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YouTube link test --- XYZ - Dec 27, 2018 01:44 UTC No.3625
YouTube link : 

"!" + "Video ID" + "!"

*** !(Video ID)!

I modified it to be able to link directly to YouTube video.


Papua New Guinea

** Radio Fly, 5960kHz, 2010, https://youtu.be/UNP-tIazviI

** NBC - Central, 3290kHz, 2010, https://youtu.be/8bKJKL_gxyU

** NBC - West Sepik, 3335kHz, 2010, https://youtu.be/zr9kR3sxTBE

** NBC - East New Britain, 3385kHz, 2011, https://youtu.be/sZrJ9gMOJi8

** NBC - Madang, 3260kHz, 2011, https://youtu.be/pyLqN0ivqH0

** NBC - Bougainville, 3325kHz, 2010, https://youtu.be/KELyGPD1mIg


** RRI - Fak Fak, 4790kHz, 2010, https://youtu.be/uPER0hINB5g

** RRI - Serui, 4605kHz, 2010, https://youtu.be/Mk8tZlPsdtQ

** RRI - Jambi, 4925kHz, 2010, https://youtu.be/lspF9M5gci4

** RRI - Toli Toli, 1377kHz, 2015, https://youtu.be/gcA3pdBisgk

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