off at -1600*, Difficult to understand
in the interference of the AFN-Tokyo, but will not be heard.
-1615- 7350kHz strong signal but no-modulation
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii -
XYZ Sep 08, 2016 04:49 UTC No.1604 Radio Rossii
*0200-0700* 7245kHz, 810kHz
*0700-1000* 9895kHz, 810kHz
*1000-1500* 5900kHz, 810kHz
*1500-1600* 7350kHz, 810kHz
*2000-2100* 7350kHz, 810kHz
2100-0200 810kHz
** Including guess schedule
** 810kHz *2000-1600*
** 0200-1600 switching 4 frequencies
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii 5900kHz -
Ron Howard Sep 08, 2016 19:30 UTC No.1608 RUSSIA. 5900, Radio Rossii Primorye via Vladivostok on Sept 8.
Non-stop monologue 1231-1247; followed by pop songs; local
"Radio Rossii Primorye" SA/IDs at 1250, 1253 and 1257; fair-good.
5900, Radio Rossii (national network), 1300, Sept 8. Switched
from local programming to national network; time pips; "Radio
Rossii" SA/ID and the news. My audio (very clear "Radio Rossii
Primorye" SA/ID) at .
BTW - No possibility of MW 810 reception at my QTH, as KGO
San Francisco is a powerhouse here
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii 5900kHz -
XYZ Sep 09, 2016 00:23 UTC No.1611 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !
TNX! FB audio and SA(ID) !!
My Location(Akita/Japan) will hear medium wave(810kHz) so
close the distance between the transmission area at night.
Informations of Radio Rossii, WWDXC, RUS-DX, DXLD -
XYZ Sep 15, 2016 03:39 UTC No.1643 "Radio Rossii" INFORMATIONS
WWDXC 1267:
RUS-DX 889:
RUS-DX 888:
DXLD 16-36:
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii 7350kHz -
XYZ Sep 17, 2016 16:24 UTC No.1661 Sep 17
Radio Rossii
1500-1600 7350kHz No broadcast, MW 810kHz only
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii, Radio Sakha -
Ron Howard Sep 18, 2016 17:05 UTC No.1664 Russian elections and Radio Rossii
Sept 18, elections held to vote in 450 seats of the
Russian lower chamber of the parliament and also
vote in many regional and municipal elections.
Full story:
"Special measures were also taken so elections could
be successfully held in the Russian Far East region of
Primorsky Krai [informally known as Primorye, with
administrative center at the city of Vladivostok - Ron],
which borders China. It was hit by severe flooding not
long before the elections and more than 20,000 people
were affected by the disaster. Ballots were delivered to the
settlements hit by the deluge by the Russian Emergency
Ministry (EMERCOM) in special vehicles along with
humanitarian aid."
Sept 17 & 18, during 1210-1300, was only hearing the
national network programs for "Radio Rossii" on 5900;
mostly music programs and many songs in English
(Queen with "Bohemian Rhapsody," etc.); many "Radio
Rossii" IDs. So no more local "Radio Rossii Primorye"
programs after Sept 15.
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii, Radio Sakha -
XYZ Sep 18, 2016 18:57 UTC No.1666 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU!
The election was over. How will the broadcast of SW/MW
When the disaster is settling ? I am glad if you(Radio Rossii)
follow the broadcast continued.
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii -
XYZ Sep 19, 2016 16:22 UTC No.1669 TNX! Vasily Gulyaev @WRTH Facebook
Radio Rossii
The situation has shown the folly of taking a decision
on the closure of high-power MW and SW transmitters.
Maybe at least some conclusions do?
Google Translation Russian --> English
RTRS provided SW and SW broadcasting regions of Primorye,
which because of the typhoon was interrupted broadcasting
of television programs
August 31, 2016 an emergency due to a typhoon was introduced
in the Primorsky Territory. According to the information of
the main emergency department in the Primorsky Territory, the
most affected by the typhoon settlements Kavalerovo,
Chuguevsky and Terneisky area.
Technological network RTRS in the Primorye Territory has
156 objects of digital terrestrial television. TV and
radio broadcasting coverage is more than 99% population
of the province. Automatic network monitoring system
allowed to respond quickly to emerging issues and to
monitor the effects of weather events on television
and radio broadcasting facilities. Key objects RTRS
ensure continuity of the broadcast media.
However, the power supply of a number of objects have
been interrupted as a result of the typhoon. Without
air television were 45 settlements or 33 thousand.
Residents (1.9% of the territory).
