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B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea --- XYZ - Oct 28, 2015 13:43 UTC No.334
B15 schedule : Broadcasting to North Korea

Oct 27 2015

[RFC] National Uniform Broadcasting ----- New name!!!
WEB: http://www.rfchosun.org/
Unified broadcasting WEB site: http://www.i-ubs.org/
*1300-1500* 7515kHz
New ID: "Gugmin tong-il bangsong, Radio Chayu Choseon" (National Uniform Broadcasting, Radio Free Choson)
Opening SA (MP3): http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/img/332.mp3

[FNK] Free North Korea Radio
WEB: http://www.fnkradio.com/
*1200-1300* 9470kHz

[NKR] North Korea Reform Radio WEB: http://www.nkreform.com/
*1430-1530* 7590kHz

[VOM] Voica of Martyrs
WEB: http://vomkorea.co.kr/
*1600-1730* 7520kHz (ex:7530, 7510, 7505)

[CMI] Voice of Wilderness
WEB: http://www.cornerstone.or.kr/
*1330-1530* 7620kHz

Open Radio for North Korea WEB: http://www.nkradio.org/
Shortwave broadcasts ended in November 2014, it has been broadcast on MW & FM.

Also see : http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:299

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Nov 01, 2015 22:23 UTC No.341
TNX! cho. 
(This is the information from the ASIA DX bulletin board of the Japanese site
of the "Now On The Radio".)
http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/?res:1856 (sorry, in Japanese)

I'm a Korean BCLer.
RFK, anti-North Korea MW broadcast of NIS, changed their schedule.

New schedule;
1200-2100 1143kHz (ex: 1100-1900 1143kHz)

Confirmation in Japan is a valuable information so difficult.

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Nov 04, 2015 11:18 UTC No.348
1300-1330 9950
1500-1530 9975
1530-1600 9965

1330-1357 9950
1430-1500 9960
1600-1630 9975

1300-1400 7400kHz YAM 300kW
1300-1330 1...... Japanese
1300-1330 .2..... Chinese
1300-1330 ......7 Korean
1300-1400 ..3.... Japanese
1300-1400 ...4.6. Korean
1300-1400 ....5.. English
1330-1400 12..... Korean
1330-1400 ......7 Japanese

1600-1700 5990kHz YAM 300kW
1600-1630 1...... Japanese
1600-1630 .2..... Chinese
1600-1630 ......7 Korean
1600-1700 ..3.... Japanese
1600-1700 ...4.6. Korean
1600-1700 ....5.. English
1630-1700 12..... Korean
1630-1700 ......7 Japanese

TNX! HIROSHI : http://hiroshi.mediacat-blog.jp/e112732.html

[CMI] Voice of Wilderness : QSY 7620 --> 7615kHz - XYZ Nov 09, 2015 13:37 UTC No.385
[CMI] Voice of Wilderness
*1330- 7615kHz Korean SA
QSY from 7620kHz to 7515kHz today.

[RFC] National Uniform Broadcasting
-1320- 7515kHz.
National Uniform Broadcasting of 7515kHz, it had not been broadcast yesterday
has been broadcast today.

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Nov 12, 2015 13:36 UTC No.400

*1200- 9470kHz [FNK] Free North Korea Radio
*1300- 7515kHz [RFC] National Uniform Broadcasting
*1330- 7615kHz [CMI] Voice of Wilderness

*1430- 7590kHz [NKR] North Korea Reform Radio

Voice of the People - XYZ Nov 16, 2015 08:37 UTC No.410

Voice of the People - Clandestine to North Korea.

-0820- No signal : 3480, 4450kHz
-0826- 3480kHz It has repeated on/off.
** Will the bad condition of the transmitter?

** 3912, 4557, 6518, 6600kHz on the air.

Also see (Asian Broadcasting Institute): http://www.abiweb.jp/clan/clandest.htm

UNID 6215kHz test TX from South Korea ?? - XYZ Nov 25, 2015 06:18 UTC No.449
** This is the information from other bulletin board of Japan.

6215kHz Strong signal. May be TX from South Korea.

