JAPAN[non-log]. 5006, HFD Radio Station JG2XA. July 11, from 1217+ UT. Have not checked on this frequency
or // 8006 recently, but today both clearly off the air. These low powered stations (the last I knew they were 60W)
are carrying out a HF-Doppler (HFD) project. (Ron - California)
- - - - In about one hour, a quick reply to my email to the professor regarding the absence of 5006 & 8006 kHz.
"Hi Ron,
Thanks for your message. As you wrote, we have been silent since 17:24 JST [0824 UT - Ron] on July 11.
This is because we need to replace the air-conditioning system in the operation room. Hopefully the system
will be back in a few days. Thanks!
Keisuke HOSOKAWA, Ph.D.
Department of Communication Engineering and Informatics,
University of Electro-Communications
1-5-1, Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585, JAPAN
TEL: +81-42-443-5299 FAX: +81-42-443-5293
E-mail: keisuke.hosokawa@uec.ac.jp
WWW: http://gwave.cei.uec.ac.jp/~hosokawa/index.html "