Less than a day RTRS branch "Seaside KRTPTS" reopen
powerful transmitters broadcasting, carried out
functional test engineering and technical systems.
From 18:00 (MSK) organized on September 2 broadcast
of the program "Radio of Russia" with inserts STRC
"Vladivostok" in the midrange. 03:00 (MSK) 3 September
began broadcasting in the HF band. MW and SW broadcasts
covered the entire territory of Primorsky Krai.
Information about this brought to the Emergency
Situations Ministry and the regional administration.
Works were carried out in close cooperation with
the Situation Centre Roskomnadzor.
To ensure power supply de-energized objects as
restore road communications branch RTRS mobilized
mobile diesel generator sets and emergency prevention
group. An additional measure was the transfer of
mobile complexes of the Khabarovsk Territory.
As of 4:00 am (MSK) 17th September 2016 the work
of all the objects RTRS network restored in full.
Broadcasting in MW and SW bands scheduled to continue
for another week.
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii, Radio Sakha -
Ron Howard Sep 20, 2016 11:58 UTC No.1675 RE: Radio Sakha on early
Sept 20, on 7345, at 0946, heard Radio Sakha already
on the air before their normal sign on time of 1000. At
1000 IS (Jew's harp) and 4 + 1 time pips; into the news.
Clearly this 7345 signal was via their much stronger
7295 on the other hand was well below threshold level
audio at 0947 and during subsequent checking till 1041;
found I was unable to even confirm was // to 7345, as
the signal was so weak.
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii, Radio Sakha -
XYZ Sep 20, 2016 12:26 UTC No.1676 Yes, Ron-san. Recent 7295kHz is weak signal in my location,
7345kHz is strong signal as before. Especially today of
7295kHz of state, the signal How can look do not know all
the contents.
7295kHz, 7345kHz Radio Sakha
5900kHz, 810kHz Radio Rossii
7295kHz c/off around -1300*, 7345kHz did not understand
well and strong China CNR-1.
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii, Radio Sakha -
XYZ Sep 21, 2016 09:42 UTC No.1678 Note;
7295kHz Radio Sakha, weak signal
7345kHz Radio Sakha, fair signal, see IMG file ***
Radio Rossii Primor'e stopped -
XYZ Sep 21, 2016 15:36 UTC No.1681 TNX! Vasily Gulyaev @WRTH Facebook
Google translate : Russian --> English
Primorsky branch RTRS restore the broadcasting of all objects
RTRS Branch "Primorsk KRTPTS" restored full operation of all
facilities-air television and radio broadcast, affected by the
typhoon "Layonrok". Employees seaside RTRS branch in emergency
situations conducted repair work and checked the signal parameters.
All transmission means working in normal mode, broadcast quality
meets the legal standards. At the moment, there is still no road
connection with 10 communication objects, according to the
satellite-based monitoring system, their work is not compromised
and is being broadcast teleradiosignala.
In this regard, RTRS stopped broadcasting "Radio Russia" programs
on medium and short waves on the night of 22 to 23 of September.
We recall that on 31 August, after the devastation inflicted by
the typhoon and the introduction of emergency in the region, less
than a day RTRS reopen powerful transmitters broadcasting, carried
out functional test engineering and technical systems and began
to broadcast "Radio Russia" in HF and SW bands in Primorye Territory.
7350kHz China only, no signal Radio Rossii, 810kHz still on air..
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii, Radio Sakha -
Ron Howard Sep 21, 2016 18:35 UTC No.1683 RUSSIA. Radio Rossii via Vladivostok. Has been
great fun recently to be able to again hear "Radio
Rossii" on SW and a first for me, to hear the local
programs of "Radio Rossii Primorye."
This came about due to two events: cyclone "Lionrock,・
which battered the Primorye region and the national/
regional elections. As the elections are over, it is no
surprise they are now closing down the MW and SW
operations, but maybe now people in government will
take notice that there is still a vital use for SW.
5900, Radio Rossii, on Sept 21 (1110-1124); "Radio
Rossii" ID at the end of the news; pops songs (The
Beatles with "While My Guitar Gently Weeps," etc.);
audio better and stronger than the last few days, but
still with audio hum.
Thanks to Hiroyuki Komatsubara (Japan), for his alert of
the Facebook page (WRTH) posting of Vasily Gulyaev:
(Google translation of a portion of the story)
"In this regard, RTRS stopped broadcasting "Radio
Russia" programs on medium and short waves on
the night of 22 to 23 of September."
