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Pirate radio weekend XYZ 2012/10/25(Thu) 07:21 No.1373

■Radio 700    6005, 6085 kHz
■Radio 6150    6070 kHz
■The Mighty KBC  6095 kHz
 - Sunday 28 October 2012 00.00 - 02.00 UTC.
 - The Mighty KBC Rocking Over The Ocean on 9500 kHz.

■Laser Hot Hits (UK)      4025 kHz
■Lightning Radio SW (Hungary) 7600 kHz
■Radio True North (Canada)   69XX, 150XX, 21XXX kHz
■Cool AM Radio (Netherlands)  6735 kHz
■Echo One Radio, relayed by Cool AM Radio (6735kHz)
■Skyline Radio (Netherlands)  3905 kHz
■Radio Lowland (Netherlands)  6305/6450 kHz Sun:0900-1100UTC
■Radio Borderhunter ()     21MHz帯 Sunday morning : after 0400UTC
■Radio Rainbow ()       6290 kHz 1800-1900UTC
■Blue Star Radio ()      9295, 15070 kHz
■Telstar Radio (Netherlands)  6290 kHz
■Radio Free Europa International (Finland) 

Re: Pirate radio weekend - XYZ 2012/10/27(Sat) 00:29 No.1380

Dear FRS Friends,

Sunday October 28th
Summer has gone and autumn is ruling. Propagation conditions have improved during day time.
Time to expand some activity. We have planned a full almost 6 hour broadcast upcoming Sunday October 28th.
In preparation to that, we tested on 7600 kHz Sunday October 14th. Although conditions weren't satisfactory, results were
satisfactory and we are confident next Sunday a good signal will be aired over the European air waves.

Sunday October 28th FRS-Holland will be on air between 08:52- 14:30 UTC/ 09:52- 15:30 CET. Remember next Sunday winter time comes into force!!
The broadcast is on 5800//7600 kHz. Programme line-up includes all FRS presenters (except Paul Graham) and consists of FRS Magazine, the German
Service, FRS Goes DX , Radio Waves and the FRS Golden Show. Ingredients....great music, DX News, letters, the day calendar and a number of radio
related items. Radio entertainment on a Sunday. And...FRS has become 32 years. FRS-Holland brings true free radio into your receiver! Tune in....

Internet Stream
That same day between 14:52- 20:30 UTC/15:52- 21.30 CET will see a full repeat on the Internet. Check on your computer

Alternatively you can use : [ ]. For mobile devices there is a 24 kbps mono stream: [] or

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