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A16 : Broadcasting to North Korea --- XYZ - Mar 22, 2016 16:09 UTC No.1168
Previous posts;
B15 : http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:334
A15 : http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:10

A16 : March 28 2016~

[RFC] National Uniform Broadcasting
WEB: http://www.rfchosun.org/
Unified broadcasting WEB site: http://www.i-ubs.org/
Unification Media Group : http://www.unificationmediagroup.org/
SA(ID) : "Gugmin tong-il bangsong, Radio Chayu Choseon"
(National Uniform Broadcasting, Radio Free Choson)
Opening SA(ID) : http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/img/332.mp3
*1300-1600* 11550kHz

[FNK] Free North Korea Radio
WEB: http://www.fnkradio.com/
*1200-1300* 15630kHz

[NKR] North Korea Reform Radio
WEB: http://www.nkreform.com/
*1430-1530* 11570kHz
*2030-2130* 7510kHz

[VOM] Voica of Martyrs
WEB: http://vomkorea.co.kr/
*1530-1700* 7520kHz

[CMI] Voice of Wilderness
WEB: http://www.cornerstone.or.kr/
*1330-1530* 12130kHz

Open Radio for North Korea
WEB: http://www.nkradio.org/
**Shortwave broadcasts ended in November 2014,
it has been broadcast on MW & FM.


NK : Regime intensifies signal jamming against foreign radio broadcasts - XYZ Mar 22, 2016 16:29 UTC No.1169
TNX! "The SWLing Post" : http://goo.gl/c5UQHB

Daily NK : http://goo.gl/oJEBdo
"Regime intensifies signal jamming against foreign radio broadcasts"

North Korea has been from the beginning of March continually signal
jamming radio broadcasts on the shortwave frequency used by the South
Korean non-profit broadcaster Unification Media Group (UMG). Given
the present situation, in which North Korean residents might be
influenced by outside information condemning the regime and explaining
the purpose of the sanctions imposed by the United Nations, the
regime has showed the will to block sources of outside information
that might cause unrest.

The shortwave frequency band in question, 7515Khz, has been actively
jammed starting on March 1st making it extremely difficult for North
Korean listeners to tune in. On the 15, UMG organization began using
three receivers to test out reception at that and adjacent frequencies
on a daily basis and was able to confirm that the exact signal is
being jammed.

Article of continued here --> http://goo.gl/oJEBdo

Image: March 18, -1300-UTC
Recently, Unnatural suddenly began in facsimile transmission(FAX)
on 7515kHz. Is this utility stations? or new type jamming ???

7515kHz UNID signal - XYZ Mar 23, 2016 12:49 UTC No.1171

7515kHz UNID signal
-1241- : https://youtu.be/MbxsBLYmzwQ

It was sending Morse code.
Signal waveform was similar to the facsimile(FAX).

Re: 7515kHz UNID signal - XYZ Mar 24, 2016 08:29 UTC No.1175

Morse code was heard in the following manner;

REA4 REA4 ,1GT99 141YKB2KA
5200B 5GTQM1 1TT28 2O2 T8

11550kHz National Uniform Broadcasting - XYZ Mar 24, 2016 13:49 UTC No.1177
-1344-(noticed) 11550kHz National Uniform Broadcasting ?
No signal on 7525kHz/7515kHz(UNID strong carrier only)
** IBB : 13:06:36 WBT KORE 11550 XXX

11550kHz - XYZ Mar 25, 2016 12:10 UTC No.1181
11550kHz UNID Korean, -1206* ?? test?

9470kHz Free North Korea Radio

-1248- 11550kHz Babcock music, weak signal in my location.

11540kHz & 11550kHz : National Uniform Broadcasting - XYZ Mar 25, 2016 13:39 UTC No.1182
*1330- 11540kHz // 11550kHz
11540kHz fair signai, but 11550kHz is weak signal.

TX site is different ?

S.T.T.S 13:07:01 WBT KORE 11540 XXX
.M.W.F. 13:07:01 WBT KORE 11550 XXX
S.T.T.S 13:07:26 WBT KORE 11530 XXX
.M.W.F. 13:07:26 WBT KORE 11540 XXX
S.T.T.S 13:07:51 WBT VARI 7515 XXX

Re: A16 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Mar 25, 2016 14:15 UTC No.1183
TNX! HIROSHI : http://hiroshi.mediacat-blog.jp/e115583.html

