INDONESIA. 4869.88, Pro 1 RRI Wamena, 1207-1307, Aug 25
(Thursday). Jakarta news relay // 3325, Pro 1 RRI Palangkaraya
and // 3344.86, RRI Ternate; ending at 1227 with patriotic song;
after which no longer //; 1229 "Programa Satu RRI Wamena" ID.
1235-1303, with the Thursday only edition of Kang Guru Indonesia
("KGI") in mostly English, but a few short segments in Bahasa
Indonesia; much stronger than normal reception; QRN (static);
still tough to make out a lot of what was said; many KGI IDs;
one listener told of collecting "KGI Magzines" since 2008;
segment "Good neighbors make good friends," discussing
differences between Australia and Indonesia as to whether
to walk or ride.
Recently it has become clear that a major change was happening
at KGI. Their extensive website was recently drastically downsized.
Seemed like the Indonesia Australia Language Foundation (IALF)
was taking over. At the KGI website, I see that KGI has now
completely stopped producing any new radio programs.
The final show was produced back in June. The program heard
today was an earlier production. We can only hope that RRI stations
will continue to recycle these older programs well into the future.
Have listened to these programs going back to when it was Kang
Guru Radio English ("KGRE") and even before that with "Kang Guru II
Radio English," in 1976, when Greg Clough was the original "Kaptain
Kang Guru." Am sad that they will no longer have any new shows.
Has been very entertaining listening to them over these past 40 years!