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Radio Rossii Primorye back to Shortwave --- - Sep 17, 2016 12:26 UTC No.4
Radio Rossii Primorye - Vladivostok

see also: http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/?res:1567
Special TNX! ;
Ron Howard(USA), Seiichi Hasegawa(Japan), Konsu(Japan),
K. Inoue(Japan), S. Obara(USA), Loop(Japan), H. Okamura(Japan)

Seems special broadcast for the election disaster (typhoon)
*0200-0700* 7245kHz, 810kHz
*0700-1000* 9895kHz, 810kHz
*1000-1500* 5900kHz, 810kHz
*1500-1600* 7350kHz, 810kHz

*2000-2100* 7350kHz, 810kHz
2100-0200 810kHz
** 810kHz *2000-1600*
** 0200-1600 switching 4 frequencies

Website : http://www.radiorus.ru/
Stream : http://www.vestiprim.ru/onair.html

Re: Radio Rossii Primorye off air (-1400* Sept 22, 2016) Sep 23, 2016 03:22 UTC No.8
It was revived as an emergency broadcast of the typhoon disaster, 
but was terminated broadcast finished the role.

Sep 22, -1418-(noticed)
No signal on 5900kHz and 810kHz. Not hear or later..

Radio Rossii Rrimor'e : Last Broadcast was at -1400* of Sept 22.
Audio of the last broadcast on 810kHz : https://youtu.be/BKhjO4jAtLs
Special thanks to "BCL Info NET" . MW 810kHz -1400* Sign off

Radio Rossii - Kamchatka Radio backed to Shortwave Jan 27, 2018 12:13 UTC No.54
Radio Rossii - Kamchatka (GTRT - Kamchatka)
... Shortwave broadcasting was resumed. 1st noticed on Jan 24, 2018.

Special thanks to Mauno Ritola(Finland), Hisataka(Japan) and K.Inoue(Japan) !!
They may be temporary broadcasts due to their elections or bad weather.

SA : "Kamchatskoye Radio" (TNX MAUNO !)
Weekday only broadcast, because there is no local program on the weekend. (TNX K.INOUE !)

GTRT-Kamchatka program schedules : http://poluostrov-kamchatka.ru/pknews/detail.php?ID=177022

Scheduled guess:
*2010-2200* Sun-Thu 5940kHz
*0110-0300* Mon-Fri 5940kHz

5940kHz Radio Rossii - Kamchatka ; It may be the following program:
2010-2030 Su-Th Local program
2030-2040 Su-Th News-Kamchatka (Vesti-Kamchatka)
2040-2100 Su-Th News-Kamchatka (Vesti-Kamchatka) **language of the peoples of the North.
2100-2200 Su-Th Relay of Central ??

0110-0230 Mo-Fr Local program
0230-0240 Mo-Fr News-Kamchatka (Vesti-Kamchatka)
0240-0300 Mo-Fr Local program

MP3 Audio: Pips and SA at 21:00 (Jan 25) : http://radio.chobi.net/DX/bbs/img/2974.mp3
YouTube (Jan 24): https://youtu.be/5eNBsBg41SI

... It is still under investigation. (- Jan. 27, 2018 -)

Re: Radio Rossii - Kamchatka Radio, Program schedules Jan 27, 2018 14:25 UTC No.55
Program of GTRK "Kamchatka" programs on the radio channel "Radio of Russia"

Monday January 29 (UTC:Jan 28, *1900 -) to February 02 (UTC:Feb 02, -1000*)

All Times UTC. ** Translated by Google : Russian to English

Monday January 29 (UTC Jan 28, *1900 to Jan 29, -1000*)
1900-1910, 2030-2040, 0130-0140, 0230-0240, 0930-0940 "Vesti - Kamchatka"
2040-2100, 0710-0730 "Vesti-Kamchatka" (in the languages of the peoples of the North) "

1910-1930 "Calendar for the week"

2010-2030 "The Great Change"

0110-0130 "Housing and management" (live broadcast)
0140-0200 "Housing and management" (live broadcast)
0210-0230 "Not strangers" (repeat)
0240-0300 "Sports interest" (live broadcast)