-0550- Non-stop K-Pops song : "Into The New World" (Girls Generation)
-0600- (No pips)

Program is repeated of the same song.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/e1UE8USI-Hc

YouTube("Into The New World"): https://youtu.be/K_6EiCZOsrE

Re: 6215 kHz. UNID - Ron Howard Nov 25, 2015 16:20 UTC No.452
UNIDENTIFIED. (Korea?), 6215, at 1259, Nov 25. Playing the same 
pop Korean song over and over again; "Into the New World," sung by
Girls' Generation (aka: SNSD); mostly fair; still heard at 1355. Thanks
very much to Hiroyuki Komatsubara for the alert. My audio (fair/poor
quality) at https://app.box.com/s/jbm4yh91jkwt2rqjefxv30na3r8rlko2 .

Re: 6215 kHz. UNID - Ron Howard Nov 25, 2015 17:13 UTC No.453
As Chris Kadlec points out, 6215 was once a frequency for V24:


UNID Korean 6215kHz --> 4900kHz QSY - XYZ Nov 26, 2015 08:16 UTC No.454
Ron-san, ARIGATOUGOZAIMASU! Nice report !!

-0815- Now on 4900kHz, "Into The New World" (Girls Generation)

QSY from 6215kHz to 4900kHz. *** add: sorry 6215//4900
The frequency which was used in the same manner previously numbers station.
Korean numbers station but had stopped broadcasting from around 2012 and
was active about a month by resurrection from around April 2015.

Also see (sorry in Japanese):
Korean numbers station: http://radio.chobi.net/ivent/Number.html
ASIA DX BBS: http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/?res:1397

UNID Korean 6215kHz // 4900kHz - XYZ Nov 26, 2015 08:27 UTC No.455
-0825- 4900kHz // 6215kHz

Echo of Hope, Voice of the People - XYZ Nov 26, 2015 08:34 UTC No.456
TNX! HIROSHI! : http://hiroshi.mediacat-blog.jp/e113269.html

Reports of "Voice of the People" and "Echo of Hope".

Echo of Hope - VOH
0555~ 3985, 6003, 6215, (6250 0900~), 6348 kHz

Voice of the People
0530~ 3480, 3912, 4557, 6518, 6600 kHz (4450 off the air)

Re: UNID Korean 6215kHz // 4900kHz - XYZ Nov 26, 2015 08:49 UTC No.457
The following frequencies also needs to be checked:
4900, 5290, 5715, 5900, 6215, 6310kHz
Also see (sorry in Japanese): http://radio.chobi.net/ivent/Number.html

TNX! cho-san! Information of VOH contamination had been received from the Korean DXer cho-san.

Re: 4900 // 6215 kHz. UNID - Ron Howard Nov 26, 2015 16:42 UTC No.462
Nov 26, heard 4900 (strong) // 6215 (weak), at 1134 and subsequent checking, 
with the same music loop as heard yesterday on 6215.

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Nov 27, 2015 10:36 UTC No.464

-1035- No signal both 4900, 6215kHz.

Re: KBS "Pops Freedom" on 6015 kHz. - Ron Howard Nov 28, 2015 22:32 UTC No.471
KOREA SOUTH. 6015, KBS Hanminjok Bangsong 1, from 1000 to 1100,
Nov 28. Usual hour long program ("Pop's Freedom"); mostly in Korean,
but with English IDs and segment with English language lesson; hosted
by Kwak Young Il, a broadcaster who holds a PhD in English; playing
pop songs (Todd Rundgren "Hello Its Me," Chubby Checker "The Twist,"
etc.); 1011 "Pop's Freedom Everyday English"; "Wow, they called off
the wedding after a fight"; 1018-1045 playing hit songs "Open Arms"
and different versions of it and adding commentary about the song;
the ever present white noise jamming from N. Korea was present, but
KBS was coming through fairly well; one of KBS's more enjoyable

Website: http://www.kbs.co.kr/radio/scr/popsfreedom/program/index.html .

https://app.box.com/s/6csq7upcgik8wf9m6ca27kc5grg3u3ma contains
a recording I made in the past, with clear IDs.

Ron, listening in San Francisco, at Ocean Beach, California, USA

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Nov 29, 2015 11:12 UTC No.472

Station announcement in English !!
In my location, it is one of the broadcast can not hear because of the jamming
from North Korea. When the radio waves from the neighboring countries has been
"SKIP" phenomenon, or will be receiving chance when something jamming has stopped due.
I did not know that there is a English program. TNX!