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii -
XYZ Sep 22, 2016 05:41 UTC No.1684 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
-0530- 7245kHz Radio Rossii, strong signal, local program
not //-
**Program schedule see also :
-0839- 9895kHz Radio Rossii, strong signal, // MW810kHz
Is tonight the last of the broadcast ? ... or tomorrow ?
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii -
XYZ Sep 22, 2016 14:28 UTC No.1688 -1418-(noticed)
Radio rossii 5900kHz no signal, (9895, 7350, 7245, 810kHz no signal)
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii, Radio Sakha -
Ron Howard Sep 23, 2016 05:48 UTC No.1689 RUSSIA. 5900, Radio Rossii via Vladivostok, 1116, Sept 22.
Probably their last day of broadcasting; music program of pop
hit songs in English (The Animals with "House Of The Rising
Sun," The Ronettes with "Be My Baby," etc.); 1253 many IDs
for "Radio Rossii." so no local programs from Radio Rossii
Primorye at this time for their last airing.
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Rossii Primor'e, Last Broadcast on Sept 22 at -1400* -
XYZ Sep 25, 2016 10:14 UTC No.1704 Radio Rossii Primor'e
Last Broadcast on Sept 22 at -1400*
BLOG (Japanese):
Special thanks to "BCL Info NET" for your FB Movie !!
YouTube(Limited release):
MW 810kHz -1400* Sign off
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Sakha -
XYZ Oct 04, 2016 13:48 UTC No.1750 Note;
Radio Sakha
-1346- still on air 7295//7345kHz, extended
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Sakha schedule changed ? -
XYZ Oct 05, 2016 13:03 UTC No.1753 Radio Sakha
-1300- 7295//7345kHz
Do not s/off, extension ?? or changed schedule ??
1300- talk male
According to the program schedule, it seems to be following
the broadcast time:
** Yakutsk Time (YAKT) = UTC + 9hr
Oct 05 2130-1400 Wed -1400* OK
06 2130-1400 Thu -1400* OK
07 2130-1400 Fri -1400* OK
08 2100-1200 ** Sat
09 2200-1345 ** Sun
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Sakha ; Oct 10 - Oct 16 -
XYZ Oct 10, 2016 12:52 UTC No.1762 Radio Sakha
Program Schedule:
** Yakutsk Time (YAKT) = UTC + 9hr
Oct 10 2130-1400 Mon
11 2130-1400 Tue
12 2130-1400 Wed
13 2100-1400 Thu
14 2130-1415 Fri
15 2200-1315 Sat
16 2200-1315 Sun
** 7295//7345kHz, Broadcast time in the short-wave is unknown..
Re: Radio Sakha -
XYZ Oct 02, 2017 09:56 UTC No.2602 Radio Sakha
changed schedule ?
-0833- 7345kHz
About the channel
The channel NBC "SAHA" produces information, analytical, journalistic,
music, entertainment, educational, sports, cultural and educational
programs for children, which are produced in Russian, Yakut and Evenk
Evenk language ? Sorry, I am the first language to hear..
They seem to be using 3 languages on their program.
Wikipedia(Evanki) :
RUSSIA : Radio Sakha, New schedule on SW (Oct 2017) -
XYZ Oct 15, 2017 09:32 UTC No.2632 Radio Sakha, New schedule since Oct.
Thanks to NONO(Japan) !! :
Weekday *0800-
Sat & Sun *0900-
** According to their schedule, Sunday seems to s/off early.
It is necessary to investigate s/on time of the morning and
the broadcasting time of short-wave during the day.
Re: RUSSIA : Radio Sakha - This week's programs -
XYZ Dec 17, 2017 03:26 UTC No.2855 Radio Sakha, 7345kHz (7295kHz off air)
This week's programs.
(Dec 18 - Dec 25 , 2017)
Winter schdule since Oct 2017
Morning: 2100-2400 12345-- (weekday)
2200-2400 -----67 (Sat, Sunday)
Daytime: 0000-0500 123456
Night : 0800-1300 12345-- (weekday)
0900-1300 -----67 (Sat, Sunday)
** Google translation : Russian to English
Radio Rossii 5940kHz -
XYZ Jan 24, 2018 22:12 UTC No.2969 Note;
5940kHz Radio Rossii, SA at -2156-
YouTube :
Re: Radio Rossii 5940kHz -
XYZ Jan 25, 2018 21:16 UTC No.2976 Note:
-2000- Open carrier, no modulation
(noticed)-2040-2050 Local language ?
