Now On The Radio - Weather Radio in Asia

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New time signal station --- Philby - May 19, 2018 14:28 UTC No.36
6780kHz cw heard with kiwisdr in China (Shenzhen)at 0520 and 1417 utc : 19 dots (one per second), a long dot, off (4 seconds) and repeat again...
An idea about that ?

Re: HLL2 Seoul - Ron Howard Jun 07, 2018 01:45 UTC No.37
KOREA SOUTH. 5857.5, HLL2 Seoul, June 6, with audio somewhat muffled. 

1302-1305 - Korean - My audio at

1305-1312 - English - My audio at Weather conditions at different observatories around Asia (Beijing, etc.);
providing wind direction, wind speed in meters per second, air pressure in hectopascals and temperature in Celsius.

1312-1320 - Japanese - My audio at

1320-1328 - Chinese - My audio at

Ron, listening at Asilomar State Beach, California
Et E1, antenna: 30m long wire

Re: New time signal station - blw Aug 08, 2018 14:28 UTC No.42
5857.57 AM. Suspected Seoul HLL2 wx bcst by YL in Korean. No ID. A Perseus svr in Japan was used.  8 Aug 18.

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