Re: AFGHANISTAN : Radio Afghanistan 6100kHz -
XYZ Oct 27, 2016 10:01 UTC No.1834 TNX! David Kernick @DXLDYG & WRTH
Radio Afghanistan external service in English was observed on
6100 kHz at 15:30 UT today (26 October 2016) with very poor
reception via a WebSDR remote receiver in Israel. It had
disappeared from there when I checked again at 15:45; not sure
if it had faded out or the transmitter had gone off air.
Initially, I monitored the service via the live stream of Radio
Kabul [Radio Afghanistan's local service for the capital] on
the Radio Television Afghanistan website (,
noting it announced 6100 kHz and Radio Kabul's 93.0 MHz frequency.
An Urdu broadcast followed at 16:00 UT, announcing mediumwave and
FM frequencies, but the stream crashed at 16:15 (and remains
offline as of 17:30 UT) and nothing was heard on 6100 kHz, so I'm
not sure when the programme finished. Recording (from the web
stream) of the opening announcements of the English & Urdu
programmes are on the Interval Signals Online website at
Re: AFGHANISTAN : Radio Afghanistan -
XYZ Oct 27, 2016 10:30 UTC No.1835 Old schedule around 2011:
1530-1600 English
1600-1630 Urdu
Because in my location(Akita/JAPAN) powerful North Korea KCBS
on co-frequency, received it may be difficult ..
Old News - July 31, 2011:
R.Afghanistan on 6100 kHz
6100 1527-1607 AFG R.Afghanistan, Kabul, 31/07, local OM singing,
then English with news at 1530, Afgnan traditional song, OM talk
about Ramadan, and one western pop song (tentaive ID at 1555'58
as "The International service of National Radio of Afghanistan"),
1600'24 music and Urdu service - poor at the beginning, then fair
and almost good after 1600 with local noise, KRE in the background
and CRI on 6095 till 1557
(Mikhail Timofeyev @ HCDX)
HIROSHI's weblog :
6102kHz since Aug 03 (2011)
+1510-1530 on air start, Persian or Dari ??
*1530-1542 Opening Music, News in English
1542-1557 Music
1557-1600 Bridge music
1600-1610 Opening Music, News in Urdu
1610-1630* Music, s/off
HISTORY of frequency:
2011 July : 6100kHz Radio Afghanistan External Service started
Aug 03: moved to 6102kHz
Dec : QSY to 7200kHz
Re: AFGHANISTAN : Radio Afghanistan 6100kHz -
XYZ Oct 27, 2016 15:36 UTC No.1836 TNX! remote radio in India (TNX! Delhi_perseus)
6100kHz // with stream of
Very strong signal in India.
Audio via Live Stream of "Radio Kabul" (same as SW)
SA in English.
Frequency: SW6100kHz and FM90.3MHz
Re: AFGHANISTAN : Radio Afghanistan -
XYZ Oct 27, 2016 16:40 UTC No.1837 -1634- 6100kHz Arabic
-1641* s/off, North Korea only on 6100kHz
TNX! remote radio in India. (PERSEUS Server)
SW and Live Stream:
+1500-1530 Persian or Dari ?? (Live stream)
1530-1600 English
SA :
1600-1630 Urdu
1630-1700 Arabic (Live stream)
1700- Russian (Live stream)
Re: AFGHANISTAN : Radio Afghanistan -
XYZ Oct 28, 2016 16:45 UTC No.1840 Note;
Oct 28
-1530- 6100kHz Today's broadcast seems there was no.
It was English program in live stream broadcast.
Re: AFGHANISTAN : Radio Afghanistan -
XYZ Oct 29, 2016 15:32 UTC No.1846 Note;
Oct 29
-1530- 6100kHz no signal, North Korea only..
TNX! remote radio in India.
Re: AFGHANISTAN : Radio Afghanistan -
XYZ Oct 31, 2016 15:36 UTC No.1863 -1530- 6100kHz English, TNX! remote radio in India.
** off air : Oct 28 - 30