2050-2100 Russian
2100 SA in Russian "Radio Rossii"
2100- Russian
Sorry, I could not confirm the s/on time, because I was snow shaving ..
audio at -2100- :
Special Thanks MAUNO !!
SA "Kamchatskoye Radio"
Re: Radio Rossii 5940kHz -
XYZ Jan 26, 2018 01:45 UTC No.2980 Note;
-0137- 5940kHz, Russian, Not //
It seems that it is divided and broadcasted.
0200- Sounded like as "Kamchatka Radio ..."(same as : ),
Pips, News
Investigating ..
(2000)-2200* Local language and Russian
(0100)-0300* Russian
Re: Radio Rossii - Kamchatka 5940kHz -
XYZ Jan 26, 2018 22:33 UTC No.2987 -2030- 5940kHz Today there was no broadcast. (Local time is Saturday)
Thanks to HISATAKA and INOUE ! (Our japanese website): ~ #8315
There was no broadcast during 0600-0800 UTC.
Thanks INOUE:
Because there is no local program on (Local time)Saturday
and Sunday broadcasting may be off.
Re: Radio Rossii - Kamchatka -
XYZ Jan 27, 2018 07:40 UTC No.2990 Memo:
Radio Rossii - Kamchatka
Radio Rossii - GTRK Kamchatka Radio : extraordinary broadcast ??
Time (UTC) English Russian
1900-1910 Su-Th News-Kamchatka (Vesti-Kamchatka)
2030-2040 Su-Th News-Kamchatka (Vesti-Kamchatka)
2040-2100 Su-Th News-Kamchatka (Vesti-Kamchatka) **language of the peoples of the North.
0230-0240 Mo-Fr News-Kamchatka (Vesti-Kamchatka)
0710-0730 Mo-Fr News-Kamchatka (Vesti-Kamchatka) **language of the peoples of the North.
0930-0940 Mo-Fr News-Kamchatka (Vesti-Kamchatka)
... Other times are local programs.
See also :
5940kHz Radio Rossii - Kamchatka ; It may be the following program:
2010-2030 Su-Th Local program
2030-2040 Su-Th News-Kamchatka (Vesti-Kamchatka)
2040-2100 Su-Th News-Kamchatka (Vesti-Kamchatka) **language of the peoples of the North.
2100-2200 Su-Th ??
0110-0230 Mo-Fr Local program
0230-0240 Mo-Fr News-Kamchatka (Vesti-Kamchatka)
0240-0300 Mo-Fr Local program
Broadcasting time:
2010-2100 5940kHz
0110-0300 5940kHz
............. 2100-2200 5940kHz ??
Old frequencies on LW/MW in Kamchatka erea:
180kHz Radio Rossii
576kHz Radio Mayak
738kHz Radio Rossii
1008kHz Radio Yunost
1062kHz Radio Mayak
1233kHz Yumor FM
1485kHz Radio Rossii
1584kHz Radio Rossii
Re: Radio Rossii - Kamchatka -
XYZ Jan 27, 2018 11:39 UTC No.2991 Thanks K.INOUE !!
Radio Rossii - Kamchatka
Other reference links:
GTRK-Kamchatska :
Latest Program schedule :
GTRK - Kamchatka, Programs - Jan 29 to Feb 02 -
XYZ Jan 27, 2018 15:27 UTC No.2992 Program of GTRK "Kamchatka" programs on the radio channel "Radio of Russia"
Monday January 29 (UTC:Jan 28, *1900 -) to February 02 (UTC:Feb 02, -1000*)
All Times UTC. ** Translated by Google : Russian to English
Monday January 29 (UTC Jan 28, *1900 to Jan 29, -1000*)
1900-1910, 2030-2040, 0130-0140, 0230-0240, 0930-0940 "Vesti - Kamchatka"
2040-2100, 0710-0730 "Vesti-Kamchatka" (in the languages of the peoples of the North) "
1910-1930 "Calendar for the week"
2010-2030 "The Great Change"
0110-0130 "Housing and management" (live broadcast)
0140-0200 "Housing and management" (live broadcast)
0210-0230 "Not strangers" (repeat)
0240-0300 "Sports interest" (live broadcast)
0910-0930 "Score"
0940-1000 "Score"
Tuesday January 30 (UTC Jan 29, *1900 to Jan 30, -1000*)
1900-1910, 2030-2040, 0130-0140, 0230-0240, 0930-0940 "Vesti - Kamchatka"
2040-2100, 0710-0730 "Vesti-Kamchatka" (in the languages of the peoples of the North) "
1910-1930 "Kamchatka weekdays of the twentieth century" (repeat)
2010-2030 "Sports interest" (repeat)