4885kHz: New freq. of "Echo of Hope - VOH" - XYZ Dec 21, 2015 13:10 UTC No.581
Dec 21 2015

Test ??

Echo of Hope - VOH
New frequency : 4885kHz //- 3985, 6003, 6348kHz
UTC:1300 SA "Huimang! Huimang!! Huimang!!! Huimang!!! Huimang ui meali bangsong imnida"

YouTube : https://youtu.be/9HRUY7lzuzo

Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - VOH - Ron Howard Dec 21, 2015 15:53 UTC No.583
new 4885, Echo of Hope - VOH, 1345-1430, Dec 21. Fair; in Korean with drama, 
news, Korean songs; easy to ID with "VOH" letters in English and // 6003
(jammed) and 6348 (jammed). Testing?

Audio at https://app.box.com/s/jgh1gbzydu1xbmvdlcw10pewrlwdmedy

Ron, listening at Asilomar State Beach, California, USA

Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - VOH - XYZ Dec 21, 2015 16:10 UTC No.584

FB audio! Jingle and SA!
It may test transmission because there are examples of 4900kHz.
If it came out Jamming from North Korea here, might fairly influence
comes out in Japan (60mb).

Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - VOH - XYZ Dec 21, 2015 16:39 UTC No.585
Echo of Hope - VOH

The station name of the broadcast will have been translated into English
as "Echo of Hope", from the fact they are announced as "VOH" the call sign,
they wanted to ask is called the "Voice of Hope" might.

Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - VOH - Ron Howard Dec 21, 2015 16:58 UTC No.587
Thanks to Bernd Friedewald (DK9FI) for the following email: 

"Many thanks for the tip. Great!

Just put on PERSEUS SDR in Japan and they are still there
at 1642 UTC. Looks for test...

I remember when I was at the HFCC conference at Dallas
we visited Continental. Here we saw a 100kw (or more)
transmitter(s) available for delivery to South Korea.
Maybe this is one of them because KBS is still using the
very old transmitters."

Appreciate his feedback.


Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - XYZ Dec 21, 2015 17:23 UTC No.588

-1713- 4885kHz
This broadcast might continue until 2400 UTC.

We(I) hope that this frequency is a test transmission...

*0555-2400* 3985, 6003, 6348 kHz
*0900-2300* 6250 kHz

Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - VOH - XYZ Dec 21, 2015 18:04 UTC No.589
-1803* 4885kHz, Suddenly s/off in the middle of a talk...

Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - VOH - XYZ Dec 22, 2015 12:23 UTC No.591
Echo of Hope - VOH

*1203-(around) 4885kHz

TNX! cho-san (Korean DXer).

Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - VOH - XYZ Dec 22, 2015 12:59 UTC No.593
TNX! HIROSHI : http://hiroshi.mediacat-blog.jp/e113848.html

*1158-1803* 4885kHz Echo of Hope - VOH, December 21, 22

6250kHz have started at 0555(UTC) since Dec 19.

*0555-2400* 3985, 6003, 6348 kHz
*0555-????* 6250kHz (ex: *0900- )

Re: Korea: new 4885 kHz., Echo of Hope - VOH - XYZ Dec 23, 2015 05:21 UTC No.599
TNX! HIROSHI : http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ndxcjp/13813251.html

4885kHz have come 6 hours: 1200-1800.
Frequency announcement every three hours 5 waves instead of 4 waves has been announced.
Broadcast time precisely shorter than the other 4 waves but it would be added.

Echo of Hope
*0555-2400* 3985, 6003, 6250, 6348
*1200-1800* 4885

4885 kHz., Echo of Hope, -1800* - XYZ Dec 24, 2015 18:08 UTC No.612
Echo of Hope - VOH

Dec 24 2015, -1800*
YouTube : https://youtu.be/Id73TZYRogE

Re: 4885 kHz, Echo of Hope, -1800* - Amano Dec 25, 2015 10:40 UTC No.614
Good evening! XYZ_san. I'm staying in Hokkaido, Japan right now.
I heared your Youtube audio.

Your Youtube audio(from 2m23s to 2m29s) is broadcast middle announcement.
This is not the end announcement.
Next program is "Today's News" in this station.
This station has been stopped in the middle of the theme music.

