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Re: TAIWAN : RTI Links to schedule list [URL] --- - Feb 27, 2019 02:45 UTC No.65
RTI : Link to the schedule list 

Chinese : https://www.rti.org.tw/radio/programList/program_category_id/1

Cantonese : https://www.rti.org.tw/radio/programList/program_category_id/3
Hakka : https://www.rti.org.tw/radio/programList/program_category_id/4
Minnan(Amoy): https://www.rti.org.tw/radio/programList/program_category_id/2

English https://en.rti.org.tw/radio/programList/program_category_id/1
Frence http://fr.rti.org.tw/grille-de-programme
Spanish http://es.rti.org.tw/programas
German https://de.rti.org.tw/radio/programList/program_category_id/1
Russian https://ru.rti.org.tw/radio/programList/program_category_id/1
Japanese https://jp.rti.org.tw/radio/programList/program_category_id/1
Indonesian https://id.rti.org.tw/radio/programList/program_category_id/1
Thai https://th.rti.org.tw/radio/programList/program_category_id/1
Vietnamese https://vn.rti.org.tw/radio/programList/program_category_id/1
Korean https://kr.rti.org.tw/

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