A16 broadcast to North Korea

7510 North Korea Reform Radio 2030-2130 Korean Tashkent
7520 Voice of Martyrs 1530-1700 Korean Tashkent
9470 Furusato no kaze 1600-1630 Japanese Tamsui District
9560 Furusato no kaze 1430-1500 Japanese Tamsui District
9765 Wind from Japan"il bon ue baram" 1500-1530 Korean Tamsui District
9765 Wind from Japan"il bon ue baram" 1530-1600 Korean Tamsui District
9900 Furusato no kaze 1330-1357 Japanese Tamsui District
9900 Wind from Japan"il bon ue baram" 1300-1330 Korean Tamsui District
9950 Furusato no kaze 1330-1357 Japanese Tamsui District
9950 Wind from Japan"il bon ue baram" 1300-1330 Korean Tamsui District
9960 Furusato no kaze 1430-1500 Japanese Palau Medorn
9960 Furusato no kaze 1600-1630 Japanese Palau Medorn
9965 Wind from Japan"il bon ue baram" 1530-1600 Korean Palau Medorn
9975 Wind from Japan"il bon ue baram" 1500-1530 Korean Palau Medorn
11550 National Unity Radio -. UBS 1300-1600 Korean Dushanbe-Yangiyul
11570 North Korea Reform Radio 1430-1530 Korean Tashkent
12130 Voice of Wilderness 1330-1530 Korean Tashkent
15630 Radio Free North Korea 1200-1300 1Korean Tashkent

Re: 11540kHz & 11550kHz : National Uniform Broadcasting - XYZ Mar 26, 2016 13:08 UTC No.1186
National Uniform Broadcasting
*1300- 11540kHz and 11550kHz, both no Jamming

9470kHz Free North Korea Radio, *1200-

7510kHz Pips Jamming, nothing at 1320(noticed)
7515kHz UNID FAX signal, around1130-1300-1410-
7525kHz Noise Jamming, around1300-
7615kHz Pips Jamming , around1300-

A16 : SHIOKAZE new schedule - XYZ Mar 27, 2016 08:12 UTC No.1187
TNX! HIROSHI : http://hiroshi.mediacat-blog.jp/e115611.html

1300-1400 5935(300kW) or 5965(300kW) or 5985(100kW)
1405-1435 5935(300kW) or 7325(300kW) or 5985(100kW) New
1600-1700 5915(300kW) or 6090(300kW) or 6165(300kW)

A16 : A-2016 English Shortwave schedules - XYZ Mar 27, 2016 08:43 UTC No.1188
A-2016 English shortwave schedules

Prime Time Shortwave : http://www.primetimeshortwave.com/
Text list : http://www.primetimeshortwave.com/time.txt

Re: 11530kHz & 11550kHz : National Uniform Broadcasting - XYZ Mar 27, 2016 13:12 UTC No.1194
National Uniform Broadcasting
*1300- 11530kHz// 11550kHz, (QSY from 11540kHz to 11530kHz)

Re: A16 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Mar 27, 2016 13:38 UTC No.1195

*1200-1300* 15630kHz [FNK] Free North Korea Radio, (TNX! CHULSU)
*1300-1600* 11550kHz [RFC] National Uniform Broadcasting
11530kHz //11550kHz, (+ Noise Jamming)
*1330- 7615kHz [CMI] Voice of Wilderness, (still here B15 Freq.)

*1430- 11570kHz [NKR] North Korea Reform Radio, *1431-
** It began in the middle of the opening announcement.
-1430- 7590kHz, 7615kHz Pips Jamming

*1530- 7530kHz Voice of Martyrs, (TNX! CHULSU)
(7630kHz s/on maybe mistake)

*2030-2130* 7510kHz [NKR] North Korea Reform Radio, (TNX! CHULSU)

Re: A16 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Mar 30, 2016 13:43 UTC No.1210

7615kHz CMI Voice of Wildeness
11530kHz Nothing
11550kHz National Uniform Broadcasting, strong signal + Noise Jamming

Re: A16 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Mar 31, 2016 12:36 UTC No.1218

15630kHz Free North Korea Radio,

7615kHz open carrier
11530kHz NUR // 11550kHz
11550kHz NUR // 11530kHz

11550kHz National Uniform Broadcasting - XYZ Apr 02, 2016 14:14 UTC No.1224
-1412- 11530kHz No signal (National Uniform Broadcasting)
11550kHz is strong signal. QSY to 11550kHz from 11530kHz ???

Re: A16 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Apr 03, 2016 07:33 UTC No.1227
TNX! HIROSHI : http://hiroshi.mediacat-blog.jp/e115760.html

Radio Free North Korea
1200-1300 15630

National Unity Radio
1300-1600 11550

North Korea Reform Radio
1430-1530 11570
2030-2130 7510

Voica of Martyrs
1530-1612 7530
1612-1700 7520

Voice of Wilderness
1330-1530 7615

11530kHz Korean - XYZ Apr 12, 2016 13:36 UTC No.1251
A16 : Broadcasting to North Korea

7615kHz CMI Voice of Wilderness
11530kHz UNID Korean, *1330- s/on
11550kHz National Unity Radio

Acc. IBB : 1300-1600 11530kHz

Re: A16 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Apr 12, 2016 13:47 UTC No.1252
TNX! Chulsu(Korean DXer)

[NKR] North Korea Reform Radio
WEB: http://www.nkreform.com/
*1430-1530* 11570kHz
*2030-2130* 7510kHz --> 7505kHz new! since April 06, 2016.

