Re: TAIWAN : V13 Xingxing Broadcasting Station (05) [Amano] 15890 23-07-2023 0000 V13 15250 23-07-2023 0000 V13 * Both AM mode. * *0000’12“-0019’33“* UTC. * 15250 kHz is weak signal. My audio is attached. * 15890 kHz. * 00:00-03:00, 0000’10“-0003’10“ UTC. * 01:03-01:08, Female Chinese : 「星星廣播電台 零一(01)台」. Amano Arakawa Riverside, Akabane Tokyo, JAPAN SONY ICF-SW7600GR, antenna: Built-in whip ./img/2768.mp3 |
Re: TAIWAN : V13 Xingxing Broadcasting Station (05) [Amano] -0002- 18040kHz / 15890kHz ** both AM mode -0010* 18040kHz, open carrier continue... (@0020) My audio is attached. * 18040 kHz. * 00:00-00:30, 0009’30“-0010’00“ UTC. Amano Mouth of Arakawa River in Tokyo Bay, JAPAN SONY ICF-SW7600GR, antenna: AN-12 ./img/2790.mp3 |
Re: TAIWAN : V13 Xingxing Broadcasting Station (05) [Amano] 18040 kHz / 15890 kHz, *0000-0009* UT, Dec 5. My five minute 18040 kHz audio is attached. * 00:00-03:00, 0000’15“-0003’15“ UT, starting part. * 03:00-05:00, 0007’35“-0009’35“ UT, ending part. 01:06-01:12, female Chinese : 「這裡是 星星廣播電台 零二(02)台」. 01:21-01:27, female Chinese : 「這裡是 星星廣播電台 零二(02)台」. What? When was 01台 broadcast? Amano Mouth of Arakawa River in Tokyo Bay, JAPAN SONY ICF-SW7600GR, antenna: AN-12 ./img/2791.mp3 |
Re: TAIWAN : V13 Xingxing Broadcasting Station (05) [Philby] - 1542- 20095.0usb end of the transmission. V13 ? not sure With Twente's sdr. ./img/2878.mp3 |
Re: CHINA : VC01 (04) [Amano] 9673 kHz 18-02-2024 2050z USB My one minute audio is attached. * VC01 on 9673 USB. 00:00-01:00, 2050’00“-2051’00“ UT. Amano Mouth of Arakawa River in Tokyo Bay, JAPAN SONY ICF-SW7600GR, antenna: AN-12 ./img/2871.mp3 |
Re: CHINA : VC01 (03) [Amano] Hello Pigmon Thank you for always checking VC01. I also checked with reference to your information. Nighttime frequencies, my audio (02:00) is attached. 00:00-01:00, 1135-1136 UT, Sept 9. 5632.0 kHz (LSB) [female voice with higher speed] * Interference Maritime Air Traffic Control Tokyo Radio on 5628 kHz (USB). 01:00-02:00, 1145-1146 UT, Sept 9. 5241.0 kHz (USB) [male voice with slower speed] * Interference OTH Radar Amano Arakawa Riverside, Akabane Tokyo, JAPAN SONY ICF-SW7600GR, antenna: Built-in whip ./img/2538.mp3 |
Re: UNID : 3213kHz USB Russian [XYZ] -1340* 3213kHz USB UNID station in Russian Maybe counting 0 to 10 in Russian : "1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0" "a-din, dva, tri, chye-tiy-rye, pyat, shest, syem, vo-syem, dye-vyet, noli" ??? Who ? ./img/738.mp3 |
Re: UNID : unidentification station [Philby] -1248-1253* 3340.0kHz LSB male operator, chinese ? numbers ? military ? ./img/1185.mp3 |
Re: UNID : Chinese numbers ? on 9735 kHz. [Amano] CHINA ?.9735 USB, UNID, 1005-1030 UT, July 2. SSB interferes from the upper side during Myanmar on 9730 kHz reception. If checked, Chinese that repeats 4-digit numbers twice around 9735 kHz. Is this Chinese numbers station? or ordinary Chinese communication? My audio attached. * 00:00-02:00 1014’30“-1016’30“ UTC * 00:00- I heard the following numbers. 2925, 2925, 5196, 5196 9191, 9191, 3465, 3465, 5193, 5193, 2425, 2425, 5194, 5194, 3425, 3425, 5194, 5194, 7646, 7646, 5194, 5194, 1416, 1416, 5195, 5195, 9411, 9411, 5196, 5196, 9963, 9963, 5194, 5194, ~ I heard 1 as Yao幺 and 2 as Liang両. Is this number correct? If you make a mistake, please point it out. Amano Arakawa Riverside, Saitama Toda-city, JAPAN ICF-SW7600GR, antenna: Built-in whip ./img/2443.mp3 |