0110-0130 "City and townspeople" (live broadcast)
0140-0200 "City and townspeople" (live broadcast)
0210-0230 "The Great Change"
0230-0300 "Such news" (live broadcast)
0910-0930 "Housing and management" (repeat)
0940-1000 "Housing and management" (repeat)
Wednesday January 31 (UTC Jan 30, *1900 to Jan 31, -1000*)
1900-1910, 2030-2040, 0130-0140, 0230-0240, 0930-0940 "Vesti - Kamchatka"
2040-2100, 0710-0730 "Vesti-Kamchatka" (in the languages of the peoples of the North) "
1910-1930 "Vilyuchinsk. Day after day"
2010-2030 "Such news" (repeat)
0110-0130 "Song as a gift"
0140-0200 "Vector of time"
0210-0220 "Press Review
0220-0230 "About sport"
0240-0300 "The city police are with you" (live broadcast)
0910-0930 "Town and townspeople" (repeat)
0940-1000 "City and townspeople" (repeat)
Thursday February 01 (UTC Jan 31, *1900 to Feb 01, -1000*)
1900-1910, 2030-2040, 0130-0140, 0230-0240, 0930-0940 "Vesti - Kamchatka"
2040-2100, 0710-0730 "Vesti-Kamchatka" (in the languages of the peoples of the North) "
1910-1920 "Press review" (repeat)
1920-1930 "Calendar for the week" (repeat)
2010-2030 "The city police are with you" (repeat)
0110-0130 "For the book cover"
0140-0200 "The page of local historian"
0210-0230 "Score" (repeat)
0240-0300 "Score" (repeat)
0910-0930 "The Kamchatka weekdays of the twentieth century"
0940-1000 "Tales of the Grandmother of Yani"
Friday, February 02 (UTC Feb 01, *1900 to Feb 02, -1000*)
1900-1910, 2030-2040, 0130-0140, 0230-0240, 0930-0940 "Vesti - Kamchatka"
2040-2100, 0710-0730 "Vesti-Kamchatka" (in the languages of the peoples of the North) "
1910-1930 "Actual interview" (repeat)
2010-2030 "The page of the regional specialist" (repeat)
0110-0130 "Song as a gift"
0140-0200 "The Reserve Kamchatka"
0210-0230 "On Your Wave" (live broadcast)
0240-0300 "On your wave" (live broadcast)
0910-0930 "Not strangers"
0940-1000 "Sports interest" (repeat)
Re: Radio Rossii - Kamchatka (GTRK - Kamchatka) -
XYZ Jan 29, 2018 20:53 UTC No.2996 According to reports from DXer of Russia, it seems that it was broadcasting
around 16:00 UTC on January 29. Thanks Igor Gashin !!
Good news! Radio Rossii is now on air again!
Nice catch! 73!
See also :
** Jan 28 and 29, They did not broadcast on 5940 kHz around -2100- ..
Re: Radio Rossii - Kamchatka (GTRK - Kamchatka) -
Ron Howard Jan 30, 2018 02:18 UTC No.2997
> Memo:
> Radio Rossii - Kamchatka
> Broadcasting time:
> 0710-0730
Years ago I often enjoyed listening to Radio Rossii - Kamchatka, from
0710+, with fairly good reception (per my 2013 audio
Jan 29 (Monday), at 0710+, I checked 5940, for possible reception, but
clearly not on the air at that time. In past years they were always not
broadcasting on Saturday or Sunday.
Ron, listening at Asilomar State Beach (near Monterey), California
Re: Radio Rossii - Kamchatka (GTRK - Kamchatka) -
XYZ Jan 30, 2018 19:35 UTC No.2998 Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU !!
and thanks KONSU (Japan) !!
Our japanese website :
SA at 2100 ( ) sounded like :
Камчатская радио продолжить свою работу в 13:10.
А сейчас слушаете Радио России.
Kamchatskaya radio prodolzhit' svoyu rabotu v 13:10.
A seychas slushayete Radio Rossii.
Mean :
Kamchatka radio to continue its work at 13:10.
And now you are listening to Radio of Russia.
5940kHz -
XYZ Jan 30, 2018 20:13 UTC No.2999 Note;
-1530- Iran , not Russia
-1910- Ethiopia ?, not Russia
-2010- Algeria ?, not Russia
I frequently tuned, but they did not broadcast...