A16 --------------------------------------------- April 12, 2016

[RFC] National Uniform Broadcasting
WEB: http://www.rfchosun.org/
*1300-1600* 11550kHz

[FNK] Free North Korea Radio
WEB: http://www.fnkradio.com/
*1200-1300* 15630kHz

[NKR] North Korea Reform Radio
WEB: http://www.nkreform.com/
*1430-1530* 11570kHz
*2030-2130* 7505kHz

[VOM] Voica of Martyrs
WEB: http://vomkorea.co.kr/
*1530-1700* 7520kHz

[CMI] Voice of Wilderness
WEB: http://www.cornerstone.or.kr/
*1330-1530* 12130kHz

Open Radio for North Korea
WEB: http://www.nkradio.org/
**Shortwave broadcasts ended in November 2014,
it has been broadcast on MW & FM.

11530kHz [FNK] Free North Korea Radio - XYZ Apr 12, 2016 14:33 UTC No.1253

11530kHz, This is "FNK Free North Korea Radio", ID at 1427.

*1330-1430* 11530kHz FNK Free North Korea Radio, test ???

** Acc. to IBB recording;
15630kHz, seems to have broadcast on schedule as usual today.

7595kHz NRK - XYZ Apr 19, 2016 21:22 UTC No.1280
[NKR] North Korea Reform Radio
WEB: http://www.nkreform.com/
*1430-1530* 11570kHz
*2030-2130* 7595kHz (ex:7505kHz)

Re: A16 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Aug 12, 2016 13:45 UTC No.1495

7605kHz CMI Voice of Wilderness, New frequency, ex:7620kHz
11550kHz National Utinity Radio

Re: A16 : Broadcasting to North Korea -Aug 17- - XYZ Aug 17, 2016 13:50 UTC No.1504
Aug 17, 2016

[RFC] National Uniform Broadcasting
WEB: http://www.rfchosun.org/
*1300-1600* 11550kHz

[FNK] Free North Korea Radio
WEB: http://www.fnkradio.com/
*1200-1300* 15630kHz

[NKR] North Korea Reform Radio
WEB: http://www.nkreform.com/
*1430-1530* 11570kHz
*2030-2130* 7595kHz

[VOM] Voica of Martyrs
WEB: http://vomkorea.co.kr/
*1530-1700* 7525kHz

[CMI] Voice of Wilderness
WEB: http://www.cornerstone.or.kr/
*1330-1530* 7605kHz

Voice of Wilderness back to 7620kHz - XYZ Aug 25, 2016 13:34 UTC No.1522
[CMI] Voice of Wilderness

*1330- 7620kHz (ex:7605kHz)

Re: A16 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Sep 15, 2016 11:08 UTC No.1647
TNX! Ivo @Bulgarian DX blog

Frequency change of North Korea Reform Radio, Sept.14
UZBEKISTAN(non) Frequency change of North Korea Reform
Radio, Sept.14:
2030-2130 NF 7585 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean,
ex 7595 via RED Telecom

Re: A16 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Oct 09, 2016 15:10 UTC No.1761

Oct 09.
11550kHz National Unity Radio, No signal

Schedule has been changed ???

National Unity Radio QSY to 7520kHz - XYZ Oct 11, 2016 13:11 UTC No.1767
National Unity Radio
(or National Unity Broadcasting Station)

New frequency of 7520kHz.
YouTube : https://youtu.be/8AefZNf6BnE

According to IBB Monitoring, Broadcast time and frequency
has changed since Oct 03, 2016.
And it was changed to the broadcast time also *1200-1500* (ex: *1300-1600*).

Voica of Martyrs QSY to 7510kHz - XYZ Oct 28, 2016 15:47 UTC No.1839
[VOM] Voica of Martyrs QSY to 7510kHz (ex: 7525kHz)

[RFC] National Unity Broadcasting
WEB: http://www.rfchosun.org/
*1200-1500* 7520kHz (ex: 11550kHz), since Oct 03

[FNK] Free North Korea Radio
WEB: http://www.fnkradio.com/
*1200-1300* 15630kHz

[NKR] North Korea Reform Radio
WEB: http://www.nkreform.com/
*1430-1530* 11570kHz
*2030-2130* 7585kHz

[VOM] Voica of Martyrs
WEB: http://vomkorea.co.kr/
*1530-1700* 7510kHz

[CMI] Voice of Wilderness
WEB: http://www.cornerstone.or.kr/
*1330-1530* 7620kHz

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