The Youtube audio of the above is cho_san's from Korea.
This Youtube audio has been recorded in Dec. 21 1300UTC before.
***Postscript start:correction
Oh! my goodnees! I made a mistake. I'm sorry.
cho_san's Youtube audio has been recorded in Dec. 21 1500UTC before.
This was not the audio at the time of the broadcast start.
***Postscript end

1300UTC is the transmission start time of 4885kHz.
But this is not the start announcement.
I think 4885kHz begins from the middle of the just before 1300UTC.

Announcement contains the following.
English:"This time of the broadcast is over. Continue to start the next regular broadcasting."
Korean:"isang-euloi sigan bangsong-eul machigo, god-ieo dasi jeong-gyu bangsong-eul bonae deuligessseubnida."
*** XYZ's audio(from 2m23s to 2m29s) and cho's audio(from 1m04s to 1m10s) are the same announcement.

Thank you so much for following me on ASIA DX BBS in Japanese! baido_san from Korea.

Korea:Echo of Hope - VOH (New freq. 4885 kHz) - Amano Dec 26, 2015 11:33 UTC No.626
TNX! HIROSHI : http://hiroshi.mediacat-blog.jp/e113865.html
ASIA DX BBS : http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/?res:1934
*** TNX! XYZ, S.Hasegawa from Japan
*** TNX! cho, baido from Korea

Echo of Hope has been added a new freq. - 4885kHz.
60mb might be contaminated with North Korea Jamming.
According to the baido's, this station is supposed to be being broadcast for foreign
by the Overseas Koreans Confederation.
However, the station will have been thought to be broadcast by the National Intelligence Service(NIS).
*** [Actual broadcast schedule] ***
Echo of Hope - VOH
0555-2400 3985, 6003, 6250, 6348
1200-1800 4885 December 21-

According to the Hiroshi's, frequency announcement will be broadcast every 3 hours.
I think broadcast start announcement of 0600 before and broadcast end announcement of
around 0000 is a different announcement.
After the frequency announcement will start the "Today's New"(About 15 minutes
*** [Frequency announcement schedule] ***
0600before Broadcast start announcement
0900before Frequency announcement
1200before Frequency announcement
1500before Frequency announcement
1800before Frequency announcement
2100before Frequency announcement
0000around Broadcast end announcement

*** [Frequency announcement of every 3 hours] ***
#1:4885kHz Dec.21 1500before cho's Youtube:http://youtu.be/qR2lqpWdBGc
#2:4885kHz Dec.24 1800before XYZ's Youtube:http://youtu.be/Id73TZYRogE

/* <The contents of the announcement> */ #1 - 0m45s-1m10s // #2 - 2m04s-2m29s
/// English ///
"We will broadcast on shortwave frequency 3985kHz, 4885kHz, 6003kHz, 6250kHz and
6348kHz. We will terminate the broadcast of this time. We will immediately start the
next broadcast."

/// Korean ///
"Danpa Samcheon-gubaeg-palsib-o kHz wa Sacheon-palbaeg-palsib-o kHz, Yugcheon-pal kHz,
Yugcheon-ibaeg-osib kHz, Yugcheon-sambaeg-sasib-pal kHz-leul bangsong habnida.
Isang-euloi sigan bangsong-eul machigo, god-ieo dasi jeong-gyu bangsong-eul bonae

According to the Hiroshi's, After the "Today's News" will be broadcast frequency
This announcement also announced broadcast time.
New frequency 4885kHz will broadcast the VOH 1200-1800. But there is no announcement
broadcast time of 4885kHz.
*** [Frequency announcement of after "Today's News"] ***
#3:4885kHz Dec.24 1315:21"-1316:36 Audio:http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/img/2173.mp3

/* <The contents of the announcement> */ #3 - 0m00s-0m40s
/// English ///
"Today's News will end. Next program is Broadcast Symposium & Talk Of Unity and
Gim-sasgas Wandering Collection."
"You can listen to the Echo Of Hope on 3985kHz, 4885kHz, 6003kHz, 6250kHz and 6348kHz
in shortwave from 3pm to 9am."
"This is Echo Of Hope to broadcast from Overseas Koreans. VOH."