Re: V15 : North Korea Spy Numbers Broadcasting via Pyongyang BS (02) [Amano] Hallo! sat_dxer Thank you for checking. I also checked at 657 kHz. 22 Oct /20 1551’51“ to 1556’11“ 657 kHz w/YL reading text in KK. My audio is at . This is like an editorial. Gyeongsangbuk-do (慶尚北道) and Daegu (大邱), which are the administrative areas of South Korea, are mentioned. The name Gim Young-hae appears in the story. Is it the story of the Japanese rule? Amano Arakawa Riverside, Tokyo Kita Ward Ukima, JAPAN ICF-SW7600GR: antenna: Built-in bar antenna ./img/2333.mp3 |
Re: North Korea : V28 "The Parrot" (03) [Philby] -1300-1309* 3517.8 kHz -1301- 3051.1 kHz very weak with websdr in Japan, no other frequencies heard ./img/1184.mp3 |
3008kHz USB, maybe "VC01" [XYZ] Thanks Philby !! !Y9x9KyxQdWo! If you play this sound at about 1.8x, it sounds almost the same as VC01. ./img/2328.mp3 |
Re: V15 : North Korea Spy Numbers Broadcasting via Pyongyang BS [Amano] Thank you, Hiroyuki! V15 broadcast schedule information. Thank you, sat_ dxer! The latest V15 reception report. I also received it at 3320 kHz. Certainly 6400 kHz was inactive. I will report the contents to the following. ------------------------------------ Opening music : "♪General Star"(将軍星) !crByEE0wuMo! Feb 02 Sat, 1445'58"-1451'09" * No. 214 explorer / Chemical review task * Chemical is translated as "hwahag"(化学) in Korean. * Start page and the number : 835, #23 * End page and the number : 385, #18 * She reads 37 pages and numbers and repeats it twice. ------------------------------------ 3320 kHz, received in Saitama, Japan. (02:00 editing audio) 1445'30"-1446'14" (44sec) Opening music "General Star" and opening announcement. 1448'31"-1448'44" (13sec) Re-reading announcement. 1451'00"-1452'03" (63sec) Ending announcement and music. ./img/1389.mp3 |
Re: V15 : North Korea Spy Numbers Broadcasting via Pyongyang BS [Amano] Hello! Hiroyuki and sat_dxer. Thank you for checking !! I checked it at 6400 kHz. The contents were the same as Feb 2. I will report the contents to the following. ------------------------------------ 1441'52"- Opening music : "♪General Star"(将軍星) Feb 16 Sat, 1445'32"-1450'44" // Same contents as Feb 2. ------------------------------------ 6400 kHz, received in Saitama, Japan. (01:34 editing audio) 1445'04"-1445'48" (44sec) Opening music "General Star" and opening announcement. 1448'06"-1448'19" (13sec) Re-reading announcement. 1450'36"-1451'13" (37sec) Ending announcement and music. * The first music after V15 ended is different from the music on Feb 2. ./img/1445.mp3 |
Re: North Korea : V28 *1030- [XYZ] *1029- 3277kHz female "Rak-du-san Rak-du-san" -1030- 3159kHz male "Cheon-gye-san Cheon-gye-san" -1031- 3702kHz female "???" -1031- 3067kHz female "???" New secret code ?? sounded like "San-noh-san" audio (3067kHz secret code); ./img/74.mp3 |
Re: North Korea : V28 3702kHz [XYZ] V28 3702kHz -1046- Somewhere program after the end of the numbers station it was flowing. His speech was similar to the north of the accent. It recording is too late, it has become a part only.... sorry ./img/75.mp3 |