0910-0930 "Score"
0940-1000 "Score"

Tuesday January 30 (UTC Jan 29, *1900 to Jan 30, -1000*)
1900-1910, 2030-2040, 0130-0140, 0230-0240, 0930-0940 "Vesti - Kamchatka"
2040-2100, 0710-0730 "Vesti-Kamchatka" (in the languages of the peoples of the North) "

1910-1930 "Kamchatka weekdays of the twentieth century" (repeat)

2010-2030 "Sports interest" (repeat)

0110-0130 "City and townspeople" (live broadcast)
0140-0200 "City and townspeople" (live broadcast)
0210-0230 "The Great Change"
0230-0300 "Such news" (live broadcast)

0910-0930 "Housing and management" (repeat)
0940-1000 "Housing and management" (repeat)

Wednesday January 31 (UTC Jan 30, *1900 to Jan 31, -1000*)
1900-1910, 2030-2040, 0130-0140, 0230-0240, 0930-0940 "Vesti - Kamchatka"
2040-2100, 0710-0730 "Vesti-Kamchatka" (in the languages of the peoples of the North) "

1910-1930 "Vilyuchinsk. Day after day"

2010-2030 "Such news" (repeat)

0110-0130 "Song as a gift"
0140-0200 "Vector of time"
0210-0220 "Press Review
0220-0230 "About sport"
0240-0300 "The city police are with you" (live broadcast)

0910-0930 "Town and townspeople" (repeat)
0940-1000 "City and townspeople" (repeat)

Thursday February 01 (UTC Jan 31, *1900 to Feb 01, -1000*)
1900-1910, 2030-2040, 0130-0140, 0230-0240, 0930-0940 "Vesti - Kamchatka"
2040-2100, 0710-0730 "Vesti-Kamchatka" (in the languages of the peoples of the North) "

1910-1920 "Press review" (repeat)
1920-1930 "Calendar for the week" (repeat)
2010-2030 "The city police are with you" (repeat)

0110-0130 "For the book cover"
0140-0200 "The page of local historian"
0210-0230 "Score" (repeat)
0240-0300 "Score" (repeat)

0910-0930 "The Kamchatka weekdays of the twentieth century"
0940-1000 "Tales of the Grandmother of Yani"

Friday, February 02 (UTC Feb 01, *1900 to Feb 02, -1000*)
1900-1910, 2030-2040, 0130-0140, 0230-0240, 0930-0940 "Vesti - Kamchatka"
2040-2100, 0710-0730 "Vesti-Kamchatka" (in the languages of the peoples of the North) "

1910-1930 "Actual interview" (repeat)

2010-2030 "The page of the regional specialist" (repeat)

0110-0130 "Song as a gift"
0140-0200 "The Reserve Kamchatka"
0210-0230 "On Your Wave" (live broadcast)
0240-0300 "On your wave" (live broadcast)

0910-0930 "Not strangers"
0940-1000 "Sports interest" (repeat)

Radio Rossii - Kamchatka (GTRK - Kamchatka) on 5940kHz Feb 15, 2018 22:54 UTC No.56
Their program schedule on Shortwave that can be guessed:
(As of February 16, 2018)
*2030-2040 - "Vesti Kamchatka" News in Russian
2040-2100 - "Vesti Kamchatka" News in languages of the peoples of the North
2100-2200* - Relay of Radio Rossii (Central)

*0100-0110 - Relay of News from Radio Rossii (Central)
0110-0130 - Local program in Russian
0130-0140 - "Vesti Kamchatka" News in Russian
0140-0200 - Local program in Russian
0200-0210 - Relay of News from Radio Rossii (Central)
0210-0230 - Local program in Russian
0230-0240 - "Vesti Kamchatka" News in Russian
0240-0300* - Local program in Russian
** Local programs have many re-broadcasts.

See also..
Latest Program schedule : http://www.poluostrov-kamchatka.ru/pknews/detail.php?ID=177022

See also:
TNX! Kai Ludwig : https://goo.gl/oXthHE
TNX! SWLing Post: https://goo.gl/r2iFyH

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