/// Korean ////
"Isang-eulo Oneul-ui Sosig -eul machibnida. Ieoseo Bangsong Jwadamg wa Tong-il Iyagi,
Geuligo Gimsasgas Banglang-gi ga bangsongdoebnida."
"Huimang ui Meali Bangsong-eun danpa Samcheon-gubaeg-palsib-o kHz wa Sacheon-palbaeg-
palsib-o kHz, Yugcheon-pal kHz, Yugcheon-ibaeg-osib kHz, Yugcheon-sambaeg-sasib-pal
kHz-leul tonghae ohu Se-sibu teo achim Ahob-sikka ji deul-eusil su issseubnida."
"Haeoe dongpodeul-i bonae deulineun Huimang-ui Meali Bangsong-ibnida."

ASIA DX BBS(The same contents in Japanese) : http://radio.chobi.net/bbsasia/?res:2224

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Dec 27, 2015 10:39 UTC No.632

It is thanks to record the description.
We have many things to understand thanks to Korean DXer who gave me to cooperate.
They is also thanks!

7530kHz Korean - XYZ Jan 25, 2016 14:37 UTC No.811

-1435- 7530kHz Korean


13:32:26 S RTC As 7530 AM XXX
14:02:01 S RTC As 7530 AM XXX
15:05:46 S RTC As 7530 AM XXX

16:35:46 S WBT VARI 7530 AM XXX
17:35:46 S WBT VARI 7530 AM XXX

7530kHz UNID Korean test TX - XYZ Jan 25, 2016 14:50 UTC No.812
7530kHz UNID Korean station, (Babcock test ??)

This broadcast has been repeated a program of 12 minutes 26 seconds.(video below)
YouTube : https://youtu.be/hUnS8oJtOlk
** It will start with the word "uli....".

see also (sorry BBS in Japanese) : http://radio.chobi.net/bbs/?res:2973

-1530* s/off

-1635- No signal on 7530kHz 1630-
It will probably be of VOM(7520kHz *1630-1800*).

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Feb 02, 2016 16:17 UTC No.877

National Unity R. has extended its transmission on 7515 kHz by one hour,
now 1300-1600.

Also unidentified transmission in Korean was reported last week on 7510 kHz
between 2030-2100.
NEABI reports, that 7510 kHz 2030-2130 is an additional morning transmission
from North Korea Reform Radio:

National Unity Radio / North Korea Reform Radio - XYZ Feb 04, 2016 14:32 UTC No.893
TNX! HIROSHI : https://goo.gl/lV0DRT

National Unity Radio (Unification Media Group)
Dushanbe/Tajikistan 200kW
1300-1600 7515 kHz
1800-2000 774 kHz

North Korea Reform Radio
1430-1530 7590 kHz
2030-2130 7510 kHz New

National Unity Radio
"[Notice] Radio Broadcast Extended to Five Hours a Day"

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Feb 05, 2016 14:24 UTC No.897

-1415- 7515kHz No signal

7590kHz Open carrier (NKR)
7615kHz CMI

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Feb 06, 2016 15:28 UTC No.907

7515kHz National Unity Radio
7590kHz North Korea Reform Radio
7615kHz Voice of Wilderness

7525kHz National Unity Radio - XYZ Mar 17, 2016 13:08 UTC No.1133
*1300- 7525kHz National Unity Radio, QSY from 7515kHz

It might have to QSY because the powerful FAX(facsimile)
signal began to appear in the 7515kHz recently.

-1429* 7525kHz s/off
*1429- 7525kHz c/on again ... repeat On/Off, no-modulation

-1440- 7525kHz on the air again !
Repetition of 1 hour and 30 minutes of the program ?

7615kHz CMI, *1330-
7590kHz NKR, No-modulation at -1433- ??, *1435-

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Mar 18, 2016 13:02 UTC No.1138

*1300- 7525kHz National Unity Radio
Babcock music, then opening music
** 7515kHz: strong FAX signal

Re: B15 : Broadcasting to North Korea - XYZ Mar 20, 2016 13:01 UTC No.1150
B15 checking

9470kHz Radio Free North Korea, -1255-, "Ya ya ya" by T-ara.
7525kHz National Unity Radio, -1300 Babcock MX, *1300- SA

7615kHz CMI Voice of Wilderness, *1330-

7590kHz North Korea Reform Radio, *1430-

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