Re: Radio Rossii - Kamchatka (GTRK - Kamchatka) on 5940kHz -
XYZ Feb 14, 2018 05:28 UTC No.3055 >
Thanks to Ron Howard !! Audio included a clear ID !!
RUSSIA. 5940, Radio Rossii Kamchatka, assume via the Yelizovo transmitter site on
the Kamchatka peninsula; 0240-0300*, Feb 14. Very poor reception, with QRM from what
sounded like IBRA Media, Radio Sadaye Zindagi, via Al Dhabayya; OM & YL chatting
(in Russian?); 0259 music. Positive "Radio Rossii" SAs before and after 0300 time pips,
so I presume this was "Radio Rossii Kamchatka," as it fits their former schedule. The
0300* cut off happened in mid-sentence.
Have been monitoring this due to recent reports of Kamchatka testing here, made by
Hiroyuki Komatsubara (Japan) and Dave Valko (USA). Thanks also for the assistance
of Mauno Ritola (Finland).
My poor quality audio -
Ron, listening at Asilomar State Beach (near Monterey), California
It is likely to be broadcast at the following times :
1900-1930 * unconfirmed
2010-2100 ** Confirmed in January 2018.
(2100-2200 ** relay of Radio Rossii, Confirmed in January 2018)
0110-0300 ** Confirmed in January 2018.
0910-1000 * unconfirmed
... Radio Rossii 's central station may broadcast the broadcast at other times than the above.
(for example : 2100-2200)
See also..
Latest Program schedule :
Re: Radio Rossii - Kamchatka (GTRK - Kamchatka) on 5940kHz -
XYZ Feb 15, 2018 01:20 UTC No.3063 Note;
*0058- Started relay of Radio Rossii
0100-0110 Relay of News from Radio Rossii
0110-0259* Local program (in Russian)
0300-0304 +-1kHz test tone signal
0304 c/off
Today's broadcast included HAM-sound(ham-noise) and the sound quality was not good.
YouTube :
0058-0101 :
0108-0111 :
Their program schedule on Shortwave that can be guessed:
*2000-2010 - Relay of News from Radio Rossii
2010-2030 - Local program in Russian
2030-2040 - "Vesti - Kamchatka" News in Russian
2040-2100 - "Vesti - Kamchatka" News in languages of the peoples of the North
2100-2200* - Relay of Radio Rossii
*0100-0110 - Relay of News from Radio Rossii
0110-0130 - Local program in Russian
0130-0140 - "Vesti - Kamchatka" News in Russian
0140-0200 - Local program in Russian
0200-0210 - Relay of News from Radio Rossii
0210-0230 - Local program in Russian
0230-0240 - "Vesti - Kamchatka" News in Russian
0240-0300* - Local program in Russian
** Local programs have many re-broadcasts.
Re: Radio Rossii - Kamchatka (GTRK - Kamchatka) on 5940kHz -
XYZ Feb 15, 2018 22:41 UTC No.3068 Further narrowing down ... ** As of February 16, 2018
Their program schedule on Shortwave that can be guessed:
*2030-2040 - "Vesti Kamchatka" News in Russian
2040-2100 - "Vesti Kamchatka" News in languages of the peoples of the North
2100-2200* - Relay of Radio Rossii (Central)
*0100-0110 - Relay of News from Radio Rossii (Central)
0110-0130 - Local program in Russian
0130-0140 - "Vesti Kamchatka" News in Russian
0140-0200 - Local program in Russian
0200-0210 - Relay of News from Radio Rossii (Central)
0210-0230 - Local program in Russian
0230-0240 - "Vesti Kamchatka" News in Russian
0240-0300* - Local program in Russian
** Local programs have many re-broadcasts.
See also..
Latest Program schedule :
Radio Rossii - Kamchatka : Today's scheduled program (Feb/16/2018) -
XYZ Feb 16, 2018 00:02 UTC No.3069 Today's broadcast scheduled program:
*0100-0110 ** Relay of Radio Rossii (Central)
0110-0130 "Pesnya v podarok" "Song as a gift"
0130-0140 "Vesti Kamchatka" "News Kamchatka"
0140-0200 "Zapovednaya Kamchatka" "The Reserve Kamchatka"
0200-0210 ** Relay of Radio Rossii (Central)
0210-0230 "Na svoyey volne" "On Your Wave" (live broadcast)
0230-0240 "Vesti Kamchatka" "News Kamchatka"
0230-0300* "Na svoyey volne" "On Your Wave" (live broadcast)